Battery Drain On Curve

I'm not running any chat programs, and only have Gmail, Google Search, running, along with the basic applications, including Telenav.  My battery charge won't last 8 hours, and the phone isn't 2 weeks old yet.  Any suggestions?

Would having GMail Mobile Update cause battery drain?  Notsure what else to eliminate or what could be causing the drain.  Can't last 8 hour day without drained battery.  Any help would be appreciated.  Janice

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    The Certificate Chain you installed on the FE server did not have "Enable all purposes for this certificat" enabled.
    Run MMC--Add\Remove Snap-ins--certificates--Local Computer--Trusted Root Certificate Authorities--Certificates, find the certificate chain you installed--Properties--General, check the "Enable all purposes for this certificate".
    Restart Lync FE server and check the problem is solved.
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    A coworker has the exact same phone and problem, I upgraded his phone yesterday and now he says his battery will be drained by mid day from a full charge in the morning.
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    Hey Robert,
    If it's anything like my 920, sometimes it gets caught in a CRAZY battery drain cycle. Sometimes it may get hot, sometimes not, but I always make sure that my GPS is working correctly. A lot of times it's not, and I need to reset the phone by either turning it off or holding down the power and volume down buttons.
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    So I guess the problem seems to lie within 3rd party apps, and not the apps that are part of the iPod/iOS.
    The other problem is battery drain. I do all of my music listening via Bluetooth, so I expect that to have a greater impact than if I were using plugged in headphones, and I have location services turned on. But I have most notifications turned off, all email accounts set to manual and not push, screen brightness turned down and auto brightness turned on, "ask to join networks" turned off, auto-lock is set to 2 minutes but I almost always turn off the screen immediately after setting up my music listening (since I do so at work), volume limit turned on, EQ turned off, sound check turned off,
    With these settings, my battery can drain 20% or more within 10-15 minutes of game play. And these are not what I would consider memory intensive games--just Words and Angry Birds.
    I've installed (and recently uninstalled) a couple of battery meters from the Apple Store as well--freebies. Carat, Battery Doctor, Battery HD, Battery Magic.
    Carat and Battery Doctor seemed to offer the most pertinent and accurate information so the others were uninstalled long ago.
    The Accelerate tab in Battery Doctor show the amount of memory in use, and the amount of available memory. The vast majority of the time, the memory in use is approximately 94%. I will occasionally choose to "accelerate" which supposedly frees up memory, but this "bump" lasts only a brief time and I'm not sure it's a great idea.
    Even with absolutely nothing open or running, my used memory is generally still above 80%.
    Carat, if anyone is familiar with it, shows a J-Score. My J-Score is 17, which means that my performance (according to Carat, anyway) is better than only 17% of the users who have Carat installed. In other words, 83% of people are getting better performance from their devices. It also has "battery hog" and "battery bug" sections. It doesn't detect any hogs or bugs.
    I use my iPod Touch in rather limited ways. A typical day consists of approximately 5 hours of music listening via Bluetooth and 30 minutes to 1 hour of playing the aforementioned games. The occasional note and reminder, perhaps a brief check-in with the weather, and that's about it. And wifi is in use only when at home (there is no hotspot at work). Still, I need to charge it every day. I'd be keen to do more with the iPod if I could count on it to last more than a day.
    I've read up on multiple forums and blogs for tips on prolonging a battery charge, and believe I've taken everything into account, and applied whatever I could. I've even reset the network settings and try to discharge the battery completely once a month (for supposed battery calibration).
    I'm really hoping people can offer some suggestions or comments on whether this is typical behavior or if my battery is going, or even offer some additional tips.
    With iOS 7 on the horizon, I'm hoping the upgrade will offer some resolutions (I've read there is better multitasking), but considering how weakly my device performs at this point, I'm not entirely convinced that an iOS upgrade will actually make any improvements.
    Thanks a lot for reading.

    No, the app does not have to completely restart. It gets shifted in its open state into storage. Similar to how a computer uses the hard disk when it has insufficient memory.
    What complicates things is that sometimes memory does not get returned for reuse when you close an app. Thus yo should periodically double click the Home button and "delete" unnecessary apps from the multitasking dock and power off and then back on the iPod.

  • Dell Venue 8 Pro Battery Drain, Support No Help

    I lose a silly amount of battery life when the tablet is not in use.
    Battery life isn't great when in use either.
    Dell support wouldn't do an exchange because the diagnostic check came back fine.
    They did tell me to turn down screen brightness etc., not very helpful because I've tried all that. Stayed on Dell's recommended settings trying to avoid this issue. My sleep study seems to indicate that the unit is rarely in sleep at all.
    If a fresh install of windows doesn't fix this. I'm done. And dell support has been anything but actually supportive. If it doesn't fall in a checklist you are sol.

