BC4J Custom Type Maps   (MS-SQL cont.)

(FYI using JDeveloper, MS-SQL 2000 spk2 and MS-SQL's JDBC driver Version 2.2.0022)
In the process of trying to get JDeveloper working fully with MS-SQL, I am at the point of developing a custom type map.
Should this typemap include all mappings or only those different than the "Java" or "Oracle" type map? I was assuming all at first. Now I wonder how it's handling missing mappings.
How does it find a matching typemap? I noticed that Entity's database column types looked like "int(10,0)" and "bit(1,0)", but in my typemap, like the examples, it's just "INT", "BIT" with no precision, scale. Is this a case of where it's assuming the driver will return a string for type and it's returning type(p,s)? Or is JDev building that string? Either way, would you need a different mapping for "bit(1,0)" than "bit"?
As "bit(1,0)" it had problems with both the Java map and my custom map. Changing it to "bit" seem to get it to work. So what typemapping was it trying to use as "bit(1,0)"?
[Bug?] I noticed that when I view the bc4j settings (project (rt-click) -> edit business components project), the value for type map is incorrect if I am using a custom type map. If I am using the Java type map it says "Java" in the greyed out select, but if I am using my custom map ("MS-SQL"), it says "Oracle". I checked the bc4j.xcfg for the one using my custom map and it does say the right class name for jbo.TypeMapEntries.
On a related note, when testing the bc4j modules, we are instructed to use the edited local configuration, but how do view/edit the project default configuration?
typemap in progress...
public class MsSqlTypeMapEntries
public MsSqlTypeMapEntries()
/* ColumnType, JavaClassName, JdbcSqlType, JdbcSqlTypeID, DefaultDisplayLength, isNumericType */
new JboTypeMap("BIGINT", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("BIGINT IDENTITY", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("BINARY BINARY
new JboTypeMap("BIT","java.lang.Boolean","BIT",java.sql.Types.BIT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("CHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("DATETIME" ,"java.sql.Timestamp","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
new JboTypeMap("DECIMAL","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("FLOAT FLOAT
new JboTypeMap("INT","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("INT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("MONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("NCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("NTEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC() IDENTITY","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("NVARCHAR","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
//new JboTypeMap("REAL REAL
new JboTypeMap("SMALLDATETIME" ,"java.sql.Date","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("SMALLMONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("SQL_VARIANT","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("SYSNAME","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("TEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
new JboTypeMap("TINYINT","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("TINYINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("UNIQUEIDENTIFIER","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("VARCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);

(FYI using JDeveloper, MS-SQL 2000 spk2 and MS-SQL's JDBC driver Version 2.2.0022)
In the process of trying to get JDeveloper working fully with MS-SQL, I am at the point of developing a custom type map.
Should this typemap include all mappings or only those different than the "Java" or "Oracle" type map? I was assuming all at first. Now I wonder how it's handling missing mappings.
How does it find a matching typemap? I noticed that Entity's database column types looked like "int(10,0)" and "bit(1,0)", but in my typemap, like the examples, it's just "INT", "BIT" with no precision, scale. Is this a case of where it's assuming the driver will return a string for type and it's returning type(p,s)? Or is JDev building that string? Either way, would you need a different mapping for "bit(1,0)" than "bit"?
As "bit(1,0)" it had problems with both the Java map and my custom map. Changing it to "bit" seem to get it to work. So what typemapping was it trying to use as "bit(1,0)"?
[Bug?] I noticed that when I view the bc4j settings (project (rt-click) -> edit business components project), the value for type map is incorrect if I am using a custom type map. If I am using the Java type map it says "Java" in the greyed out select, but if I am using my custom map ("MS-SQL"), it says "Oracle". I checked the bc4j.xcfg for the one using my custom map and it does say the right class name for jbo.TypeMapEntries.
On a related note, when testing the bc4j modules, we are instructed to use the edited local configuration, but how do view/edit the project default configuration?
typemap in progress...
public class MsSqlTypeMapEntries
public MsSqlTypeMapEntries()
/* ColumnType, JavaClassName, JdbcSqlType, JdbcSqlTypeID, DefaultDisplayLength, isNumericType */
new JboTypeMap("BIGINT", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("BIGINT IDENTITY", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("BINARY BINARY
new JboTypeMap("BIT","java.lang.Boolean","BIT",java.sql.Types.BIT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("CHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("DATETIME" ,"java.sql.Timestamp","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
new JboTypeMap("DECIMAL","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("FLOAT FLOAT
new JboTypeMap("INT","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("INT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("MONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("NCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("NTEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
//new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC() IDENTITY","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("NVARCHAR","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
//new JboTypeMap("REAL REAL
new JboTypeMap("SMALLDATETIME" ,"java.sql.Date","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("SMALLMONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("SQL_VARIANT","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("SYSNAME","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("TEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
new JboTypeMap("TINYINT","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("TINYINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
new JboTypeMap("UNIQUEIDENTIFIER","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
new JboTypeMap("VARCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);

