I use BAPI_INB_DELIVERY_CHANGE to delete inbound deliveries. However, if the delivery has HUS assigned to it, the BAPI fails.
Is it possible to use this BAPI to cancel the HUS and delete the delivery?
I try to unpack and delete the HUs with BAPI_HU_UNPACK and BAPI_HU_DELETE, but it also fails.

Have you been able to delete a HU with FM BAPI_HU_DELETE_FROM_DEL ?
Anyways I can't finde that FM... Could it be that it doesn't exist in the version of SAP we have here?
Thanking you in advance.

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    Hello Experts,
    Instead of deleting the particular delivery line items, user has deleted the STO delivery completely by using VL02N transaction code. Now in the purchase order history we have only GR and invoice document related to STO. (We already reversed the billing and deleted the delivery)
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    Rifaie M

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    But in my case the delivery number itself deleted. I do not have delivery number in purchase order history. This has been deleted by the end user by mistakenly.
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                  One can not delete the sales order is the subsequent doc is exits If any delivery is done u can not delete he sales order. But U can short close the order by assiging the reason for rejection in sales order. But to delete the order u have to reverse PGI through VL09 and delete delivery through VL02N.
    Once u reverse/delete all the PGI and DELIVERY only then u r able to delete the sales order.
    Hope this will help you

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    Thank you!

    I don´t know if somebody has been in the same situation and could help or give us a solution:
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    Two possibilities
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    Thank you!

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    I dont think it is possible to track sale order reference for a deleted delivery through standard tcode.  Of course, you can see the deleted delivery details in MB51.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Deleted delivery and inspection lot  tracking

    dear all,
    i have an issue please guide me
    the senario is
    At my client , there is a delivery happening in  vl01n i will pick the required quanity  and  send the lot to the QM  for final doc audit then after the QC is passed it will released from the QM then i will do the Post Goods Issue .
    the problem is here in the client    i have created  a delivery document and i have picked the quantity and  issued for the final doc audit report , during that time the goods which have been picked will be in the Scheduled for delivery .
    Now if the quality check fails for( final doc auidit ( ie for pallletization ) or some nails and packing is not done properaly ) it has to go for rework for the final doc auidit .
    If the quantity is rejected and gone for rework.    i will have to delete the delivery document  and create a fresh delivery doccument .
    because only if i delete the delivery document  what ever the quanity is there in the Scheduled for delivery will be  moved backed to the Bonded store .
    and then only it is possible for the goods to be picked and send for QC and after QC pass  PGI will be done
    My problem is  is there any connection can be done from the deleted delivery document and the fresh delivery document
    so that
    i can able to track the inspection lot  generated in the both the deliveries   i.e ( the deleted one and the fresh delivery document for which the PGI is done )
    Based on this i can create a  zreport for the QCheck  , becasue the client wants to  have  a link between the inspection lots generated between the two delivery documents and based on that they wanted to track the inspection lot

    regarding  the link between two  delivery documents , as you are deleting the delivery the delivery document  is not there in any table so you wont get the link even in the document flow table. or delivery table .
    So its not feasible to generate link.
    I would suggest a different approach ,pl investigate more before you go ahead,
    You can have   seperate storage locations one with internal QC ,Other FG store and third final dispatch or BSR store.
    When material is transferred from production to quallity store a inspection lot is generated .once it is cleared QM will have stocks in FG store .Materials in FG store should be availble for final audit and only material which is approved in all respects in transferred to BSR store from where it is immediately dispatched. so QM and other departments can always access the stock in QM for internal inspection , rework an dfinal dispatch through store location instead of delivery tracking.
    I hope this helps

  • How to view deleted delivery

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    I have a sales order for which the delivery is deleted.I want to see the delivery details.I have the delivery number but am unable to find it either in vl03n or Likp table.
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    Thanks in advance.

    I solved this problem this way. Because the delivery is realy deleted from SAP you can use only a data paralely created with your delivery.
    VL22 - Change report - no all information are there
    MB51 - Material document list
    - Reference field of the selection screen is your deleted delivery number - insert with * before and after for exampel 80011313. You will get info about material movements related to your delivery. When you double-click material document there detail about article number, batches, partner/customer etc.
    I hope this help although this is a litle late after your question.

  • List of Deleted delivery note

    I am new end user on MM and to get list of delivery notes delited in past with username who deleted and material no qty and Sales Order no.
    I really need this to find who is deleting DN everyday. Why materila never moved out from W/H.
    Bipin Singh

    please check the below link:
    List of Deleted delivery note

  • Finding deleted Delivery Reference

    Great gurus
    Delivery is Sales Order Related. Once Delivery PGI is made . and afterword we Reverse the PGI, Delete the delivery. is there any way we can finde out the Delivery & Sales Order reference ( After deleting delivery ).

