Batch Processing Raw to jpeg issue

Hello All,
I'm having issues converting raw files to jpeg using batch processing. When I go to open the raw files, bridge automatically opens an editor and I cannot record these actions within photoshop. What gives? Anyway to skip the editor or have PS record the action of me clicking "open image"? Or can I batch save within bridge to jpeg?
Thanks in advance for your help,

Yes, thanks for the help. I had done that already once without the results I wanted, it was still bringing up the raw editor. After trying it again, I realize now it only does that for the first file, the rest of the batch continues opening without bringing up the editor each time. Thanks again.

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  • Batch process RAW exposures, please help!

    Hello, I'm new to photoshop scripting for windows, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to batch process a folder of raw files, change the the raw's exposure, and save as jpg to another folder, based on a condition within the file's name, then close the opended jpg  document.
    My goal is to have a script that extracts the correct exposures from sets of three bracketed raw files, which I usually have seperated by 2 EV's.  So for example, say I have a folder Called Batch Processing on the C drive, and I have two folders,
    C:\Batch Processing\JPG
    C:\Batch Processing\RAW
    and in the RAW folder I have some files called,
    If the file has "_E01" at the end, I want to open that raw file, change the exposure to -4, save the file with the same name, except the last 4 characters, and add some number to the end, so for example, it would end up being "Image_01" + "_E01".  This would end up being saved to the JPG folder. Then open up the same file, change the exposure to -2 and save as "Image_01" + "_E02".
    To make this post short, here is the conversion table I'm trying to achieve -
    Image_01_E01.cr2 -> Image_01_E01.jpg Exposure = -4
    Image_01_E01.cr2 -> Image_01_E02.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E03.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E04.jpg Exposure = 0
    Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E05.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_01_E03.cr2 -> Image_01_E06.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_01_E03.cr2 -> Image_01_E07.jpg Exposure = 4
    After that, close all open files. Then, if there is another set of raws, repeat for them as well. For example -
    Image_02_E01.cr2 -> Image_02_E01.jpg Exposure = -4
    Image_02_E01.cr2 -> Image_02_E02.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E03.jpg Exposure = -2
    Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E04.jpg Exposure = 0
    Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E05.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_02_E03.cr2 -> Image_02_E06.jpg Exposure = 2
    Image_02_E03.cr2 -> Image_02_E07.jpg Exposure = 4
    So basically this script would take 3 raws seperated by 2 EV's and extract 7 exposures, seperated by 2 EV's.  I've done this manually, and merged them to hdr, and the results are actually pretty decent. 
    I tried doing this with actions and batch processing, but I had to have everything seperated in individual folders like E01, E02, etc. and I had to make an action for each step in the process.
    I know this is probably a lot to ask, but I think it can be done, and I would of course credit the person in the script for helping.
    Thanks in advance!

