Battery 'X' problem, please help!

Hey, all. Just recently(like for the past week), my battery's percentage disappeared and now there is an 'X' there. I''ve done a search, and tried some of the suggestions, like making sure the battery is seated properly. Doesn't seem to work for me. My power supply shows green, but when I disconnect it, my machine powers down. Now, I haven't felt the machine overheating or anything out of the ordinary, just this. I don't think I have one of the recalled batteries, this one's genuine Apple. Can anyone give me some ideas? I've read about resetting the SMC(I think that's what it was), but i've also read that that will reset my harddrive, and I don't want to do that. Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated.

Read the Apple Support documents regarding MacBook and MacBookPro batteries and the Update.
Read the complete article but here is an excerpt:
This battery update should be run on all MacBook and MacBook Pro computers and extra batteries that were purchased between February 2006 and April 2007.
If, after you have installed the battery update, your battery has any of the symptoms listed below, please make a reservation to bring your computer with its battery to your local Apple Retail Store, or contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP), or call your local Apple Support Contact Center. If Apple or an AASP determines that your battery is eligible for replacement, you will receive a new battery, free of charge, even if your MacBook or MacBook Pro is out of warranty.
For MacBook and MacBook Pro systems with Intel Core Duo processors, this program extends repair coverage on the battery for up to two years from the date of purchase of the computer.
Your problems are those of the type that are specifically mentioned.
Read it.
Do the update and then follow the directions for replacement if it does not solve the problem.
you have less to lose by following the Apple directions than by avoiding them.

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    please, don't buy any more unneded parts.  first find the problem then buy if no solutions available.
    One thing I find with BIOS issues is to do a full clear.
    1. disconnect the power cord from the power supply(turn switch to off if there is one.
    2. hit the power switch to clear the power out of the system.
    3. set the cmos jumper to clear and leave there if one is available.
    4. Pull the battery.
    5. carefully short out the battery connector on the motherboard to drain any power left.
    6. press the clear cmos button and hold for 30sec minimum, if you didn't have a jumper to set. 
    7. replace battery, move jumper back, plug in power cord, turn on power sipply switch.
    Now it should hopefully power up.  go into BIOS and load optimized results. hit save and exit and when it gets back to the post screen, go back into bios and set your normal MB settings(ie. set boot devices, boot order, disable sound if using sound card, etc...)
    go into your H/W Monitor section and list the CPU Vcore settings to make sure it is getting the power it needs.  I just looked it up and it's suppose to run from 1.225v - 1.325v.
    also, try your most generic ram you have with auto settings.  the faster the ram usually the more volts they need and default volts are 1.8v for ram and sometimes faster chips have issues with lower volts.
    Let me know how this works for you.
    ps. make sure everything is unplugged from the computer you don't need.  just cpu, 1 stick of ram, and video. and of course keyboad and mouse.  Please make a signature with all your systems specs including make and model numbers.  I hate guessing at solutions and I'd hate to see you buy any more unneccessary parts because of lack of information.

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    Hi, i had the same problem. Try to find the file "apple" or "itunes" don't know it anymore exactly. Ahm well you need to delet any information or just plug in your iphone into an other computer. important is that your iphone never has been pluged in this computer before. This was what i did, and it worked!

