OracleCustomTypeMappingAttribute Issue in Custom type mapping(Urgent Help)

I am figuring "OracleCustomTypeMappingAttribute" attribute in web.conifg.
I am getting Error when i am trying execute the code.please find the error messsage in below
"Custom type mapping for 'QR.iPromansys.Common.UDT.TAB_MC_REGION' is not specified or is invalid."
This is my configuation of webconfig:-
<add name="REGION" value="udtMapping factoryName='QR.iPromansys.Common.UDT.TAB_MC_REGIONFactory,
QR.iPromansys.Common.UDT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
typeName='TAB_MC_REGION' schemaName='IPROM' dataSource='QAPRISM' "/>
provide what i missed in in configure or anything else i have to do more in coding side.
Class Information (Struture) Start
public class TAB_MC_REGION : INullable, IOracleCustomType, IXmlSerializable
private bool m_IsNull;
private RegionInfo[] m_RegionInfo;
public TAB_MC_REGION()
// TODO : Add code to initialise the object
public TAB_MC_REGION(string str)
// TODO : Add code to initialise the object based on the given string
public TAB_MC_REGION(RegionInfo[] obj)
this.m_RegionInfo = obj;
public virtual bool IsNull
return this.m_IsNull;
public static TAB_MC_REGION Null
obj.m_IsNull = true;
return obj;
public virtual RegionInfo[] Value
return this.m_RegionInfo;
this.m_RegionInfo = value;
public virtual void FromCustomObject(Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection con, System.IntPtr pUdt)
OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, 0, this.m_RegionInfo);
public virtual void ToCustomObject(Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection con, System.IntPtr pUdt)
this.m_RegionInfo = ((RegionInfo[])(OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, 0)));
public virtual void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
// TODO : Read Serialized Xml Data
public virtual void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
// TODO : Serialize object to xml data
public virtual XmlSchema GetSchema()
// TODO : Implement GetSchema
return null;
public override string ToString()
// TODO : Return a string that represents the current object
return "";
public static TAB_MC_REGION Parse(string str)
// TODO : Add code needed to parse the string and get the object represented by the string
return new TAB_MC_REGION();
// Factory to create an object for the above class
public class TAB_MC_REGIONFactory : IOracleCustomTypeFactory, IOracleArrayTypeFactory
public virtual IOracleCustomType CreateObject()
return obj;
public virtual System.Array CreateArray(int length)
RegionInfo[] collElem = new RegionInfo[length];
return collElem;
public virtual System.Array CreateStatusArray(int length)
return null;
Main Class Code(Execution Part) Start
I am using "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database"
List<RegionInfo> mealRegionList = new List<RegionInfo>();
TAB_MC_REGION mealregionTableObject = new TAB_MC_REGION(mealRegionList.ToArray());
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (DbCommand command = database.GetStoredProcCommand("mealplanning_services.SAVE_MC_REGION"))
database.AddOracleInParameter(command, string.Empty, OracleDbType.Object, "TAB_MC_REGION", mealregionTableObject);
database.AddOracleOutParameter(command, "@po_result_code", OracleDbType.Decimal, 50);
email address:- [email protected]
please fill free to contact.

Issue Resolved. For less than 50 records, client side filtering takes over. In that case the search help exit will not come into picture. Issue resolved by avoiding client side rendering.
callcontrol-maxexceed = 'X'.

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  • BC4J Custom Type Maps   (MS-SQL cont.)