    I think I was able to make a function to get the exposure time from the raw's xmp file. So the xmp file has to already be saved with the exposure time in the exif section.
    function getEV(thumb){
        var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
        var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
            if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
                file.encoding = "UTF8";
                file.lineFeed = "unix";
      "r", "TEXT", "????");
                var xmpStr =;
                var xmpStr='';
            var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
            var exposureTime = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime');
            if(exposureTime  == undefined) exposureTime = 1;
        return exposureTime;
    I was able to use the ui you put together from your hdr script, and used the functions from your cr2 script, to make the raw converter script. I've added a drop down list for the different conversion, and I added an option to either enter the exposure time for the middle exposure, or use the xmp's exposure time instead. So far I've only added a straight conversion method, where the files are converted, without any modifications, the 3 raw, and 5 raw conversion methods. Here's the script -
    #target photoshop
    function main(){
        Prefs = {};
            var desc1 = app.getCustomOptions('0bafbed0-0bc7-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66');
            Prefs = eval(desc1.getString(0));
            Prefs.folder1 = Folder("~/desktop");
            Prefs.folder2 = Folder("~/desktop");
            Prefs.bits = false;
        var win = new Window( 'dialog', 'RAW Converter' );
        g =;
        var myBrush = g.newBrush(g.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0.91, 0.91, 0.91, 1]);
        g.backgroundColor = myBrush;
        win.orientation = 'row';
        win.p1 = win.add("panel", undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:"etched"});
        win.g1 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g1.orientation = "row";
        win.title = win.g1.add('statictext',undefined,'RAW to JPEG Converter');
        win.title.alignment = "fill";
        var g =;
        g.font = ScriptUI.newFont("Georgia","BOLDITALIC",22);
        win.g5 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g5.orientation = "row";
        win.g5.alignment = 'left';
        win.g5.spacing = 10;
        win.g5.st1 = win.g5.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select input folder');
        win.g10 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g10.orientation = "row";
        win.g10.alignment = 'left';
        win.g10.spacing = 10;
        win.g10.et1 = win.g10.add('edittext');
        win.g10.et1.preferredSize = [400,20];
        win.g10.et1.enabled = false;
        win.g10.bu1 = win.g10.add('button',undefined,'Browse');
        win.g10.bu1.onClick = function() {
            InputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Input folder",Prefs.folder1);
            if(InputFolder != null){
                win.g10.et1.text = decodeURI(InputFolder.fsName);
        win.g15 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g15.orientation = "row";
        win.g15.alignment = 'left';
        win.g15.spacing = 10;
        win.g15.st1 = win.g15.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select output folder');
        win.g20 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g20.orientation = "row";
        win.g20.alignment = 'left';
        win.g20.spacing = 10;
        win.g20.et1 = win.g20.add('edittext');
        win.g20.et1.preferredSize = [400,20];
        win.g20.et1.enabled = false;
        win.g20.bu1 = win.g20.add('button',undefined,'Browse');
        win.g20.bu1.onClick = function() {
            OutputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Output folder",Prefs.folder2);
            if(OutputFolder != null){
                win.g20.et1.text = decodeURI(OutputFolder.fsName);
        win.g30 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g30.orientation = "row";
        win.g30.alignment = 'right';
        win.g30.spacing = 10;
        win.g30.st1 = win.g30.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select conversion method');
        win.g30.dd1 = win.g30.add('dropdownlist');
        win.g30.dd1.preferredSize = [200,20];
        var ConversionList = [];
        ConversionList[0] = "Straight Conversion";
        ConversionList[1] = "Bracketed 3x2EV to 7x2EV";
        ConversionList[2] = "Bracketed 5x2EV to 9x2EV";
        for(var x in ConversionList){
            win.g30.dd1.add('item', ConversionList[x].toString());
        win.g30.dd1.selection = 0;
        var ConversionSel = win.g30.dd1.selection.text.toString();
        win.g40 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g40.orientation = "row";
        win.g40.alignment = 'right';
        win.g40.spacing = 10;
        win.g40.st2 = win.g40.add('statictext',undefined,'Please enter the exif exposure time of middle exposure');
        win.g40.et1 = win.g40.add('edittext',undefined,'1');
        win.g40.et1.enabled = true;
        var TVsel = win.g40.et1.text.toString();
        win.g50 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g50.orientation = "row";
        win.g50.alignment = 'right';
        win.g50.spacing = 10;
        win.g50.cb1 = win.g50.add('checkbox',undefined,'Use XMP exposure time instead');
        win.g50.cb1.helpTip = "Uses the xmp file's exposure time for the middle exposure instead";
        win.g300 = win.p1.add('group');
        win.g300.orientation = "row";
        win.g300.alignment = 'center';
        win.g300.spacing = 10;
        win.g300.bu1 = win.g300.add('button',undefined,'Process');
        win.g300.bu1.preferredSize = [240,30];
        win.g300.bu2 = win.g300.add('button',undefined,'Cancel');
        win.g300.bu2.preferredSize = [240,30];
        win.g300.bu1.onClick = function(){
            if(win.g10.et1.text == ''){
                alert("Input folder has not been selected!");
            if(win.g20.et1.text == ''){
                alert("Output folder has not been selected!");
            Prefs.folder1 = InputFolder;
            Prefs.folder2 = OutputFolder;
            var progressBar = function(title) {
                var w = new Window( 'palette', ' '+title, {x:0, y:0, width:340, height:60} ),
                pb = w.add( 'progressbar', {x:20, y:12, width:300, height:12}, 0, 100 ),
                st = w.add( 'statictext', {x:10, y:36, width:320, height:20}, '' );
                st.justify = 'center';
                this.reset = function( msg,maxValue ) {
                    st.text = msg;
                    pb.value = 0;
                    pb.maxvalue = maxValue||0;
                    pb.visible = !!maxValue;
                this.hit = function() { ++pb.value; };
                this.hide = function() { w.hide(); };
                this.close = function() { w.close(); };
       = function() {; };
                this.update = function() { w.update(); };
                this.layout = function() { w.layout.layout(); };
            function doPbar(){
            var count = 0;
            var group0 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|srf| sr2)$/i);
            var group1 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e01.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group2 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e02.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group3 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e03.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group4 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e04.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            var group5 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e05.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
            count += group0.length;
            count += group1.length;
            count += group2.length;
            count += group3.length;
            count += group4.length;
            count += group5.length;
            if (count <1) return;
