
Should I plug in the charger always? Even when the battery is full?
‎07-02-2012 11:44 AM
I have a HP pavilion g4 1303AU.
The power is unstable in india. It comes and goes without any schedule.
My question is that, can I left the charger plugged in even after the battery is full? Means when the battery is full, should I keep using it on AC power.
When my laptop fully charged the battery, its light at charging pin turns off. What does it mean? Does it mean that the battery is fully charged and now laptop is not charging it anymore, and running the laptop on AC power directly?

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**I'm a Volunteer, I do not work for HP**

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    Message was edited by: Fresh J

    Fresh J:
    A1. You're fine calibrating the battery now. You might have gotten more accurate readings during the first month if you'd done it sooner, but no harm has been done.
    A2. Your machine has NOT shut down; it has done exactly what it was supposed to do. When the power became critically low, it first wrote the contents of RAM to the hard drive, then went to sleep. When the battery was completely drained some time later, the MBP went into hibernation and the slepp light stopped pulsing and turned off. In that state the machine was using no power at all, but the contents of your RAM were still saved. Once the AC adapter was connected, a press of the power button would cause those contents to be reloaded, and the machine would pick up again exactly where you left off. It is not necessary to wait for the battery to be fully charged before using the machine on AC power, but do leave the AC adapter connected for at least two hours after the battery is fully charged. Nothing that you say you've done was wrong, and nothing that you say has happened was wrong.
    A3. No, it does not matter.

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    The issue I'm running into is essentially that I close the lid (unplugged from power and anything else) and overnight the entire battery drains.  When looking into the system log, I noticed that the sleep seems to run OK but it's when it tries to hibernate that the issue comes up.  It looks to me like it tries to hibernate and runs into an error, tries again, run into an erro, tries again, etc.
    Sep 18 17:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: 4976.801546: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
    Sep 18 17:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::powerStateWillChangeTo - root-domain power state = 0x00000002 (flags=0x00000004)
    Sep 18 17:37:43 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
    Sep 18 17:37:43 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::acpiControlS2ChipPower - powerState=0, status = 0x0, result_value = 0x0
    Sep 18 17:37:43 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 3
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 hidd[79]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.SleepTimer (SleepTimer)
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: 4978.519425: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::powerStateWillChangeTo - root-domain power state = 0x00000003 (flags=0x00000002)
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleHSSPIController::HandleMessage Device Wake by Host
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80260c3000>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80260c3000>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    Sep 18 20:37:39 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: Graphics suppressed 577 ms
    Sep 18 20:37:40 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
    Sep 18 20:37:40 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: 4979.587912: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]: label: default
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]:           dbname: od:/Local/Default
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]:           mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]:           acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::acpiControlS2ChipPower - powerState=0, status = 0x0, result_value = 0x0
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]: digest-request: uid=0
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 rpcsvchost[1564]: sandbox_init: succeeded
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]: digest-request: init request
    Sep 18 20:37:41 LMC-034538 digest-service[1563]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: LMC-034538
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_allocate_cluster - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: 4982.339010: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: 74:31:70:6d:14:2b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 74:31:70:6d:14:2b
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    Sep 18 20:37:42 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Sep 18 20:37:43 LMC-034538 airportd[1555]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Gumdrop-Motorola”. Bailing on auto-join.
    Sep 18 20:37:43 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    Sep 18 20:37:43 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    Sep 18 20:37:43 LMC-034538 netbiosd[71]: name servers down?
    Sep 18 20:37:44 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    Sep 18 20:37:44 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    Sep 18 20:37:47 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    Sep 18 20:37:47 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    Sep 18 20:37:50 LMC-034538 configd[20]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    Sep 18 20:37:50 LMC-034538 UserEventAgent[14]: Captive: en0: Not probing 'Gumdrop-Motorola' (protected network)
    Sep 18 20:37:50 LMC-034538 configd[20]: network changed: v4(en0!: DNS Proxy SMB
    Sep 18 20:37:51 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    Sep 18 20:37:51 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: hibernate_alloc_pages act 205305, inact 278633, anon 174076, throt 0, spec 291721, wire 134467, wireinit 153798
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: hibernate_setup(0) took 13830 ms
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io(-536870181) took 0 ms
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: error 0xe00002db opening hibernation file
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: IOPolledFileOpen(e00002db)
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: hibernate file close due timeout
    Sep 18 20:37:53 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::powerStateWillChangeTo - root-domain power state = 0x00000002 (flags=0x00000004)
    Sep 18 20:37:54 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 74:31:70:6d:14:2b
    Sep 18 20:37:54 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    Sep 18 20:37:54 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Sep 18 20:37:54 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    Sep 18 20:37:54 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80260c3000>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Sep 18 20:37:55 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 2
    Sep 18 20:37:56 LMC-034538 hidd[79]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    Sep 18 20:37:56 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: sleep
    Sep 18 20:37:56 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
    Sep 18 20:37:56 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: 4995.563125: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
    Sep 18 20:37:56 LMC-034538 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::powerStateWillChangeTo - root-domain power state = 0x00000003 (flags=0x00000002)
    This all seems to loop until the battery drains completely.  Any Thoughts?

