Batch Render?

In her wonderful book, Final Cut Pro 5, Lisa Brenneis mentions that you can batch render multiple projetcs, but fails to mention where this feature is.
Does anyone know, I have looked all over and even searched on the FCP manual....

Again, that means sequences (or timelines) - FCP does not render projects. (Projects, in FCP-speak, are collections of clips, sequences and render files.) It's a typo or a flat-out error that you've caught, because there is no in-built functionality to batch render sequences across projects.
The workaround that some folks use is to open the selected sequences from all projects in the Timeline, then set the Auto-Render time (in User Preferences) to something absurdly low (5 minutes or less) and leave the machine alone to render out.

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    Go into the "timeline" mode (as opposed to the "clips" mode). Place the playhead at the point you want to make the cut. Click on the video clip, and you will be able to "split" the video clip. Leave the playhead alone, then click on the corresponding extracted audio clip below the video clip. You will be able to "split" the audio clip. You may then want to "lock" the audio clip to the video clip at the playhead, so that it stays in sync.
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    Dual 1.8GHz G5 (4-slot RAM model) Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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    Michel Boissonneault
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    After Effects would be one way.
    You might also be able to do it using actions in PhotoShop CS3 extended.

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    OMG... how could I just not think of this?!
    Thank you so much... I am a little bit ashamed now!

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    Thanks, Elliot

    Todd's answer is good.
    For batch "editing" -- if it's colour grading you're doing, using AE's Animation Presets (saving your effects for quick reference) would help out if you're not using them already.  Here's a basic overview & how to
    - wb

  • Render - Speed & Batch

    I searched the forum, read the manual and some of the third party books and would guess I may have missed something.
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    2.) RAID Card (Apple BTO) installed with three drives in RAID 0 where renders are directed to go. 700 Gigs or so free on the drives
    3.) BTO 8800XT Card installed
    4.) 10 Gigs Physical RAM
    5.) OS & Apps on another internal drive
    6.) Running 10.5.5
    7.) Running Color 1.0.2
    8.) Activity Monitor running at about 140% for Color (did not know if that is correct with how Color works with Video Card, but figured I would throw that out there just in case.)
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    The machine is fairly slow in rendering, in excess of an hour a minute. I am using handles on the clips and it otherwise is working fine between going back and forth with Final Cut. The timeline and material in Final Cut are Apple Pro Res and Color is set to that for renders. There are no changes being done in Final Cut other than edits and in Color 75% of the material is just for Primary Correction and 25% has some Primary/Secondary Correction, no other filters, rooms etc. It very well could be this is normal processing time, but figured no harm in asking. The sections run about 5 minutes or so.
    Second, is there anyway to script or batch render? I have some short discreet sections that I correct then have to wait for rendering. My workaround is to drop them all on the same timeline in Final Cut and send them all to Color.
    I am willing to try the updates if that is indeed what could be at issue, but have not seen anything where the Color update helped on that side and it looks like there are some issues with it from looking at the posts. Also if I need to look at the video card as something to change I could if it is worthwhile.
    Thanks for any tips or thoughts.

    Patrick Inhofer wrote:
    Drew13 wrote:
    Your machine is taking waaay to long. A 5 minute section with some Primary/Secondary at 1080p in Floating Point shouldn't be longer than a lunch break on a Octo. What's the codec of the source material?
    Originally HDV but I changed it all to ProRes (not HQ) and edited in ProRes, then sent the ProRes to color - in other words I took the HDV issues of conforming and the rest off the table...
    Have you tested the throughput on your drives using something like the Kona System Test?
    BlackMagic reports at 12-Bit RGB 4:4:4 HDTV 1080fps read of 24 and write of 22. 10 Bit YUV 4:2:2 @ 1080 of 41/37.
    Also, Color doesn't so much care about system Ram as VRam. Double check how much Ram your video board has - since that's where the rendering is done.
    512 Megs 8800GT
    Almost every release of Color fixes 3 things and breaks 1. Depending on what gets broken, the updates are usually worth it for most people.
    Right now except for this Color has been rock solid. (I always get a bit, ummmm, concerned about updates at this point )
    If your drives support the throughput then it's either the video card or the software. After backing up I'd try the software update first. You'll be updating the entire FCS package, the OS, and Quicktime.
    - pi
    Urgh....was hoping to avoid that. Well, maybe it is time to clone the drive and do it all over. Been avoiding 10.5.6 etc. because otherwise finally got the machine stable. Even the virtual clusters are working without quits/stalls and stops