            if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 0) {
                var pBar = new progressBar("RAW to JPEG Straight Conversion");
                pBar.reset("Processing Files", (group1.length*2));
                for(var a in group0){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group0[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group0[a]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + ".jpg" );
            } else
            if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 1) {
                var pBar = new progressBar("3 RAWs by 2 EV to 7 JPEGs by 2 EV");
                pBar.reset("Processing E01 Files", (group1.length*2));
                for(var a in group1){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group1[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e01$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[a]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E01.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E02.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E02 Files", (group2.length*3));
                for(var b in group2){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group2[b].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e02$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[b]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E03.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E04.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E05.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E03 Files", (group3.length*2));
                for(var c in group3){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group3[c].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e03$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[c]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E06.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E07.jpg" );
            } else
            if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 2) {
                var pBar = new progressBar("5 RAWs by 2 EV to 9 JPEGs by 2 EV");
                pBar.reset("Processing E01 Files", (group1.length*2));
                for(var a in group1){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group1[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e01$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[a]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E01.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E02 Files", (group2.length*3));
                for(var b in group2){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group2[b].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e02$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[b]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E02.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E03.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E03 Files", (group3.length*3));
                for(var c in group3){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group3[c].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e03$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[c]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E04.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E05.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E06.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E04 Files", (group4.length*3));
                for(var d in group4){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group4[d].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e04$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[d]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E07.jpg" );
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E08.jpg" );
                pBar.reset("Processing E05 Files", (group3.length*2));
                for(var e in group5){
                    var Name = decodeURI(group5[e].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                    Name = Name.replace(/e05$/i,'');
                    var TVval = TVsel;
                    if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[e]);
                    var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E09.jpg" );
            var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
            desc2.putString(0, Prefs.toSource());
            app.putCustomOptions('0bafbed0-0bc7-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66', desc2, true );
            }catch(e){alert(e + " - " +e.line);};;
        app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    function ExifEV(Input,Multiplier) {
        var EVval = Math.abs(eval(Input)*eval(Multiplier)); // Positive Decimal
        var EVvalN = 1; // Numerator
        var EVvalD = 1; // Denominator
        if (EVval < 0.5) EVvalD = Math.floor(1/EVval); else // For values less than 1/2
        // For values greater than 1/2 or values less than 1-1/2, returns 1000ths
        if (EVval < 1 || EVval > 1) {
            EVvalN = Math.floor(EVval*1000);
            EVvalD = 1000;
        } else                                   
        if (EVval > 1.5) EVvalN = Math.floor(EVval); // For values greater than 1-1/2
        return String(EVvalN + "/" + EVvalD); // Return fraction
    function getEV(thumb){
        var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
        var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
            if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
                file.encoding = "UTF8";
                file.lineFeed = "unix";
      "r", "TEXT", "????");
                var xmpStr =;
                var xmpStr='';
            var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
            var exposureTime = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime');
            if(exposureTime  == undefined) exposureTime = 1;
        return exposureTime;
    function setEV(thumb,evValue){
        var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
        var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
            if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
                file.encoding = "UTF8";
                file.lineFeed = "unix";
      "r", "TEXT", "????");
                var xmpStr =;
                var xmpStr='';
            var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
            var exposureValue = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure");
            xmp.deleteProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure");
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure",Number(evValue));
            file.encoding = "UTF8";
            file.lineFeed = "unix";
            file.write( xmp.serialize() );
            if(exposureValue  == undefined) exposureValue = 0;
        return exposureValue;
    function putXMPData(fileName,exposureTime,evValue){
        if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject('lib:AdobeXMPScript');
        var xmpf = new XMPFile(fileName.fsName, XMPConst.FILE_UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE | XMPConst.OPEN_USE_SMART_HANDLER );
        var xmp = xmpf.getXMP();
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'Make', 'Canon');
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'Model', 'Canon EOS REBEL T1i');
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime', exposureTime);
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'FNumber', '63/10');
            xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, 'Exposure',Number(evValue));
            if (xmpf.canPutXMP(xmp)) {
    function SaveForWeb(saveFile,jpegQuality) {
        var sfwOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
        sfwOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
        sfwOptions.includeProfile = false;
        sfwOptions.interlaced = 0;
        sfwOptions.optimized = true;
        sfwOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
        activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfwOptions);
    The script seems to work decent, so I plan on adding the other conversions I mentioned earlier, to it.  If there is a way of getting the exposure time directly from the raw file, please let me know.