    I have the exact same problem. I just installed Mavericks three days ago and I'm having battery drain when the lid is closed.
    Does anybody have a solution for this problem ?
    Here are the logs :
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleHSSPIController::HandleMessage Device Wake by Host
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air.local hidd[71]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80263b0600>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80263b0600>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16306.189738: si_survive_perst_war: bar0win before 18003000, bar0win after 18001000
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16306.253606: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
    Oct 24 19:33:26 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
    Oct 24 19:33:31 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
    Oct 24 19:33:55 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Oct 24 19:33:55 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16335.293657: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
    Oct 24 19:33:55 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16335.293664: wl0: powerChange: *** BONJOUR/MDNS OFFLOADS ARE NOT RUNNING.
    Oct 24 19:33:55 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: efi pagecount 63
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall(preflight 1) start 0xffffff80e615c000, 0xffffff80e619c000
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 254 ms
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: pages 721153, wire 140975, act 184323, inact 371784, cleaned 0 spec 82, zf 11, throt 0, compr 19760, xpmapped 516000
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: could discard act 624 inact 394 purgeable 1214 spec 1986 cleaned 0
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall preflight pageCount 140975 est comp 73 setfile 453065912 min 1073741824
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: [0x120e0f8000, 0x40000000]
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: [0x0, 0x0]
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io(0) took 6 ms
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 1073741824, partition base 0x0, maxio 2000000 ssd 1
    Oct 24 19:33:56 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate image major 1, minor 0, blocksize 4096, pollers 5
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80263b0600>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80263b0600>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: vm_compressor_flush - starting
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: vm_compressor_flush completed - took 833 msecs
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_flush_memory: buffer_cache_gc freed up 138 wired pages
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_alloc_pages act 146027, inact 372178, anon 45, throt 0, spec 2068, wire 155595, wireinit 146087
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_setup(0) took 1250 ms
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275385: scanparams:
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275388:   flags 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275391:   active_time 0, passive_time 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275393:   scan_start_delay 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275395:   scan_cycle_idle_rest_time 0, scan_cycle_idle_rest_time_multiplier 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275398:   max_scan_cycles 0, max_rest_time 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275401: Scan Channels (0): None
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275403: SSID (0): None
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275405: SSID count = 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: ARPT: 16337.275408: wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will turn off.
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
    Oct 24 19:33:58 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 2
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall(preflight 0) start 0xffffff80e615c000, 0xffffff80e619c000
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_teardown started
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_teardown: wired_pages 156080, free_pages 1408942, active_pages 144140, inactive_pages 371783, speculative_pages 77, cleaned_pages 0, compressor_pages 79
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_teardown_pmap_structs done: last_valid_compact_indx 158196
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_teardown: mark_as_unneeded_pages 4096, 23776, 18711
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_teardown completed - discarded 46583
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 462 ms
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: pages 614690, wire 94338, act 144140, inact 371783, cleaned 0 spec 77, zf 0, throt 0, compr 79, xpmapped 516000
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: did discard act 673 inact 395 purgeable 1214 spec 1991 cleaned 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall found pageCount 610417
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen, ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: encryptStart 14000
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: bitmap_size 0x3f908, previewSize 0x69e4e0, writing 608390 pages @ 0x6f1de8
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: encryptEnd 5b9c600
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: image1Size 0x95a9000, encryptStart1 0x14000, End1 0x5b9c600
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: encryptStart 95a9000
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: PMStats: Hibernate write took 4939 ms
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: all time: 4939 ms, comp bytes: 1368731648 time: 1634 ms 798 Mb/s, crypt bytes: 1012790784 time: 2683 ms 359 Mb/s,
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: image 0 (0%), uncompressed 1368727552 (334162), compressed 1063677328 (77%), sum1 80d4e18b, sum2 44bf99d7
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: zeroPageCount 20455, wiredPagesEncrypted 58961, wiredPagesClear 33482, dirtyPagesEncrypted 241731
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_write_image done(e00002e8)
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: sleep
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_rebuild started
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_rebuild_pmap_structs done: last_valid_compact_indx 158196
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_rebuild completed - took 84 msecs
    Oct 24 19:34:05 Yassines-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?

