Batch Processing RAW to jpg

I've read the tutorials and have been at this for over an hour, but I can't get a droplet created to batch process my RAW images to jpg.
The only thing I've been able to do is to create an action that converts only 1 RAW image (the one I used in setting up the action) to jpg, successfully.
But everytime I run this action, it uses the same original photo. And I can create a droplet from this action.
I know this is basic to many of you, but I'd great appreciate some help.
(PS: using Lightroom and PS CS2)

Will, this is not exactly what you are looking for but maybe this will help you if you own Photoshop CS2 or CS3.
1. Configure LR to automatically update the XMP section of your DNG files.
2. Use LR to tweak the images in your "watched folder"
3. Copy the processed DNG files to the destination folder on your network drive. You can do this manually or use apps like SyncToy on XP.
4. use the ImageProcessor script in Photoshop CS2 to create JPGs. (Ensure that you use ACR 3.7 in CS2)
4.1 specify the folder "customerName/rawfiles/" as source and target. ImageProcessor will create a JPG folder automatically
4.2 (optional) Use Actions within the ImageProcessor script to leverage sharpening solutions like PhotoKit Sharpener which are momentarily better that the sharpening LR offers.

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  • Batch process RAW exposures, please help!

    Hello, I'm new to photoshop scripting for windows, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to batch process a folder of raw files, change the the raw's exposure, and save as jpg to another folder, based on a condition within the file's name, then close the opended jpg  document.
    My goal is to have a script that extracts the correct exposures from sets of three bracketed raw files, which I usually have seperated by 2 EV's.  So for example, say I have a folder Called Batch Processing on the C drive, and I have two folders,
    C:\Batch Processing\JPG
    C:\Batch Processing\RAW
    and in the RAW folder I have some files called,
    If the file has "_E01" at the end, I want to open that raw file, change the exposure to -4, save the file with the same name, except the last 4 characters, and add some number to the end, so for example, it would end up being "Image_01" + "_E01".  This would end up being saved to the JPG folder. Then open up the same file, change the exposure to -2 and save as "Image_01" + "_E02".
    To make this post short, here is the conversion table I'm trying to achieve -
    Image_01_E01.cr2 -> Image_01_E01.jpg Exposure = -4
    Image_01_E01.cr2 -> Image_01_E02.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E03.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E04.jpg Exposure = 0
    Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E05.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_01_E03.cr2 -> Image_01_E06.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_01_E03.cr2 -> Image_01_E07.jpg Exposure = 4
    After that, close all open files. Then, if there is another set of raws, repeat for them as well. For example -
    Image_02_E01.cr2 -> Image_02_E01.jpg Exposure = -4
    Image_02_E01.cr2 -> Image_02_E02.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E03.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E04.jpg Exposure = 0
    Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E05.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_02_E03.cr2 -> Image_02_E06.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_02_E03.cr2 -> Image_02_E07.jpg Exposure = 4
    So basically this script would take 3 raws seperated by 2 EV's and extract 7 exposures, seperated by 2 EV's.  I've done this manually, and merged them to hdr, and the results are actually pretty decent. 
    I tried doing this with actions and batch processing, but I had to have everything seperated in individual folders like E01, E02, etc. and I had to make an action for each step in the process.
    I know this is probably a lot to ask, but I think it can be done, and I would of course credit the person in the script for helping.
    Thanks in advance!