  • Batch processing source/destination folder issues

    I am trying to set up a batch process however when I try to select the source folder I am only presented with my Desktop and 1 subfolder on my desktop. I cannot select any other drives/folders.
    I am using CS3 on Vista Ultimate 64. My photos are stored in an external WD My Book Drive. I have the same problem when I try to select a destination folder.
    Am I doing something wrong that I cannot see any of my other drives/partitions? I have the same issue when I try this through the Image Processor tool as well.

    I have the same issue. I have to go to Bridge and do a batch command from there. If I choose via Photoshop, I only get the Desktop and subfolders there. Very annoying.
    Just wanted to say that I restarted Photoshop and it now starts with My Computer. I do know this problem has happened multiple times though, and I'm not sure where along the way it changes. I'll test out what happens if I run a batch once (I usually do via Bridge), and then go into Photoshop and try to do one from there after... if it screws with the folder selection. I don't know, just a guess right now.

  • Batch Processing RAW to jpg

    I've read the tutorials and have been at this for over an hour, but I can't get a droplet created to batch process my RAW images to jpg.
    The only thing I've been able to do is to create an action that converts only 1 RAW image (the one I used in setting up the action) to jpg, successfully.
    But everytime I run this action, it uses the same original photo. And I can create a droplet from this action.
    I know this is basic to many of you, but I'd great appreciate some help.
    (PS: using Lightroom and PS CS2)

    Will, this is not exactly what you are looking for but maybe this will help you if you own Photoshop CS2 or CS3.
    1. Configure LR to automatically update the XMP section of your DNG files.
    2. Use LR to tweak the images in your "watched folder"
    3. Copy the processed DNG files to the destination folder on your network drive. You can do this manually or use apps like SyncToy on XP.
    4. use the ImageProcessor script in Photoshop CS2 to create JPGs. (Ensure that you use ACR 3.7 in CS2)
    4.1 specify the folder "customerName/rawfiles/" as source and target. ImageProcessor will create a JPG folder automatically
    4.2 (optional) Use Actions within the ImageProcessor script to leverage sharpening solutions like PhotoKit Sharpener which are momentarily better that the sharpening LR offers.

  • Batch processing tiff to jpeg

    Does anyone have any idea if it is possible to change a collection of tif-format images into jpeg with one single operation, rather than treat each image individually?
    < thread title edited by forum host >

    Yesm you have File->Process Multiple Files do do all this + much more than what we all can do or wish to do. 89cffc612e28adab65-7fff.html#WS287f927bd30d4b1f89cffc612e28adab65-7ff6
    Some of the helpful posts are

  • Batch processing of white balance with RAW photo's in v.5

    I have the plugin for RAW to use with Photoshop Elements 5.0 but there doesn't seem to be a way to correct a whole group of photos in raw for white balance or some other correction in a batch. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe this can't be done in Elements.