    I know my response is rather dated, but when you have a severe battery drain issue, just return the unit for an exchange where you bought it.
    I know some people mite not have bought it at a "brick" joint, but you should always try to buy your etoolz online, but at a local store for pickup, so you can check it all out and within that window of time offered, return for refund or exchange.
    BBuy locally tried to send stuff back for warranty reply, but I always point out the fact it's still under returnable terms, so I can either get a refund or return/exchange and not mess around waiting on my gear.
    There are also other ways to buy an other "new" tablet and "exchange" it//the old one also thereby bypassing all stops and go's and getting your new tablet replaced.
    I'm always plugged in or on an external battery pack//backup battery pack on DV8Pro anyways, so battery life for me is always longterm.....
    For those of you finding you aren't able to charge your via backup battery pack due to cable issues, remember you need a "dumb" usb//"charge" only cable or dumb dongle that makes your cable ""CHARGE ONLY"",,, then it will always charge via any usb powered source.
    For example for you that don't understand fully, sometimes devices such as rechargeable peripherals like keyboards and mice and all kinds of non pc devices that now use what appears to be a data cable but is only a charging cable, which does not allow throughput of data due to the fact it's sole purpose is to CHARGE a device, that cable will work.
    Like some small radios and bicycle lights and other devices now come with "USB" enabled recharging, and the cables look just like a data cable and will fit a fone, phablet or any standard mini usb plug, those cables are usually CHARGE ONLY, and this is what you need to add to your DV8Pro so it will charge universally bus wise.

  • MacBook Air Mid-2013 Battery Draining FAST (about 5-6 hours at best)

    I have been having problems with my Mac's battery draining very fast even on light usage. Simply using Safari will drain my battery in 5 to 6 hours, when my laptop would last the stated 12+ hours before when browsing the internet. I followed these steps yesterday...
    Reset, and
    - Open a new finder window
    - Choose Go > Go to folder. Your destination is ~/Library/Preferences
    - Locate and rename it to
    - Locate and rename it
    - Do the same for Note: This file was missing in my folder. If so: nevermind.
    - Open Terminal and type: killall Dock
    Reset your SMC:
    - shut down your system
    - plug in the magsafe
    - hold down shift+ctrl+alt+power for a second, then release. Your magsafe should blink
    - do this three times
    Reset PRAM:
    - turn on your mbp and hold down alt+cmd+p+r immediately
    - hold down the keys until you hear the startup sound the second time
    - release the keys and let the MBP boot.
    Give your system some time to adjust to the changes: after a while it should show you a much increased battery time.
    ...but to no avail, it didn't have any effect on my machine. I'm not sure what to do. :'( Activity monitor shows Safari as having a "10.7 average energy impact" (I don't know what that means in all honesty) and is the highest consumer on the list, with Dropbox being number two on the list saying the average is 1.9 at the moment. I quit background applications so I know that's not an issue — I don't know where to go from here. Also, my battery max/health is 6909 at 97% health, so I do know it's getting a near-full charge. I miss having 12+ hours of battery as that's what I bought this for. Should I go to the Genius Bar and see what they can do?

    Hi hawknelson24,
    It sounds like you have been on the right track. If you are looking for more options for troubleshooting your battery issue before potentially taking your Air in for service, you may find the following article helpful:
    Mac notebooks: All about batteries
    - Brenden

  • Iphone 4s battery draining too fast

    I just received my iphone 4s and I have upgraded from my 3s, after holding on for so long I am so disappointed with the battery life. after 2 phone calls the battery drains 15 %, I have turned off all the features to make sure it lasts me at least till I can charge it again. any solutions out there, off course apple says there is no problem, just like we have no problems with the economy.

    Quick fix for you!!!!!!
    Go to settings//Location Services//System Services//turn "Setting time Zone" and "Diagnostic & Usage" OFF.
    These things will drain you to Zero fast. and tell Apple there is an issue with the Setting Time Zone feature.
    Its constantly locating your phone second by second when it's suppose only work when you leave one time zone and go to another.

  • IPhone 5S Battery Draining Unusually fast

    I got an iPhone 5S in November and for the first few months it was working fine. For the past two weeks I have noticed the battery draining unusally quickly. Like the battery drains an avg 1-2% on 5 mins of me just using the phone on Instagram. I regularly close all my apps and live in Pakistan where there is no 3G so the LTE issue should not come into play either. I have read countless articles on how to fix your battery life and have tried everything from turning location services off to brightness to anything that is being suggested, even re installed iOS7 on my phone. I have to know charge my phone three times a day from it usually giving me a full day on standby. Any suggestions please?

    Take it back to the Apple store and tell them that didn't fix the issue. You might have a hardware issue. Before you take it back though do a backup on your computer.

  • Iphone 4s battery draining extremly fast

    iphone 4s battery draining extremly fast, how annoying is that, Battery will be drain out within 12 hrs and I just usually watch 30 mins video (not using 3G/wifi) and 10mins on Phone .
    I always turn off my Siri, Auto Detect Time Zone, 50% Brightness, NO background Apps are running and Mail is manually updated.
    Does anyone facing the same problem?

    Go to advanced and set icloud to manual I used to suffer from this because of icloud it was stuck in a loop and always draining the battery, try also resetting your network settings if it didn't work reset all settings and set it as a new phone drain the battery and charge it from 0 to 100% to recalibrate the battery , hope this works for you

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