    I think I was able to make a function to get the exposure time from the raw's xmp file. So the xmp file has to already be saved with the exposure time in the exif section.
    function getEV(thumb){
        var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
        var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
            if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
                file.encoding = "UTF8";
                file.lineFeed = "unix";
      "r", "TEXT", "????");
                var xmpStr =;
                var xmpStr='';
            var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
            var exposureTime = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime');
            if(exposureTime  == undefined) exposureTime = 1;
        return exposureTime;
    I was able to use the ui you put together from your hdr script, and used the functions from your cr2 script, to make the raw converter script. I've added a drop down list for the different conversion, and I added an option to either enter the exposure time for the middle exposure, or use the xmp's exposure time instead. So far I've only added a straight conversion method, where the files are converted, without any modifications, the 3 raw, and 5 raw conversion methods. Here's the script -
    #target photoshop
    function main(){
        Prefs = {};
            var desc1 = app.getCustomOptions('0bafbed0-0bc7-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66');
            Prefs = eval(desc1.getString(0));
            Prefs.folder1 = Folder("~/desktop");
            Prefs.folder2 = Folder("~/desktop");
            Prefs.bits = false;
        var win = new Window( 'dialog', 'RAW Converter' );
        g =;
        var myBrush = g.newBrush(g.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0.91, 0.91, 0.91, 1]);
        g.backgroundColor = myBrush;
        win.orientation = 'row';
        win.p1 = win.add("panel", undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:"etched"});
        win.g1 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g1.orientation = "row";
        win.title = win.g1.add('statictext',undefined,'RAW to JPEG Converter');
        win.title.alignment = "fill";
        var g =;
        g.font = ScriptUI.newFont("Georgia","BOLDITALIC",22);
        win.g5 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g5.orientation = "row";
        win.g5.alignment = 'left';
        win.g5.spacing = 10;
        win.g5.st1 = win.g5.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select input folder');
        win.g10 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g10.orientation = "row";
        win.g10.alignment = 'left';
        win.g10.spacing = 10;
        win.g10.et1 = win.g10.add('edittext');
        win.g10.et1.preferredSize = [400,20];
        win.g10.et1.enabled = false;
        win.g10.bu1 = win.g10.add('button',undefined,'Browse');
        win.g10.bu1.onClick = function() {
            InputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Input folder",Prefs.folder1);
            if(InputFolder != null){
                win.g10.et1.text = decodeURI(InputFolder.fsName);
        win.g15 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g15.orientation = "row";
        win.g15.alignment = 'left';
        win.g15.spacing = 10;
        win.g15.st1 = win.g15.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select output folder');
        win.g20 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g20.orientation = "row";
        win.g20.alignment = 'left';
        win.g20.spacing = 10;
        win.g20.et1 = win.g20.add('edittext');
        win.g20.et1.preferredSize = [400,20];
        win.g20.et1.enabled = false;
        win.g20.bu1 = win.g20.add('button',undefined,'Browse');
        win.g20.bu1.onClick = function() {
            OutputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Output folder",Prefs.folder2);
            if(OutputFolder != null){
                win.g20.et1.text = decodeURI(OutputFolder.fsName);
        win.g30 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g30.orientation = "row";
        win.g30.alignment = 'right';
        win.g30.spacing = 10;
        win.g30.st1 = win.g30.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select conversion method');
        win.g30.dd1 = win.g30.add('dropdownlist');
        win.g30.dd1.preferredSize = [200,20];
        var ConversionList = [];
        ConversionList[0] = "Straight Conversion";
        ConversionList[1] = "Bracketed 3x2EV to 7x2EV";
        ConversionList[2] = "Bracketed 5x2EV to 9x2EV";
        for(var x in ConversionList){
            win.g30.dd1.add('item', ConversionList[x].toString());
        win.g30.dd1.selection = 0;
        var ConversionSel = win.g30.dd1.selection.text.toString();
        win.g40 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g40.orientation = "row";
        win.g40.alignment = 'right';
        win.g40.spacing = 10;
        win.g40.st2 = win.g40.add('statictext',undefined,'Please enter the exif exposure time of middle exposure');
        win.g40.et1 = win.g40.add('edittext',undefined,'1');
        win.g40.et1.enabled = true;
        var TVsel = win.g40.et1.text.toString();
        win.g50 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g50.orientation = "row";
        win.g50.alignment = 'right';
        win.g50.spacing = 10;
        win.g50.cb1 = win.g50.add('checkbox',undefined,'Use XMP exposure time instead');
        win.g50.cb1.helpTip = "Uses the xmp file's exposure time for the middle exposure instead";
        win.g300 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g300.orientation = "row";
        win.g300.alignment = 'center';
        win.g300.spacing = 10;
        win.g300.bu1 = win.g300.add('button',undefined,'Process');
        win.g300.bu1.preferredSize = [240,30];
        win.g300.bu2 = win.g300.add('button',undefined,'Cancel');
        win.g300.bu2.preferredSize = [240,30];
        win.g300.bu1.onClick = function(){
            if(win.g10.et1.text == ''){
                alert("Input folder has not been selected!");
            if(win.g20.et1.text == ''){
                alert("Output folder has not been selected!");
            Prefs.folder1 = InputFolder;
            Prefs.folder2 = OutputFolder;
            var progressBar = function(title) {
                var w = new Window( 'palette', ' '+title, {x:0, y:0, width:340, height:60} ),
                pb = w.add( 'progressbar', {x:20, y:12, width:300, height:12}, 0, 100 ),
                st = w.add( 'statictext', {x:10, y:36, width:320, height:20}, '' );
                st.justify = 'center';
                this.reset = function( msg,maxValue ) {
                    st.text = msg;
                    pb.value = 0;
                    pb.maxvalue = maxValue||0;
                    pb.visible = !!maxValue;
                this.hit = function() { ++pb.value; };
                this.hide = function() { w.hide(); };
                this.close = function() { w.close(); };
       = function() {; };
                this.update = function() { w.update(); };
                this.layout = function() { w.layout.layout(); };
            function doPbar(){
            var count = 0;
            var group0 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|srf| sr2)$/i);
            var group1 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e01.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group2 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e02.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group3 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e03.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group4 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e04.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group5 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e05.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            count += group0.length;
            count += group1.length;
            count += group2.length;
            count += group3.length;
            count += group4.length;
