Bad interlacing & image problems?

I've shot some interviews on our Panasonic HVX 200 in SD using the 480i 60i DVCPro 50 setting. Ingested into FCP fine and editing fine. I've even added stills and threw in a little ken burns action on the stills. Here's my question, my sequence was set up correctly using the easy set up and my sequence plays back perfectly using my Intensity Pro card to a consumer TV, but upon export I get all these weird interlacing issues. The fields on the stills look like they have shifted dramatically. I've used TIFs at 72 dpi because I've found FCP does not like JPEGs half the time. I've also noticed that a few images (mainly the print ads i've placed in) all appear as one solid color, pink. Can't figure this one out.
So, I think I've found a work around for the problem. I exported those smaller image sequences and nested them back into a duplicated timeline. What causes the field shifting in both Export to quicktime, and Export using Compressor to make MPEG 2 files for DVD? I would like to resolve this so I don't have to nest the image sequences next time. I just adds a lot more work. What am I missing? Again, play is fine, exporting is the issue.

Hmm, thought I said x86-64, not Itanium (people run Itanium still?). Yes, officialy CentOS is not supported (but it is codebase the same as RHEL 4.4 and since this is only dev work...), but if you read the message, I cannot even get to the install because I cannot extract the files from the CPIO using the instructions, anyone else having this issue? I know the site was having some problems earlier in the week and the files were null.
BTW, the 32-bit version installed just fine (other than the ksh relinking issues...d'oh...when are we going to get rid of that as a requirement in linux?).

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    Make sure that you haven't enabled a High Contrast theme in the Windows/Mac Accessibility settings.
    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their own colors.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors : [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    Note that these settings affect background images.
    See also:

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    MoonnooM wrote:
    I have made an applecare call appointment. I'll post the result after I make the call. Thank you.
    Good work...
    Back-up all your data.
    If they replace your MacBookPro, you can avoid a service charge for runniing the back-up for you.

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    Hi there, I had the same problem with my Macbook Pro 15`` Retina. And here is how you can find out if you have ghost image problem. There are two retina display manufacturers for Macbook Pro Retina`s LG and Samsung. And if you are luck you will have the Samsung Retina Display on your mac. Here is how you can find the manufacturer for you Macbook.
    Go to your Applications folder and launch Terminal. Paste in the following and hit return:
    ioreg -lw0 | grep "EDID" | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6
    Look at the beginning of the second line to see which manufacturer made your display. If it starts with LP then you have an LG display. Samsung displays start with LSN.
    If your display shows LP you might have this problem for sure. So here is how you can test your screen.
    A simple test to check your Retina MacBook Pro display for image retention also reported as "ghosting"
    Run the test for 10 Min. and you will find out if you have this problem.
    And if you have it, and if you are still under waranty the Apple will replace the display with Samsung for free of charge. I hope this information helps.

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    Has anybody here had success using the Solaris 8 Device Configuration
    Assistant (boot disk) image published on as S28DCA_FCS?
    I'm trying to mount it on a Solaris 8 system using lofi (VERY cool new
    feature!), and it doesn't appear to be mountable. I compared its behavior
    to that of an older boot disk on access1, for Solaris 7:
    # file S28DCA_FCS
    S28DCA_FCS: DOS executable (COM)
    # file S27DCA0899.3
    S27DCA0899.3: DOS executable (COM)
    # lofiadm
    Block Device File
    /dev/lofi/1 /tmp/S28DCA_FCS
    /dev/lofi/3 /tmp/S27DCA0899.3
    # mount -F pcfs /dev/lofi/1 /bootdisk
    mount: /dev/lofi/1 is not a DOS filesystem.
    # mount -F ufs /dev/lofi/1 /bootdisk
    mount: /dev/lofi/1 is not this fstype.
    # mount -F pcfs /dev/lofi/3 /bootdisk
    # ls /bootdisk
    append.bat ident rc.d solaris
    comment.bat makedir.bat replace.bat
    # df -k
    Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 8300597 691242 7526350 9% /
    /proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
    fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
    mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
    swap 655904 4 655900 1% /var/run
    swap 660256 4356 655900 1% /tmp
    /dev/lofi/3 1423 1350 73 95% /bootdisk
    Is this just a bad disk image?

    Well, THAT wasn't pretty. Here's what it should have said:
    # file S28DCA_FCS
    S28DCA_FCS: DOS executable (COM)
    # file S27DCA0899.3
    S27DCA0899.3: DOS executable (COM)
    # lofiadm
    Block Device File
    /dev/lofi/1 /tmp/S28DCA_FCS
    /dev/lofi/3 /tmp/S27DCA0899.3
    # mount -F pcfs /dev/lofi/1 /bootdisk
    mount: /dev/lofi/1 is not a DOS filesystem.
    # mount -F ufs /dev/lofi/1 /bootdisk
    mount: /dev/lofi/1 is not this fstype.
    # mount -F pcfs /dev/lofi/3 /bootdisk
    # ls /bootdisk
    append.bat ident rc.d solaris
    comment.bat makedir.bat replace.bat
    # df -kFilesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 8300597 691245 7526347 9% /
    /proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
    fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
    mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
    swap 655888 4 655884 1% /var/run
    swap 660240 4356 655884 1% /tmp
    /dev/lofi/3 1423 1351 72 95% /bootdisk

  • Error-1074396120 Not an image, problem with IMAQ Learn multiple geometric patterns

    Error-1074396120 Not an image, problem with IMAQ Learn multiple geometric patterns
    I've tried to modify the example of  "multiple geometric patterns matching" , and just use two patterns, but when I run the VI this error appear and I doon't know how to solve it! , the error appears in the "IMAQ Learn multiple geometric patterns" block.
    Running on:
    - labview 32 bits
    - windows 7 64 bits
    - usb camera 2.0
    Any sugestion would be helpful..... !  Regards
    template_12.png ‏150 KB
    template_11.png ‏123 KB ‏127 KB

    thanks all for your replies, the problem was on my template images, I had to give them information about the pattern matching, and I did it with NI Vision Template Editor, within Vision utilities, and I chose template with Feature Based. 
    Thank you again and Regards!

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