Battery problem on Iphone 4S

My iphone 4S has just one year.
I had a problem these last months :
No particular problems with my battery, but when I take more than 20 pictures, or when I take more than 7 pictures with the flash, my Iphone stops working with a screen "dead battery".  I have to wait a few minits, and I have to restart my Iphone and the battery level is more than 50%...It works like before...
Do anyone knows something about this problem ?

Forum etiquette would dictate that you search the forum before posting.  Your issue has been addressed countless times already and there is no need to further clutter this forum.
Please look to the right in the "More Like This" box, or use the search box at the top of this page for excellent suggestions on how to maximize battery life.

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    Reset, will reset the battery meter is this is the problem. To Reset, hold both the Home and Power buttons until the iPhone restarts itself, ignore the "slide to power off", let the iPhone restart itself. Usually takes about 10 seconds of holding both buttons. If not better, try tap Settings App > General > Reset > Reset All Settings. The set up your iPhone again. If not better, you may need to Restore the iPhone Firmware, I would perform this with iTunes on your computer.

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    battery problem with iphone 5

    sholton wrote:
    Actually, battery size has a definite impact on battery life, and larger batteries tend to weigh more.
    I had made the point that the Handset size (not the "battery size") does not affect battery life.
    Furthermore, I wen't on to explain that the batteries are comparable in size regardless.
    On this point Sholton, if you want a physically larger battery (which yes, I agree, naturally will yield better battery life) then perhaps the Samsung Galaxy SIII or Galaxy Note would be a better solution for you.
    But then, because of a poorly optimised operating system on those systems, your battery will be working inefficiently anyway.
    sholton wrote:
    can't replace the battery once that limit has been reached -  at that point you either buy a new phone and discard the "old" (not very green of you...), or ship the old one off to the factory for an expensive replacement, and no phone for the duration of the shipping and replacement).
    Apple offers a battery replacement program where they will either replace a consumed battery or replace the handset if need be for a reasonable price of around $89.
    The aforementioned service can be carried out at your nearest Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorised Service Provider in a matter of 10 minutes - rendering your point about being without a phone moot.
    Once again, I appreciate your frustration, but perhaps the iPhone just isnt for you.

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    The vast majority of apps cannot and do not run in the background.  For more info on Multitasking... n/

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    This sounds as if an app keeps running in the background although you don't use it or allowed it to use it in the background.
    Did you already check Battery usage to see which app you didn't use much (or not at all) causes a major use in battery. See also this article and this one on iMore.
    I've seen others who had background process off for e.g. Google Hangout and Skype but still had major battery usage since iOS8.
    Please look also into the apps who are allowed to use 'Background refresh' and 'Push Notifications'.
    I've had similar issues with another Dutch app called Scoupy after 6>iOS7 upgrade. I deleted the app and it resolved the battery drain. The app released an update (months later) which resolved the drain finally. It was however very hard in the previous versions to find out the app which caused the drain. In iOS8 that is much easier now.

  • Battery problem on iphone 4

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    If you have the same problem and solved it well, please let me know how can I do to save my phone.
    Thank you!

    I get great life on my iPhone 4 with iOS 5.0.1 update, subject to the following steps:-
    turn off all mail push notifications, restrict to manual
    turn off all notifications except messages, missed calls and mail
    turn off all "other" app (FB, Twitter, etc) notifications (banner, badge, alerts)
    turn off location settings except what is reqd for Find my iPhone
    turn off iCloud
    Also ...
    if within wifi environment
              turn on wifi
              turn off cellular data (3G)
    else if not within wifi environment
              turn off wifi
              turn on cellular data (3G)
    else if not within wifi environment and data not required
              turn off wifi
              turn off cellular data (3G)
    The above was at 7.53 this morning. As of now, I have a Usage time of 5 hours and odd and Standby of 3 days and odd and my battery percentage is down to just 37%. This is including usage of Twitter, Facebook, Linked in, Mail and iCal two or three times since 7.53 ( 4 hours approx.)
    I realize that one shouldn't have to manually do all the things outlined above and I _have_ submitted a feedback form to Apple to try and program the iPhone so that it automatically does the above switches. I don't know if this is an idiotic suggestion but, until something happens, all the above works for me.

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    Hello Joe,     
    I have my iphone since two weeks, I had a very good quality in battery life (acctually I was suprpised about it), Since yesterday I did upgrade my operative system to version 4.3.3, and now I have a very poor quality in battery life (same problem that you had)... I tryed all tips from but useless so far, in addition to this I found that even when I`m charging the iPhone it takes less time to charge than before... I`m really disapointed I liked so much iPhone 4 but this thing makes me feel really bad about it.
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    I had the same issue as the original poster. Went to bed with 65% and woke up with 14%. Never ever happened before IOS 6. And I did a shut down and reboot after installing IOS 6.
    To make things more odd, I recharged this morning and now have used 2% in an hour and 45 minutes, which is what I would expect. Thisis on an iPhone 4, btw.
    So I have no explanation why yesterday was so poor and today back to normal unless Apple pushed something to my device yesterday I was unaware of.