    Elements doesn't have the ability to Batch Process RAW files like you want.
    You could make a Batch Conversion to JPEGS, PSD or TIF but each image gets the same default adjustments. I think you could save a new default with your adjustments and then this would get applied in the process. You'd need to remember to go back the Camera Defaults afterwards.
    The only other thing available is the Previous Conversion feature but this still means processing the images one by one.

  • Batch Processing Questions

    I'm scanning a large volume of slides. I'd like to be able to batch process them for basic adjustments. I've found in most cases that opening the scans, adding a curves layer, and hitting the auto button does a good job initially of color restoration. I've been able to add an action and do that through batch processing except for one issue.
    ISSUE -- When I check 'Override Action "Save as" Commands' the File Naming section remains grayed out. Thus I don't have the option to specify file naming when I run a batch.
    QUESTION -- It appears that when I check "Suppress Color Profile Warnings" the batch continues using the color space of the image to be processed, not the working color space. That is fine for what I'm doing now. However if I wanted to use the working color space, would I simply include a recorded step in the action to convert the color profile to the working profile?

    I'm not sure why those fields would still be grayed-out.  You may need an actual Save As command in the action to see the file naming section, I'm not sure.  Notably Photoshop issues this message upon checking the [ ] Override Action "Save As" Commands box:
    Regarding your question on conversion...  You have it right but there's one clarification needed:  You cannot record an action to convert to the "working profile" per se, you will have to pick an actual profile from the list (e.g., sRGB IEC61966-2.1), and that profile name will be stored in the action:

  • Batch Processing Issues - RAW to JPEG in CS3

    Hi folks,
    I recently upgraded to CS3 form CS2. Over the weekend, I spent several hours tweaking/adjusting about 200 RAW images in Bridge, that I need to convert to JPGs. I used a Photoshop Batch action that I created some time back in CS2 to convert the images from RAW ("Save As" as JPG), but it didn't include any of the adjustments that I made to the images during the conversion process, because I had Ignore/Suppress Open Dialog checked. I unchecked that, and re-ran the action but am now being prompted to open each image. I then modified the action to include the "Open" command. Running the script now still doesn't quite seem to work as I'd expected. The only adjustment that is incorporated is cropping, but it doesn't process any of the tonal/color balance adjustments. All images have the modification icon on them, indicating that changes were made, but the Photoshop Batch command isn't incorporating them when opened via the Batch Processing command. Any suggestions on how to get this to work?
    I'm also very open to any other suggestions one may have on converting adjusted Camera RAW images to JPEG.

    <[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />>I am having the same issue as the user above (kappabear)... I am going to <br />>try the same options that PShock (Phil) gave...but what if I need to call <br />>someone for assistance..(I'll even pay for support, because when I called <br />>Adobe...they had no idea of what I was talking about)... Is there someone <br />>that can give pay support???<br />><br />> I too just upgraded to CS3 and have a wedding to get out today, and 700 <br />> images to save from RAW to JPG with many changes... Problem, I have a 6:00 <br />> am flight to catch in the morning and I still need to pack.. (ANY HELP <br />> from ANYONE would be greatly appreciated..)<br /><br />Ron,<br />Due to news server propagation time issues, I'm seeing your post before the <br />original one.  I'm guessing others may be experiencing the same thing.<br /><br />Normally, I'd just wait for the earlier post to show up, but you're in a <br />hurry.  If you post again, and include enough of the post you are replying <br />to, you may get more responses before your flight in the morning.<br />-- <br />Mike Russell  -

  • Camera Raw adjustments not applying to batch process

    Hey friends,
    On a 2008 iMac running 10.5.7, latest version of Camera Raw & Bridge/Photoshop, I opened 650 Canon 5D raw files in Camera Raw, made adjustments to most of those files, then clicked Done.
    In Bridge Im batch processing all the files to Jpeg, now in Bridges thumbnails I can see all the adjustments I did in Camera Raw were applied, but yet when I batch process them, no adjustments are being applied, any idea what the issue could be?

