Batch process RAW exposures, please help!

Hello, I'm new to photoshop scripting for windows, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to batch process a folder of raw files, change the the raw's exposure, and save as jpg to another folder, based on a condition within the file's name, then close the opended jpg  document.
My goal is to have a script that extracts the correct exposures from sets of three bracketed raw files, which I usually have seperated by 2 EV's.  So for example, say I have a folder Called Batch Processing on the C drive, and I have two folders,
C:\Batch Processing\JPG
C:\Batch Processing\RAW
and in the RAW folder I have some files called,
If the file has "_E01" at the end, I want to open that raw file, change the exposure to -4, save the file with the same name, except the last 4 characters, and add some number to the end, so for example, it would end up being "Image_01" + "_E01".  This would end up being saved to the JPG folder. Then open up the same file, change the exposure to -2 and save as "Image_01" + "_E02".
To make this post short, here is the conversion table I'm trying to achieve -
Image_01_E01.cr2 -> Image_01_E01.jpg Exposure = -4
Image_01_E01.cr2 -> Image_01_E02.jpg Exposure = -2
Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E03.jpg Exposure = -2
Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E04.jpg Exposure = 0
Image_01_E02.cr2 -> Image_01_E05.jpg Exposure = 2
Image_01_E03.cr2 -> Image_01_E06.jpg Exposure = 2
Image_01_E03.cr2 -> Image_01_E07.jpg Exposure = 4
After that, close all open files. Then, if there is another set of raws, repeat for them as well. For example -
Image_02_E01.cr2 -> Image_02_E01.jpg Exposure = -4
Image_02_E01.cr2 -> Image_02_E02.jpg Exposure = -2
Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E03.jpg Exposure = -2
Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E04.jpg Exposure = 0
Image_02_E02.cr2 -> Image_02_E05.jpg Exposure = 2
Image_02_E03.cr2 -> Image_02_E06.jpg Exposure = 2
Image_02_E03.cr2 -> Image_02_E07.jpg Exposure = 4
So basically this script would take 3 raws seperated by 2 EV's and extract 7 exposures, seperated by 2 EV's.  I've done this manually, and merged them to hdr, and the results are actually pretty decent. 
I tried doing this with actions and batch processing, but I had to have everything seperated in individual folders like E01, E02, etc. and I had to make an action for each step in the process.
I know this is probably a lot to ask, but I think it can be done, and I would of course credit the person in the script for helping.
Thanks in advance!

