Hi all,
What are all the Inputs needed for these two BAPI's ?
Can i know what these 2 BAPI's can do ?
whats the Purpose of these 2 BAPI's ?
BAPI's :
Kindly Clarify.
Thanks & Regards,
Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Dec 18, 2008 11:53 AM

are there any news regarding this topic?
thx, Vanessa

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    System Preferences > security ...
    ... has that feature, ready-to-go.
    [√] require password nnn minutes After sleep or when screensaver begins
    Your teen should have their own separate account as well.

  • R12- Unable to Create Invoice usin AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.create_single_invoice

    Hi All,
    I am trying to create an AR invoice using an API AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.create_single_invoice.
    But neither it gives any error nor any record in the table Ra_Interface_Lines_All.
    Can you please help on the issue, or am i using a wrong API to achieve the same.
    I am trying to create an invoice on R12.1.3.
    PFB the code below for reference.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg IS
      * Name         : xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg                                                                            *
      * Object Type  : Package Body                                                                                     *
      * Description  : This package is created for CR SCRIP Migration                                                   *
      * Parameters   : NA                                                                                               *
      * Return Values: None                                                                                             *
      * Change History                                                                                                  *
      * Date         Name          Ver     Modification                                                                 *
      * 04/01/2011   xx           0.1     Package Body created.                                                        *
      * Name         : xx_PDF_INV_CREATE_PROC                                                                           *
      * Object Type  : Procedure                                                                                        *
      * Description  : This is the main procedure which will create ar invoiceson                                       *
      * Parameters   : p_effective_date                                                                                 *
      * Return Values: NA                                                                                               *
      * Called By    : xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg                                                                            *
      * Change History                                                                                                  *
      * Date         Name         Modification                                                                          *
      * 04/01/2011   xx           0.1     procedure created.                                                           *
                                       RETCODE OUT VARCHAR2) IS
        p_msg_count            number;
        p_msg_data             varchar2(2000);
        p_trx_header_tbl       ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_header_tbl_type;
        p_trx_lines_tbl        ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_line_tbl_type;
        p_trx_dist_tbl         ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_dist_tbl_type;
        p_trx_salescredits_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_salescredits_tbl_type;
        p_batch_source_rec     ar_invoice_api_pub.batch_source_rec_type;
        l_cnt                  number := 0;
        l_header_id            number := 0;
        l_line_id              number := 0;
        L_BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID  number := 0;
        L_CUST_TRX_TYPE_Id     number := 0;
        L_TERM_ID              number := 0;
        L_SALESREP_Id          number := 0;
        L_TERRITORY_Id         number := 0;
        L_VAT_TAX_Id           number := 0;
        L_SALESREP_NAMe        varchar2(280);
        l_customer_trx_id      number;
        l_return_status        varchar2(80);
        v_org_id               number;
        l_org_id               NUMBER := fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID');
        ln_user_id             number;
        ln_resp_id             number;
        ln_app_id              number;
        CURSOR c_ar_inv_header IS
          SELECT * FROM xx_pdf_ra_cust_head_intf WHERE record_status = 'NEW';
        CURSOR c_ar_inv_lines(p_line_invoice_num VARCHAR2) IS
          SELECT *
            FROM xx_pdf_ra_cust_lines_intf
           WHERE record_status = 'NEW'
             AND Invoice_NumbeR = p_line_invoice_num;
        FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, '*******START******');
        --  MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT('S', 204);
        -- The following is required when running from the command line
        -- Remember to comment it out when you are creating the script to run
        -- from a Concurrent program
        -- MO_GLOBAL.INIT('AR');
        -- select MO_GLOBAL.get_current_org_id() into v_org_id from dual;
        select fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') INTO ln_user_id from dual;
        select fnd_profile.value('RESPONSIBILITY_ID')
          INTO ln_resp_id
          from dual;
        select fnd_profile.value('APPLICATION_ID') INTO ln_app_id from dual;
          fnd_global.apps_initialize(ln_user_id, ln_resp_id, ln_app_id, 0);
          when others then
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Error while apps initialize =');
        FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Current MO Org_id=' || l_org_id);
        l_header_id := 0;
        IF p_trx_header_tbl.count > 0 THEN
        END IF;
        FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Header Loop');
        FOR r_c_ar_inv_header IN c_ar_inv_header LOOP
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'In Header Loop');
            select CUST_ACCOUNT_ID
              INTO l_bill_to_customer_id
             where HP.PARTY_ID = HCA.PARTY_ID
               AND HP.PARTY_NAME = r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Customer_NAME
               AND HCA.ACCOUNT_NUMBER = r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Customer_No;
            when others then
              l_bill_to_customer_id := NULL;
                            '--Got Bill to Cust Account ID : ' ||
            select cust_trx_type_id
              INTO l_cust_trx_type_id
              from ra_cust_trx_types_all
             where type = r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Type
               and (name = 'xx Invoice' or NAME = 'xx Credit Memo');
            when others then
              l_cust_trx_type_id := 1001;
                            '--Got Bill to cust_trx_type_id : ' ||
          /*get the payment term id*/
            SELECT term_id
              INTO l_term_id
              FROM ra_terms_tl rtt
             WHERE = r_c_ar_inv_header.payment_term;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              l_term_id := 1000;
          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, '--Got term_id : ' || l_term_id);
          /*Get Sales Rep ID*/
            SELECT salesrep_id, name
              INTO l_salesrep_id, l_salesrep_name
              FROM ra_salesreps_all
             WHERE name = r_c_ar_inv_header.Sales_Person
               AND rownum = 1;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              l_salesrep_id := -3;
                            '--Got l_salesrep_id : ' || l_salesrep_id);
          /*Get Territory id*/
            SELECT territory_id
              INTO l_territory_id
              FROM ra_territories
             WHERE name = 'UK Default';
