BAPI help urgent

Dear All,
cud any spot the error the throws an exception FAILURE
*& Report  Y1MM_PODRG                                                  *
report  y1mm_podrg                              .
tables: mara,
        zdrgsah, zdrgsap,
*Internal Table to get the input Data
data: begin of i_input occurs 0,
        matnr like ekpo-matnr,
        asqty like ekpo-menge,
        ebeln like ekpo-ebeln,
        posnr like zdrgsap-posnr,
        invno like zdrgsap-invno,
        invdt like zdrgsah-invdt,
        netpr like zdrgsap-netpr,
        cntno like zdrgsap-cntno,
        shcnm like zdrgsah-shcnm,
        werks like ekpo-werks,
        lgort like ekpo-lgort,
        matkl like ekpo-matkl,
      end of i_input.
data: begin of i_error occurs 0,
        matnr like mara-matnr,
        remark(255) type c,
      end of i_error.
data: i_mara type mara occurs 0 with header line,
      i_eina like eina occurs 0 with header line,
      i_eine like eine occurs 0 with header line.
*Data declaration.
data: v_file     type string,           " Variable for uploading file
      v_item(5)  type c,             " Line item number
      v_itno(2)  type c,
      p_wkurs like zdrgkurs-wkurs,
      v_matnr(20)    type c,
      v_menge(20)    type c,
      v_banfn(20)    type c,
      v_bnfpo(20)    type c,
      v_bednr(20)    type c,
      p_lifnr like lfa1-lifnr,
data: begin of i_inputxt occurs 0,
        matnr(18) ,
        asqty(13) ,
        ebeln(10) ,
        posnr(6)  ,
        invno(10) ,
        invdt(8)  ,
        netpr(11) ,
        cntno(11) ,
        shcnm(10) ,
        werks(4) ,
        lgort(4) ,
        matkl(9) ,
      end of i_inputxt.
constants : c_pd01 like eine-werks value 'PD01',
            c_x value 'X'.
*Structures to hold PO header data
data : header like  bapimepoheader   ,
       headerx like  bapimepoheaderx .
data : begin of cheader occurs 0,
        cond_type like bapimepocondheader-cond_type,
       end of cheader.
*data : cheaderx like bapimepocondheaderx.
data :  begin of cheaderx occurs 0,
        cond_type like bapimepocondheaderx-cond_type,
       end of cheaderx.
*Internal Tables to hold PO ITEM DATA
data : item   like bapimepoitem  occurs 0 with header line,
       itemx  like bapimepoitemx occurs 0 with header line,
*Internal table to hold messages from BAPI call
       return like bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
data : w_header(40) value 'PO Header'.
data : ws_langu like sy-langu.
*text-001 = 'PO Header' - define as text element
data : v_company like header-comp_code  value 'SBA'      ,
       v_doctyp  like header-doc_type   value 'NB'       ,
       v_cdate   like header-creat_date value  'sy-datum'   ,
       v_vendor  like header-vendor     ,
       v_pur_org like header-purch_org  value 'sbap'     ,
       v_pur_grp like header-pur_group  value 'PG1'      .
*Selection Screen Declarations
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-010.
parameters: p_invno like zdrgsah-invno obligatory,
            p_bsart like ekko-bsart.
selection-screen end of block b1.
*selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
*parameters : item_num like item-po_item  default '00010',
            material like mara-matnr default '0011442062'   ,
            plant    like item-plant    default 'PD01' ,
           quantity like item-quantity default 100.
*selection-screen end of block b2.
  ws_langu = sy-langu.   "Language variable
  To Upload the data into Internal table.
  perform f_upload_data.
To Validate the input data.
  perform f_check_data.
  if i_error[] is initial.
To process the data file
   perform f_process_session.
   elseif not i_error[] is initial.
To display the error message
   perform f_display_error.
    perform bapi_call_data.
*Output the messages returned from BAPI call
  loop at return.
    write / return-message.
*&      Form  f_upload_data
form f_upload_data .
  select matwa as matnr asqty ebeln posnr b~invno invdt netpr cntno