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    // TODO : Add code to initialise the object
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    I am using "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database"
    List<RegionInfo> mealRegionList = new List<RegionInfo>();
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    using (DbCommand command = database.GetStoredProcCommand("mealplanning_services.SAVE_MC_REGION"))
    database.AddOracleInParameter(command, string.Empty, OracleDbType.Object, "TAB_MC_REGION", mealregionTableObject);
    database.AddOracleOutParameter(command, "@po_result_code", OracleDbType.Decimal, 50);
    email address:- [email protected]
    please fill free to contact.

    Issue Resolved. For less than 50 records, client side filtering takes over. In that case the search help exit will not come into picture. Issue resolved by avoiding client side rendering.
    callcontrol-maxexceed = 'X'.

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    I haven't done any bottom up beans but I would imagine there is an equivalent way you can change the mapping to change the data type when the bean is created. You may just have to change the datatype on the imported db schema before you generate the beans. You will also need to check that your jdbc driver supports transformation between tinyint and small.

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              If you are seeing last 3 fields coming as empty.... then you need to check the seperator type which correctly seperats one fields from another during mapping to BW infoobject.
    Kishore Kusupati


    I have deployed an ejb application using weblogic6.1 and Oracle which was successful.The same application i tried to deploy for MSSQL SERVER which failed with the following exception :
    Errors encountered ''The Container-Managed Persistence Entity EJB failed while creating its SQL Type Map. The error was:
    [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'd_sip_salary_earning_1'.',
    'Error encountered while attempting to create Default DBMS Table: 'd_sip_salary_earning_1'. Error Text: '[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Column or parameter #3: Cannot find data type DATE.'.''
    How do i solve the above issue?
    Please someone help me solve this issue.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Jagan wrote:
    I have deployed an ejb application using weblogic6.1 and Oracle which was successful.The same application i tried to deploy for MSSQL SERVER which failed with the following exception :
    Errors encountered ''The Container-Managed Persistence Entity EJB failed while creating its SQL Type Map. The error was:
    [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'd_sip_salary_earning_1'.',
    'Error encountered while attempting to create Default DBMS Table: 'd_sip_salary_earning_1'. Error Text: '[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Column or parameter #3: Cannot find data type DATE.'.''
    How do i solve the above issue?
    Please someone help me solve this issue.
    Thanks in Advance.
    --JaganMS SQLServer does not have a DATE column type. The column type you want is 'DATETIME' in MS SQLServer.
    If you did not specify the DDL and/or if this is coming from generated code, then show me the full stack trace
    of this exception. If you dont have it, please turn on JDBC logging, and the full SQLException will show up in
    the jdbc log file.