I think I was able to make a function to get the exposure time from the raw's xmp file. So the xmp file has to already be saved with the exposure time in the exif section.
function getEV(thumb){
    var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
    var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
        if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
            file.encoding = "UTF8";
            file.lineFeed = "unix";
  "r", "TEXT", "????");
            var xmpStr =;
            var xmpStr='';
        var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
        var exposureTime = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime');
        if(exposureTime  == undefined) exposureTime = 1;
    return exposureTime;
I was able to use the ui you put together from your hdr script, and used the functions from your cr2 script, to make the raw converter script. I've added a drop down list for the different conversion, and I added an option to either enter the exposure time for the middle exposure, or use the xmp's exposure time instead. So far I've only added a straight conversion method, where the files are converted, without any modifications, the 3 raw, and 5 raw conversion methods. Here's the script -
#target photoshop
function main(){
    Prefs = {};
        var desc1 = app.getCustomOptions('0bafbed0-0bc7-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66');
        Prefs = eval(desc1.getString(0));
        Prefs.folder1 = Folder("~/desktop");
        Prefs.folder2 = Folder("~/desktop");
        Prefs.bits = false;
    var win = new Window( 'dialog', 'RAW Converter' );
    g =;
    var myBrush = g.newBrush(g.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0.91, 0.91, 0.91, 1]);
    g.backgroundColor = myBrush;
    win.orientation = 'row';
    win.p1 = win.add("panel", undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:"etched"});
    win.g1 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g1.orientation = "row";
    win.title = win.g1.add('statictext',undefined,'RAW to JPEG Converter');
    win.title.alignment = "fill";
    var g =;
    g.font = ScriptUI.newFont("Georgia","BOLDITALIC",22);
    win.g5 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g5.orientation = "row";
    win.g5.alignment = 'left';
    win.g5.spacing = 10;
    win.g5.st1 = win.g5.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select input folder');
    win.g10 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g10.orientation = "row";
    win.g10.alignment = 'left';
    win.g10.spacing = 10;
    win.g10.et1 = win.g10.add('edittext');
    win.g10.et1.preferredSize = [400,20];
    win.g10.et1.enabled = false;
    win.g10.bu1 = win.g10.add('button',undefined,'Browse');
    win.g10.bu1.onClick = function() {
        InputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Input folder",Prefs.folder1);
        if(InputFolder != null){
            win.g10.et1.text = decodeURI(InputFolder.fsName);
    win.g15 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g15.orientation = "row";
    win.g15.alignment = 'left';
    win.g15.spacing = 10;
    win.g15.st1 = win.g15.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select output folder');
    win.g20 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g20.orientation = "row";
    win.g20.alignment = 'left';
    win.g20.spacing = 10;
    win.g20.et1 = win.g20.add('edittext');
    win.g20.et1.preferredSize = [400,20];
    win.g20.et1.enabled = false;
    win.g20.bu1 = win.g20.add('button',undefined,'Browse');
    win.g20.bu1.onClick = function() {
        OutputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Output folder",Prefs.folder2);
        if(OutputFolder != null){
            win.g20.et1.text = decodeURI(OutputFolder.fsName);
    win.g30 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g30.orientation = "row";
    win.g30.alignment = 'right';
    win.g30.spacing = 10;
    win.g30.st1 = win.g30.add('statictext',undefined,'Please select conversion method');
    win.g30.dd1 = win.g30.add('dropdownlist');
    win.g30.dd1.preferredSize = [200,20];
    var ConversionList = [];
    ConversionList[0] = "Straight Conversion";
    ConversionList[1] = "Bracketed 3x2EV to 7x2EV";
    ConversionList[2] = "Bracketed 5x2EV to 9x2EV";
    for(var x in ConversionList){
        win.g30.dd1.add('item', ConversionList[x].toString());
    win.g30.dd1.selection = 0;
    var ConversionSel = win.g30.dd1.selection.text.toString();
    win.g40 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g40.orientation = "row";
    win.g40.alignment = 'right';
    win.g40.spacing = 10;
    win.g40.st2 = win.g40.add('statictext',undefined,'Please enter the exif exposure time of middle exposure');
    win.g40.et1 = win.g40.add('edittext',undefined,'1');
    win.g40.et1.enabled = true;
    var TVsel = win.g40.et1.text.toString();
    win.g50 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g50.orientation = "row";
    win.g50.alignment = 'right';
    win.g50.spacing = 10;
    win.g50.cb1 = win.g50.add('checkbox',undefined,'Use XMP exposure time instead');