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              l_territory_id := 1001;
                            '--Got l_territory_id : ' || l_territory_id);
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_header_id := l_header_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_number := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_date := r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Date;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_currency := r_c_ar_inv_header.Currency_Code;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_class := 'INV'; --trx_class
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).cust_trx_type_id := l_cust_trx_type_id; --1001;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).gl_date := r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Date;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_customer_id := l_bill_to_customer_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_contact_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_address_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_site_use_id := r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Location_No;
                            '--Inserted Bill To header details  : ' ||
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_customer_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_account_number := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_customer_name := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_contact_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_address_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_site_use_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).sold_to_customer_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).term_id := l_term_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).primary_salesrep_id := l_salesrep_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).primary_salesrep_name := l_salesrep_name;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).exchange_rate_type := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).exchange_date := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).territory_id := l_territory_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).remit_to_address_id := 1020; --hard coded for testint purpose, need to derive it programmatically
                            '--Inserted Remit To header details  : ');
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).invoicing_rule_id := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).printing_option := 'N';
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).purchase_order := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).purchase_order_revision := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).purchase_order_date := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).comments := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).internal_notes := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).finance_charges := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).receipt_method_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).related_customer_trx_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).agreement_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_via := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_date_actual := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).waybill_number := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).fob_point := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).customer_bank_account_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).default_ussgl_transaction_code := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).status_trx := 'OP'; --HARD CODED for testing, need to check
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).paying_customer_id := l_bill_to_customer_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).paying_site_use_id := r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Location_No;
                            '--Inserted paying_site_use_id header details  : ');
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).default_tax_exempt_flag := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).doc_sequence_value := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute_category := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute1 := 'PD';
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute2 := 'PD';
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute3 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute4 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute5 := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute6 := r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Date;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute7 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute8 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute9 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute10 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute11 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute12 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute13 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute14 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute15 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute_category := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute1 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute2 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute3 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute4 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute5 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute6 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute7 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute8 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute9 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute10 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute11 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute12 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute13 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute14 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute15 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute16 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute17 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute18 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute19 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute20 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute21 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute22 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute23 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute24 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute25 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute26 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute27 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute28 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute29 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute30 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_context := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute1 := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute2 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute3 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute4 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute5 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute6 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute7 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute8 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute9 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute10 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute11 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute12 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute13 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute14 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).org_id := l_org_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).legal_entity_id := l_org_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).payment_trxn_extension_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).billing_date := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interest_header_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).late_charges_assessed := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).document_sub_type := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).default_taxation_country := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).mandate_last_trx_flag := NULL;
