Bcs transport

I understand that transport process for SEM BCS is divided into 2 category which is BW request( workbench) and BCS request(customizing).
For total records infocube, document infocube, goodwill data infocube, equity data infocube, investment data infocube and all other generated infocube should we transport it manually through bw request(workbench) or it will be transported automatically when we transport data basis in bcs through bcs request(customizing)?
Need your advice.
Points will be awarded.

Thanks for the input.
You said you transport all those infoproviders first before transporting the bcs configuration.
Is this means that you transport all the virtual cubes also before transporting the bcs configuration?
Hi Eugene,
Referring to your previous posting :
"I usually transport the BCS setting in a little transport requests in this order:
    * all BW objects and settings
    * data basis (with source DB)
    * cons area
    * special versions
    * versions
    * master data"
for "all BW objects and settings" , is this include all the virtual cubes and generated objects?
Thanks a lot guys.. Appreciate your inputs.

Similar Messages

  • SEM BCS Transport Request

    Dear Experts,
    Kindly let me know, WHile configuring BCS , saving any Request
    i) Whole configuration gets saved to the Transpoprt Request or It understand the discrimination between Data Model, Master Data Consolidation Fucntion etc ?
    ii) While creating Consolidation Task, Can required task be saved in Transport request and unwanted task can be ignored in the same request ?
    Ritesh M

    Hi Alvin,
    Here is a link (and more detailed info is in the link INSIDE this thread))):
    look at te OSS Note #627924 - 'Restrictions with transport in BW-based SEM-BCS'
    and also at 773178 - 'Overview of consulting notes in SEM-BCS'.

  • BCS Release Request Short dump

    I'm trying to release my costumizing request, that contains the SEM-BCS configuration, although i'm getting a short-dump.
    The description is as follows:
    Short text
        Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
    What happened?
        Error in the ABAP Application Program
        The current ABAP program "CL_UG_MD_TR_METHOD_EXPORT=====CP" had to be
         terminated because it has
        come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
        You attempted to use a 'NULL' object reference (points to 'nothing')
        access a component (variable: " ").
        An object reference must point to an object (an instance of a class)
        before it can be used to access components.
        Either the reference was never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the
        CLEAR statement.
    How to correct the error
        If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
        find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
        If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    Information on where terminated
        Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_UG_MD_TR_METHOD_EXPORT=====CP" -
         in "UGMD_EXTRACT_SID_2".
        The main program was "RDDM0001 ".
        In the source code you have the termination point in line 62
        of the (Include) program "CL_UG_MD_TR_METHOD_EXPORT=====CM003".
    Source Code Extract
    Line  SourceCde
       32   FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_table> TYPE INDEX TABLE.
       33   FIELD-SYMBOLS <ld_fsid> TYPE ug_sid.
       34   FIELD-SYMBOLS <ld_vsid> TYPE ug_sid.
       35 *  FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_target> TYPE ANY TABLE.
       37   ASSIGN io_itab->rd_wa->* TO <ls_wa>.
       38   IF i_value_sid IS NOT INITIAL.
       39     ASSIGN COMPONENT i_value_sid
       40            OF STRUCTURE <ls_wa>
       41            TO <ld_vsid>.
       42     CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
       43   ELSE.
       44     CREATE DATA lr_sid.
       45     ASSIGN lr_sid->* TO <ld_vsid>.
       46     CLEAR <ld_vsid>.
       47   ENDIF.
       49   IF NOT i_fieldname_sid IS INITIAL.                  "Start hah160603.1
       50     ASSIGN COMPONENT i_fieldname_sid
       51            OF STRUCTURE <ls_wa>
       52            TO <ld_fsid>.
       53     CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
       54   ELSE.
       55     CALL METHOD ugmd_get_fieldname_to_table
       56       EXPORTING
       57         i_tabname = i_datainfo-tabname
       58       IMPORTING
       59         e_fieldname = ld_fieldname.
       60     lo_fieldname = cl_ug_md_fieldname=>if_ug_md_fieldname~get_instance(
       61       ld_fieldname ).
       62  >>>>>     ld_fieldname_sid_fix = lo_fieldname->ds_data-sid.
       63     ASSIGN ld_fieldname_sid_fix TO <ld_fsid>.
       64   ENDIF.                                                "End hah160603.1
    Contents of system fields
    Name     Val.
    SY-SUBRC 0
    SY-INDEX 1
    SY-TABIX 0
    SY-DBCNT 0
    SY-FDPOS 0
    SY-LSIND 1
    SY-PAGNO 0
    SY-LINNO 1
    SY-COLNO 1
    SY-TITLE Transport organizer: ordens
    SY-MSGNO 009
    SY-MSGV1 &
    SY-MSGV2 &
    SY-MODNO 0
    SY-DATUM 20080904
    SY-UZEIT 200112
    If someone have gone trough a similar experience, or have any tip of how to solve this issue, i'd apreciate a comment.
    Will award points for valuable help.
    Thank you