    (FYI using JDeveloper, MS-SQL 2000 spk2 and MS-SQL's JDBC driver Version 2.2.0022)
    In the process of trying to get JDeveloper working fully with MS-SQL, I am at the point of developing a custom type map.
    Should this typemap include all mappings or only those different than the "Java" or "Oracle" type map? I was assuming all at first. Now I wonder how it's handling missing mappings.
    How does it find a matching typemap? I noticed that Entity's database column types looked like "int(10,0)" and "bit(1,0)", but in my typemap, like the examples, it's just "INT", "BIT" with no precision, scale. Is this a case of where it's assuming the driver will return a string for type and it's returning type(p,s)? Or is JDev building that string? Either way, would you need a different mapping for "bit(1,0)" than "bit"?
    As "bit(1,0)" it had problems with both the Java map and my custom map. Changing it to "bit" seem to get it to work. So what typemapping was it trying to use as "bit(1,0)"?
    [Bug?] I noticed that when I view the bc4j settings (project (rt-click) -> edit business components project), the value for type map is incorrect if I am using a custom type map. If I am using the Java type map it says "Java" in the greyed out select, but if I am using my custom map ("MS-SQL"), it says "Oracle". I checked the bc4j.xcfg for the one using my custom map and it does say the right class name for jbo.TypeMapEntries.
    On a related note, when testing the bc4j modules, we are instructed to use the edited local configuration, but how do view/edit the project default configuration?
    typemap in progress...
    public class MsSqlTypeMapEntries
    public MsSqlTypeMapEntries()
    /* ColumnType, JavaClassName, JdbcSqlType, JdbcSqlTypeID, DefaultDisplayLength, isNumericType */
    new JboTypeMap("BIGINT", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BIGINT IDENTITY", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BINARY BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("BIT","java.lang.Boolean","BIT",java.sql.Types.BIT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("CHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DATETIME" ,"java.sql.Timestamp","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DECIMAL","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("FLOAT FLOAT
    new JboTypeMap("INT","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("INT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("MONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("NTEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC() IDENTITY","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NVARCHAR","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    //new JboTypeMap("REAL REAL
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLDATETIME" ,"java.sql.Date","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLMONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SQL_VARIANT","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SYSNAME","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("TEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    //new JboTypeMap("TIMESTAMP BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("UNIQUEIDENTIFIER","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("VARCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);

    (FYI using JDeveloper, MS-SQL 2000 spk2 and MS-SQL's JDBC driver Version 2.2.0022)
    In the process of trying to get JDeveloper working fully with MS-SQL, I am at the point of developing a custom type map.
    Should this typemap include all mappings or only those different than the "Java" or "Oracle" type map? I was assuming all at first. Now I wonder how it's handling missing mappings.
    How does it find a matching typemap? I noticed that Entity's database column types looked like "int(10,0)" and "bit(1,0)", but in my typemap, like the examples, it's just "INT", "BIT" with no precision, scale. Is this a case of where it's assuming the driver will return a string for type and it's returning type(p,s)? Or is JDev building that string? Either way, would you need a different mapping for "bit(1,0)" than "bit"?
    As "bit(1,0)" it had problems with both the Java map and my custom map. Changing it to "bit" seem to get it to work. So what typemapping was it trying to use as "bit(1,0)"?
    [Bug?] I noticed that when I view the bc4j settings (project (rt-click) -> edit business components project), the value for type map is incorrect if I am using a custom type map. If I am using the Java type map it says "Java" in the greyed out select, but if I am using my custom map ("MS-SQL"), it says "Oracle". I checked the bc4j.xcfg for the one using my custom map and it does say the right class name for jbo.TypeMapEntries.
    On a related note, when testing the bc4j modules, we are instructed to use the edited local configuration, but how do view/edit the project default configuration?
    typemap in progress...
    public class MsSqlTypeMapEntries
    public MsSqlTypeMapEntries()
    /* ColumnType, JavaClassName, JdbcSqlType, JdbcSqlTypeID, DefaultDisplayLength, isNumericType */
    new JboTypeMap("BIGINT", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BIGINT IDENTITY", "java.math.BigInteger", "BIGINT",java.sql.Types.BIGINT,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("BINARY BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("BIT","java.lang.Boolean","BIT",java.sql.Types.BIT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("CHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DATETIME" ,"java.sql.Timestamp","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("DECIMAL","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("FLOAT FLOAT
    new JboTypeMap("INT","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("INT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","INTEGER",java.sql.Types.INTEGER,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("MONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("NTEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    //new JboTypeMap("NUMERIC() IDENTITY","java.math.BigDecimal","NUMERIC",java.sql.Types.NUMERIC,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("NVARCHAR","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    //new JboTypeMap("REAL REAL
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLDATETIME" ,"java.sql.Date","TIMESTAMP",java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP ,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","SMALLINT",java.sql.Types.SMALLINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SMALLMONEY","java.math.BigDecimal","DECIMAL",java.sql.Types.DECIMAL,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("SQL_VARIANT","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("SYSNAME","java.lang.String","VARCHAR",java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("TEXT","java.lang.String","LONGVARCHAR", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR, null);
    //new JboTypeMap("TIMESTAMP BINARY
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("TINYINT IDENTITY","java.lang.Integer","TINYINT",java.sql.Types.TINYINT,null,true);
    new JboTypeMap("UNIQUEIDENTIFIER","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);
    new JboTypeMap("VARCHAR","java.lang.String","CHAR",java.sql.Types.CHAR,null);

  • Issue with custom fields mapping from CRM to ECC.

