Batch actions gone gray

I deleted Photoshop CC and PhotoElemnts 5 and now when I go to batch under file menu it is grayed out in Photoshop CS6. Where are the batch options and have all my self created batch options gone?
I am using Windows 7

I guess no one knows. I have found some CC files mixed in with the CS3 photoshop files I am going to reload CS6. Lucky I order it in disk form.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .
Obviously CC used some common file for the storage.which were deleted when I removed CC.

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    docuscapes1 wrote:
    how do you get to user library preferences.  can't find it in the c drive
    The terms you used, "user library" and "c drive" are from Mac and PC architectures respectively.  Read the information at the link I posted more carefully - there are different sections for Mac and PC.
    Keep in mind the AppData folder is usually hidden by Microsoft,
    Also know that Adobe hasn't updated that page to include specific locations for CC 2014, so you have to look around just a bit when you get to the deepest folder.
    As an example, here's where my preferences are on Windows 8.1:
    C:\Users\NoelC\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014

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    Batch using tools menu from Bridge to reach Photoshop should work as expected in both CS4 and CS5. If not then there is something wrong on either your system or install.
    Go to Bridge CS5 preference and look for the section Start Up Scripts and see if there is still a Start Up Script for Photoshop CS5 present and with a checkmark in front for activation. If not try first to restart bridge holding down option key and choose refresh preferences. This should retrieve the original Start Up scripts again.
    If your command save as is not available check the action and see what the save path for that acton is. If it is a copied action from an other system changes are that it still contains the save path for the old drive and if the script can't find it it provides a warning message.
    Also check if the drive you save to has both read and write permission.

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    One of my customer bring me a pdf files composed by 147 pages.
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    - saved the action as "MyActionWillSaveMeLOTofTime";
    - File -> Automate -> Batch -> select folder with pdf file, select action and run
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    - original pdf file 3.4MB -> final pdf file 98MB
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    Or any other software that can do that (hopefully free, I can't buy an expensive program for that feature only).

    1. Why dont u try it in pdf itself?
    U can just crop the required area in pdf file using crop tool so it can be applied for all the pages at a time.
    2. If u trying to remove particular area on a pdf u can place a white box on that area using pitstop tool it can be saved as actionlist like batch processing and applied for any number of pages and files.
    Making this in pdf itself won't get u more file size. Size will be as equal as ur source file.

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    How does one resume the batch where on image # 3001? thanks.

    The script folder would have had zero files as the ones that are ticked are located in different folders and they are for inter-comunication between apps.
    Yes that was a basic script Kevin, I have now uploaded a newer version that you can select files by file type and use subfolders if required. Have also implemented Fit Image so that Landscape and Portait can be different sizes. f0d2e7931#p17676
    Adding a watermark is not possible in Bridge but it would still be faster to do that many files in two steps as Photoshop would not be opening huge files.
    I have another script for Photoshop "Picture Processor" f0d2e7931#p17675
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    All in all they are just tools to help a workflow.

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    Batch sequences are saved locally as SEQU files, which can be copied from one computer to another.
    To find out the exact location(s) of these files on your computer, run this from the JavaScript console:

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    Also with java script.
    and as that states it is a menu command...
    Edit->Paste on all Artboards
    What version are you running?

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    Thanks for the Help In Advance

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    any suggestions I am using CS2 Photoshop.

    When you created your action you probably recorded a File > Save as... (.jpg) commanfd and specified Desktop for the test file, as Geoff noted.
    When you engage the Batch dialog, specify the Destination folder AND as unintuitive as it sounds turn on option "(x) Override action 'save as' commands." That should get you over the hump.

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    Obviously you mean Photoshop CS6, not "PS 6"  which is from the last millennium.
    1st.—  Make sure your Photoshop is updated to Photoshop CS6 version 13.0.6.
    Due to the current unavailability of clairvoyants and mind-readers in the forum, we respectfully request you supply sensible, complete details.
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster).
    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Overriding prompts in Batch Action command

    I have a question about using Find and Replace in an Action.
    For a bar chart with negative values, Illustrator will generate the value on the axis using a hyphen (e.g., -1, -2, -3). I would like to change the hyphens to en dashes (–1, –2, –3).
    I have 150 graphs, so the easiest way to do this would be to use an batch action on all graphs in a folder. I first flatten the graph and then do a find-and-replace:
    The trouble is that I get prompted at each find and replace:
    Of course I can click Find, Replace All, OK, Done each time, but this essentially defeats the purpose of creating an action.
    Is it possible to suppress the Find and Replace window and set the action to Replace All without prompting?