    win.g50.cb1.helpTip = "Uses the xmp file's exposure time for the middle exposure instead";
    win.g300 = win.p1.add('group');
    win.g300.orientation = "row";
    win.g300.alignment = 'center';
    win.g300.spacing = 10;
    win.g300.bu1 = win.g300.add('button',undefined,'Process');
    win.g300.bu1.preferredSize = [240,30];
    win.g300.bu2 = win.g300.add('button',undefined,'Cancel');
    win.g300.bu2.preferredSize = [240,30];
    win.g300.bu1.onClick = function(){
        if(win.g10.et1.text == ''){
            alert("Input folder has not been selected!");
        if(win.g20.et1.text == ''){
            alert("Output folder has not been selected!");
        Prefs.folder1 = InputFolder;
        Prefs.folder2 = OutputFolder;
        var progressBar = function(title) {
            var w = new Window( 'palette', ' '+title, {x:0, y:0, width:340, height:60} ),
            pb = w.add( 'progressbar', {x:20, y:12, width:300, height:12}, 0, 100 ),
            st = w.add( 'statictext', {x:10, y:36, width:320, height:20}, '' );
            st.justify = 'center';
            this.reset = function( msg,maxValue ) {
                st.text = msg;
                pb.value = 0;
                pb.maxvalue = maxValue||0;
                pb.visible = !!maxValue;
            this.hit = function() { ++pb.value; };
            this.hide = function() { w.hide(); };
            this.close = function() { w.close(); };
   = function() {; };
            this.update = function() { w.update(); };
            this.layout = function() { w.layout.layout(); };
        function doPbar(){
        var count = 0;
        var group0 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|srf| sr2)$/i);
        var group1 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e01.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
        var group2 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e02.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
        var group3 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e03.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
        var group4 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e04.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
        var group5 = InputFolder.getFiles(/\e05.(dng|crw|cr2|raw|raf|3fr|dcr|kdc|mrw|nef|nrw|orf|rw2|pef|x3f|s rf|sr2)$/i);
        count += group0.length;
        count += group1.length;
        count += group2.length;
        count += group3.length;
        count += group4.length;
        count += group5.length;
        if (count <1) return;
        if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 0) {
            var pBar = new progressBar("RAW to JPEG Straight Conversion");
            pBar.reset("Processing Files", (group1.length*2));
            for(var a in group0){
                var Name = decodeURI(group0[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group0[a]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + ".jpg" );
        } else
        if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 1) {
            var pBar = new progressBar("3 RAWs by 2 EV to 7 JPEGs by 2 EV");
            pBar.reset("Processing E01 Files", (group1.length*2));
            for(var a in group1){
                var Name = decodeURI(group1[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e01$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[a]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E01.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E02.jpg" );
            pBar.reset("Processing E02 Files", (group2.length*3));
            for(var b in group2){
                var Name = decodeURI(group2[b].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e02$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[b]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E03.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E04.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E05.jpg" );
            pBar.reset("Processing E03 Files", (group3.length*2));
            for(var c in group3){
                var Name = decodeURI(group3[c].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e03$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group2[c]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E06.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E07.jpg" );
        } else
        if (win.g30.dd1.selection == 2) {
            var pBar = new progressBar("5 RAWs by 2 EV to 9 JPEGs by 2 EV");
            pBar.reset("Processing E01 Files", (group1.length*2));
            for(var a in group1){
                var Name = decodeURI(group1[a].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e01$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[a]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E01.jpg" );
            pBar.reset("Processing E02 Files", (group2.length*3));
            for(var b in group2){
                var Name = decodeURI(group2[b].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e02$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[b]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E02.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E03.jpg" );