    Hi all,
    I have issues with replicating custom fields in a Service order. I have created new fields with EEWB and EEWC. Now the structure has been changed in ECC and CRM. But i have to map this fields to correct structures. Also i need some logic to apply.
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    Could anyone let me know with an good example on how this has to be acheived.
    Points are highly awarded.
    Kindly reply me.

    Here you go,
    After you create custom characteristics.
    1. Do Assign category.
    2. Map contents.
    3. Double check your master catalog has the mapped content.
    4. Publish master catalog.
    As per your message, you are not having any error message during import, which tells me that you are one step to close.
    Cheers, Renga

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    'xxxxx' is not a recognized Shared Services project. Please contact your adminstrator
    Is there something we need to do to restore Shared Services to its original state?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: 637223 on Jan 20, 2009 2:19 AM

    I doubt that "creating a new instance of oracle and copied all the schemas and data over to the new instance" will register the project with shared service and thats why giving error. Because when you install shared service, it asks you about the database name (oracle in your case) to register with. So even if you overwrite that database by new instance it gives error.
    Have you tried the configuration utilty ? Over there you can provide the new database instanse as your database and configure your shared service. Remember that you need to do a complete configuration of shared service , analytic administration services and analytic services. After configuring, Restart the should work.
    Hope this helps!

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    Is there a wya to have a credit memo created with out auto applying to an
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    what is credit memo on accoutn how it works with these above scenarios.
    sicne i tried setting up but the credit meo or concession is getting appled to
    the particular invoice automatically
    need urgent help required on this issue !!!!!

    For Scenario 1 you have two options:
    1) Update the AR transaction type extension for project invoice- Identify negative amount invoice and change the transaction type to project credit memo. This will update the transaction type on negative invoices before they are interfaced to Oracle AR.
    This is preferred option
    2) Update AR invoice Pre-processor to do the same thing.
    There is no standard setup which will allow you to change trx type of negative invoices.
    For Scenario2 - I dont think there is any direct way to create a credit invoice from Projects and keep it unapplied (again, apart from creating a negative amount invoice). You can create a credit memo in AR and use it to apply against future invoices.

  • Incorporating transaction types from F-43 to FB60...urgent help !!

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    Dear Stiffler,
    The Payment Method field (ZLSCH) is not controlled via field status.
    This field cannot be set to required in the standard functionality in
    It means that for Vendor document entry for "payment method",
    you can only achieve it by creating a validation rule at call-up
    point 2.
    Or You can insert it into a Payment Term by OBB8 and insert the Payment Term into Your vendor/customer master data.
    I hope this helps.

  • Urgent help needed; Database shutdown issues.

    Urgent help needed; Database shutdown issues.
    Hi all,
    I am trying to shutdown my SAP database and am facing the issues below, can someone please suggest how I can go about resolving this issue and restart the database?
    SQL> shutdown immediate
    ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
    ORA-24323: value not allowed
    ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted
    SQL> shutdown abort
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    Thanks and regards,

    check SAP Note 700548 - FAQ: Oracle authorizations
    also check Note 834917 - Oracle Database 10g: New database role SAPCONN

  • Need some URGENT help with 3 DVD mastering issues PLEASE! :

    Hi there,
    Firstly, I am running DVD SP 3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.7 on a G5 Dual 2 GHz 3Gb Ram plenty of HD space...
    I am creating a DVD with: An intro sequence, a main menu, 4 sub menus, and 4 sections with around 12 chapters each.
    I am having some big problems, and a pretty stuck. I will lest them separately below, numbered. If you are able to help, please refer clearly to which number you are helping with. Any help is MUCH appreciated! Many thanks!!
    1. Each of the 5 menus (1 main, 4 sub) have a background video, and a separate audio track. I added the background videos by simply dragging them to the assests panel, then from there onto the menu editor window. They are created in FCP and are properly encoded. However, when I click the motion button, or use the simulator, the videos do not show up. The music plays, but all i see is plain black.
    What is going on?!?!?!
    2. I am really struggling with rollover buttons. I have custom created buttons, and I wand them to have a soft red glow around them when hovered over. HOW ON EARTH DO I ACTUALLY DO THIS??
    The buttons are in photoshop so can be exported with/without background/glow in any format.
    3. Is it possible, once I have got the above rollover working, to have an image to the right hand side of my buttons which changes with the the button rollover. i.e. hover over button 1, see image 1. hover over button 2, image changes to image 2.
    PLEASE PLEASE give any help you can, I have a deadline coming up and am quite stumped. Thanks again!!