    shcnm into table i_input
         from zdrgsah as a join zdrgsap as b on
         a~invno = b~invno
         where b~invno eq p_invno.
  loop at i_input.
    select single * from eban
       where banfn eq i_input-ebeln
       and   bnfpo eq i_input-posnr.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
      move eban-werks to i_input-werks.
      move eban-lgort to i_input-lgort.
      move eban-matkl to i_input-matkl.
      modify i_input.
      clear  i_input.
endform.                    " f_upload_data
*&      Form  f_check_data
form f_check_data .
  if not i_input[] is initial.
    select * from mara
    into table i_mara
    for all entries in i_input
    where matnr eq i_input-matnr.
  if i_mara[] is initial.
    message e000(zcnc) with text-001.
  read table i_input index 1.
  if sy-subrc eq 0.
    select single lifnr into p_lifnr from zdrgsup
       where shcnm = i_input-shcnm.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message e000(zcnc) with text-002.
  select single wkurs into p_wkurs from zdrgkurs
    where invno = p_invno.
  if sy-subrc ne 0.
    message e000(zcnc) with text-s11.
      input  = p_lifnr
      output = p_lifnr.
  p_lifnrtxt = p_lifnr.
  p_wkurstxt = p_wkurs.
  p_bsartxt = p_bsart.
  loop at i_input.
    move-corresponding i_input to i_inputxt.
    append i_inputxt.
endform.                    "f_check_data
*&      Form  bapi_call_data
form bapi_call_data.
  header-comp_code  = v_company    .
  header-doc_type   = v_doctyp     .
  header-creat_date = v_cdate      .
  header-vendor     = p_lifnr     .
  header-langu      = ws_langu   .
  header-quotation  = p_invno.
  header-exch_rate  = p_wkurs.
  header-ex_rate_fx = 'X'.
  header-purch_org  = v_pur_org    .
  header-pur_group  = v_pur_grp    .
  header-doc_date   = sy-datum.
  headerx-comp_code  = c_x.
  headerx-doc_type   = c_x.
  headerx-creat_date = c_x.
  headerx-vendor     = c_x.
  headerx-langu      = c_x.
  headerx-quotation  = c_x.
  headerx-exch_rate  = c_x.
  headerx-ex_rate_fx = c_x.
  headerx-purch_org  = c_x.
  headerx-pur_group  = c_x.
  headerx-doc_date   = c_x.
  cheader-cond_type = 'ZCA1'.
  append cheader.
  cheader-cond_type = 'ZFA1'.
  append cheader.
  cheader-cond_type = 'ZINC'.
  append cheader.
  cheader-cond_type = 'ZIV1'.
  append cheader.
  cheader-cond_type = 'ZOT1'.
  append cheader.
  cheader-cond_type = c_x.
perform bdc_field       using v_bednr   i_input-cntno.
item-price_unit = '100'.
  loop at i_inputxt.
    item-plant      = i_inputxt-werks.
    item-stge_loc   = i_inputxt-lgort.
    item-material   = i_inputxt-matnr.
    item-matl_group = i_inputxt-matkl.
    item-quantity   = i_inputxt-asqty.
    item-preq_no    = i_inputxt-ebeln.
    item-preq_item  = i_inputxt-posnr.
    item-trackingno = i_inputxt-cntno.
   item-preq_item = i_input-posnr.
item-net_price  = item-price_unit * item-quantity.
    append item.
    clear item.
itemx-po_item    = item_num.
  itemx-material   = c_x.
  itemx-plant      = c_x .
  itemx-stge_loc   = c_x .
  itemx-quantity   = c_x .
  itemx-stge_loc   = c_x .
  itemx-tax_code   = c_x .
  itemx-item_cat   = c_x .
  itemx-acctasscat = c_x .
itemx-net_price  = c_x.
  append itemx.
  call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'
      poheader                     = header
      poheaderx                    = headerx
    POADDRVENDOR                 =
    TESTRUN                      =
    EXPPURCHASEORDER             =
    EXPHEADER                    =
    EXPPOEXPIMPHEADER            =
    pocondheader                 = cheader
    pocondheaderx                = cheaderx
     return                       = return
     poitem                       = item
     poitemx                      = itemx.
*Confirm the document creation by calling database COMMIT
     wait          = 'X'
  RETURN        =
endform.                    "bapi_call_data
Thanks a lot ,
santosh Kotra.