    Thomas Knoll
    1. Jul 28, 2007 5:51 PM in response to:                                     (bp)
    Re: Warning serious issue with ACR edits not updating
    How did you record the Photoshop batch action? Make sure the "Image Setting" item is checked in the setting flyout menu when recording any actions that open raw image if you want each image's setting to be used.
    The preview building process in Bridge has nothing to do whatsoever with the saving of image settings.
    Also, if you are using any PhotoKit product, you need to update to the most recent version.

  • Help - CS4 batch processing keeps opening Camera Raw

    Hi there, I have an
    'action' I have been using for months with no issues.
    Just a simple resize to 850pixels, and 'file place' watermark'
    well this morning I began experimenting with opening jpegs in camera raw to alter them a group at a time.. well the files are still jpegs but now whenever I try to batch process anything in CS4 it seems to try to open Camera Raw.. well it does open Camera Raw and it stops the whole batch process

    Hi there, I have an
    'action' I have been using for months with no issues.
    Just a simple resize to 850pixels, and 'file place' watermark'
    well this morning I began experimenting with opening jpegs in camera raw to alter them a group at a time.. well the files are still jpegs but now whenever I try to batch process anything in CS4 it seems to try to open Camera Raw.. well it does open Camera Raw and it stops the whole batch process

  • How do I process raw .dng or .pef from pentax k20d into .tiff 's (or jpegs) in aperture 3?

    hi all my friends!
    how do I process raw .dng or .pef from a pentax k20d into tiffs or jpegs in aperture 3? (i have the trial only but will buy a3 if i actually can learn how to use it in 30 days...which i've failed so far)... the raw files are taking up too much space on my HDD. i understand how to change the colors, sharpness etc of the raw files. but how do i actually turn raw files into a tiff or jpeg to just keep in the library in aperture? i have no intention of keeping the raw's.. I just shoot raw to get better jpeg or tiff results.
    also I would greatly appreciate some tips how to do this in batches fast and easy. I have yet to yield images so good i will actually want to spend time perfecting them. for now i just want an easy way to turn raw files into tiffs or jpegs with some standard or completely auto mode. i can do it in camera but it is time consuming.
    and you cant convert raw to jpeg or tiff in iphoto, right?
    best regards, Joakim
    p.s. and thank you who will answer this...i can't find the answer anywhere...tried for a whole day... d.s.

    do you know if the raw files are some way made more compact when you shut down aperture? cause i mean, +20MB for a pic is a lot of space on the hard drive vs. 5MB for a jpeg or so...of course keeping your raws would be the optimum if they simply don't take that much more space than a jpeg... how does aperture do it? are the files "zipped" when not in use?
    No, the size of the files doesn't change, Aperture doesn't compress or otherwise alter the masters.
    and in either case, can you put the aperture archive/library somewhere else than on your local HD, like a portable 1 TB HD? mine is only 250 Gb or so and running low...
    This is doable and most people running on laptops use this method in one form or another. The best results are  obtained by keeping the library on the internal HD but storing the masters on an external HD. The masters in this case are referred to as 'referenced' (when the masters are in the actual Aperture library they are referred to as 'managed' )
    By putting the masters on an external disk but keeping the library on the internal you get the best of both worlds, reduced internal disk consumption and better speed accessing the Aperture library. If the library itself was on the external HD, especially if it was USB, you could notice decreased performance.
    There has been much written about this type of setup here in the discussions. Searching the list here should get many articles discussing this topic with lots of very good advice.  Also spend some tim with the User manual, Apple did a good job with it and the fist few sections really explain the various bits of the library and the different ways to set it up.
    As i wrote in my first question, is there an easy way to adjust the values of a 100 raw files automatically?
    To adjust a large number of images try this: Select one image and adjust  it as you like. Then select Metadata->Lift Adjustments, a HUD will open. Now select the other 99 images and in the HUD that opened select Stamp Selected Images, all those 99 images will now have the adjustments you applied to the first image.
    Again this is all covered in the manual.
    Good luck

  • When converting RAW to Jpegs in Batch converstion, I'm getting 2 copies of everyone.  Why??