            count += group5.length;
            if (count <1) return;
            if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 0) {
                var pBar = new progressBar("RAW to JPEG Straight Conversion");
                pBar.reset("Processing Files", (group1.length*2));
                for(var a in group0){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group0[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group0[a]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + ".jpg" );
            } else
            if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 1) {
                var pBar = new progressBar("3 RAWs by 2 EV to 7 JPEGs by 2 EV");
                pBar.reset("Processing E01 Files", (group1.length*2));
                for(var a in group1){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group1[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e01$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[a]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E01.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E02.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E02 Files", (group2.length*3));
                for(var b in group2){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group2[b].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e02$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[b]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E03.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E04.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E05.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E03 Files", (group3.length*2));
                for(var c in group3){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group3[c].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e03$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[c]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E06.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E07.jpg" );
            } else
            if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 2) {
                var pBar = new progressBar("5 RAWs by 2 EV to 9 JPEGs by 2 EV");
                pBar.reset("Processing E01 Files", (group1.length*2));
                for(var a in group1){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group1[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e01$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[a]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E01.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E02 Files", (group2.length*3));
                for(var b in group2){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group2[b].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e02$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[b]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E02.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E03.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E03 Files", (group3.length*3));
                for(var c in group3){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group3[c].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e03$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[c]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E04.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E05.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E06.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E04 Files", (group4.length*3));
                for(var d in group4){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group4[d].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e04$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[d]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E07.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E08.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E05 Files", (group3.length*2));
                for(var e in group5){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group5[e].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e05$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[e]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E09.jpg" );
            var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
            desc2.putString(0, Prefs.toSource());
            app.putCustomOptions('0bafbed0-0bc7-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66', desc2, true );
            }catch(e){alert(e + " - " +e.line);};;
        app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    function ExifEV(Input,Multiplier) {
        var EVval = Math.abs(eval(Input)*eval(Multiplier)); // Positive Decimal
        var EVvalN = 1; // Numerator
        var EVvalD = 1; // Denominator
        if (EVval < 0.5) EVvalD = Math.floor(1/EVval); else // For values less than 1/2
        // For values greater than 1/2 or values less than 1-1/2, returns 1000ths
        if (EVval < 1 || EVval > 1) {
            EVvalN = Math.floor(EVval*1000);
            EVvalD = 1000;
        } else                                   
        if (EVval > 1.5) EVvalN = Math.floor(EVval); // For values greater than 1-1/2
        return String(EVvalN + "/" + EVvalD); // Return fraction
    function getEV(thumb){
        var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
        var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
            if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
                file.encoding = "UTF8";
                file.lineFeed = "unix";
      "r", "TEXT", "????");
                var xmpStr =;
                var xmpStr='';
            var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
            var exposureTime = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime');
            if(exposureTime  == undefined) exposureTime = 1;
        return exposureTime;
    function setEV(thumb,evValue){
        var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
        var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
            if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
                file.encoding = "UTF8";
                file.lineFeed = "unix";
      "r", "TEXT", "????");
                var xmpStr =;
                var xmpStr='';
            var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
            var exposureValue = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure");
            xmp.deleteProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure");
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure",Number(evValue));
            file.encoding = "UTF8";
            file.lineFeed = "unix";
            file.write( xmp.serialize() );
            if(exposureValue  == undefined) exposureValue = 0;
        return exposureValue;
    function putXMPData(fileName,exposureTime,evValue){
        if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject('lib:AdobeXMPScript');
        var xmpf = new XMPFile(fileName.fsName, XMPConst.FILE_UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE | XMPConst.OPEN_USE_SMART_HANDLER );
        var xmp = xmpf.getXMP();
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'Make', 'Canon');
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'Model', 'Canon EOS REBEL T1i');
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime', exposureTime);
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'FNumber', '63/10');
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, 'Exposure',Number(evValue));
            if (xmpf.canPutXMP(xmp)) {
    function SaveForWeb(saveFile,jpegQuality) {
        var sfwOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
        sfwOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
        sfwOptions.includeProfile = false;
        sfwOptions.interlaced = 0;
        sfwOptions.optimized = true;
        sfwOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
        activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfwOptions);
    The script seems to work decent, so I plan on adding the other conversions I mentioned earlier, to it.  If there is a way of getting the exposure time directly from the raw file, please let me know.