   Check out the sample code for the same BAPI.
   This error may come because of incorrect Package no value.
DATA: i_poitem        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
      i_poitemx       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
      i_poitem_sch    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
      i_poitem_schx   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
      i_acct_***      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
      i_acct_assx     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
      i_services      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesllc ,
      i_srvacc        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesklc,
      i_return        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2,
      wa_header       TYPE bapimepoheader,
      wa_headerx      TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
      wa_poitem       TYPE bapimepoitem,
      wa_poitemx      TYPE bapimepoitemx,
      wa_poitem_sch   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
      wa_poitem_schx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
      wa_acct_***     TYPE bapimepoaccount,
      wa_acct_assx    TYPE bapimepoaccountx,
      wa_services     TYPE bapiesllc,
      wa_srvacc       TYPE bapiesklc,
      wa_return       TYPE bapiret2,
      ws_po           TYPE bapimepoheader-po_number,
      ws_wait         TYPE bapita-wait.
CONSTANTS: c_x        TYPE char01 VALUE 'X'.
break gbpra8.
wa_header-doc_type = 'ZDET'.
wa_header-vendor = '0002000000'.
PERFORM conversion_output USING wa_header-vendor
                          CHANGING wa_header-vendor.
wa_header-comp_code = 'DE03'.
wa_header-purch_org = 'DE03'.
wa_header-pur_group = 'DE1'.
wa_header-vper_start = '20060730'.
wa_header-vper_end = '20070621'.
wa_headerx-comp_code = c_x.
wa_headerx-doc_type = c_x.
wa_headerx-creat_date = c_x.
wa_headerx-created_by = c_x.
wa_headerx-vendor = c_x.
wa_headerx-purch_org = c_x.
wa_headerx-pur_group = c_x.
wa_headerx-vper_start = c_x.
wa_headerx-vper_end = c_x.
wa_poitem-po_item = 100.
wa_poitem-short_text = 'Sample'.
wa_poitem-plant = 'DE03'.
wa_poitem-quantity = 1.
wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V1'.
wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
wa_poitem-matl_group = 'ZDESS'.
wa_poitem-pckg_no = 10.
wa_poitem-gr_ind = space.
wa_poitem-gr_basediv = space.
APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
wa_poitemx-po_item = 100.
wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
wa_poitemx-gr_ind = c_x.
wa_poitemx-gr_basediv = space.
APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
wa_poitem-po_item = 200.
wa_poitem-short_text = 'Sample'.
wa_poitem-plant = 'DE03'.
wa_poitem-quantity = 1.
wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V1'.
wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
wa_poitem-matl_group = 'ZDESS'.
wa_poitem-pckg_no = 40.
wa_poitem-gr_ind = space.
wa_poitem-gr_basediv = space.
APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
wa_poitemx-po_item = 200.
wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
wa_poitemx-gr_ind = c_x.
wa_poitemx-gr_basediv = space.
APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
wa_acct_***-po_item = 100.
wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
wa_acct_assx-po_item = 100.
wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
wa_acct_***-po_item = 100.
wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
wa_acct_assx-po_item = 100.
wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
wa_acct_***-po_item = 200.
wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
wa_acct_assx-po_item = 200.
wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
wa_acct_***-po_item = 200.
wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
wa_acct_assx-po_item = 200.
wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
wa_services-pckg_no = 10.
wa_services-line_no = 1.
wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
wa_services-subpckg_no = 20.
wa_services-from_line = 1.
wa_services-to_line = 2.
APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
wa_services-pckg_no = 20.
wa_services-line_no = 2.
wa_services-service = 'H007'.
wa_services-quantity = '12'.
wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
wa_services-userf1_txt = 'Firm'.
APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
wa_services-pckg_no = 40.
wa_services-line_no = 1.
wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
wa_services-subpckg_no = 50.
wa_services-from_line = 1.
wa_services-to_line = 2.
APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
wa_services-pckg_no = 50.
wa_services-line_no = 2.
wa_services-service = 'H008'.
wa_services-quantity = '12'.
wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
wa_services-userf1_txt = 'Firm'.
APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 10.
wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 20.
wa_srvacc-line_no = 2.
wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 40.
wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 50.
wa_srvacc-line_no = 2.
wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    poheader          = wa_header
    poheaderx         = wa_headerx
    exppurchaseorder  = ws_po
    return            = i_return
    poitem            = i_poitem
    poitemx           = i_poitemx
    poschedule        = i_poitem_sch
    poschedulex       = i_poitem_schx
    poaccount         = i_acct_***
    poaccountx        = i_acct_assx
    poservices        = i_services
    posrvaccessvalues = i_srvacc.
break gbpra8.
LOOP AT i_return INTO wa_return.
ws_wait = 5.
    wait = ws_wait.
*&      Form  conversion_output
      Conversion exit input
FORM conversion_output  USING    p_ip
                        CHANGING p_op.
      input  = p_ip
      output = p_op.
ENDFORM.                    " conversion_output
  Reward points if it helps.