                            '--Inserted Complete header details  : ');
          l_line_id := 1;
          IF p_trx_lines_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
          END IF;
          FOR r_c_ar_inv_lines IN c_ar_inv_lines(r_c_ar_inv_header.invoice_number) LOOP
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).trx_header_id := l_header_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).trx_line_id := l_line_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).link_to_trx_line_id := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).LINE_NUMBER := l_line_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).REASON_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INVENTORY_ITEM_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DESCRIPTION := r_c_ar_inv_lines.DESCRIPTION;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).QUANTITY_ORDERED := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).QUANTITY_INVOICED := r_c_ar_inv_lines.Quantity;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).UNIT_SELLING_PRICE := r_c_ar_inv_lines.Unit_Price;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER_LINE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER_DATE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).LINE_TYPE := 'LINE'; -- hard coded for testing purpose
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE1 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE2 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE3 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE4 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE5 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE6 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE7 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE8 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE9 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE10 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE11 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE12 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE13 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE14 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE15 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).RULE_START_DATE := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE7 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE9 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE10 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE11 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE13 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE14 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 := null;
            --channel in the form
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER_SOURCE := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).AMOUNT := r_c_ar_inv_lines.Line_Amount;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_PRECEDENCE := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_RATE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPTION_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).MEMO_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).UOM_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DEFAULT_USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DEFAULT_USSGL_TRX_CODE_CONTEXT := NULL;
              SELECT vat_tax_id
                INTO l_vat_tax_id
                FROM AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B
               WHERE end_DATE IS NULL
                 AND ORG_ID = l_org_id
                 and tax_type = 'VAT'
                 AND ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y'
                 AND TAX_CODE = r_c_ar_inv_header.Invoice_VAT_code;
              WHEN OTHERS THEN
                l_vat_tax_id := 10152;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).VAT_TAX_ID := l_vat_tax_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPT_NUMBER := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_VENDOR_RETURN_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).MOVEMENT_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG := 'N';
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).WAREHOUSE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).CONTRACT_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY1 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY2 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY3 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY4 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY5 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INVOICED_LINE_ACCTG_LEVEL := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).OVERRIDE_AUTO_ACCOUNTING_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DEFERRAL_EXCLUSION_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).RULE_END_DATE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_APPLICATION_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_EVENT_CLASS_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_ENTITY_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_LINE_TYPE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_DETAIL_TAX_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).HISTORICAL_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAXABLE_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_REGIME_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_STATUS_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_RATE_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE := NULL;
            --Late Charges
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).interest_line_id := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).PRODUCT_FISC_CLASSIFICATION := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).PRODUCT_CATEGORY := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).PRODUCT_TYPE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).LINE_INTENDED_USE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ASSESSABLE_VALUE := NULL;
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'In the end of lines cursor ');
          END LOOP;
          AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.create_single_invoice(p_api_version          => 1.0,
                                                   x_return_status        => l_return_status,
                                                   x_msg_count            => p_msg_count,
                                                   x_msg_data             => p_msg_data,
                                                   x_customer_trx_id      => l_customer_trx_id,
                                                   p_batch_source_rec     => p_batch_source_rec,
                                                   p_trx_header_tbl       => p_trx_header_tbl,
                                                   p_trx_lines_tbl        => p_trx_lines_tbl,
                                                   p_trx_dist_tbl         => p_trx_dist_tbl,
                                                   p_trx_salescredits_tbl => p_trx_salescredits_tbl);
          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Msg ' || substr(p_msg_data, 1, 225));
          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Status ' || l_return_status);
          IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error OR
             l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'unexpected errors found!');
            SELECT count(*) Into l_cnt From ar_trx_errors_gt;
            IF l_cnt = 0 THEN
                                'Customer Trx id ' || l_customer_trx_id);
              FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Transaction not Created');
            END IF;
          END IF;
        END LOOP; --Header Loop
    END xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg;
    sho err