            pBar.reset("Processing E03 Files", (group3.length*3));
            for(var c in group3){
                var Name = decodeURI(group3[c].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e03$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[c]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E04.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E05.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E06.jpg" );
            pBar.reset("Processing E04 Files", (group4.length*3));
            for(var d in group4){
                var Name = decodeURI(group4[d].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e04$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[d]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E07.jpg" );
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E08.jpg" );
            pBar.reset("Processing E05 Files", (group3.length*2));
            for(var e in group5){
                var Name = decodeURI(group5[e].name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
                Name = Name.replace(/e05$/i,'');
                var TVval = TVsel;
                if (win.g50.cb1.value) TVval = getEV(group3[e]);
                var exportFile = new File( OutputFolder + "/" + Name + "E09.jpg" );
        var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
        desc2.putString(0, Prefs.toSource());
        app.putCustomOptions('0bafbed0-0bc7-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66', desc2, true );
        }catch(e){alert(e + " - " +e.line);};;
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
function ExifEV(Input,Multiplier) {
    var EVval = Math.abs(eval(Input)*eval(Multiplier)); // Positive Decimal
    var EVvalN = 1; // Numerator
    var EVvalD = 1; // Denominator
    if (EVval < 0.5) EVvalD = Math.floor(1/EVval); else // For values less than 1/2
    // For values greater than 1/2 or values less than 1-1/2, returns 1000ths
    if (EVval < 1 || EVval > 1) {
        EVvalN = Math.floor(EVval*1000);
        EVvalD = 1000;
    } else                                   
    if (EVval > 1.5) EVvalN = Math.floor(EVval); // For values greater than 1-1/2
    return String(EVvalN + "/" + EVvalD); // Return fraction
function getEV(thumb){
    var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
    var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
        if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
            file.encoding = "UTF8";
            file.lineFeed = "unix";
  "r", "TEXT", "????");
            var xmpStr =;
            var xmpStr='';
        var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
        var exposureTime = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime');
        if(exposureTime  == undefined) exposureTime = 1;
    return exposureTime;
function setEV(thumb,evValue){
    var Name = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
    var file = new File(thumb.path + "/" + Name + ".xmp");
        if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
            file.encoding = "UTF8";
            file.lineFeed = "unix";
  "r", "TEXT", "????");
            var xmpStr =;
            var xmpStr='';
        var xmp = new XMPMeta( xmpStr );
        var exposureValue = xmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure");
        xmp.deleteProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure");
        xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "Exposure",Number(evValue));'w');
        file.encoding = "UTF8";
        file.lineFeed = "unix";
        file.write( xmp.serialize() );
        if(exposureValue  == undefined) exposureValue = 0;
    return exposureValue;
function putXMPData(fileName,exposureTime,evValue){
    if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject('lib:AdobeXMPScript');
    var xmpf = new XMPFile(fileName.fsName, XMPConst.FILE_UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE | XMPConst.OPEN_USE_SMART_HANDLER );
    var xmp = xmpf.getXMP();
        xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'Make', 'Canon');
        xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'Model', 'Canon EOS REBEL T1i');
        xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'ExposureTime', exposureTime);
        xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'FNumber', '63/10');
        xmp.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, 'Exposure',Number(evValue));
        if (xmpf.canPutXMP(xmp)) {
function SaveForWeb(saveFile,jpegQuality) {
    var sfwOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
    sfwOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
    sfwOptions.includeProfile = false;
    sfwOptions.interlaced = 0;
    sfwOptions.optimized = true;
    sfwOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
    activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfwOptions);
The script seems to work decent, so I plan on adding the other conversions I mentioned earlier, to it.  If there is a way of getting the exposure time directly from the raw file, please let me know.