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    ** Exception starts **
    Started import...
    An exception occurred in API 'CLL Invoice Types'.
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: An exception occurred in API 'CLL Invoice Types'.
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.BEUtil.wrapperException(BEUtil.java:395)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEImport.populateTempTableForBatchValidation(BEImport.java:1927)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEImport.importXML(BEImport.java:371)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEApplicationModuleImpl.importFromXML(BEApplicationModuleImpl.java:404)
         at R12APITester.importFile(R12APITester.java:205)
         at R12APITester.importFile(R12APITester.java:180)
         at R12APITester.main(R12APITester.java:65)
    ## Detail 0 ##
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 32, column 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY31": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 32, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 33, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY32": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 33, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 34, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY33": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 34, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 35, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY34": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 35, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 36, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY35": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 36, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 37, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY36": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 37, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 38, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY37": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 38, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 39, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY38": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 39, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 40, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY39": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 40, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: linha 41, coluna 29:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "KEY40": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: linha 41, coluna 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEValidationXMLParser.executeSql(BEValidationXMLParser.java:288)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEValidationXMLParser.collectUKFKValues(BEValidationXMLParser.java:254)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEImport.populateTempTableForBatchValidation(BEImport.java:1897)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEImport.importXML(BEImport.java:371)
         at oracle.apps.az.fwk.server.BEApplicationModuleImpl.importFromXML(BEApplicationModuleImpl.java:404)
         at R12APITester.importFile(R12APITester.java:205)
         at R12APITester.importFile(R12APITester.java:180)
         at R12APITester.main(R12APITester.java:65)

    Hi Thiago,
    I would suggest to test your API first with row by row validation mode where you would be resolving the foreign and primary keys as specified in the framework. This would help you to understand the framework better and once it starts working for you and then you can try with batch validation mode.

  • Calling web service from MBean weblogic cannot find type mapping file

    When calling web service from custom MBean i get java.io.IOException.
    java.io.IOException: unable to find the type mapping resource file for:
    at weblogic.webservice.core.encoding.DefaultRegistry.<init>(DefaultRegis
    at weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.ServiceImpl.<init>(ServiceImpl.java:83)
    at net.msl.sfx.ebooking.client.BookingPartiesServiceService_Impl.<init>(
    at net.msl.sfx.ebooking.service.EBookingService.getBookingParties(EBooki
    The types.xml file is placed in same jar file as the classes such as net.msl.sfx.ebooking.client.BookingPartiesServiceService_Impl.
    When calling the same class/method from a EJB, everything works fine and the web service is called.

    i am having the same problem.
    Do you have a solution now?

  • Cost of Goods Sold account determination by customer type (inter-company)

    We have a business need to separate the the cost of goods sold be customer type.  Specifically separating the inter-company cost of goods sold from the 3rd party cost of goods sold. 
    The standard COGS account determination in GBB/VAX only allows for differentiating between material valuation class. 
    Has anyone attempted this before and what method worked?

    For those who may need an answer to this, our solution was the following: 
    1)       Created new types for SO, SO Item, Sched. Line, Delivery, Delivery Item, Billing type  
    2)       Created new Pricing procedure
    3)       Created new movement type Y61/Y62 modeled after 601/602
    4)       Mapped Y61/Y62 to account modifier ZAX.
    5)       Mapped GBB/ZAX to the new account.
    Benefits, they now have better view of the orders going inter-company.  It is flexible enough to adjusting prices for intercompany separate from standard orders, even though for now it is a straight copy of cost.  They are able to remove the sales/use tax, from the calculations. They are able to plan with these orders separated out.  Plus, this will standardize their process for inter-company. 
    Hope this helps someone. 

  • Error in CLR: InvalidOperationException - The current type is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?