    I am still having problems regarding issue Number 1. PLEASE ANYONE HELP?!
    Sorry, I'm not sure about the motion menus. I avoid those whenever possible. But you might click on the menu in the storyline tab (whatever it's called -- the hierarchical view with the disc, tracks, slideshows, etc.) and look at the properties and see if there's anything you have to enable specifically for motion. And be sure the motion button is on on the main display/preview area, but it sounds like you already know how that works.
    For your information, here is a screen grab of the menu I am trying to create:
    I think it is obvious that when a button is hovered over, I want it to glow red, and the image to the right will change to match the respective button.
    First, your menus have to be layered menus. Unfortunately, there's no way to convert non-layered menus to layered menus, so if you already have non-layered, you'll have to just delete them and create new layered menus. The button (and menu item) to create a layered menu should be right by the normal new-menu item.
    Next, the graphical work is all in Photoshop.
    Side tip: You may already know this, but I found it's best to use 640x480 for the Photoshop document. When I do text and leave it as a text object in the Photoshop file, it resizes poorly in DVDSP. So this ends up being another 720x480 vs. 640x480 square/rectangular pixel conversion thing. DVDSP plays in the 640x480 world, at least as far as the designer can see. So I keep my images at 640x480, and it doesn't have to resize, and everything looks right.
    Moving on... Set up your basic background, the part that won't change (or will have other things covering it, like for your square image).
    Then put in all the buttons and images you'll be using, each part in a separate layer. This could have fifteen buttons (you have five buttons, and there can be three versions for each -- inactive, selected, and activated versions) and five or six square images (you said one for each button, and you might want a blank default if, say, you want to add a "back" button on the menu and want some blank or default image for the square when they're on the "back" button).
    Sometimes people don't bother with a separate "active" button state, but you usually want some visual feedback that they clicked the button. Also, I usually just build the default (unselected) button into the background; that's less hassle later on, and it will just draw the selected or activated buttons over that when the user is on that button.
    Line up all your buttons and images. All the square images lined up perfectly on top of each other, all the buttons in the right places (so you'll have three buttons stacked on top of each other in each spot). Give each layer a short but quickly recognizable name, and line them up in a consistent order. (button1-default, button1-selected, button1-active, button1-squarepicture, then button2-default, ... etc.) Photoshop and DVDSP don't care, but it makes it easier for you later.
    Note that earlier versions of DVDSP won't show Photoshop layer effects. (They handle layers, just not the effects, like inner glow, outer bezel, etc.) I don't remember when they changed this, but I think it was version 4.something. So if you're using that method to make your buttons glow, you may have to flatten each selected or active button layer, and you may even need to create a dummy blank layer underneath it first to give it something to flatten onto.
    Save the file as a standard Photoshop file (.psd). Drag the file onto your DVDSP layered menu and set it as the background.
    Now, in DVDSP, create all your buttons. Just drag boxes over/around the button pictures you have. Feel free to make them extra-big; users won't see the actual area you've selected, and bigger areas makes it easier for people to hit them if they're using a mouse on a computer to watch the DVD. You can point the buttons to their targets now if you want, and set the end jumps on the tracks if you want. (I tend to set the end jumps on the tracks so they automatically select the button for the next track.)
    Now's the fun part, since it will actually hook everything up and should be easy if your naming layer order were consistent. Click on the layered menu (in that hierarchical view) and look at the properties window. (Sorry I can't remember the technical names for all these windows; I'm doing this all from memory. So feel free to ask more questions if you can't find what I'm talking about.) One of the properties tabs should have a grid of checkboxes with a list of your layers. Make sure the background is checked for all of the states. Then check the layers you want to show for each button state, as well as the corresponding square image to show for each.
    Again, I'm doing this from memory, and I can't remember exactly how things are listed in that grid. But I remember it keeps your layers in the same order you put them in the Photoshop file and shows you those names, so it should make it easy to go down the list and check the right boxes.
    And another side tip: You can update the Photoshop file, but once you've put it in DVDSP, if you change the layer order, it will screw up the check boxes you checked. It always shows you the layer names correctly, but it keeps the checkboxes in DVDSP simply assigned to the layer number, so the fifth layer will keep the same checkboxes even if you juggle them so some other layer is now the fifth layer. So if you do juggle the layers in Photoshop, go back and fix the checkbox list in DVDSP.
    I put a sample Photoshop file based on yours in
    It's quick and dirty, but shows the layer layout, and you should be able to drop it on DVDSP to play with. (I also won't leave it there forever, maybe a few weeks, so anybody reading this in a month or more probably will get a 404 for that url.)
    Again, doing this from memory, so feel free to ask if anything doesn't work or doesn't make sense.
    G4/dual867   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   2GB/0.8TB