    Dear Babu,
    No we can't find the Delivery & Sales Order reference  After deleting delivery .
    I hope this will help you,

  • Deleted delivery order tracking

    Hi experts,
    I wanted to find out whether there is any way to find out all the deleted delivery orders. Any table stores these data?

    Check This Tables CDHDR and CDPOS .
    To know the deleted orders, go to CDPOS
    enter "VERKBELEG" in change document object.
    CHANGE_IND = 'D' .

  • Find ref.doc.of a deleted delivery

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    I would like to ask how can I find the reference documents of an already deleted delivery?
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    If you could please be so kind and inform me also about the relevant tables & fields which gives this information.
    Great thanks in advance.!!!
    Kind Regards

    As far as my knowledge goes, you will not be able to find out the sales order number by using a deleted delivery document number. The reason is, when you delete the delivery, the reference will be deleted from VBFA table which stores the details of document flow. As there is no reference maintained, you will not be able to retrive the data.
    However, you can try to get the sales order number if you know
    a. Customer PO number for which the sales order is created (VA02 / 03)
    b. Sold to party + Material combination (VA05)
    Hope this helps.
    Mukund S

  • OSS notes for a Deleted Delivery

    Hi Experts,
    We have a strange issue. One of the users deleted the deliveries for an order. We  now want to delete the Order too. But we are unable to track the order.
    Since delivery is deleted, it is not possible to identify the related Sales order number or the materials attached to the delivery.
    do we have any OSS note for this ?

    Dear Lakshmipathi,
    Thank you for your valuable suggestion. But we actually are trying to create a shadow table or a backup table to record the deleted delivery details in future. Could you suggest what this table should be like,how and what details should  we capture and how the new table should work in order to capture the deleted delivery details?
    Please let me knowif you have any possible suggestions for creating this shadow table.
    Thanks in Advance,


    Hi all
    i try delete delivery with the bapi BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE, but isn't don't.
    i don't know why, what's wrong
      loop at gt_likp assigning <gs_likp>.
        gf_delivery = <gs_likp>-vbeln.
        gs_header_data-deliv_numb = <gs_likp>-vbeln.
        gs_header_control-deliv_numb = <gs_likp>-vbeln.
        gs_header_control-dlv_del = 'X'.
        call function 'BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE'
            header_data                   = gs_header_data
            header_control                = gs_header_control
            delivery                      = gf_delivery
    *       TECHN_CONTROL                 =
    *       HEADER_DATA_SPL               =
    *       HEADER_CONTROL_SPL            =
    *       SENDER_SYSTEM                 =
    *       HEADER_PARTNER                =
    *       HEADER_PARTNER_ADDR           =
    *       HEADER_DEADLINES              =
    *       ITEM_DATA                     =
    *       ITEM_CONTROL                  =
    *       ITEM_SERIAL_NO                =
    *       SUPPLIER_CONS_DATA            =
    *       EXTENSION1                    =
    *       EXTENSION2                    =
            return                        = gt_bapiret2
    *       TOKENREFERENCE                =
    *       ITEM_DATA_SPL                 =
    *       COLLECTIVE_CHANGE_ITEMS       =

    1) Use BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT after Bapi.
    2) Check whether any subsequent documents has been created against the delivery (Refer to VBFA table).

  • Bdc to delete delivery

    hi guyz,
    i  wanna delete delivery  i 've got the bdc and i have to use it se38 .
         0000     T     VA02     
    SAPMV45A     0102     X          
         0000          BDC_CURSOR     VBAK-VBELN
         0000          BDC_OKCODE     /00
         0000          VBAK-VBELN     
    SAPMV45A     4001     X          
         0000          BDC_OKCODE     /ELOES
    at the moment im using
    clear: bdcdata, messtab.
      refresh: bdcdata, messtab.
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A' '0102'.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'VBAK-VBELN'
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'VBAK-VBELN'
    does this work to delete the delivery...or ...i have to smother thing...plz advise..

    Hi Sudheer,
       You can directly use the FM OIK_SD_DELETE_DELIVERY to delete a delivery.

  • Can the deleted delivery document make live

    Dear Friends,
    Pl tell me how to make the deleted delivery document live.
    Case:  User has deleted the delivery doucument after doing the excise invoice (of STO).  Now they cannot cancel the exice invoice.

    Hi ,
    If this a prforma invoice you can goto vf02 then billing docs and complete the invoive the invoice aotumatically cancel.
    If u r problem has solve reward points.

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