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    Hi Swaroopba,
    It can be very well done thru Form based Authentication.
    For eg let me explain with respect to Tomcat.
    Go to
    $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF directory.
    Please add the following code in it.
    <web-resource-name>Protected Area </web-resource-name>
    <!-- Define the context URL's to be protected -->
    Please add the following code in it. And you have to specify the roles for it.
    I hope this will be helpful for you.
    Or if you want it in an application, please let me know.

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                <li><a href="concrete.html">Concrete Equipment</a></li>
                <li><a href="forklifts.html">Fork Lifts</a></li>
                <li><a href="generators.html">Generators</a></li>                            
                <li><a href="groundthawing.html">Ground Thawing</a></li>
                <li><a href="heaters.html">Heaters</a></li>
                <li><a href="scissorlifts.html">Scissor Lifts</a></li>                            
                <li><a href="boomlifts.html">Boom Lifts</a></li>
                <li><a href="lighttowes.html">Light Towers</a></li>
                <li><a href="misc.html">Misc.</a></li>                            
                <li><a href="dirtequipment.html">Dirt Equipment</a></li>
                <li><a href="powertools.html">Power Tools</a></li>
                <li><a href="pumps.html">Pumps | Saws | Welders</a></li>                              
             <li style="width: 165px"><a href="locations.html">
       <div class="style10" style="width: 154px">
                 <li style="width: 180px"><a href="contact.html">
       <div class="style16" style="height: 24px">
        Contact Us</div>
       </a>         </li>
    This is the css coding:
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    I have the site using tables up and running, this is a website for a client so I cant make a test site using that domain would it be ok if I screen shot'ed the problem?
    Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 12:19:44 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: CSS Layout issue!! Help Urgent!!
        Re: CSS Layout issue!! Help Urgent!!
        created by Jon Fritz II in Dreamweaver support forum - View the full discussion
    Well, you're not using position:absolute, so you've got a big thumbs up from a bunch of us for that.
    Is there any chance you could post a link to this page on your server? It's much easier to troubleshoot from a browser than it is to rebuild the page from code fragments.
    If you haven't gone live with the page yet, create a folder called TEST in your site and save copies of the page and css there. Upload TEST and post a link to it here. Once the problem is found/fixed, delete TEST from the server.
    You can also attempt to use Firefox or Chrome to find your issue by right clicking > Inspect Element. All CSS that affects a given element will be displayed with file name and line numbers there.
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
               Start a new discussion in Dreamweaver support forum at Adobe Community
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  • Please help URGENT : Chinese handwriting doesn't seem to work on Lion OSX. the handwriting trackpad appears but anything i write in Chinese doesn't appear in word, chrome,..... HELP PLEASE