    When converting RAW to Jpegs in Batch converstion, I'm getting 2 copies of everything.  Why??

    Oops, so you did. I must have been on auto-pilot
    I don't have any of those tracks in my library so I can't tell you that any of them work for me. If Genius works overall then it's probably a matter of sampling a critical mass of playlists that already contain those songs, for it then to be able to suggest suitable "mixes". I've not tried to get to grips with the mechanism behind Genius but I'd guess it works something along these lines. Your library gets inspected and some kind of summary gets uploaded to a server which integrates data from lots of users, and then gives you some back. Perhaps the process just does take time.

  • Please Help, Issues when batch processing Multi Frame images in Fireworks

    I hope someone will know how to do this and tell me where I am going wrong.
    Objective 1
    I have a large number of images that all have the exact same number of frames (4) and are all exactly the same size that I want to get resized, cropped and water marked (when I say 'watermarked I mean have my websites logo pasted in a specificlocation on each frame, I have my websites logo as a seperate .png file which I copy from).
    Current Process
    I create a command which will crop the image then paste my companys url/log onto the first frame, move it to the correct location on the frame then copy it again and then paste it onto each of the other frames, the command then resizes the image tot he exact proportions I want.
    I start a batch process and use my command, making sure that I also export from the .png to animated gif (and I edit the settings to make it 256 animated gif).
    Error 1
    The process described above resizes and crops my images however it does NOT put the watermark in the correct place, it seems to put it int he right place on the first frame and then in a different place on all the followingn frames thus giving the effect of the watermark jumping around. Which is obviously NOT what I want.
    Question 1
    Please let me know what process I should be following to correct the Error 1 above.
    Objective & Question 2
    I want to do exactly the same thing as shown above but this time the files have a varying number of frames (from 2 to 45 frames (or instances as CS4 seems to call them)). Is there a way to paste my logo to the to the exact same location on ALL frames?
    Other information
    I have tried WHXY Paste extension and I can not see how to use that to solve the issue. I have also tried 'Paste in Place' however I can not see how to use the Paste In Place extension as it is not appering in my list of commands.
    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    Andy, you could start a batch process which will do most of the things you are asking for. THe batch process can be done using Fireworks. The right way to start is going to Archivo / Procesar por Lotes and then follow all the different option this tool has to offer.  Yes, I know I gave you the names in Spanish but that is the way I use Adobe Fireworks.
    I hope this was usefull for you!
    Best regards,
    Frank Meier | Curso Arreglos Florales

  • How do I process multiple files and turn them from raw to jpeg

    How do I process multiple files and turn them from raw to jpeg. Ive tried and it seems to go through the files but doesnt seem to process them or store them in the selected folder

    Yes that was the first thing I did. Then I used the process multiple files and selected a new folder to put them in and selected use open files and selected to turn them into jpeg. The images flash on the screen like they are being processed, but the folder never appears in library. Is it possible because there are a couple 16 bit files open that this corrupts the task. Do I need to create the folder first. Will elements not create the folder on its own.
    Thanks Vince

  • I am batch processing in PS 2014 (watermark and saving as jpeg from ps file). I get the message for some but not all 'this file needs to be saved as a copy with this option'. And then I have to save it manually. Does anyone know why this happens? (It is j

    I am batch processing in PS 2014 (watermark and saving as jpeg from ps file). I get the message for some but not all 'this file needs to be saved as a copy with this option'. And then I have to save it manually. Does anyone know why this happens? (It is just a plain photoshop file, a watermark is added, then save as jpeg - the jpeg is saved to a different folder than the original photoshop file.)  It happens for about 10 of 30/40  files approximately . Thank you, Kathryn

    I believe I have figured it out - I need to flatten the image, even though there are no layers except for layer 0, first.

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