  • Activity types-- urgent help

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    I need urgent help. Every production cost center has two activities labor minutes and machine minutes which have been provided by the PP guy in routing. I have defined the two activity types and have assigned planned price to them in KP26 for each cost center.
    But the planned cost of the production order is not coming when ever an order is saved. It is taking the material cost but not the planned activity cost or not showing up.
    Please tell me what have I done wrong.
    I will assign points immediately.

    This is the error that I am getting:
    No activity planning
    Message no. KP 209
    No activity quantities are planned in controlling area AMAD for fiscal year 2008, version 0 and the objects you have specified.
    System Response
    The SAP System cannot calculate a price if no activity quantity exists. The iterative price calculation cannot therefore be processed.
    Plan activity quantities and activity input in controlling area AMAD.
    Someone please please help me.

  • Forms Personalization Issues / Urgent help

    Hello Oracle Gurus,
    I have an issue while customizing the Customer Standard Form in Oracle Applications using Forms Personalization.
    Issue descritption:
    1) In Customer Standard Form (ARXCUDCI), at Bill-to Site level i need to disable the buttons NEW and OPEN for a custom responsibility.
    I have written code in Trigger Event "WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE" and in actions i mentioned as
    1. Property - Object Type as Item
    Target Object as CTRL.ADDR_SU_NEW
    Property Name as Enabled
    Value as False
    2. Property - Object Type as Item
    Target Object as CTRL.ADDR_SU_OPEN
    Property Name as Enabled
    Value as False
    When i check, it is working for the NEW button (i.e. NEW button getting disabled) but the same is not working for OPEN button.
    Am i missing any thing else.........Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Lakshmi Kalyan Vara Prasad.

    I would guess that the problem with the Open button is that there is existing standard code within the form that runs after the WHEN-NEW-FORMS-INSTANCE trigger that enables/disables the Open button based on some other condition.
    Apart from opening up the form in Forms Builder and working through the code to work out what standard code is doing this (which can be an extremely painful process), I would suggest that you try moving your personalisation to a later event, such as WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE.

  • Wlan Security Issue urgent help needed

    Dear Community,
    i have a wlc 5500  with two ssids for employees and contractors
    both ssids with layer2 security WPA+WPA2 and auth key mgmt 802.1x are authenticated with ACS 5.0 (active directory) for users access and are working fine after windows adapter setting
    but my question is, can i do some thing like
    authentication with acs 5.0 (active directory) for users access but without windows adapter seting????
    i mean without changing any setting on windows adapter ( leave it as default).
    if i can then how i can???
    or i cann't do that i mean there is not any option to do that?
    plz give me your seggustions i need urgent help on this topic.

    thanks for your reply George
    it seems only for 802.1x authentication key methode needs windows adaptor changing as per you.
    is there any other option to configure wlan scurity with acs (MS active Dir) user authentication like
    let me tell you something
    i want when any client will try to connect any wlan he ll just prompted to use his username and password(of active directory) without doing any changes in window adapter setting???
    i don't care layer 2 security will be whatever like wpa+wpa2 with 802.1x OR something else
    can i do that or no ??
    if yes i can than what type of security?
    please don't tell me about webauthentication i already know about that and i ll use that mothed for GUSET-Wlan.
    kindly reply me soon 

  • Urgently, Help. Stuck on this issue when unable to figure out what methods to use...

    Urgently, Help. Stuck on this issue when unable to figure out what methods to use...
    enquiry.jpg ‏101 KB

    so sorry about that
    I have an example attached.
    How to control the pause function automatic control by the system timing? when only reaches 0000hrs, pause function execute?
    Attachments: ‏16 KB

  • Inconsistant overlay issues in same project - urgent help needed please!