  • Batch Processing Raw to jpeg issue

    Hello All,
    I'm having issues converting raw files to jpeg using batch processing. When I go to open the raw files, bridge automatically opens an editor and I cannot record these actions within photoshop. What gives? Anyway to skip the editor or have PS record the action of me clicking "open image"? Or can I batch save within bridge to jpeg?
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Yes, thanks for the help. I had done that already once without the results I wanted, it was still bringing up the raw editor. After trying it again, I realize now it only does that for the first file, the rest of the batch continues opening without bringing up the editor each time. Thanks again.

  • Batch convert Raw to jpg with EXIF data

    I would like to batch convert RAW images files to jpeg format while preserving the EXIF data.  Is there any way to do this with the built-in apps in OS X Mavericks?
    This used to be possible with using the "Export Selected Images..." command.  However, as of Mavericks, that command does not correctly copy EXIF data for the individual images.  Instead, the EXIF data for the first image is used in all of the exported images. So is now pretty much useless for converting batches of RAW files.
    Can anyone point me to a workaround in, or an alternative way to do this conversion in Mavericks?
    I should add that I don't want to import all my images into iPhoto.  I prefer to use regular folders to organize my images rather than the walled library that iPhoto creates.

    Andrew Shalit wrote:
    I used iPhoto for many years and found it to be cumbersome and more trouble than it was worth.  It did not let me manage, organize, rate, tag, and edit my photos in any way approaching convenience. 
    Hate to say this for the 3rd time, but use Canon's "DPP" (Digital Photo Professional).
    With it you can "manage, organize, rate, tag, and edit [your] photos" as well as batch convert to jpeg or othet formats.

  • Cs6 problem with batch from raw to jpg

    I recently have problem when I want to batch raw files in bridge and convert them to jpg. it gives me errow message as: The command "Save" is not currently available. (-25920)
    I try all possible ways but it doesn't work. I try to process files - script- image processor but in this way doesn't work eather. different computer works just fine with same files and using same workflow.
    Just few weeks back I was able to do all my work without problem. Please HELP,HELP,HELP

    Andrew Shalit wrote:
    I used iPhoto for many years and found it to be cumbersome and more trouble than it was worth.  It did not let me manage, organize, rate, tag, and edit my photos in any way approaching convenience. 
    Hate to say this for the 3rd time, but use Canon's "DPP" (Digital Photo Professional).
    With it you can "manage, organize, rate, tag, and edit [your] photos" as well as batch convert to jpeg or othet formats.

  • How to batch convert RAW to JPG in Lightroom?

    Hi. I want to convert a large portion of my older RAW files to JPG, to free up some hard drive space. Is there a way to do that in Lightroom (or perhaps Bridge)?
    Thanks for any help.

    Export as jpg, checking add to catalog and then delete the originals. This will be a mistake. Keep your original files or you will regret it one day. If you need to save space that badly then convert the Raw files to DNG.

  • Batch processing of white balance with RAW photo's in v.5

    I have the plugin for RAW to use with Photoshop Elements 5.0 but there doesn't seem to be a way to correct a whole group of photos in raw for white balance or some other correction in a batch. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe this can't be done in Elements.

