Battery Not found need help

I have unfortunately placed my MBP on sleep mode for a couple of days and it ran out of battery. Now when I press the battery indicator on the battery itself it does not light-up. and I can't turn on the mac without the power adopter connected. when I turn on the mac the batt is not charging as well, the light on the charger still remains green it does not turn amber. and the battery is not found on the power status bar and on system profiler this is what is shown...
Battery Information:
Battery Installed: No
Macbook Pro 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

Does resetting the PMU help:
Also, is your battery under recall:

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    <tr valign="top">
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    Message was edited by:

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    Message was edited by: King21092
    Also I would like to add that it seems like my songs have disappeared from my HDD, amazingly! That or they have been moved somewhere else. I originally had the songs on my old dell, copied the songs to my new HDD for my new PC. Then that HDD went bad, so I moved it to my other HDD, so I have back-ups.

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    Any help you could give on this?? This my first time on this site, but I have burned lots of cds in the past with no problems. Thanks in advance.
    Patrick Case
    [email protected]

    Message keeps coming up DISC RECORDING NOT FOUND.
    Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

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    2. If I install JDBC drivers according to R3 4.7 EE's Database version , In future will I get any problem like the same and other when I do JDBC scenario ?
    3. I have been searching but not getting the right place to download JDBC drivers.
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    you can find JDBC drivers here :
    <a href=""></a>

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