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    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Problem with SAP/BAPI. SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException: Connect to message server failed Connect_PM, R3NAME=PRD, GROUP=Prod HR PRD LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR service 'sapmsPRD' unknown TIME Wed May 04 08:59:06 2005 RELEASE 620 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 36 RC -3 MODULE ninti.c LINE 428 DETAIL NiPServToNo SYSTEM CALL getservbyname COUNTER 1 at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.ThrowRfcException(RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX rfcerrInfo, Encoding encoding, String languangeCode) at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.Open() at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.RfcInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.SAPInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPProxy1.Z_Bapi_Load_Kpi_Region(ZSOFT_KPI_REGIONS_MTable& Kpi_Regions, ZSOFT_PROD_TYPETable& Prod_Type) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPGSK.LoadKPIRegion(DataSet dsProduct)
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Problem with SAP/BAPI. SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException: Connect to message server failed Connect_PM, R3NAME=PRD, GROUP=Prod HR PRD LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR service 'sapmsPRD' unknown TIME Wed May 04 08:59:06 2005 RELEASE 620 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 36 RC -3 MODULE ninti.c LINE 428 DETAIL NiPServToNo SYSTEM CALL getservbyname COUNTER 1 at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.ThrowRfcException(RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX rfcerrInfo, Encoding encoding, String languangeCode) at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.Open() at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.RfcInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.SAPInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPProxy1.Z_Bapi_Load_Kpi_Region(ZSOFT_KPI_REGIONS_MTable& Kpi_Regions, ZSOFT_PROD_TYPETable& Prod_Type) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPGSK.LoadKPIRegion(DataSet dsProduct)
    Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. 
    Stack Trace:
    [SoapException: Problem with SAP/BAPI.
    SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException: Connect to message server failed
    Connect_PM, R3NAME=PRD, GROUP=Prod HR PRD
    LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host
    ERROR       service 'sapmsPRD' unknown
    TIME        Wed May 04 08:59:06 2005
    RELEASE     620
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     36
    RC          -3
    MODULE      ninti.c
    LINE        428
    DETAIL      NiPServToNo
    SYSTEM CALL getservbyname
    COUNTER     1
       at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.ThrowRfcException(RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX rfcerrInfo, Encoding encoding, String languangeCode)
       at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.Open()
       at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.RfcInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn)
       at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.SAPInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn)
       at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPProxy1.Z_Bapi_Load_Kpi_Region(ZSOFT_KPI_REGIONS_MTable& Kpi_Regions, ZSOFT_PROD_TYPETable& Prod_Type)
       at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPGSK.LoadKPIRegion(DataSet dsProduct)]
       System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) +1503
       System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) +218
       SoftwareKeyUI.InstalledBaseDataWS.InstalledBaseData.LoadKPIRegionMulti(DataSet products)
       SoftwareKeyUI.InstalledBaseDataAccess.LoadKPIRegionMulti(DataSet products)
       SoftwareKeyUI.InstalledBase.GetRegionDetails(Int32 userId, String product, String regionType)
       SoftwareKeyUI.FilteredAccess.GetRegionDetails(Int32 userId, String product, String regionType) sender, EventArgs e)
       System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) +108
       System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.RaisePostDataChangedEvent() +26
       System.Web.UI.Page.RaiseChangedEvents() +115
       System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1099

    The error is a very basic one - the sapmsPRD service is not known. You will have to go to <NT_ROOT>\system32\drivers\etc and add the entry sapmsPRD 3600 to this file.
    This is basically telling the requester at what port to look for the message server.