  • Batch Sequence Rendering

    Hey people
    Is there a way to batch render multiple Sequences from the Browser?? Same deal as with normal 'batch export' but batch render instead. Iv tried selecting sequences and hitting 'render', 'render all' and that carry on but it only renders the top sequence. This maybe a dumb question but it would help alot to find an answers.
    Cheers Meke's

    You should be able do it from the browser. Just select them and choose 'MainMenu/Sequences/Render All' (might want to close all open timeline sequences first, so you know exactly what's getting rendered)
    Or you could open those sequences you wanted rendered in the timeline and reset your 'auto-render' to something short.
    Just make sure you reset your auto-render after you've finished or you'll have render mania going on.

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    Captivate is e-learning development software not a dedicated video convertor, you are better off trying something like Adobe Media Encoder or Super.

  • QuickTime/After Effects render problem

    This is a strange one. When batch rendering from After Effects CS3 to .mov format, some random files will have an upper case file extension, and the rest lower case. Our automated QA process will only deal with lower case extensions, so this is a problem. I don't believe the issue lies with the destination share, since AE projects render there fine using different codecs (Etymonix, for example). Here's our config info. We are still using QT 7.5.5 because of other AE issues with the latest version.
    Clients/render nodes:
    Windows XP Pro SP3
    After Effects CS3 w/8.0.2 patch
    QuickTime 7.5.5
    Batch render app:
    Deadline 3.1 SP2
    File share:
    Isilon OneFS 5.0.0
    CIFS protocol

    edwoodjrjr wrote:
    I don't believe the issue lies with the destination share,
    Actually I do. What seems to happen is that when the file name is short enough, it will end up being one case, when it's longer, in the other. The reason behind this certainly being how some file systems discriminate between long file names and short ones, and not adding a long name, if the file can be described with teh short name (or simply using the same name). Depending on which part your other system reads, this may show up as different case names. Likewise, you could simply be seeing code page/ Unicode conversion issues during network transfers. If only one workstation has a different setting than the others, it might royally interfere with the file naming on the storage, beause then the files will use the name defined by the workstation who requested/ created it (first come, first served). Anyway, this is far too high-endish and specialized stuff you are working with, so I don't think your will get conclusive answers here. I even couldn't find out what CIFS actually does use under the hood, as I strongly believe it's just a wrapper system for another native file system (anything from FAT16 to Linux EXT), so maybe ask the Deadline people and Isilon...

  • 2 iMac & 1 Mac Pro render a job of Maya

    Hi all!
    I have a LAN with 3 machines: 2 iMac 2GHz - 2GRam and MacPro 2.4GHz - 2GRam. And I'm use QMaster2 to render a small project Maya( This project, if batch render with 1 machine just take 1min).
    My setting:
    first iMac have been setting with: Services and cluster controller.
    second iMac and MacPro have been setiing with: Services only.
    So, I'm rendered. It is successful.
    But i have some problems.
    1. How to distribute batch. It seem not distributes in my job.
    2. Time to render is very slowly. something wrong??????
    3. Just MacPro submit a job to cluster, second iMac didn't add job in QMaster. Why that ???
    please help me !!!!!!!!!!

    An i7 3.9GHz would do if you had 32GB RAM, an SSD boot drive, and 2TB hdd.
    The sweet spot today on Mac Pro is $1800 4-core special and DIY to W3690 or W3680 6-core 3.33 or higher with 32-48GB RAM. And lots of SSDs and disk drives.
    Refurbished 27-inch iMac 3.4GHz quad-core Intel Core i7
    The Mac Pro line is at a - not ready to ship the new 2013 6,1 model / not ready with 10.9 that it will need / and current configuration is really 2010 3 yrs old (but also how well they hold up and mature).
    You do not want to give up GHz for more cores. MHz still rules. Only reason would be if you planned to replace the processors for the fastest expensive (use to be, though changing) 4 or 6-core 3.4GHz for total of 8 or 12-cores, but never the 2.4GHz, no way.
    The 2009 4,1 used is cheaper and can be found for $1000 and upgraded to 6-core and everything else (dual core upgrades are harder and not good to plan for.
    And has done some tests on iMac and Mac Pro.
    Graphics on Mac Pro, RAM and PCIe and SSD, hdd are easy upgrades.
    This site has some great tips

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