Bandwidth utilization analyzer

I have the complete lync setup with archiving server.  The reporting server works great.  The problem is I just got the resource kit for lync 2010 and it absolutely sucks at how to use the BANDWIDTH UTILIZATION ANALYZER TOOL.  The resource
kit documentation is very crappy about how to use it. 
What is the share or even type of file am i supposed to be looking for in order to make sure that when i use this tool, i will get the bandwidth usage for dates that i specify?  Is the folder that i connect to supposed to have log files, mdf, ldf, etc.?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
THanks again.

Hi, Peace,
   There are three steps to using WanLinkLogCollector.exe:
Log the timeline   Provide the timeline that the report needs to be generated for
Specify the file directories   Provide file location information
Server log files location: The folder location where Bandwidth policy server logs are stored. This is
typically in <fileserver>\<choice of FE>\AppServerFiles\PDP.
Temporary file storage location: The temporary file location where intermediate files are stored while
the report is being generated.
Ensure that sufficient file access to the server logs and the temporary file store folder is provided
to the tool user.
Collect the logs and launch the report viewer   Execute the command to generate the report
More info, please refer to
Resource Kit Tools Bandwidth Utilization Analyzer.
Above all, hope useful.
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    It makes no sense to use average during whole day (or a month), as you do the capacity management to avoid business impact due to link utilization; and average does not help you to catch is the end-users experience any performance issues.
    Typically your capacity management algorithm/thresholds are dependent on traffic patterns. As theses are really different cases if you run SAP+VoIP vs. youtube+Outlook. If you have any business critical traffic, you need to deploy QoS (unless you are allowed to increase link bandwidth infinitely).
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    PS: proactive capacity management includes link planning for new sites and their impact on existing links (in HQ and other spoke).
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    Meanwhile, I have the following solution for you:
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    If you have Bookmarks you want to port to the portable (bad pun intend), backup them up to bookmarks.json file on your desktop and import them to the portable version. You can export/import more stuff using FEBE addon but that's a whole world of headaches if you don't your doing.
    Many of your extensions favourites extensions will no longer work on FFox 3.6.x but if, in that same addon's page, you look around until you find a link to previous versions of the addon, you will notice that the compatibility info is right below the version numbers. Just download and install the latest version that is compatible with you 3.6.x....
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    If you want to keep using your brand spanking new Firefox for other types of browsing while using this portable Mule edition for the downloads, just add -p -no-remote to the shortcut leading to your Firefox Portable Mule edition.
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    ""C:\Program Files (x86)\FirefoxPortableLegacy36\FirefoxPortable.exe"
    I just changed it to:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\FirefoxPortableLegacy36\FirefoxPortable.exe" -p -no-remote
    This will make it occupy it's own independent instance and I can use the both my Firefox Nightly and the Firefox Portable editions at the same time (each one, using a different profile ie. extensions, cookies, password, cache etc).
    If you're on Linux, you can just run this on Wine and set the Windows Version to Windows 2000 in the Wine config,
    If you want to get rid of the Portable Apps splash screen, click here:
    Solution (Non-DIY Version of my Solution):
    Download my preconfigured but SWAGGED-THE-HECK-UP PortableFirefox 3.6
    Having realized that some of you may find the above to be daunting. I took my own customize firefox portable, took out all my data and compressed the folder (it's portable, so it'll run as soon as you unzip it).
    Here is a screenshot:
    Here is the download link:
    Don't forget to modify your Start/Taskbar shortcuts:
    "C:\wherever you decide to put it\FirefoxPortableLegacy36-Swagged-UP!\FirefoxPortable.exe"
    I just changed it to:
    "C:\wherever you decide to put it\FirefoxPortableLegacy36-Swagged-UP!\FirefoxPortable.exe" -p -no-remote

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    Pls check this link which can help u out to configure and analyse/find out the actual usage of the bandwidth on both th sides of your location.