    I see you are confused between using ra_interface_lines_all and API. The AR Invoice can be created in two method.
    1. Using Autoinvoice interface a open interface program. For this you need to populate ra_interface_lines_all and ra_interface_distributions_all (if you are not using auto accounting) interface tables and then submit the Autoinvoice Master program, a interface program to load the AR invoices. Once the program completes, the errors will be stored in ra_interface_errors_all table.
    2. Second method is to use the API. If you are using API, no interface table will be used to and errors will not be stored in interface tables. You can use the following routine to get the errors.
    IF l_return_status != 'S' THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('unexpected errors found!');
    IF p_msg_count = 1 Then
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data '||l_msg_data);
    ELSIF l_msg_count > 1 Then
    p_count := p_count+1;
    IF p_msg_data is NULL Then
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Message' || p_count ||'.'||l_msg_data);
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line(' Got Created Sucessfully : '||l_customer_trx_id);
    END IF;

  • What is the best way to backup four Lion workstations

    I have several Mac OS Lion Workstations and have used Retrospect in the past to backup, and (with poor success) restore missing files and complete drives. I had a recent failures of this concept/system and would like some advice about what can work better.
    My (client) Mac Systems all on Lion 10.7.1 unless noted otherwise:
    MacPro (1,1) with two internal 500GB, 250GB HD
    MacBook (2,1) 500GB HD
    MacBook Pro (6,2) internal 500GB HD
    MacMini (3,1) <- runs OS X10.6.8 at this time; internal 180GB, 1.0TB IEEE FW800 attached HD of music, movies and documents set up to serve to Apple TV.
    Currently available storage for backup:
    JBOD disks: 2x1.5TB, 1.0T
    GigE network wired connections
    Apple Airport Extreme wireless network 802.11b/g/n
    Currently running backup applications:
    Time Machine using the JBOD disks to backup entire client machine
    Parallels virtual media cloning (CCC)
    Applications cloning (CCC) on each system
    Purpose/needs of a unified network backup:
    Maintain an incremental backup using minimal storage to quickly retrieve missing files for a minimum of 30 days prior to a loss by error or failure of the internal connected storage system.
    Maintain a backup of entire drive snapshot in the event of disasterous failure of the entire system, or cloning a complete system onto a new / replacement machine, with or without a OS installed.
    Maintain (possibly) separate storage of a virtual OS- Parallels 6, as the incremental backup is by design limited to a clone of the virtual machine.
    Maintain a separate storage of items like applications so that space on the incremental backup can be conserved.

    When I was using 10.4.1, which was years ago, I used SuperDuper.

  • Business Objects Resource Requirements

    I have a Business Objects Deployment questions. We are on SAP BI 7.0 & ECC6.0.
    We have a specific business need where users want to have a adhoc reporting tool where they can do OLAP reporting on data from BW, SAP ECC/R3 and their local Excel/database files.
    In order to cater that we are planning to use BO for our adhoc reporting needs and BO proposed their Web intelligence product for adhoc reporting.
    I need to verify the no of additional resources(for budgeting purposes) needed to maintain BO?
    BO told us that we don't need any as once the deployment is done and universes have been setup(for that we will hire a consulting company) we don't need any resources. We think they are over simplifying it. I want to know what are the daily maintenance/operation tasks, Enhancements, SAP Basis tasks required in BO. Will it possible for a single resources to handle BW & BO, giving 50% of his time to each or 75-25% respectively?
    I know the requirement is quite vague but your opinion or any additional info/links will be appreciated.