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                        CopyRight @   SRD.cpp :   12                      CopyRight @   SRD.cpp :   13 SRD System Recovery Deployment, provided by CyberLink. (cNB)       
                        CopyRight @    SRD.cpp :  14           DeployRp:etSRDMode @ DeployRp.cpp : 3571 SetSRDMode 1          
                            wmain @    SRD.cpp :  73 Executing call 'L"drp.SetConfigIni('deployrp.ini')"'        
            DeployRp:etectMedia @ DeployRp.cpp :  371 Start to detect disks ...         
                  DeployRp:etUp @ DeployRp.cpp :  630 Get User Partition drive letter : c.        
            DeployRp:etectMedia @ DeployRp.cpp :  563 Disk Index : [HDD] 0, [N/A] -1         
          DeployRp:etTargetDisk @ DeployRp.cpp :  571 Start to load ini ...          
                  DeployRp:etUp @ DeployRp.cpp :  630 Get User Partition drive letter : c.        
                 DeployRp:etBp @ DeployRp.cpp :  643 Start to find Build Partition drive letter.        
                  DeployRp:etBp @ DeployRp.cpp :  650 Build Partition drive letter : c.         
          BuildConfig::LoadConfig @ BuildConfig.cpp :   28 Loading C:\RM\Tools\DeployRP\build.ini ...        
          BuildConfig::LoadConfig @ BuildConfig.cpp :  111 C:\RM\Tools\DeployRP\build.ini loading complete.       
                            wmain @    SRD.cpp :  83 Executing call 'L"drp.LoadBuildIni()"'         
           DeployRp::CheckRpExist @ DeployRp.cpp :  713 Start to check whether Rp exists.        
           DeployRp::CheckRpExist @ DeployRp.cpp :  750 Recovery Partition doesn't exist.        
    DeployRp::CheckSystemRecoveryDoneFlag @ DeployRp.cpp : 757 Start to check whether SystemRecoveryDone.flg exists.     
    DeployRp::CheckSystemRecoveryDoneFlag @ DeployRp.cpp : 794 SystemRecoveryDone.flg doesn't exist.      
           DeployRp::InstallMSXML @ DeployRp.cpp : 1248 Start to install MSXML6.dll         
           DeployRp::InstallMSXML @ DeployRp.cpp : 1292 Install MSXML6.DLL complete.        
          DeployRp::CreateLangIni @ DeployRp.cpp :  331 Create Lang.ini command: C:\RM\Tools\DeployRP\CreateLangIni.exe c     
         DeployRp::CheckSSRDFlags @ DeployRp.cpp : 1044 Start to check if SSRD flags exist        
         DeployRp::CheckSSRDFlags @ DeployRp.cpp : 1061 SSRD flags do not exist         
         DeployRp::CheckSSRDFlags @ DeployRp.cpp : 1063 Check if SSRD flags exist complete        
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1363 Creating BootRM.wim ...         
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1374 Start to do setting.         
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1377 SetWimImageDstPath.         
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1382 Check tool existence.         
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1385 Tool Path: c:\RM\Tools\opktools\dism.exe       
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1389 Dism.exe exists.         
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1392 SetWimMountPath.         
        CWimMgr:etWimMountPath @ WimMgr.cpp :  199 Wim File Mounting Path = C:\RM\Tools\DeployRP\mount\      
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1397 SetLanguagePacksPath.         
       DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1402 SetToolsPath.          
            CWimMgr:etToolsPath @ WimMgr.cpp :  213 [SetToolsPath] lpszToolsPath = c:\RM\Tools\opktools\      
          CWimMgr:etToolsPath @ WimMgr.cpp :  220 [SetToolsPath] m_szDISMExeFullPath = c:\RM\Tools\opktools\dism.exe     
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1406 Setting complete.         
       DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1411 Start to do Initialization.         
             CWimMgr::InitWimMgr @ WimMgr.cpp :  358 Windows PE Source Path = c:\RM\RP\sources\boot.wim      
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1420 Initialization complete.         
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1423 Start to mount WIM image.        
           CWimMgr::MountWimImage @ WimMgr.cpp :  437 Temp Working Path = C:\RM\Tools\DeployRP\temp\      
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1426 Mount WIM image complete.        
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1431 Start to setup language packs...        
       DeployRp::GetSupportedLang @ DeployRp.cpp : 1639 Lang.ini path: c:\RM\Tools\DeployRp\lang.ini       
       DeployRp::GetSupportedLang @ DeployRp.cpp : 1678 Supported Languages :           
        CWimMgr:etWinPELanguage @ WimMgr.cpp : 1134 CWimMgr:etWinPELanguage - Enter       
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1437 Setup language packs complete.        
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1443 Start to setup tool's language packages...       
            CWimMgr:etupPackage @ WimMgr.cpp : 1327 Package does not exist: c:\RM\Tools\DeployRp\WinPE_LangPacks\64\   
            CWimMgr:etupPackage @ WimMgr.cpp : 1327 Package does not exist: c:\RM\Tools\DeployRp\WinPE_LangPacks\64\   
            CWimMgr:etupPackage @ WimMgr.cpp : 1327 Package does not exist: c:\RM\Tools\DeployRp\WinPE_LangPacks\64\   
            CWimMgr:etupPackage @ WimMgr.cpp : 1327 Package does not exist: c:\RM\Tools\DeployRp\WinPE_LangPacks\64\   
            CWimMgr:etupPackage @ WimMgr.cpp : 1327 Package does not exist: c:\RM\Tools\DeployRp\WinPE_LangPacks\64\   
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1450 Setup tool's language packages complete.       
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1452 Start to un-mount WIM image...        
        DeployRp::CreateBootRMWim @ DeployRp.cpp : 1455 Un-mount WIM Image complete.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1696 Start to estimate recovery partition size ...       
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1709 base.wim.wim size : 12452203405 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1725 install.log file size : 623780 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1735 WinRE and WinPe files size : 281055618 bytes.       
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1740 RM Software size : 63933517 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1745 BootRM.wim size : 268793098 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1750 Patch Folder size : 369308088 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1755 File4Rp Folder size : 0 bytes.         
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1761 Extra space : 2371154178 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1766 Prevented Extra size : 0 bytes.        
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1776 Recovery Partition estimated size : 15807695464 bytes.      
            DeployRp::CalculateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 1777 Recovery partition estimation complete.        
               DeployRp::CreateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 2072 Start to create recovery partition ...        
                    DetToolRpInfo @ DeployRp.cpp :  122 PartitionCount: 4. PartitionType: 0. PartitionNumber: 0. PartitionStartAddr: 0 bytes. PartitionLength: 0 bytes  
                    DetToolRpInfo @ DeployRp.cpp :  122 PartitionCount: 4. PartitionType: 12. PartitionNumber: 3. PartitionStartAddr: 79917219840 bytes. PartitionLength: 108093440 bytes
                    DetToolRpInfo @ DeployRp.cpp :  122 PartitionCount: 4. PartitionType: 7. PartitionNumber: 2. PartitionStartAddr: 209715200 bytes. PartitionLength: 73013395456 bytes
                    DetToolRpInfo @ DeployRp.cpp :  122 PartitionCount: 4. PartitionType: 7. PartitionNumber: 1. PartitionStartAddr: 1048576 bytes. PartitionLength: 208666624 bytes
                    DetToolRpInfo @ DeployRp.cpp :  156 Can't find valid Rp index.         
               DeployRp::CreateRp @ DeployRp.cpp : 2090 Invalid Rp index          
                            wmain @    SRD.cpp :  93 Executing call 'L"drp.Deploy()"'         
                            wmain @    SRD.cpp :  38 Output            
    ERROR: call L"drp.Deploy()" failed.             
                           wmain @    SRD.cpp :  38 Output - Returned HRESULT = 0xe0ef002f    