    Did you try clicking here to turn off the dialog? If you set up the Find Replace first it should work.

  • Batch Actions CS5!!!

    I'm having major issues with Mac Photoshop CS5 Batch Actions.
    Before I begin, I have:
    -  Downloaded the latest patch
    And I cannot:
    -  Use an older version of CS
    That being said:
    Batch processing does not seem to work no matter what I do and droplets do really odd things - or don't run the action at all.
    Basically, I need to automatically open files at 300 dpi, resize, change background color (all fine) - and here's the major problem - export as optimized JPEGs with the original file name (just .jpg obviously).
         -  By the way, does anyone know how to change that "File Open Options" default???  It opens PDF's at 300 dpi by default, but I need to open/rasterize AI files at 300.  It does not remember my last setting and there seems to be no way to change it - MUCH appreciated if anyone knows!!!
    Anyway, issues:
    - It only works if I open the files one at a time and hit "play" on my action.
    - If I use Batch, it:
         -  Comes up with a new file name for my file.
              -  Even if "Suppress Action Save" is selected, even when it is not selected.
              -  Even when Save and Close is selected
              -  Even when None is selected
         -  Opens each file, creates two different file names, then won't save a third at all and starts rewriting over the first two..???
    -  If I create a Droplet, it:
         -  Doesn't run the action at all
         -  Does the same wonky things as the Batch.
    My workload dictates that I process hundreds of files with this action in various permutations every day.  I've seen other answers which include "just keep pressing the play button one at a time" - that is what I'm doing now and it's too time consuming.  Also, it makes no sense to me that it works as an action with no problems, but the batch process keeps messing it up!   At any rate, I cannot stop at every file and select - yes, open at 300 dpi, yes, open at 300 dpi - click the action and wait for the save to finish so I'm hoping someone knows how to get this to work properly.
    I've put a small screen grab below of the basic action.  Please give me the magic settings to make the batch part work???
    Thank you in advance!!!!!

    Ok, we're getting there!  The "Open As Smart Object" helped with the 
    300 dpi problem (yeeeeah!).
    The last part - I don't know if we can fix this.
    The file naming convention for this company is:
    So basically it's a long alphanumeric with a period IN the file name.  
    (I know, stupid, but that's the way it is).
    When I run the "Save for Web" option and do nothing with the file 
    name, it truncates my file name and removes all the numbers after the 
    So it looks like this:
    Original:  wes0140cmyk.693876.eps
    Final:     wes0140cmyk.jpg
    Any way we can get that not to happen?
    Thanks you've been enormously helpful!
    Quoting MTSTUNER <[email protected]>:
    For eps files try an open as generic eps step at the beginning of the action
    and for the export step (save for web), don't change the name  
    suggested by the
    save for web dialog and save to the folder where you want eps files saved.
    Leave the other steps including the close without saving step.
    Set the batch dialog as below and the create droplet dialog in a similar way.

  • Running Batch Actions in Bridge causes PS's Preferences window to open repeatedly

    I just upgraded to CC at work, and ever since I've had a problem when I batch run Photoshop Actions from Bridge.
    I have some simple Actions set up in PS to do some conversions for large batches of images (convert to RGB, resize, change DPI, etc.). But when I run them from Bridge like I always have, it causes Photoshop to open the Preferences window to the "Units & Rulers" tab. And that, unfortunately, pauses the batch conversion until I close the Preferences window. This happens at least once per file, but usually twice. Pretty annoying.
    I never had this problem when I was using CS6, but just in case there was some sort of incompatibility with my old Actions, I remade one of them in CC, but the Preferences window still pops up.
    This only happens when I run Batch Actions from Bridge. When I run the Action on a single file from PS, it works fine.
    Any ideas? Maybe I've found a new bug?

    BTW, I was able to get around this problem by opening all the files I wanted to run the Action on using Bridge, then manually triggering the Batch dialog via Photoshop and using the 'Source: Opened Files' option:
    Using this system, I didn't get any errors. Luckily, I also didn't have a huge number of files. If I did, I'd probably have to copy them all into a temp folder using Bridge, then run using 'Source: Folder'. Definitely a pain when they are all right there in Bridge ready to be batched.

Maybe you are looking for