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    You have to enable RMON to measure bandwidth utilization.
    Take a look on the Monitoring and Troubleshooting With Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution 4.2 guide.
    Begining on the page 7-43 you can find the procedure.
    Hope you can set it

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    Welcome to the discussions!
    There is no "relay" function in the "extend a wireless network" setup. Each AX that is set to extend communicates directly to the Time Capsule and not to another device that might be between it and the Time Capsule.
    If you need the "relay" function, your only real option to setup the WDS configuration to see if that might work better in your circumstance.
    When you say that you have one AX setup as a client only, this implies that it is set to "join a wireless network". In the "join" setting, the AX only receives a wireless signal, it does not "extend" or rebroadcast the wireless signal. You might want to try setting this device to "extend" to see if that might help the network performance.

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    Hi Enea,
    The size of the DB is huge now, you can try to do a Force Purge
    go to Admin > Network > Purge Settings  >IPSLA data Purge Settings
    see if it helps.
    If not then the last resort is to Re-initialize the IPM database.
    here are the steps:
    1.stop the daemon manager
    /opt/CSCOpx/bin/ dsn=ipm dmprefix=Ipm  (linux/solaris)
    NMSROOT\bin\perl.exe NMSROOT\bin\ dsn=ipm dmprefix=Ipm    (windows)
    3.start the daemon manager
    Note: If you Re-initialize the database  then you need to create the collectors again .
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    not really using ipqos, but i have a dtrace script that tracks socket traffic per pid and uid, you can probably change it to meet your needs.
    #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs
    /* like top but tracks pid's network transfers */
    /* By James Dickens [email protected] */
    #pragma D option quiet
    int DR; /* Data READ */
    int DW; /* Data WROTE */
    int DRL; /* Data Read in the last second */
    int DWL; /* Data Wrote in the last second */
    int new_data; /* set when there is new data to print */
    dtrace:::BEGIN { printf("Waiting for data...\n"); }
    self->uiop = (struct uio *) arg1;
    self->request = self->uiop->uio_resid; /* MAX amount of data to send *
    self->uiop = (struct uio *) arg1;
    self->request = self->uiop->uio_resid; /* MAX amount of data to recieve
    /arg0 != 0 && self->registry/ /* don't grab data if an error was returned. */
    size = self->request - self->uiop->uio_resid; /* update the data read *
    DR +=size;
    DRL += size;
    @data[uid,pid, "rcv'd" ] = sum(size);
    @datac[uid,pid,"rcv'd" ] = sum(size);
    new_data=1 ;
    /arg0 != 0 && self->registry / /* don't grab data if an error was returned. */
    size = self->request - self->uiop->uio_resid ; /* update amount of data
    sent */
    DW += size;
    DWL += size;
    @data[uid, pid, "sent" ]= sum(size);
    @datac[uid,pid,"sent" ] = sum(size);
    /new_data /
    printf("\nwalltime : %Y\nStats for the active last Second\nUID\tPID\tdi
    retion\tBytes\n", walltimestamp);
    printf("Totals for this second\nData Rcv'd ==%d Data Sent == %d TOTAL %d
    printf("TOTALS\nData Rcv'd == %d Data Sent ==%d Total TRANSFERRED == %d\
    DR , DW, DR + DW) ;
    DRL=0; DWL=0;
    dtrace:::END {
    printf("\nGrand Totals\n");
    printf("Data Rcv'd == %d Data Sent ==%d TOTAL TRANSFERRED == %d", DR , D
    W, DR + DW) ;

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    Your opinions are appreciated!

    My opinion may be biased, but LMS 4.0 can do what you want.  It has performance management capabilities that can graph and report on interface, CPU, and memory utilization as well as allows for custom MIB object pollers to be defined.  LMS also does configuration collection for a wide variety of devices.
    If you really want to get a good idea if this is the right product suite for you, download the 90-day eval from (click on the Network Management Software link).  You will be able to test the full functionality of LMS 4.0 on up to 100 devices for 90 days.