    Elements doesn't have the ability to Batch Process RAW files like you want.
    You could make a Batch Conversion to JPEGS, PSD or TIF but each image gets the same default adjustments. I think you could save a new default with your adjustments and then this would get applied in the process. You'd need to remember to go back the Camera Defaults afterwards.
    The only other thing available is the Previous Conversion feature but this still means processing the images one by one.

  • Photoshop CS5 crashes during batch process

    I got about 100 pictures. Trying to: resize+save for web...
    Photoshop converts few files and...crashes.
    I presume that's a configuration problem - neither scratch disk nor memory should not be the cause although here are some parameters:
    My mac:
    Mac OS X (10.6.4)
    2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    4GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    HDD 320 GB (289 free space)
    Pictures res: 5616x3744px
    Picture format: .jpg
    Has anyone solved problem like this (or similar)?

    I have the same problem, cs5 crashes when I start batching files (raw to jpg save in my case). Sometimes after 10 sometime after 200... it's really weird. And yes it does close the files with the action I use... The crashes are really bad as it does something like a shut down which closes all programms, this also prevents crash report to open! It crashes also when I do a batching on opened files. I installed all updates and everthing, even reinstalled the programm, still the same problem :(. I still have cs4 on my mac and there batching works perfectly fine without any problems! Also for anything else cs5 works perfectly well, only batching causes me headaches.

  • Batch processing web pages from jpgs made from color corrected Camera Raw files

    I processed and color corrected a set of photos shot in camera raw, then saved as tiffs. Then I set Photoshop to Batch process them into a web slide show. The images turned out looking like the raw files before processing....kind of desaturated, since they were shot on a grey day. So then i re-saved the raw files as jpgs and hypersaturated them to see if that would produce better results, but it did not. They looked almost as grey as the original raw files. I usually add saturation to files that will end up on the web, because ImageReady always seems to desaturate color.
    I'm running Mac OS4.1 and CS2.
    Thanks, Suzanne

    converting your images to the sRGB color space before processing and/or saving them for web display. ALWAYS. Remember to use CONVERT to profile not

  • Is there a way to batch process color corrected RAW files to tif files?

    I got over 160 color corrected RAW files from my photographer when I thought I was getting TIf or PSD files. I need to put them into an indesign doc to send out for printing. Is there a way to convert all of these in one fell swoop without messing up the work that has already been done? I didn't allow in my timing to save each one individually since i didn't know I was going to need ot do this. I am really unfamiliar with batch processing, so no idea how to best go about this, or if I even can. Please help. I am working in Photoshop CS6. version 13.06 x 64

    An easy way is to open Bridge, select the images then click on Tools/Image processor.  You can then save as jpg, psd, or tiff.
    Hope this helps.

  • Batch Processing Issues - RAW to JPEG in CS3

    Hi folks,
    I recently upgraded to CS3 form CS2. Over the weekend, I spent several hours tweaking/adjusting about 200 RAW images in Bridge, that I need to convert to JPGs. I used a Photoshop Batch action that I created some time back in CS2 to convert the images from RAW ("Save As" as JPG), but it didn't include any of the adjustments that I made to the images during the conversion process, because I had Ignore/Suppress Open Dialog checked. I unchecked that, and re-ran the action but am now being prompted to open each image. I then modified the action to include the "Open" command. Running the script now still doesn't quite seem to work as I'd expected. The only adjustment that is incorporated is cropping, but it doesn't process any of the tonal/color balance adjustments. All images have the modification icon on them, indicating that changes were made, but the Photoshop Batch command isn't incorporating them when opened via the Batch Processing command. Any suggestions on how to get this to work?
    I'm also very open to any other suggestions one may have on converting adjusted Camera RAW images to JPEG.

    <[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />>I am having the same issue as the user above (kappabear)... I am going to <br />>try the same options that PShock (Phil) gave...but what if I need to call <br />>someone for assistance..(I'll even pay for support, because when I called <br />>Adobe...they had no idea of what I was talking about)... Is there someone <br />>that can give pay support???<br />><br />> I too just upgraded to CS3 and have a wedding to get out today, and 700 <br />> images to save from RAW to JPG with many changes... Problem, I have a 6:00 <br />> am flight to catch in the morning and I still need to pack.. (ANY HELP <br />> from ANYONE would be greatly appreciated..)<br /><br />Ron,<br />Due to news server propagation time issues, I'm seeing your post before the <br />original one.  I'm guessing others may be experiencing the same thing.<br /><br />Normally, I'd just wait for the earlier post to show up, but you're in a <br />hurry.  If you post again, and include enough of the post you are replying <br />to, you may get more responses before your flight in the morning.<br />-- <br />Mike Russell  -

  • Can I use Organizer to change the .jpg size of all photos in a folder in one batch process?