  • Possible Internet Tethering/Battery Life Issue

    When either Cellular Data is turned Off, or Airplane Mode is turned On, Internet Tethering (Settings>General>Network) appears to have some process that runs continually in the background (evident by continuously spinning wheel next to the option). The running process has a demonstratively negative impact on battery life (1/3 reduction in ~ 30 mins). The Apple Genius at my local Apple Store and I verified the issue on numerous iPhone 4s that were on display. Turning Cellular Data On and ensuring the phone is not in Airplane Mode stops the activity. But obviously that defeats the purpose of having those options.
    So if you are experiencing poor battery life, this might be your issue.
    Message was edited by: Pahsina

    Could this be causing the unexplained usage and data transfer? I have been trying to find what is causing this.

  • IPad iOS 8.1 Mail constant network use draining battery

    Since updating to iOS 8.1, iPad Mail is rapidly draining my battery. When I go into Mail the network usage indicator (spinning wheel) runs constantly. I left it this way by mistake while traveling and it drained the whole battery with minimal actual usage in one day -- I usually only have to recharge every 2-3 days.
    I have checked the battery usage indicator in Settings and it shows that in the last 24 hours Mail used 54% of the battery. I had changed no settings, but went into Mail & Calendar settings and double-checked them, and they were as they had always been. I have three email accounts: Gmail, Verizon, and a company account on an Exchange server. It's the only one that was set to Push, but now I've set it to Fetch like the others and it still continuously accesses the network when I'm in Mail.
    This must be a bug of some kind introduced by a recent OS or app update, right? This never happened before, and nothing else has changed in my usage of the iPad or Mail.
    One other issue: Mail is not actually fetching new mail when it should. I see new mail show up on Mac Mail hours before it appears on the iPad. Normally email would arrive almost simultaneously on my iPhone and iPad, then a moment later on the Mac. Now the phone is still first, but the iPad lags. The only way I can get the iPad to refresh in real time is to close the app and restart it.
    Is anyone else seeing this behavior with the recent update? Any idea how to fix it?

    Found a solution at: tore-method
    Short version, remove your Exchange account, shut down phone, restart, add the Exchange account back. Problem solved.