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    Hi Spr,
    Check out VPNTTG (VPN Tunnel Traffic Grapher) is a software for SNMP monitoring and measuring the traffic load for IPsec  (Site-to-Site, Remote Access) and SSL (With Client, Clientless) VPN  tunnels on a Cisco ASA. It allows the user to see traffic load on a VPN  tunnel over time in graphical form.
    Advantage of VPNTTG over other SNMP based monitoring software's is  following: Other (commonly used) software's are working with static OID  numbers, i.e. whenever tunnel disconnects and reconnects, it gets  assigned a new OID number. This means that the historical data, gathered  on the connection, is lost each time. However, VPNTTG works with VPN  peer's IP address and it stores for each VPN tunnel historical  monitoring data into the Database.
    For more information about VPNTTG please visit

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    We managed to get alert for input traffic but we are not able to get alert for total bandwidth utilization ( input + output ).

    This is possible with an EEM applet.  I have done it on G1 ISRs with 15.1.  The applet is here:
    I usually run 12.4 on 3745s in GNS3 and they do not have the action set to do variable manipulation, so I am guessing that this is a newer feature, although I could not find what minimum version you would need on a quick search.

  • Capwap high bandwidth utilization

    I would like to know if this traffic is correct... (wan link - remote APs)
    15 minutes:
    I think that something is wrong... there is a high bandwidth utilization.
    All APs are configured with h-reap and local switching.
    All traffic wan link - 15 minutes:

    Maybe this answer my question?
    Ongoing Exchanges
      The LWAPP architecture provides for a heartbeat timer that is
          accomplished by a series of Echo Requests and Echo
          Responses. An AP periodically sends Echo Requests in order to
          determine the state of the connection between the AP and the WLC. In response,
          the WLC sends the Echo Response in order to acknowledge the receipt of the Echo
          Request. The AP, then, resets the heartbeat timer to the
          EchoInterval. The LWAPP protocol specification draft contains
          a detailed description of these timers. The system heartbeat, coupled with
          fallback mechanism, is 4 packets every 30 seconds and is comprised of these
    LWAPP ECHO_REQUEST from AP (78 bytes)
    LWAPP Echo-Response to AP (64 bytes)
    LWAPP Primary Discovery-Response to AP (97 bytes)
    This exchange generates 33 bytes of traffic every 30 seconds.
    RRM Measurements
    There are two ongoing RRM exchanges. The first one, at every 60-second       interval, is the load and signal measurement and consists of 4 packets. This       exchange always adds up to 396 bytes:
    LWAPP RRM_DATA_REQ from AP (107 bytes)
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP (64 bytes)
    LWAPP RRM_DATA_REQ from AP (161 bytes)
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP (64 bytes)
    The second sequence of packets is the noise measurement that includes a       statistics information request and response sequence. It is done every 180       seconds. This short exchange of packets averages approximately 2,660 bytes and       typically lasts 0.01 seconds. It consists of these packets:
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Statistics-Info Response to AP
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP RRM_DATA_REQ from AP 00:14:1b:59:41:80
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Airewave-Director-Data Response to AP
    LWAPP Statistics-Info Response to AP

  • Monitoring Internet Bandwidth Utilization

    Dear Net Pros,
    I am looking for some software which can help me monitor Internet Bandwidth Utilization in more details. Currently I am already using MRTG to monitor the Internet Bandwidth. Need something deeper than that. Can anyone suggest a suitable solution for the same??

    Buying it I think.
    Sorry, its a joke.
    You can try download a Demo on CCO Software Library.
    Well, happy new year and good luck.

  • PIX - Monitoring Bandwidth Utilization?

    I have PIX running 6.3 software with a few site to site VPN tunnels. Is there any way to monitor the bandwidth utilization of a particular tunnel?
    Same question goes with ASAs and using plans to get CSM here...

    Try PRTG - Paessler Router Traffic Grapher

Maybe you are looking for