    Based on my data warehouse experience, Business Objects environment continues to evolve. So, you may want to consider one full time resource for long term. You can also have one of your full time resources trained by the consultants you bring in. Just my two cents.
    In medium to big deployments there are different Business Obejcts roles.
    Business Objects Architect --> Sizing, Strategy, licensing etc.
    Business Objects Administrator --> general admin, troubleshooting, security infrastructure and maintenance etc.
    Business Objects developer(s) --> universe design, report design etc.
    Since your deployment is not that big, I can see that initially one person can handle it. If you like, you can handle it all yourself. Of course it will be slow in the beginning, but keep in mind that data warehouse environments tend to grow and before you know you'll be occupied. After all it is about ad-hoc reporting and not canned reporting.
    I hope this helps.
    Edited by: Kashif Saeed on Sep 29, 2008 10:16 PM

  • Getting the best video out of FCE 4?

    Hi All - I've been reading a lot here and respect the opinions of everyone on this forum. I have one question which, through all my research on Final Cut Express 4 (maybe not enough research) eludes me.
    I'm about to purchase either a Canon HV30 or HG20 and I want to know, using a Mac Book Pro and FCE 4, how can I ensure I import/edit/export the BEST quality video?
    First and foremost the video will be watched using an HTPC(Mac Mini) on an HDTV and secondly I'll be exporting to the web and DVD. I'm primarily concerned with the video being watched on the HDTV/Mac Mini.
    I guess my one question is actually a few questions:
    1. Will I lose any quality importing HDV/ACVHD (imported with the Apple Intermediate Codec), editing in FCE and exporting to a Quicktime Movie? The Geniuses at the Apple Store say no, but I'm not so sure they are Geniuses.
    2. What can I do to ensure the best quality from import to export?
    3. Is there a better codec I can use (I'm willing to buy it) that will work with FCE? Not sure I want to spend the $$$ to upgrade to FCS 2 just to get the ProRes 422 codec (which I could just buy the codec).
    4. Is there hardware I should be considering?
    5. If there is to much loss using FCE is there a better NLE for the Mac (up to $500) that I should be working with?
    On a side note, I'd like to get 5.1 sound from my videos, are there any recommendations on what program I can use for this? It's not as important to me as the previous fives questions, but it is something I would like to be able to do at some point soon.
    I'm currently work with the following:
    Mac Book Pro
    2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2GB Memory
    128MB ATI Radeon x1600
    120GB Internal SATA Drive
    160GB External Drive (USB 2.0)
    So far this platform has worked fine editing the HH video from my Sony HDR-SR10 (being replaced by one of the Canons), but I'm not 100% sure I'm doing everything I can for optimal video. Honestly the 1920x1080 60i looked terrible in great lighting but I think that is a problem with the Sony not FCE.
    Please let me know if there is any further information I can provide to help you better answer my questions.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    trebu2005 wrote:
    1. Will I lose any quality importing HDV/ACVHD (imported with the Apple Intermediate Codec), editing in FCE and exporting to a Quicktime Movie? The Geniuses at the Apple Store say no, but I'm not so sure they are Geniuses.
    AIC is designed to give 29,97 full image/second (for 60i)but HDV and AVCHD are based on long group of images (GOP) at each 0.5 second. That's one full image at each .5 second with many inbetween uncomplete images. Transcoding AIC doesn't improve the original compression, but doesn't degrade it.
    2. What can I do to ensure the best quality from import to export?
    The problem relies on delivery with HD content. It's difficult to authoring and burning BR-DVD right now. The aren't many BR burner, authoring program, BR DVD blanks, etc, on the market.
    AIC timeline can give excellent results but how to view the resulting movie is more complicated.
    3. Is there a better codec I can use (I'm willing to buy it) that will work with FCE? Not sure I want to spend the $$$ to upgrade to FCS 2 just to get the ProRes 422 codec (which I could just buy the codec).
    ProRes is almost similar to AIC when applied to convert HDV/AVCHD
    4. Is there hardware I should be considering?
    A current solution is to use excellent 3 CCD camcorder with good lenses, steady tripod, subject that convert well under HDV/AVCHD limitation, well lighted set. Apply a color correction to your final sequences. Use a more efficient compression app. Use a calibrated monitor.
    5. If there is to much loss using FCE is there a better NLE for the Mac (up to $500) that I should be working with?
    I do know any one. Final Cut Pro use the same technology than FCE except that it support more codecs and more format (like the newest HD formats for broadcast purpose - needed by professional cameras).
    On a side note, I'd like to get 5.1 sound from my videos, are there any recommendations on what program I can use for this?
    Final Cut Pro support 5.1.
    May be Premiere Pro from Adobe. Check the website.
    I'm currently work with the following:
    Mac Book Pro
    2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2GB Memory
    128MB ATI Radeon x1600
    120GB Internal SATA Drive
    160GB External Drive (USB 2.0)
    A laptop is not mainly designed to edit HD in optimal conditions.(relatively small monitor, no internal dedicated hard drives, small keyboard. USB is not supported by FCE to handle video capture/edit.
    So far this platform has worked fine editing the HH video from my Sony HDR-SR10 (being replaced by one of the Canons), but I'm not 100% sure I'm doing everything I can for optimal video. Honestly the 1920x1080 60i looked terrible in great lighting but I think that is a problem with the Sony not FCE.
    Remember that HDV and AVCH have teir limitation. Search the web, you'll find a lot of links explaining those limits.
    Michel Boissonneault