    Hi Ricardo,
    You tried to transport the BCS' configuration, right?
    If in the request was the full set of settings from the start of the project, the it will definitely fail.
    There are some restrictions in BCS transport. See, for example the OSS Note #627924 - 'Restrictions with transport in BW-based SEM-BCS'. It particularly says:
    "For the initial system setup, and after substantial changes in the data model, you should transport the Customizing by means of manually created transport requests. We advise you not to use the automatic recording of all Customizing settings during the first implementation phase in the development system and not to use this request for the structure of the test and productive systems.
    During the transport of a new consolidation area, the following settings should be transported in the following sequence:
    1. Data basis
    2. Consolidation area
    3. Special versions
    After the import of the data basis and the consolidation area, these settings should be checked in the target system. In particular, the RFC destination, the InfoCubes and ODS objects, as well as the InfoObjects. Note that RFC destinations, InfoCubes, ODS objects, virtual cubes and InfoObjects cannot be transported from the consolidation workbench with the transport functions. For instance, you have to transport and activate the InfoCubes and InfoObjects using the BW."
    I usually transport the BCS setting in a little transport requests in this order:
    - all BW objects and settings
    - data basis (with source DB)
    - cons area
    - special versions
    - versions
    - master data
    Hope this helps.

  • BCS configuration transport errors

    Hi Experts,
    I have a problem when I tried to transport BCS configuration from BWD into BWT. Previously, those configuration were transported succesfully into BWT; however, somehow this time failed.
    The error message that I got in STMS:
    Communication error: Destination BWT -> long text
    Message no. FINB_TR047
    A communication error has arisen during execution of the remote function call.
    Destination: BWT
    Message: Name or password is incorrect. Please re-enter
    System response
    The import could not be completed correctly.
    Check whether program terminations have occurred in the target system (target client).
    I have searched few OSS Notes which is related but it doesn't help.
    Do you have some ideas how to fix this problem?
    Thank you very much and points will be given for helpful answers.

    Hi Mona,
    Looks like your RFC-connection is bad. You need to check it out, and repair. Probably somebody changed ALEREMOTE or BWREMOTE passwords.
    See here the proper RFC's format:
    SPRO: SEM/Business Analytics -> Fin. Basis -> Transport and client copies -> Transports -> Assign RFC destinations for transport methods. Click on the book icon and see the directions.

  • Transport Transaction Data Tool in BCS

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    I understand that in ECCS, there's functionality where we can transport the transaction data which is stored in ECMCA as well as ECMCT via t-code CX0TA (export and import transaction data), for example from development system to production system.
    In ECCS, I used this function since all testing data in development system are all real data. So in order to avoid developing the other tool to transport these data, we use this CX0TA function.
    Now, when I use BCS, I only see the transport tool for customising and master data. No transport tool for transaction data.
    My question is, is it true that the BCS 4.0 do not include this function anymore? Or do I miss some activation so I can not see the functions in this version?
    Any advise will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Halim,
    AFAIK, there is no possibility to transport transaction data in 4.0:
    And I think there is a reason in it. As you know, transaction data coming to BCS should comply with the format and consistency the system expects.
    Transport in BCS is tricky. And there is no guarantee that everything was transported correctly. Hence, the possibility of transaction data load failure is big.
    Best regards,