    Hopefully this has not been asked. I searched and found nothing.
    The issue is that using overlays works great for two of the three menus in my project, but the third does not display properly when viewing a finished DVD or the TS folder. It looks perfect in simulator.
    Now for the details: the menus are pretty simple. They each consist of a Photoshop file with two layers. One is the background buttons (mostly plain text) and an overlay layer (underlines under the text). These are saved as psd files.
    When built and viewed, two of the menus operate normally - you roll over the text buttons, and an underline appears beneath them. The third menu does nothing when rolled over, yet if you click on a piece of text, it jumps to the proper section as expected.
    I have checked every setting I can think of to make sure everything is the same between the different menus. I even rebuilt the whole DVD from scratch, and made new menus in Photoshop. Each file was made as a "save as" to ensure that the settings were the same. Same for the menus in DVDSP - duplicates of a menu that work properly. Is there something I've overlooked? Is this an issue with DVDSP 3?
    Any help or suggestions are most appreciated. This forum is a great resource.

    Hi There
    The only thing that comes to mind is that something's changing in your button highlight states between your menus. Go to a menu that is working the way you want and select a button. In the button inspector go to the Colours tab and ine the bottom right corner click the Save As Default button. Then go to a menu that is not performing correctly, highlight a button, go to the Colours tab and click Restore Default.
    If that doesn't fix it at least you'll have ruled out a major culprit.
    Good Luck

  • DiskSpace Report Alert Error - Urgently Help Needed

    Hell All
    I have been take the scripts from
    Which is working fine , but my end of scripts out Auto Disclaimer is added and the output has little bit collapsed
    Disclaimer HAS BEEN added to the waring and critical Table which is mentioned on this script which is underlined now. and how avoid this 
    Urgent help is needed
    #  Check disk space and send an HTML report as the body of an email.        #
    #  Reports only disks on computers that have low disk space.                #
    #  Author: Mike Carmody                                                     #
    #  Some ideas extracted from Thiyagu's Exchange DiskspaceHTMLReport module. #
    #  Date: 8/10/2011                                                          #
    #  I have not added any error checking into this script yet.                #
    # Continue even if there are errors
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";
    # Items to change to make it work for you.
    #  - the $users that this report will be sent to.
    #  - near the end of the script the smtpserver, From and Subject.
    #  - you can edit the report path and report name of the html file that is the report. 
    # Set your warning and critical thresholds
    $percentWarning = 15;
    $percentCritcal = 10;
    # Set the recipients of the report.
    $users = "[email protected]"
      #$users = "[email protected]" # I use this for testing by uing my email address.
    #$users = "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]";  # can be sent to individuals.
    # Path to the report
    $reportPath = "D:\Jobs\DiskSpaceQuery\Reports\";
    # Report name
    $reportName = "DiskSpaceRpt_$(get-date -format ddMMyyyy).html";
    # Path and Report name together
    $diskReport = $reportPath + $reportName
    #Set colors for table cell backgrounds
    $redColor = "#FF0000"
    $orangeColor = "#FBB917"
    $whiteColor = "#FFFFFF"
    # Count if any computers have low disk space.  Do not send report if less than 1.
    $i = 0;
    # Get computer list to check disk space
    $computers = Get-Content "servers_c.txt";
    $datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss";
    # Remove the report if it has already been run today so it does not append to the existing report
    If (Test-Path $diskReport)
            Remove-Item $diskReport
    # Cleanup old files..
    $Daysback = "-7"
    $CurrentDate = Get-Date;
    $DateToDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback);
    Get-ChildItem $reportPath | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item;
    # Create and write HTML Header of report
    $titleDate = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y - %A"
    $header = "
    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
    <title>DiskSpace Report</title>
    <STYLE TYPE='text/css'>
    td {
    font-family: Tahoma;
    font-size: 11px;
    border-right: 1px solid #999999;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;
    padding-right: 0px;
    padding-bottom: 0px;
    body {
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    table {
    border: thin solid #000000;
    <table width='100%'>
    <tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>
    <td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>
    <font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>AEM Environment DiskSpace Report for $titledate</strong></font>
     Add-Content $diskReport $header
    # Create and write Table header for report
     $tableHeader = "
     <table width='100%'><tbody>
    <tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC>
        <td width='10%' align='center'>Server</td>
    <td width='5%' align='center'>Drive</td>
    <td width='15%' align='center'>Drive Label</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center'>Total Capacity(GB)</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center'>Used Capacity(GB)</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center'>Free Space(GB)</td>
    <td width='5%' align='center'>Freespace %</td>
    Add-Content $diskReport $tableHeader
    # Start processing disk space reports against a list of servers
      foreach($computer in $computers)
    $disks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 3"
    $computer = $computer.toupper()
    foreach($disk in $disks)
    $deviceID = $disk.DeviceID;
            $volName = $disk.VolumeName;
    [float]$size = $disk.Size;
    [float]$freespace = $disk.FreeSpace; 
    $percentFree = [Math]::Round(($freespace / $size) * 100, 2);
    $sizeGB = [Math]::Round($size / 1073741824, 2);
    $freeSpaceGB = [Math]::Round($freespace / 1073741824, 2);
            $usedSpaceGB = $sizeGB - $freeSpaceGB;
            $color = $whiteColor;
    # Set background color to Orange if just a warning
    if($percentFree -lt $percentWarning)      
      $color = $orangeColor
    # Set background color to Orange if space is Critical
          if($percentFree -lt $percentCritcal)
            $color = $redColor
     # Create table data rows 
        $dataRow = "
            <td width='10%'>$computer</td>
    <td width='5%' align='center'>$deviceID</td>
    <td width='15%' >$volName</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center'>$sizeGB</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center'>$usedSpaceGB</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center'>$freeSpaceGB</td>
    <td width='5%' bgcolor=`'$color`' align='center'>$percentFree</td>
    Add-Content $diskReport $dataRow;
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "$computer $deviceID percentage free space = $percentFree";
    # Create table at end of report showing legend of colors for the critical and warning
     $tableDescription = "
     </table><br><table width='20%'>
    <tr bgcolor='White'>
        <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#FBB917'>Warning less than 15% free space</td>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#FF0000'>Critical less than 10% free space</td>
      Add-Content $diskReport $tableDescription
    Add-Content $diskReport "</body></html>"
    # Send Notification if alert $i is greater then 0
    if ($i -gt 0)
        foreach ($user in $users)
            Write-Host "Sending Email notification to $user"
    $smtpServer = "MySMTPServer"
    $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
            $msg.From = "[email protected]"
    $msg.Subject = "Environment DiskSpace Report for $titledate"
            $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
            $msg.Body = get-content $diskReport
            $body = ""