    please help URGENT : Chinese handwriting doesn't seem to work on Lion OSX. the handwriting trackpad appears but anything i write in Chinese doesn't appear in word, chrome,..... HELP PLEASE
    And in system prefs/language and text/input languages, simplified chinese and traditional chinese are ticked as usual with handwriting options on !!!!

    Please search the forum for "chinese" to find the many other earlier posts about your issue, like

  • Help urgently needed, I have installed Logic Pro 9, since then my Final Cut Pro X keep freezing. Anyone what is wrong and how to solve it? I desperately need help on this. Thanks

    Help urgently needed, I have installed Logic Pro 9, since then my Final Cut Pro X keep freezing. Anyone what is wrong and how to solve it? I desperately need help on this. Apple support says I have to pay £85 for to help me. Thanks

    Just a word of advice. Never ever use the word "urgent" on this forum

  • Help Urgent please !!

    Hello, i've got an great problem:
    Ihave an frameset with 2 frames. these 2 frames should be loaded dynamicaly, that means i call the frameset
    the extraction of the sendet data works without problems and under Internet Explorer i can call the right frame by document.FrameName.href. But under Netscape it doesn't work.
    Do anybody of you know how i could call an frame out of the frameste under netscape?????

    Help Urgent please !!And the winner of this weeks Lest Perspicuous Subject Line - award goes to...
    "Help Urgent please !!"
    While including all the magic words "help", "urgent", and "please", multiple exclamation marks and some mis-capitalization, and not describing the actual message at all, it's not perfect in style: "urgent" is not written in all caps and there are too few exclamation marks. But the fact that the body of the post itself is totally off-topic is an amendment to failing in these.
    To the actual question I'd answer: have you tried checking the javascript reference?

  • I bought an iphone 5 on 01 February 2013 from your store to use in Turkey. But the phone is sim-locked. What can I do now?  Please help urgently.

    I bought an iphone 5 from apple store in Geneva to use in Turkey. But it is sim-locked. What can I do now. Please help urgently.

    Return it to the store where you purchased & get your money back. Either that, or call the store. No one here can help you, as there is no one from Apple here.

  • Oaf customization....please help urgent !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hi ,
    i have a requirement in my project where in i have to customize a standard page.
    i need to create a new region in the existing page (new EO,VO and region)
    for this i should download all the .xml and .class files from the server.tehse i can download to myclasses
    but i would like to know how to get the java files to myprojects.we will not get these from how will i get the .java files coz i need the main CO.VO .java files.
    please do help.

    Hi Ramya,
    As stated above, you have to decompile those files. Oracle does not provide java source of controller, vo etc.
    However, previously some issues has been noticed with jad java decompiler.Moreover its command line tool.
    Another good decompiler is jd-gui which is gui based tool and overcomes some of probs of jad.
    You can refer this thread.
    Source java OAF code... when Oracle will release it?
    Abdul Wahid

  • Dead bb curve 8520 SOS need help urgently

    hi guys
    I am experiencing several major issues
    1) my phone had been resetting itself a lot lately without reason and randomly. I then downgraded the OS from 5 to 4 then it continued to do the same so I did the removal of the vendor.xml file in the folder of my win 64 bit computer then the blackberry desktop manager, the BBSAK and the computer cannot find my phone. All it does is flash the LED several times in red and wont even restart or show some evidence of life. I have tried everything please help urgently!!!!!