  • FIX FOR: iPhone 4 battery draining fast, phone running hot

    I had the same issue many have reported here and in comments on blogs, where their +_battery was draining at least twice as fast_+ as on an iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.
    Some threads suggest +_this happens to iPhone 4 when restored from a 3G or 3GS_+, and indeed, that's what I'd done. A few people said that resetting to factory settings and installing everything fresh solved the issue, giving them better battery life than they'd seen on any prior iPhone.
    Many of my apps have files or settings stored in them, so I didn't want to have to set everything up again. A fresh install is a real pain.
    Deep in an iPhone 3G thread mentioning a similar battery problem after upgrading to iOS 4, someone said they'd deleted all their mail accounts, and set those up fresh, which solved the issue for them. I tried that today, and it worked.
    Thursday and Friday, the iPhone 4 went from 100% to 15% in under 6 hours. Today, after this fix, the iPhone 4 is at 87% after 12 hours. Thursday and Friday the phone was hot to the touch whenever I picked it up. Today it's always cool. Apps usage and movement among coverage areas on each day have been exactly the same. The only change was resetting up mail.
    *_STEPS TO FIX_*:
    Do this on WiFi so you can sync and check mail fast.
    1. Delete all mail accounts.
    2. If MobileMe user, delete MobileMe account, and remove all Calendars, Contacts, Notes, etc., from the phone (so you don't have dupes when you re-sync).
    3. Turn off phone, and back on again.
    4. If MobileMe user, add MobileMe account first. I enabled all options, even Find My iPhone (Thursday and Friday I had it off, in case it was using power). Wait long enough for contacts and calendars to sync, check to make sure. I use MobileMe mail on Push.
    5. Add back each additional mail account. I have 5. I am in a marginal coverage area, so I set these accounts on Fetch Hourly. I also have "Preview 5 Lines" (I think the default is Preview 2 Lines. This doesn't matter.)
    6. Go into Mail, go to the MobileMe Inbox, and scroll your way down letting the messages come in. You can see them come in when you see the Preview Lines update, and then scroll some more.
    7. Go into each additional mail account's Inbox, scroll your way down, letting the messages come in.
    8. Go to the combined Inbox if you use that, make sure all the messages are in.
    9. The WiFi activity spinner may remain spinning even after Mail says it is done Checking Mail. This is because other parts of mail accounts are being synced for the first time. Let the iPhone sit in Mail combined inbox until the spinner stops. Quit Mail, go back in, and watch the spinner after it's done Checking Mail. If the spinner doesn't stop after < 5 seconds or so, let Mail sit again. Once it's caught up, going into mail will Check Mail, and the spinner will stop a few seconds after as it should.
    10. You're done.
    Hopefully your phone stays cool and your battery life reflects the boost from the 20% larger battery. If not, the next step to try is Reset Network Settings, and finally try a factory reset and installing everything fresh instead of doing a restore. Hopefully you won't need to do that. I didn't.

    My iphone 4 just started to warm up and the battery is draining quick.  Closed everything and reset to no avail.  Turned off bluetooth, increased push time and checked location settings for new applications.  Weather Doodle was a bit suspicious as it had a purple direction indicator next to the setting.  The only other new app I installed was Lego instruct.  I disabled one of the 4 mail accounts I had that is having network difficulties, went to airplane mode and still I see %1 drain every 10 or 15 minutes.  I'll remove the new new apps and reset to see if it is related to the new apps.  If that doesn't work, I'll try email account reset at home wifi and see if that fixes the issues.  
    Thank you for the information.
    version 4.2.8

  • First battery charge and current issues?

    I just bought a new MacBook (2.0 GHz, 160 GB). I have two quick questions:
    1. I plugged in my AC adapter, turned on the notebook for about 5 minutes to make sure it works fine, etc, then shut it down to let the battery charge. Would I have lost any battery capacity by not fully charging the battery first? And do I need to let the battery run through a full cycle when I first use the computer to ensure full capacity?
    2. Are there any updates/best practices for the 2008 (December) MacBook batteries? I know there was an issue in 2007, but for the new line am I set to go? And is it still best practice to put shut the Mac down instead of putting it to sleep to save wear and tear on the hard-drive/battery?
    sorry for all the questions: it has been 5 years since I bought my last notebook so I am a bit rusty/excited!

    See the following:
    About Batteries in Modern Apple Laptops
    Apple - Batteries - Notebooks
    Extending the Life of Your Laptop Battery
    Apple - Batteries
    Determining Battery Cycle Count
    Calibrating your computer's battery for best performance
    Battery University

  • Since allowing my upgrade to happen, I am unable to double press and shut off apps that are now eating up my battery time. It doesn't "wiggle" anymore to allow me to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am a new user and when the phone asked for the upgrade.. I have had a lot of problems. First it eliminated all of my contacts. Also, I use to be able to close open apps to reduce battery usage by holding my finger on the apps until they "wiggled" allowing me to shut the active app off. I cannot do this any more and now my battery time is lasting about 5 hours tops. This is without me using any apps other than answering calls. Can someone please help.

    having apps in the multi-task doesn't eat up battery
    tips for battery

  • TS2518 Help, I had aperture open and working on a image and did not have a battery in and bumped the power off. As a result it will not open my master, it is locked. when I try to open that Library  it says There was an error opening the database for the

    Help, I had aperture open and working on a image and did not have a battery in and bumped the power off. As a result it will not open my master, it is locked. when I try to open that Library  it says There was an error opening the database for the library. I have tried every thing. I updated the other libr but now it will not open the main to update. What do I do?