  • Operation cost and time sheet booking

    In my current project we have SAP PP and SAP HR too.
    My production order is against WBS, I am issuing materials and confirming operations in CO11N to capture material cost and operation cost. then i am doing GR of finished goods and then order settlement and then goods issue ( of finished goods) to project to post the cost to project. Also in HR, time sheet booking is done in CAT2. This will lead to double cost posting to project i.e. once thru PP and then thru HR.
    How to avoid this??

    I am not sure how you have defined your std value parameters in the Routing.
    in the Production order we are trying to capture the cost incurred to the order, these hours are for Product costing purpose need not  be used for Salaries.
    in CAT2 we are trying to post only the manual labour hrs for the Project. thses hrs for Salary wage settlement purpose.

  • Profitability Reporting at Package (BOM) level

    How do other companies address this issue:
    We sell product solutions (packages) consisting of one or more components and for logistics purposes need to process at component level in sales order, delivery, material doc etc.  However from a finance, marketing and customer perspective the product being sold is the sum of the components and so we want to measure profitability at this level.  However costs get posted to FI accounting documents at component level whilst revenue is posted at BOM level.  The package is entered as a BOM in the sales order and are normally fixed components e.g. as below:
                                                       Revenue      Cost
    Package:       DT100                     2000
    Component:     A100                                        100
                            B200                                           50
                            C300                                           50
    Profit= 2000-(1005050) = 1800
    Ideally I need to get a posting that shows the related product package for the component cost otherwise I have to do clever reporting to look back to original sales documents to find related product package to link component costs to.  Does CO-PA assist here or can I just do it in FI accounting in some way.  I also considered using the product hierarchy i.e. the product hierarchy for both component (cost) and product package (revenue) is the product hierarchy for the product package.
    Much appreciate any insights. 
    Happy Xmas and best wishes for New Year

    Have u defined item description in foreign langauge in item master data ?
    Edited by: Jeyakanthan A on Jun 18, 2009 12:50 PM

  • Meta tag inspector settings

    Hi there.
    On the GoLive (CS2) meta tag inspector, there are a bunch of different drop down settings. The default is "generator" and others; abstract, author, copyright, date, descriptor, keywords, language, organization, public, ratings, revisits-after and robots.
    what are the difference between those? where should they be used for optimum website placement? why does it default to "generator" and not "keywords" for instance?
    thanks for your help.
    best, M/

    The only one of those that has any value with regard to SERP is the
    description. You can ignore all the others except for the revisits and
    robots ones which may be useful in guiding the search engine spiders on how
    to index your site.
    The remainder as strictly used for special purpose needs. You can find a
    complete description of them all here -

  • JDev 10.1.2 update to J

    We need to use JDev 10.1.2 for portlet development purposes (need to have the portlet builder pluggin), we update the J2SE version from 1.4 to 1.5. The upgrade was successful, but now all my JUnit test and my struts-html.tld classes are reporting errors. Should I just update the JUnit jars and tlds?