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Please try this sequence...note that, throughout the entire 4h15m process, your BB must remain connected to a known-good wall charger (not PC USB):
    With the battery inside, connect your BB to the wall charger
    Leave it alone for 2 hours, no matter what the LED or the display does
    Remove the battery
    Wait 15 minutes
    Insert the battery
    Wait another 2 hours, no matter what the LED or the display does
    This has been known to "kick start" some BBs.
    It is also possible that your battery or BB has experienced a test, this sequence is needed:
    Obtain a known good and already fully charged additional battery...use it in your BB and see what happens
    Obtain access to a known good and identical BB...use your battery in it and see what happens
    The results of this will indicate if it's your BB or your battery that has the problem.
    Otherwise, please try this drastic method:
    KB27956 How to recover a BlackBerry smartphone from any state
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
    BSCF General Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

  • Please Help - Urgent

    Hi everyone, I�m having problems with Java Mail, I have just installed it along with the java activation framework, they are located in the following directories:
    JavaMail: C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\javamail-1_2[1]
    Java activation framework: C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\jaf1_0_1[1]
    I have the classpath set as: C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\mail.jar;C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\activation.jar
    When I try to compile the sample code provided with these packages, using Jbuilder 2 I get the following errors:
    Error (36): cannot access directory javax\mail.
    Error (37): cannot access directory javax\mail\internet.
    Error (209): class message not found in class msgsend.
    Error (210): class MessagingException not found in class msgsend
    Error (134): class Session not found in class msgsend
    Error (134): variable Session not found in class msgsend
    Error (139): class Message not found in class msgsend
    Error (139): class MimeMessage not found in class msgsend
    Error (141): class InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (145): cannot access class Message.RecipientType;neither class nor source found for Message.RecipientType.
    Error (146): Variable InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (148): cannot access class Message.RecipientType;neither class nor source found for Message.RecipientType.
    Error (149): Variable InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (151): cannot access class Message.RecipientType;neither class nor source found for Message.RecipientType.
    Error (152): Variable InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (162): Variable Transport not found in class msgsend
    Error (170): class Store not found in class msgsend
    Error (172): class URLName not found in class msgsend
    Error (172): class URLName not found in class msgsend
    Error (189): class Folder not found in class msgsend
    Error (195): Variable Folder not found in class msgsend
    Error (197): class Message not found in class msgsend
    Error (197): class Message not found in class msgsend
    If I try to use another Java package to compile it I get even more errors (52), I cannot compile it by using the Javac command line compiler, it just says �Bad command or file name�.
    Can anyone tell me Why this is happening and how I might be able to fix it please, I need to start learning Java Mail quickly but at the moment I can�t even begin to do this until I can understand how to get this sample code to work.
    Thanks Everyone

    First of all... don't post with topics like "Please Help - Urgent". The topic is supposed to reflect what the question is about.
    Secondly... think for a second. If mail.jar is in C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\javamail-1_2[1]... why are you with your classpath saying that mail.jar is in C:\jdk1.3.1\lib ?
    You classpath is supposed to point directly at you jar-files.

  • How to download garageband old version? i mean version 1.0 to install it on iphone 4s with ios 6.0.1??? please help urgently, how to download garageband old version? i mean version 1.0 to install it on iphone 4s with ios 6.0.1??? please help urgently

    how to download garageband old version? i mean version 1.0 to install it on iphone 4s with ios 6.0.1??? please help urgently, how to download garageband old version? i mean version 1.0 to install it on iphone 4s with ios 6.0.1??? please help urgently

    I did this a few weeks ago to be sure it was going to work for a young person I was giving my ipod to.  Then I reset the information for her and now it will not load.  Very sad.  She is so talented and she really needs this.   Anyone know?

  • I received an iCloud backup notification on my ipad mini but tapping "OK" does not remove it and therefore I am unable to do any activity on my ipad mini. please help urgent.

    I received an iCloud backup notification on my ipad mini but tapping "OK" does not remove it and therefore I am unable to do any activity on my ipad mini. please help urgent.??

    Have you tried a reset ? Press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider if it appears), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

Maybe you are looking for