    I want to double confirm which version are you used, please also refer to scripting center for the similar scripts:
    Disk Space Monitoring - HTML EMAIL Report
    Monitor Free Disk Space Information on a Computer
    List Available Disk Space
    Disk Space monitoring
    If you encounter any difficulties when customizing the scripts, you may submit a new question in
    The Official Scripting Guys Forum! which is a best resource for scripting related issues.
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

  • Type-mapping not working correctly, get "Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType" WARNING

    I'm manually creating a web-services.xml file, and using the autogen ant task to
    generate the codec XML/Java classes. The XML definition is provided by SAP.
    The ant build.xml file:
    <project name="buildWebservice" default="stubgen">
    <target name="stubgen">
    <clientgen ear="C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\RMIS.ear"
    autotype="False" />
    <target name="all" depends="stubgen"/>
    The problem is seen below in the output from Ant. Note the WARNINIG. The problem
    is that the xml type cannot be mapped to the Java type.
    C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests>ant -buildfile clientbuild.xml
    Buildfile: clientbuild.xml
    [clientgen] Generating client jar for RMIS.ear ...
    [clientgen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['urn:sap-com:do
    cument:sap:business']:PaymentRequest.Create. Make sure that you have registered
    this xml type in the type mapping
    [clientgen] Using SOAPElement instead
    [clientgen] Compiling 4 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\944377\LOCALS~1\Temp\rmisws-
    [clientgen] Building jar: C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\rmisws-client.jar
    Total time: 17 seconds
    The Java source that has the implementation of the service methods is simply:
    package com.aa.rmis.webservice;
    import com.aa.rmis.ifr.request.*;
    public class TestService
    public TestService()
    public int serviceRequest(PaymentRequestCreate request)
    System.out.println("Received serviceRequest message");
    return 0;
    public void testStringRequest(String request)
    The web-service.xml file is attached, which contains the schema for the SAP PaymentRequest.Create
    object definition.
    Another problem I have, which is probably related, is that the service method
    that has a complex data type (non-built in data type) is not being deployed into
    the WebLogic server. But the other service method that simply takes a String
    parameter is.
    The steps I took are:
    1. Get XML from SAP Interface Repository (IFR) for PaymentRequest
    2. Use ant task autogen to generate the request codec classes
    3. Create the web-services.xml file by inserting the schema definition and the
    mapping file created by the autogen task, and defining the operations
    4. Build web-services.war file that contains all autogen compiled class files,
    the web-services.xml file, and the service implementation class
    5. Build the ear file that holds the web service files
    6. Use the clientgen ant task to generate (included above) to generate the client
    jar file that should contain the proxy for both of the service methods
    * WebLogic 7.02
    * JDK 1.3.1_06
    * JBuilder 9 Enterprise
    * Ant 1.4
    Possible causes:
    * Namespace not being used correctly
    * copied verbatim the mapping xml file generated by autogen into the web-services.xml
    * xml-schema part of web-services.xml might not be set correctly
    * operation definition might not be using the correct namespace
    * Classpath used for ant might not be right
    * Doubt this is the problem, but I'm out of other ideas
    * Set by using the setWLEnv.cmd file provided by WebLogic
    * Tried adding the generated classes directory for my project to the classpath,
    but did not work
    I've been referencing the Programming WebLogic Web Services document throughout
    this entire process. I must be missing something.
    Can anybody from BEA help me out with this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi JD,
    I spent a few cycles looking over your web-services.xml file, however I