    Ok... I solved it, though I don't think this is the right way.
    I inserted a formValue into the UIX page like this:
    <formValue model="${bindings.AttributeToUpdate}"
    name="VB_AttributeToUpdate" />The formValue name is very important and must start with VB_ followed by the name of the attribute to update. I figured out this by looking at the generated html code when I inserted the "AttributeToUpdate" as an editable inputtext, it uses the VB_ prefix and was the only way to get the attribute updated.
    Thanks anyway, and if someone knows of another way to do this I'd like to know it.
    Mensaje editado por:
    Fer Domin

  • SAP Demo Portal

    I'm looking for a SAP demo portal - the one with rilke e (mss) and jordan m (ESS) for illustrative purposes - need to illustrate the vision of an hr portal to my squad. can't access it via - the port is not open at our company. is this system available somewhere else or any other demo portals out there?
    thanks in advance.

    It's an issue with Citrix plugin. Installed the right ones and it worked.

  • Detail system landscape for SAP APO

    Hi All,
       Can u pls tell me the system landscape for APO with pictures. (i.e data flow in between ECC to APO through CIF also between APO submodules)
    purpose: need to prepare PPT.

    Find the link WRT system integration
    System Infrastructure (SAP Library - Integration of SAP APO and SAP R/3)
    pls follow below thread for more info
    Integration multiple R/3 systems with APO via CIF 
    Raja kiran

  • Forgot_outlook_pst_file_Password

    Hi Guys,
        Usually i move all my emails to local pst folder in my outlook 2010 and that pst file is password protected. but one sad thing is i forget that password what i gave. i tried through google search but  i could not find any
    free tool for this.. could any body please suggest how to reset or recover forgot password..
    Appreciate your quick response!!!

    Your problem can be resolved a lot of tools. To do this purpose need to know. Try to do it with the
    help of Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password. Note: You
    can use Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password to recover only the data you legally own. Good Luck!

  • SCCM 2012 report on computers with local shares and share permissions

    Very new to SCCM 2012, want to put together a report to show computers with local shares and the permissions on those shares (for security purposes, need to investigate any systems that have open shares_.
    Managed to add and now collecting information that populates v_gs_share and I have a handle on the report itself, just wondering how to collect the share permissions - I've seen other qustions on the boards that are similar but reference earlier versions
    of SCCM so wondering how to do it in 2012.

    So, where are you at?  The script is running, and the clients have the data in their local WMI namespace, root\cimv2\sms_sharepermissions ?
    So all that's left is to modify hardware inventory to pull that custom WMI Namespace in?  If so, it's not too horrid.  Take note of a workstation (or server) to which you have remote rights to; and which has run the script, so that on THAT specific
    machine, root\cimv2\SMS_SharePermissions exists.
    In your CM12 Console, Administration, Client Settings.  Right-click "Default Client Settings", Properties.  On the left, select "hardware inventory".  then on the right, Set classes..., now the fun part.
    Connect..., and put in ThatServerOrWorkstation (for computername), and wmi namespace is root\cimv2.  Click the option "recursive", Connect.  (the trick here is rights to the target).
    From the results, it might be easiest to click on "classname" at the top for sorting, then go find SMS_SharePermissions.  Select that, ok ok ok ok (however many times you need to agree); and... we're done here.  Sit and wait for inventory to report
    that data up.  If you're paranoid, you can monitor dataldr.log; and force policy refreshes and hinv deltas on some boxes; but the key is patience.  if you think you've waited long enough; you probably haven't.  ;)
    Standardize. Simplify. Automate.

  • Microsoft Outlook .pst file password cracker

    Are exists pst password cracker? I forgot password for my Microsoft Outlook .pst file with messages. Can suggests a good software for my case?

    Your problem can be resolved a lot of tools. To do this purpose need to know. Try to do it with the
    help of Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password. Note: You
    can use Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password to recover only the data you legally own. Good Luck!

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