    Try starting Aperture with the command and option keys held down.  You'll get 3 options.
    Try each, starting at the top, in order, checking after each to see if it fixes the issue.

  • Is there a way of stopping the battery from charging?

    Dear Apple Community,
    Recently I installed iStat Menus and found that, over the course of this year, my Macbook's charging capacity has dropped 5%. I know this isn't a massive number, but battery performance has become a concern for me. I use my Macbook as a desktop replacement, on the main. It's sitting on a mStand, connected to a large monitor on my desk. I use my Macbook to play games, surf the internet, do work and all that good stuff - basically, I use it for everything. I rarely use the Macbook without it being plugged in. I read on the Apple website that they do not recommend leaving the Macbook on charge permanently and that I should use it on battery at least one a month. As I use my Macbook as a desktop replacement, I don't actually have a lot of opportunity to do this.
    My question to you, the community, is: is there a way of stopping the battery from charging, either with the use of an app or a physical device? Ideally, I would love to have my power plugged in BUT only used when the battery drops below 10%. Is this possible with an app?
    On the other hand, am I just worrying about nothing? Will my battery be damaged further if I leave the Macbook charging permanently?
    Thanks for your help!
    Jeremy Reid

    Ideally, I would love to have my power plugged in BUT only used when the battery drops below 10%. Is this possible with an app?
    The charging characteristics are handled in firmware.  There is no app that would be able to do this.  You actually would not want to do this anyway.  Regularly discharging your battery to 10% will greatly decrease the life of your battery.  While it is true that you should not use your system exclusively plugged in, allowing it to run on battery a few hours a week should be fine.  Letting the battery regularly run down to (or below) 10% will cause you to use up cycles more quickly than is necessary (thereby reducing the life of your battery).  It's really a only a matter of disconnecting your Magsafe connector once in a while.
    Leaving it plugged in does not result in it being charged "permanently".  It will charge until it is full and then charging will stop.  It will only begin recharging when it reaches about 95%.

  • At a loss with my Galaxy battery Problems.  If you can help you are awesome

    So about 2 months ago my Galaxy 1's battery got really low but when I plugged it into charge it it said "Use genuine battery only.  Shutting down in 10, 9, 8, ...ect..."
    After calmly trying to explain to the phone that the battery it had was the one it had always had, I decided "well it's 1.5 yrs old so it's possible the battery has gone bad."  Got a new battery and it has worked just swell up until now.  Same scenario.  Battery was really low, plugged in the charger (which is the original wall-wart that it came with, has always worked..ect..) and we're back to the use genuine battery only stuff again. 
    I am an electronics tech but admit I have very little knowledge of these particular kind of Li-ion batteries.  There are 4 terminals but I know, because of its 3.7V nomimal, that it is only a one cell battery so I was wondering is it still possible the battery can get out of balance somehow when it gets too discharged and cause this issue?  Is there something I can do as far as manually balancing these terminal? Is this balance idea completely wrong anyway? Is there anybody who knows what causes this/how to fix it?  I guess what I ultimately want to know is: What is the phone seeing on this battery that is making it think it's not genuine???? 
    I am very frustrated because, as I said earlier, I am just a poor electronics tech and really don't want to pony up another 40 or 50 bucks when this could just happen again and I will be getting a new in August anyway.

    Thats not the issue I can assure you I know about vsync I have allways used it I just hate screen tearing. The problem isnt going to 30fps Ive tried real time fps monitoring. It happens with literally every game no matter what the graphics settings Is.
    I have however narrowed down the issue, I have connected an external screen via hdmi which bypasses the intel graphics adaptor and its butter smooth, The problem lies somewhere with how optimus works or the driver. As optimus always uses the intel graphics adaptor to output to the laptop display that has to be the issue. I have tried updating the intel display adaptor drivers but no joy

  • I recently just updated my iPhone 4s to 5.0.1 and I am losing battery life at a faster rate. How do I help my battery life or can I go back to the old system?

    This is my first iPhone I am having problems with my battery life. I recently updated to the new operating system for the iPhone 4S. I am losing battery life at a quick rate is there anything that I can do.

    You can search the forum and read the many helpful posts with suggestions on how to improve your battery life.

Maybe you are looking for

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