    don't have any suggestions other that one that looks like you have
    already tried, at the top, in the <schema...>
    Making edits to these generated files can be tricky and my only
    suggestion is to create a small reproducer to run by our outstanding
    support team.
    A quick look at our problem database shows one issue (CR095109) related
    to a similar problem at deploy time that was fixed with 7.0SP3. Again,
    the support folks will be able to help focus in on the issue.
    JD wrote:
    The first posting contains the wrong web-services.xml file. Please refer to this
    one instead.
    "JD" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm manually creating a web-services.xml file, and using the autogen
    ant task to
    generate the codec XML/Java classes. The XML definition is provided
    by SAP.
    The ant build.xml file:
    <project name="buildWebservice" default="stubgen">
    <target name="stubgen">
    <clientgen ear="C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\RMIS.ear"
    autotype="False" />
    <target name="all" depends="stubgen"/>
    The problem is seen below in the output from Ant. Note the WARNINIG.
    The problem
    is that the xml type cannot be mapped to the Java type.
    C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests>ant -buildfile clientbuild.xml
    Buildfile: clientbuild.xml
    [clientgen] Generating client jar for RMIS.ear ...
    [clientgen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['urn:sap-com:do
    cument:sap:business']:PaymentRequest.Create. Make sure that you have
    this xml type in the type mapping
    [clientgen] Using SOAPElement instead
    [clientgen] Compiling 4 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\944377\LOCALS~1\Temp\rmisws-
    [clientgen] Building jar: C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\rmisws-client.jar
    Total time: 17 seconds
    The Java source that has the implementation of the service methods is
    package com.aa.rmis.webservice;
    import com.aa.rmis.ifr.request.*;
    public class TestService
    public TestService()
    public int serviceRequest(PaymentRequestCreate request)
    System.out.println("Received serviceRequest message");
    return 0;
    public void testStringRequest(String request)
    The web-service.xml file is attached, which contains the schema for the
    SAP PaymentRequest.Create
    object definition.
    Another problem I have, which is probably related, is that the service
    that has a complex data type (non-built in data type) is not being deployed
    the WebLogic server. But the other service method that simply takes
    a String
    parameter is.
    The steps I took are:
    1. Get XML from SAP Interface Repository (IFR) for PaymentRequest
    2. Use ant task autogen to generate the request codec classes
    3. Create the web-services.xml file by inserting the schema definition
    and the
    mapping file created by the autogen task, and defining the operations
    4. Build web-services.war file that contains all autogen compiled class
    the web-services.xml file, and the service implementation class
    5. Build the ear file that holds the web service files
    6. Use the clientgen ant task to generate (included above) to generate
    the client
    jar file that should contain the proxy for both of the service methods
    * WebLogic 7.02
    * JDK 1.3.1_06
    * JBuilder 9 Enterprise
    * Ant 1.4
    Possible causes:
    * Namespace not being used correctly
    * copied verbatim the mapping xml file generated by autogen into
    the web-services.xml
    * xml-schema part of web-services.xml might not be set correctly
    * operation definition might not be using the correct namespace
    * Classpath used for ant might not be right
    * Doubt this is the problem, but I'm out of other ideas
    * Set by using the setWLEnv.cmd file provided by WebLogic
    * Tried adding the generated classes directory for my project to
    the classpath,
    but did not work
    I've been referencing the Programming WebLogic Web Services document
    this entire process. I must be missing something.
    Can anybody from BEA help me out with this problem?
    Thanks in advance.
    Name: web-services.xml
    web-services.xml Type: ACT Project (text/xml)
    Encoding: base64

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