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    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Problem with SAP/BAPI. SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException: Connect to message server failed Connect_PM, R3NAME=PRD, GROUP=Prod HR PRD LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR service 'sapmsPRD' unknown TIME Wed May 04 08:59:06 2005 RELEASE 620 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 36 RC -3 MODULE ninti.c LINE 428 DETAIL NiPServToNo SYSTEM CALL getservbyname COUNTER 1 at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.ThrowRfcException(RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX rfcerrInfo, Encoding encoding, String languangeCode) at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.Open() at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.RfcInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.SAPInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPProxy1.Z_Bapi_Load_Kpi_Region(ZSOFT_KPI_REGIONS_MTable&amp; Kpi_Regions, ZSOFT_PROD_TYPETable&amp; Prod_Type) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPGSK.LoadKPIRegion(DataSet dsProduct)
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Problem with SAP/BAPI. SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException: Connect to message server failed Connect_PM, R3NAME=PRD, GROUP=Prod HR PRD LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR service 'sapmsPRD' unknown TIME Wed May 04 08:59:06 2005 RELEASE 620 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 36 RC -3 MODULE ninti.c LINE 428 DETAIL NiPServToNo SYSTEM CALL getservbyname COUNTER 1 at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.ThrowRfcException(RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX rfcerrInfo, Encoding encoding, String languangeCode) at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.Open() at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.RfcInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.SAPInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPProxy1.Z_Bapi_Load_Kpi_Region(ZSOFT_KPI_REGIONS_MTable&amp; Kpi_Regions, ZSOFT_PROD_TYPETable&amp; Prod_Type) at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPGSK.LoadKPIRegion(DataSet dsProduct)
    Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
    Stack Trace:
    [SoapException: Problem with SAP/BAPI.
    SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException: Connect to message server failed
    Connect_PM, R3NAME=PRD, GROUP=Prod HR PRD
    LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host
    ERROR service 'sapmsPRD' unknown
    TIME Wed May 04 08:59:06 2005
    RELEASE 620
    COMPONENT NI (network interface)
    VERSION 36
    RC -3
    MODULE ninti.c
    LINE 428
    DETAIL NiPServToNo
    SYSTEM CALL getservbyname
    at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.ThrowRfcException(RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX rfcerrInfo, Encoding encoding, String languangeCode)
    at SAP.Connector.SAPConnection.Open()
    at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.RfcInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn)
    at SAP.Connector.SAPClient.SAPInvoke(String method, Object[] methodParamsIn)
    at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPProxy1.Z_Bapi_Load_Kpi_Region(ZSOFT_KPI_REGIONS_MTable&amp; Kpi_Regions, ZSOFT_PROD_TYPETable&amp; Prod_Type)
    at SoftwareKeySAPG.SAPGSK.LoadKPIRegion(DataSet dsProduct)]
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) +1503
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) +218
    SoftwareKeyUI.InstalledBaseDataWS.InstalledBaseData.LoadKPIRegionMulti(DataSet products)
    SoftwareKeyUI.InstalledBaseDataAccess.LoadKPIRegionMulti(DataSet products)
    SoftwareKeyUI.InstalledBase.GetRegionDetails(Int32 userId, String product, String regionType)
    SoftwareKeyUI.FilteredAccess.GetRegionDetails(Int32 userId, String product, String regionType) sender, EventArgs e)
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) +108
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.RaisePostDataChangedEvent() +26
    System.Web.UI.Page.RaiseChangedEvents() +115
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1099

    You should make a mapping for the service sapmsPRD in your /etc/services file (On Windows: C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DRIVERSETCservices). If your instance number is 00 you will have to add the following entry:
    sapmsPRD      3600/tcp
    Good luck!
    René van Es

  • [TV@Master] Problem please help

    I have Msi.mother board PT8-Neo -LSR ,  Model No.Ms-6799 , main board bios -Phonenix ,maind board version i updat it to 2.2 , cpu size 2.4 G celleron D/256/533 , memory size 256DDram (400),display card Nvidia Riva TNT2 model 64
    the problem that i face it when i put my TV@nywhere -master card ,the pc stop at the main page that show the biso version and name of bios company and the letters do not bost well it look like a virus work , and when i take tha card off the pc go normally , i tried put it to other PCI the same problem
    please help

    i meany by fix the problem of getting the pc go on to windows with card on PCI salot but i still have the broblem of the driver
    please read my reply again
    my operating system is win me and i have also another pc have XP
    when i log in to windows the system show that found my TV@nywhere card but it didnt took the installatin driver for it i tried to install the driver directly
    but it give me this 2 mesages  when i try to install the driver
    MSI TV card is not found ,stop the installation
    the other message is
    MSI pvs driver installatin failed
    i download the driver from msi page also give me the same messages
    for known on Device Manager it show me that the driver there but do not have the driver and the ? mark beside them
    what to do now 

  • I want to buy an in-app purchase but i don`t remember my security questions and i cant access my recovery email either, what can i do? i have 100$ on my account and cant use it because of that problem, please help URGENT

    I want to buy an in-app purchase but i don`t remember my security questions and i cant access my recovery email either, what can i do? i have 100$ on my account and cant use it because of that problem, please help URGENT

    If you have a rescue email address on your account then you can use that - follow steps 1 to 5 half-way down this page will give you a reset link on your account :
    If you don't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer your questions) then you will need to contact Support in your country to get the questions reset :

  • My iphone 4 is acting like crap right i can't even restore it everytime i try to reboot it my iphone freezes at the apple logo it is ******* to the point where i just want to smash it how do i solve this problem please help?

    my iphone 4 is acting like crap right i can't even restore it everytime i try to reboot it my iphone freezes at the apple logo it is ******* me off to the point where i just want to smash it how do i solve this problem please help?

