Backup from Replacement Computer

My MBP is being replaced during warranty by Apple due to a problem related to burning DVDs. I have been backing up on a 2 TB Time Capsule using Time Machine.
Once I receive the new computer, I would like to do the following:
1. Install most applications from scratch on the new computer (not from backup)
2. Restore documents, photos, music, movies, etc. from the Time Capsule backup
3. Restore all settings from System Preferences, Mail, etc. from the Time Capsule backup
4. Continue to use the same backup file from the Time Capsule that was created by the old computer (so that I will have easy access to backups done by the old computer)
I am not sure how to achieve the above and any advice will be much appreciated. Thank you.

Michael9009 wrote:
1. Install most applications from scratch on the new computer (not from backup)
2. Restore documents, photos, music, movies, etc. from the Time Capsule backup
3. Restore all settings from System Preferences, Mail, etc. from the Time Capsule backup
If you use +Setup Assistant+ as recommended by Baltwo, you can omit Applications. That will leave the Apple apps that come with your new Mac alone, of course, but restore everything else you select.
See the green box in #19 of Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for details on +Setup Assistant.+
4. Continue to use the same backup file from the Time Capsule that was created by the old computer (so that I will have easy access to backups done by the old computer)
See #B5 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum). Select the re-use backup option, but be warned that, as it says there and as Kappy says, the first backup of the new Mac will be a full one.

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    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the article below for more information on how to restore from an iTunes backup.
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    -Griff W.

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    If you have a backup on your computer it will be listed in iTunes>Preferences on the Devices tab.  It will be located on your hard drive at one of the following locations:
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    Read here on Pondini's Time Machine page on using Migration Assistant

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    Hi m,
    I don't know if this would make a difference or not, but you could try booting the iMac in FireWire Target Disk Mode.

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    joshe123 wrote:
    Do I need to partition the hard drive.
    you can't partition the TC's internal disk.
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    cujim wrote:
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    You'll need to delete the sparse bundle for the Mac you don't need to back up anymore.  See To delete all the backups for one Mac in #Q5 of  Using Time Machine with a Time Capsule.
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    Mixing Time Machine backups and other data on the TC's internal HD will cause problems, some soon, some later.  See #Q3 in the link above for an explanation and some workarounds.

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    Make a copy of the backup that you made and place it in a safe place like in My Documents. The backup is loated:
    Windows XP:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Note: To quickly access the Application Data folder, click Start, and choose Run. Type %appdata% and click OK.
    Windows Vista and Windows 7:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Note: To quickly access the AppData folder, click Start. In the search bar, type %appdata% and press theReturn key.
    Then let iTunes erase and sync the iPod.
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    Hi Kate,
    It sounds like you're running into an issue trying to recover that was on your previous Mac from a Time Machine backup. The article linked below will walk you through the process of recovering the data from your older Mac's Time Machine backup.
    OS X: How to migrate data from another Mac using Mountain Lion and earlier
    Time Machine or other disk migration
    If Migration Assistant isn't running on the target (new) Mac, open Migration Assistant (located in /Applications/Utilities/), select "From another Mac, PC, Time Machine backup, or other disk" then click Continue.
    Connect your external hard drive if necessary.
    Type in your admin password when prompted and click OK.
    When the target Mac asks you for a migration method, select "From a Time Machine backup or other disk", then click Continue.
    Select the Drive, Time Machine backup, or Time Capsule. If you select Time Capsule you will be prompted to enter the Time Capsule password. After entering the password, select the Time Machine backup.
    Close all other applications on the source Mac, then click Continue to start the migration options.
    The source Mac will ask you to select items to migrate.
    You can customize your selection by clicking to open the disclosure triangles.
    After you click Continue, the Migration Assistant will begin to transfer files to the target Mac. The amount of time that it takes for migration to complete depends on the amount of data being transferred and the speed of the network.
    Note: To view documents that were migrated, choose Log Out from the Apple () menu, then login as the migrated user. The migrated documents will be located in the migrated user's home folder.
    I hope this helps.

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    I updated my iPhone onto my friend's MacBook
    Why would you do that, and not on your own computer?  See the hassle it caused you?
    can he just email me the folder
    Backup files are too big to email.  Use FTP, DropBox, etc...
    how do I then put all that data back into my current phone from the new computer?
    How to restore iPhone:

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