    Hi, I'm trying to execute a .NET assembly's method from SQL Server 2012 Express, but I'm stuck with this error calling the sp:
    Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException: Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type ISymmetricCryptoProvider, key "TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider" ---> Microsoft.Practices.Unity.ResolutionFailedException:
    Resolution of the dependency failed, type = "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.ISymmetricCryptoProvider", name = "TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider".
    Exception occurred while: while resolving.
    Exception is: InvalidOperationException - The current type, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.ISymmetricCryptoProvider, is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?
    At the time of the exception, the container was:
      Resolving Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.ISymmetricCryptoProvider,TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
     ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The current type, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.ISymmetricCryptoProvider, is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?
       en Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.DynamicMethodConstructorStrategy.ThrowForAttemptingToConstructInterface(IBuilderContext context)
       en BuildUp_Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security
       en Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocatorImplBase.GetInstance(Type serviceType, String key)
       en Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocatorImplBase.GetInstance[TService](String key)
       en Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.Cryptographer.GetSymmetricCryptoProvider(String symmetricInstance)
       en Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.Cryptographer.DecryptSymmetric(String symmetricInstance, String ciphertextBase64)
       en ...
    Is there any limitation by design for Interface instantiation from CLR database?
    Any help I will appreciate, thanks a million!!

    Bob, thanks for your response.. Yes, the code works fine outside of SQLCLR. This is the class I'm trying to instantiate, I'm using it to envolve Cryptographer, an Enterprise Library 5.0 class actually, so I have no control to test it without referring the
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    namespace Cars.UtileriasGlobales.Helpers
        /// <summary>
        /// Clase que permite encriptar y desencriptar cadenas de textos utilizando
        /// TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider de Enterprise Library 5.0
        /// </summary>
        public static class Cryptography
            #region Metodos
            public static void DesencriptarSQLServer(SqlString cadena, out SqlString cadenaDesencriptada)
                cadenaDesencriptada = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cadena.ToString()) ? Cryptographer.DecryptSymmetric("TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider", cadena.ToString().Replace(" ", "+"))
    : String.Empty;
    I have collected all the dependent assemblies in one directory 'C:\migrate', so the create assembly finish ok. This is the script to create the assembly I'm using:
    sp_configure 'clr enable', 1
    CREATE ASSEMBLY CryptographyEntLib5
    FROM 'C:\migrate\Cars.UtileriasGlobales.dll'
    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Desencriptar
    @cadena nvarchar(200),
    @cadenaDesencriptada nvarchar(MAX) OUTPUT
    AS EXTERNAL NAME CryptographyEntLib5.[Cars.UtileriasGlobales.Helpers.Cryptography].DesencriptarSQLServer
    DECLARE @msg nvarchar(MAX)
    EXEC usp_Desencriptar 'Kittu And Tannu',@msg output
    PRINT @msg

  • Step-by-step custom Credential Mapping using weblogic 10.3 SSPI

    I am trying to implement custom Credential Mapping using weblogic 10.3 SSPI. Am sure that few of you have already implemented the same. But here my questions in reagrds with the implementation
    Right now, I have below
    1.MyCredentialMapperImpl implements CredentialMapperV2
    1.Overridden getCredential and gerCredentials method.But I am not sure what are all the other methods , I should implement here.
    2.MyCredentialMapperProviderImpl implements CredentialProviderV2
    1.How to get ContextHandler to pass as param in MyCredentialMapperImpl -->gerCredentials method.
    2.Should I need set up a database after deploying the MBean ?
    3.How do I execute above implementation ?
    4.Can I see the SAML Token in my client ?
    If possible Please send me the step-by-step custom Credential Mapping implementation.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi John,
    I would like magic of course. However, in this case I want something special: my authentication provider uses special means and contents of headers, cookies and service from external identity management systems to determine the user's identity.
    I do not want the application to present the login dialog! I want to derive the identity and the fact that the user is logged in from whatever the authentication provider returns in terms of Subject.
    Ideally, the flow is something like:
    - user accesses an unprotected resource - resource is shown, no interaction with authentication provider
    - user presses a link or button that takes him/her to a protected resource
    - the authentication provider is contacted to work with the identity asserter to establish the identity of the current user and create a subject object for this user
    - the application can access the subject and principals
    - ADF Security recognizes the identity and the roles (based on the principals) and coordinates access based on this.
    the authentication method is client certificate. presumably this prompts WebLogic/OPS to use an identity asserter to work with custom headers and cookies ("... when you configure a web application to use CLIENT-CERT authentication. In this case, WebLogic can perform identity assertion based on values from request headers and cookies. If the header name or cookie name matches the active token type for the provider, the value is passed to the provider."). No login form should be presented to the user, as all information required to perform the authentication is already available.
    I am trying to understand what I must do to have the ADF application adopt the subject set by the authentication provider - if anything?!
    If you more ideas to share - I would love to hear them.
    best regards,