  • Solved my iPhone 5 Battery Problems: Maybe it can help you!

    Hi every one, I saw many topics regarding battery problems with the iPhone 5. I responded to one discussion describing what I did to solve the iPhone 5 battery dying fast on me. So I thought I'd make a discussion here to help out other users with the same problem.
    I would have 25-30% drop with in the hour and all I did was text a couple of my friends. I was using an iPhone 4 for the longest time, and on that phone I was able to watch videos, listen to music and use all the other features of the phone. The battery still lasted me the whole day, I was getting  worried that I wouldn't be able to use the iPhone 5 the same with out it dying on me fast.
    My friend suggested draining the battery and then charging the phone to see if any improvements were seen. I did that and I saw a small change in the battery strength. I drained the battery two more times, and that is when I saw a huge difference.
    I use my Phone as my iPod when I work out, and I run continuous music on it for 1.5-2 hours straight, along with sending texts to my friends. In this duration I would only use 15-20% which was a huge improvement from before. I would say that the battery life was on par with my iPhone 4 battery! It is such a relief, now I can use my iPhone 5 to it's fullest potential without having to worry it'll die on me fast.
    I recommend other iPhone 5 users try draining their batteries a couple of times before charging as well if they are experiencing problems.
    Hope this helps!

    I would let the battery completely die before I would charge it again. I would keep 3g off and only turn it on if I'm going to use it and turn it off again. Because the phone uses more power for the 3g/4g that the battery dies even faster.
    I text a lot to friends so I'm constantly texting through out the day and when I work out continously run music on it for close to 2hours. It would only drain 15-20% of the battery, which really is a huge improvement.
    I also use Siri quite often through wifi and it barely uses any battery power. Try letting the phone die until it turns off a couple of times before you charge it. That is what I did before a friend requested doing that after I was getting fraustrated with the battery power.

  • IPhone 6 Wi-Fi and Battery Problems

    Background info:
    -- My first iPhone 6 kept randomly shutting down and turning itself back on while I was in various apps and on the home screen and also while the phone was on stand-by. I called Apple Support and they sent me a replacement without asking too many questions.
    -- I don't know if my replacement is new or refurbished, although I'm assuming it's new since I received the replacement about 2.5 weeks after the release date of the iPhone 6, but who knows.
    The replacement iPhone's wifi and battery.
    -- My replacement/current iPhone 6 is running iOS 8.0.2.
    -- Trying to load anything while on wifi is so, so, so SLOW. I don't even use it on my phone anymore and I stick to cellular data because that is how bad it is.
    -- I did NOT have this issue with my original iPhone 6 (iOS 8.0.2).
    -- My iPad Air (iOS 8.0.2) has absolutely no problems with the wifi.
    -- Resetting my network settings fixed the issue for literally 15 minutes before the problem started again.
    -- Restoring the phone from backup does not work. Setting up the phone as new does not work.
    -- My original iPhone 6's battery life was amazing. I could go through the whole day with heavy use with my cellular data and location on and still have a good 40% left on it. It took A LOT to kill even 10% of it.
    -- My replacement iPhone's battery is absolutely pathetic. Light use (texting, browsing) with cellular data on and location off for an hour kills 20% of it.
    -- Pretty much any "battery-saving" thing I can do is done (like turning off wifi, cellular data, and location unless it's absolutely needed).
    I don't want to contact Apple for another possible replacement because I just feel weird about it. Obviously I will if I have to.
    Do you guys have any suggestions or fixes? Please help!

    I downloaded the Speedtest app on my iPhone and iPad and would randomly test one right after the other. I accumulated about 5 tests a day on each device over the course of 3 days. I set up an appointment at the Genius bar. I told the Genius that I set up my phone as new and then showed him my comparisons of the Speedtest on both devices. He handed me a new (non-refurbished because it hasn't been out for long) phone, no questions. Apparently it was a hardware issue and not an iOS 8 bug.

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    Hi there Dan Laven,
    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    About battery life and the battery
    Battery life and number of charge cycles vary by use and settings. Find more information about batteries for iPhone and iPod.
    Find information on how long the battery is expected to last between charges.
    Rechargeable batteries have a limited number of charge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced.
    -Griff W. 

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    I have iPad, iPhone and iPod. I have updated all of them with iOS 5.0.1. After this wrong direction, all of them are facing a battery problem. Please solve solve solve it. This is a bad things from apple. We are about to stop trusting them. We have started comparing their products with other competitors. We are about to replace them with Samsung, Motorola, htc,...

    1000€ is 1342$
    But this is a  user Helping user forum Apple dont Read or Write here
    This is here you contact Apple

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