    Hello k877
    I am sorry to hear you are having issues reinstalling your operating system. I am providing you with a link here to a document titled Recovery Disk Creation Error Codes (Windows 7). Now document is for creating the recovery disks but the error is showing up in your error log (0xe0ef002f). The error according to the document is the File/directory does not exist. It looks like a function call Deploy() is attempting to access this File/directory and is unable to.
    This leads me to think that it is the disks that you are using. It would stand to reason anyways as you state you have tried this on multiple hard drives. A good test would be to check to see if your error in the error log is the same every time. If it is happening at the same point each time then simply order a new set of discs from here.
    I hope this resolves your installation issue. Thank you for posting your question on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Query on Anonymous Logon Process...Please Help.....Urgent.....

    I am working on EP6 SP4 and trying to implement anonymous login process.
    I read the help giving the implementation process but I have a query abt the same:
    1> As given in the Help Pages, we have to set the former index.html to the iView URL in the location.replace attribute.
    2> There would also be a link for authorized users wherein the authorized persons may use the Portal as before using their username & password resp.
    3> My Query ==> When an authorized user logins into Portal, internally would the changed index.html be set back to the default index.html. That is, location.replace = actual default Portal location.
    If true, how would the anonymous process behave the next time????
    I would appreciate if you would please help me solve this query. I am trying to find the solution since 2 days but failed.......
    Thanking you and Warm Regards,
    Ritu R Hunjan