  • Converting custom Google map to PDF

    Is it possible to take a customized Google map (showing points of interest we've created) and turn it into a pdf that would be zoomable, and in which each of those points would be clickable (or via mouseover) to show information about those points? If the answer is yes, is their functionality that would allow this to be viewed on a mobile device?  Thanks! If there isn't an Adobe solution that would accomplish this, do you know of some other solution?  Here's an example of the type of map I want to be able to convert to PDF and have each icon identifiable in some manner:

    I have a feeling Google would make this as difficult as they can.
    If I'd been asked to do this, I'd be worrying very much about Google's licensing of map data and whether making an "offline copy" was breaking the license. http://www.google.com/permissions/geoguidelines.html. How is your copyright law?
    Google do offer a maps API which can be used to deliver maps on mobile devices. That might be the safer option.

  • Legal Control : Document Type Mapping not Maintained

    Getting an error SAP GTS :Legal Control : Document Type Mapping not Maintained ,while creating order in feeder system .
    I checked the configuration maintained SAP Global Trade ServicesSAP Compliance ManagementGeneral SettingsDocument StructureAssignment of Document Types from Feeder Systems-Assign Document Type at Feeder System Group Level
    Similarly I checked for item category.
    Please let me know what further configuration have to be maintained for correcting the error.
    Thanks & Regards

    The document type mapping is required in R/3 system too. You have to maiatain order type say OR/TA in R/3  below path
    IMG--> Sales and Distribution --> Foreign Trade/Customs --> SAP Global Trade Services - Plug-In --> Control Data for Transfer to SAP Global Trade Services --> Configure Control Settings for Document Transfer --> SDOA.
    Note: If you maintain OR in R/3, you will have to maintain same in GTS. if you maintain TA in R/3, same maintain in GTS.

  • Map java.sql.Timestamp to JDBC-MySQL TIMESTAMP?

    Java provides the java.sql.Timestamp class specifically to be able to make
    use of the greater-accuracy timestamps provided in JDBC and underlying
    datastores. Is there a way to set up a Kodo mapping file such that a
    persistent class with a java.sql.Timestamp field, has this field map to a
    TIMESTAMP field in the underlying database table?
    -- Bryan

    Yes, with a custom field mapping. See the example of a custom field
    mapping for java.sql.Date in samples/ormapping. A mapping for timestamp
    would be almost exactly the same.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Help: Message 'Object do not exists' in SBWP

    Friends, When I give a double click in na work item, the sap give me a message on the status bar: 'Object do not exists'. Earlier than this test, the user had tested and it ran all right. After that, I transported a request with a format of report co

  • Restrict Fields in 'Menus' Popup Window

    I am working in developing an HRM Application for our company; while taking ideas and help from standard HRM Application. While running Business Rules (created through SCRIPT; not through GRAPHICAL interface) through 'Menus', all the fields are enlis

  • 1300 series psc, I wish to uninstall

    My print function has stopped working. I am advised to uninstall the program and then reinstall. I have 14 hp programs on my computer which one is for the printer?

  • How to adopt service specification in PR

    Dear gurus, I have made a service specification in tcode ML10, and then I try using this in the PR. I to to service tab in PR and click service selection, and from the dialog box, i choose radio button from MSS and put the MSS number and hit enter, a

  • Help needed on Final Cut usage in newsroom

    I think I have finally convinced the newspaper where I work as a video feature producer, The Charleston Gazette in Charleston, W.Va., to switch our video feature production from Premiere Elements and a Canon G-11 still camera (that happens to shoot v