    We're using wa-a-ay too much disk space for a growing photo collection.   My daughter is a camera freak with four kids -- need I say more? 
    In my current test folder the sizes of the original photos range from 2.3 MB to 4.2 MB.  I picked one photo at random and printed the original and then three more, saved by PSE9 as .jpg files at maximum, middle, and minimum quality settings on plain letter-size paper, and again on 4x6 photo paper.  It takes a magnifying glass and a calibrated eyeball to detect a difference on the plain paper, and it's even more difficult on the photo paper.  I think I should relieve the pressure on the hard drive's capacity by reducing everything to a more reasonable size; after all, the minimum-quality print takes up less than one percent of the disk space as does the maximum-quality print.
    I have a hunch that I can accomplish this in a batch process with Organizer, but that's all I have is the hunch -- not the know-how.   I would like someone to step me through the process.
    I also expect a lecture on why I shouldn't do this.  Go for it; I'll listen.
    Thanks,  Bud

    BudV a écrit:
    I also expect a lecture on why I shouldn't do this.  Go for it; I'll listen.
    You are the one to judge... Will you regret it if you want to use some pictures with the original size and resolution at a later time?
    Yes, you can use either the organizer or the 'process multiple files' command of the editor. But first you should think about two questions:
    - Are you ready to backup the full resolution and size files before the 'shrinking'? External USB drives with big capacities are available and affordable.
    - From what you are saying, the optimal size would be for files resized for 4" x 6" format at 300 ppi in jpeg quality 8 to 10.
    Resizing from the Editor: Use the 'process multiple files' command and click the 'Same as source' button. I would not do it without a sound backup first... This can be done folder by folder.
    Resizing from the Organizer : Use the 'Export' command. That command leaves the original and puts the resulting files in a new folder. The resulting files are NOT included in the catalog.This means that keeping your organization (categories, albums, tags...) will be tricky; same if you are using a folder organization system.
    Another solution with a third party software such as Faststone photo resizer:
    - Absolutely do a full backup before
    - run the resizing options in the external software so that the files are resized without being moved. That replaces the originals.
    - If you are using the organizer, your organization will be kept, but the file sizes in the catalog and thumbnail databases will be wrong. You can regenerate the thumbnail cache by deleting the thumbs.5.cache file in your catalog folder; it will be automatically rebuilt.
    That has worked for me in the past... no guarantee for you!

  • Bridge/ACR don't translate settings to batch processed JPGs/PDFs

    I edit a batch of RAW images in ACR via Bridge, hit "done" and then send them to Image Processor to create JPGS or use the Output Module in Bridge CC to make a PDF. Sometimes the settings I just applied in ACR don't translate to the JPGs and/or Output PDFs.

    This forum is actually about the Cloud, not about using individual programs
    Once your program downloads and installs with no errors, you need the program forum
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • How to use batch processing with jpg pictures taken with iphone cameras?

    How to use batch processing with jpg pictures taken with iphone cameras?

    Open the editor . Go to file>process multiple files
    Sent from my iPad

  • Camera Raw adjustments not applying to batch process

    Hey friends,
    On a 2008 iMac running 10.5.7, latest version of Camera Raw & Bridge/Photoshop, I opened 650 Canon 5D raw files in Camera Raw, made adjustments to most of those files, then clicked Done.
    In Bridge Im batch processing all the files to Jpeg, now in Bridges thumbnails I can see all the adjustments I did in Camera Raw were applied, but yet when I batch process them, no adjustments are being applied, any idea what the issue could be?

    Thomas Knoll
    1. Jul 28, 2007 5:51 PM in response to:                                     (bp)
    Re: Warning serious issue with ACR edits not updating
    How did you record the Photoshop batch action? Make sure the "Image Setting" item is checked in the setting flyout menu when recording any actions that open raw image if you want each image's setting to be used.
    The preview building process in Bridge has nothing to do whatsoever with the saving of image settings.
    Also, if you are using any PhotoKit product, you need to update to the most recent version.

Maybe you are looking for

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