    As rightly pointed out , you cannot get the plan value for 9 days if you do not have 0calday. However some things you can do...
    1. Have a virtual KF which gets the number of days from the current calendar day ( system date ) to the first date of the month - this can be written with a simple exit since the first date is fixed.
    2. calculate the plan value from that - pro rated plan value = plan value for month / number of days in month * number of days elapsed. If need be have the virtual KF return the ratio of number of days elapsed/number of days in the month
    3. Now you can do the comparison assuming that the value of actuals will be till the current date and not beyond.
    This is assuming that you can write a Virtual KF and the number of records is less enough to avoid any performance issues
    Hope it helps..
    Assign points if helpful
    Message was edited by: Arun Varadarajan

  • Batch Process Crashes Computer. Help!

    Hi There
    I am trying to run a batch process through photoshop cs3 on Vista and it keeps crashing part way through. The process opens existing files, runs a sharpening action, saves and closes the file. It seems to work for about 5 minutes and then my whole computer just shuts down. I'm trying to run this through a few hundred files that are small res. Is there a limit on # of files that batch can run?
    any information would be handy...I have over a thousand files I need to run this on!

    No, not that I'm aware of. The question is, whether your source files are actually all intact, if you may have user permission problems or if you are simply running out of memory at some point due to the filters used. In the last case, adding some purge commands might help (though I'm not certain if this is supported)...

  • Batch processing problems-can anyone helpa

    Posted details in the PS furum:

    Batching the same files in CS3 works perfectly, in terms of the processed JPEGs at least being correctly exposed, but the CS4-only edits (like the healing brush) are not recognised, nor are many, tho' not all, of the crops.
    I have decided to deactivate and uninstall, then reinstall CS4, after upgrading to Snow Leopard. Usually, I wait for a few months for others to report on OS update interactions with CS and FCP, but since CS4 as installed was useless and I had done the usual resets of Preferences without any change to Batch Processing's reliability, I felt I could not be worse off.
    So, after upgrading to Snow Leopard, I will reinstall CS4 (and all apps this time, rather than just PS and Bridge, as I usually do) in case there are soime weird unintended consequences of a Custom install.
    Very frustrating and time-consuming, and I wonder what I might have done to create this problem—seeing as no one commented, I can only assume that this is an unique experience.
    I will report back today, hopefully.

  • CS6 Bridge (PC) does not show adjustments made in earlier Camera Raw, or even its own Camera Raw! PLEASE HELP.

    CS6 Bridge does not show ANY of the adjustments I've made in previous versions of Camera Raw, and sometimes (intermittently) doesn't show adjustments made in CS6 Camera Raw.
    I'm on a PC, I've uninstalled and reinstalled about 6 times. I feel so upset, I've spent literally HOURS going in circles on the Adobe website, trying to get help on the phone (I'll pay!!!) but there seems to be no way to contact anyone. I've posted this problem several times and no one answers.
    If you don't know the answer, can you please tell me how to get tech help even if I have to pay for it??

    Thanks, Omke. I tried updating, then applying all the same fixes to the updated version. No change.
    I can attach a screenshot, but I must block out names and faces. All you'll see is my Bridge interface, not the faces in the portraits. Hope that helps.
    My specs:
    Bridge CS6
    Mac OS X 10.6.8
    16 GB RAM
    65 GB free disk space
    2 monitors, 2 graphics cards:
    ATI Radeon HD 4870
      Type:    GPU
      Bus:    PCIe
      Slot:    Slot-1
      PCIe Lane Width:    x16
      VRAM (Total):    512 MB
      Chipset Model:    NVIDIA GeForce GT 120
      Type:    GPU
      Bus:    PCIe
      Slot:    Slot-4
      PCIe Lane Width:    x4
      VRAM (Total):    512 MB

  • Process Chain Attributes - Please Help

    Hi SAP Experts,
             I would like some helpful advice on process chains.Could you all please suggest the process chain attributes.The data flow is as such -
    R/3 data-->4 Transaction ODS -> Final ODS-> Final Infocube
    Please suggest the attributes all the way from start variant.Do we need to include Create / Delete indexes.