    Don't worry, just follow these steps to fix iPhone stuck on Apple logo
    => First of all Start your Computer and then connect with Internet connection, now Download the latest version of the iTunes application
    => Now install the iTunes application in your System and connect your Device with computer via Data cable
    => Now connect your Device with iTunes application and then Tab on summary option, see in the left side bar of iTunes
    => Now Select restore option from iTunes and then confirm the Restore Message for better results. After this unplug your Device and Restart it
    I hope that will surely
    Thank you...

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    this is,we've encountered the following issues.
    installer failed to initialize.this could be due to a missing file.please download adobe support advisor to detected the problem.
    please,help me!

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    Frozen or unresponsive iPad
    Resolve these most common issues:
        •    Display remains black or blank
        •    Touch screen not responding
        •    Application unexpectedly closes or freezes
    iPad Frozen, not responding, how to fix
    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad tart-your-ipad
    Black or Blank Screen on iPad or iPhone
    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Home button not working or unresponsive, fix
    Fixing an iPad Home Button
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

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    Did you check your security software (firewall)?
    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process.
    * [[Server not found]]
    * [[Firewalls]]

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  • X-Fi Fatal1ty Plat1num Champion Ed. problem, please help!

    9X-Fi Fatalty Platnum Champion Ed. problem, please help!? Hi there everyone,
    So i have a X-Fi Fatalty Platnum Champion Ed. and a computer with Windows 7.
    I've searched the web and i found many people saying that the card it's working and perfectly compatible so i would like to exclude this option as far as the problems that i'm having.
    So, right out of the box i've placed the front panel in with the ribbon cable and the power connected to it, then i connected the other end of the ribbon cable and finally placed the card in one of the PCI slots i have free.
    Now, when i start my PC, i don't hear any particolar "beep messages" but nothing will come on the screen, in few words my PC will not boot at all. I can hear the HDD spinning, everything sounds normal except for that "little" problem.
    So, i re-did all the connections thinking that maybe i did something wrong, but following the instruction i did exactly as told. So i tried again to power up the computer and i've noticed that the X-Fi logo is lit up (red light) and.. I don't really know if that means something or it's just something aside that doesn't really matter.. But, what is it's The PCI card is broken or there's something else?
    I did try to disable the sound card (integrated mobo sound) from the BIOS but that didn't change anything. I did try all the software options but this looks like more of an hardware problem (please correct me if i'm wrong and/or i've missed something).
    There's something that popped up in my mind.. the PSU. I noticed that i have a 300W PSU (mm.. low, isn't it's)?and i was wondering if that's enough or i need a more powerful one.. and if that's may be the case for the PCI to not work at all causing all i've already explained above. I mean.. It seems like i've installed a dead peripheral and that's impeding the computer to start up..
    I don't know.. I need clarification and help, PLEASE.
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Look at the beta thread sticked above but good luck waiting for a new driver. That beta driver has been there since January and although better than the normal driver it is still crap.
    All the boot type issues are with the SSD but if you getting in game crashes etc... under windows 8 that is simply that the driver stinks.

  • Hello sir my iphone screen turns off after using 2-5 minutes what would be the problem please help me out

    hello sir my iphone screen turns off after using 2-5 minutes what would be the problem please help me out

    To make sure that this is not software related, set it back to factory settings, without using any backup data afterwards. Set up the rest of the personal settings manually and test the phone. If it still does not work, this is a hardware issue and the phone has to be serviced by Apple or an Authorized Apple Service Provider:
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
    Find an Apple Authorized Service Provider
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support

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