    Hi Prathibha,
    This has been discussed many number of times.. u can search forum on how to create PC's.
    For ur reference:
    and for ur task u can use the Index Deletion and reccreation before and after load to Cube for the query performance..
    Anf for the low...
    u can use this flow:.. I hope that u are in 3.x version.
    Start process
    4 load processes for different ODS - parallel process
    4 activation process for 4 differenet ODS's.
    And process to combine all the 4 activation process
    Load process to final ODS
    Acivate final ODS process
    Delete index process for the Cube
    Load to Cube from ODs process
    Create Index for the Cube.
    this way u can design ur process chain.
    This is assuming that u are getting data from 4 different DS's. and u want the parallel process for the initial 4 ODS's.
    Do let us know if u need some more help..
    Assign points if this helps

  • 16mm Film Processing Labs! Please help!

    Hello everyone, I know this isn't final cut pro related, but I'm looking for a company that will process my 16 mm black & white tri-x film for mini-dv conversion to be edited on final cut pro! if ANYONE has ANY recommendations to a good lab PLEASE respond, i have less than 2 months to find one before this project is due for class. Thanks!

    Yes I've heard of AstroLab, but I read that they were handling the non-IMAX film development for The Dark Knight when they were here, so I'm guessing that while they do excellent work, they're also probably gonna be the most expensive. And yes I do go to Columbia, but for Production 1 students they don't do telecine. Production 2 we edit digitally so obviously they do the telecine for us, but not for our Prod. 1 films. I'll definitely check out DuArt, Alpha Cine, and it doesn't hurt to give Astrolab a call, especially stating that I'm a COlumbia student, who knows what rate I might get.

  • Windows could not start the windows deployment services server Error 1067: The Process terminated unexpectedly - Please help

    Hello All
    I am trying to set up a PXE service point on my DP in SCCM 2012 R2
    1) I have enabled the role on the DP
    2) rebooted and verified WDS installed as a role.( I let SCCM enable this role as instructed)
    3) When I tried to start the role from services I get the error below:
    Note: I also followed the troubleshooting steps in this technet article but still it stops at the half way point
    Phil Balderos

    Here is a similar post for your reference.
    Windows Deployment Service
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Aperture 3.1.3 Very slow importing raw files please help

    Pro Photographer. I have a Mac Pro Quad core 1 yr old with 12GB Ram. I import via 2 Firewire 800 card readers - A Lexar & a UDMR Reader.Only using them singly. System has 4 1TB hard drives 1. Applications, 2. Aperture Library, 3. Aperture Vault, 4 Time Machine
    On a photo shoot, first CF card may download and complete in less than a minute but the next card with a similar number ofimages may take 10 minutes.
    Sometimes if I swap card readers, this can speed up download but then everything slowly grinds to a halt.
    I have closed down all other programmes, switched off Faces and Enable Gestures - switched off  Look up places.
    Situation driving me nuts as we shoot and view images with customers immediately after the session and download time effecting the amount of time we have to do this. Nothing seems logical as such a high spec machine should theoretically fly through this.

    • If you are uploading directly into Aperture, don't. Instead first copy to a folder on the hard drive.
    • Capture RAW+JPEG and tell Aperture to use the camera JPEGs for Previews.
    -Allen Wicks

  • Lost bookmarks;tried back up and restoreing yet didnt find any files, it says unable to process. could you please help with this promlem?

    my bookmaks are disappeared yesterday all of sudden.tried to get back ups by doing restoring from import and back up colum, yet nothing can be processed.

    Rather late to mention that it is good practice to keep backups, for instance by following
    * [[backing up and restoring bookmarks]]
    * and although it must not be regarded as a backup method consider using [[what is firerfox sync|sync]] that is intended to allow you to sync two devices, you then effectivly have a backup on another device.
    Make a manual backup of whatever you have now and store it somewhere safe, not in firefox profile or program paths - maybe use the Windows Desktop location. Note unfortunatly the restore process overwrites existing bookmarks.
    See also that article goes into a bit more depth, and is relatively accurate still. (It tends to refer to Firefox 3, there are now more copies of bookmark backups by default for instance in Firefox 7)

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