  • Re-Transport Clarification in BCS

    Hi All
    due to some Issues in Original Transport, I want to Create Manual Transport for Data Basis,Consolidation Area and Special Version.
    During Manual Transport on Data Basis( Right Click on DB and Select TRANSPORT) reached to the Following Options
    Data Basis       ( What is My Selection for 3 Tasks in Selections)                                
      1.  DELETE Selected Values
    2. DELETE Transported Values
    3. Overwrite(GRAY Out)
    Consolidation Area
    1.  DELETE Selected Values
    2. DELETE Transported Values
    3. Overwrite(NO GRAY Out)
    Special Version
    1.  DELETE Selected Values
    2. DELETE Transported Values
    3. Overwrite(NO Gray Out)
    Your Help really Appreciated

    Hi Dan
    Thanks for Your Info and we got respose form SAP . One of the Option is Your Method.

  • First Project - BCS

    *&       Form  display_detail_list
    FORM display_detail_list_subscreen.
      IF g_display_detail_again IS INITIAL.
        IF g_display_detail_next IS INITIAL.
    * Header text is displayed as dyn. document
          IF go_dydo IS INITIAL.
            CREATE OBJECT go_dydo.
            FREE  go_dydo.
            CLEAR go_dydo.
            CREATE OBJECT go_dydo.
            PERFORM free_create_screen_objects.
          IF NOT go_dydo->html_control IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD go_splitter_container->remove_control
                row    = 1
                column = 1.
    * Initialize document
      CALL METHOD go_dydo->initialize_document.
      IF  LINES( gt_header ) > 0.
    * Build and display detail-header
        PERFORM build_header TABLES gt_header
                             USING  go_dydo
    * Merge header-document
      CALL METHOD go_dydo->merge_document.
    * set toolbar-added functions for detailed list
      REFRESH gt_toolbar.
      IF go_model->ds_tx_data_io_type-documents IS BOUND.       "mb210303
        PERFORM fill_tool_tab USING:
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '1',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_ENTRIES' '2',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '3',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_PREV'    '4',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_NEXT'    '5',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '6'.
      ELSE.                                                   "mb210202 beg.
        PERFORM fill_tool_tab USING:
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '1',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_PREV'    '2',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_NEXT'    '3',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '4'.
      ENDIF.                                                  "mb210202 end.
      SET HANDLER go_event_grid->handle_toolbar_comp   FOR go_grid.
    * Display header
      CALL METHOD go_dydo->display_document
          parent = go_container_head.
    * Set header-control visible with user set or
    * predefined height
      IF NOT go_splitter_container IS INITIAL.
        IF g_height IS INITIAL.
          g_height = 27.
        CALL METHOD go_splitter_container->set_row_height
            id     = 1
            height = g_height.
    * display detail-list
      CALL METHOD go_grid->set_table_for_first_display
          i_bypassing_buffer   = 'X'
          is_layout            = gs_layout_save
          it_toolbar_excluding = gt_exclude_toolbar
          it_fieldcatalog      = gt_fieldcat_d
          it_outtab            = <gt_outtab_detail>.
      IF NOT g_display_detail_next IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD go_grid->refresh_table_display.
    * Set cursor on selected row if necesary
      IF NOT gt_row_id_detail IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD go_grid->set_selected_rows
            it_index_rows = gt_row_id_detail.
        REFRESH gt_row_id_detail.
      CLEAR: g_display_detail_next,
    ENDFORM.                    " display_detail_list_subscreen
    *&      Form  display_main_list
    FORM display_main_list_subscreen. "using i_reporting_logic type uc_flg.
      CLEAR g_detail.
    * set toolbar-added functions
      REFRESH gt_toolbar.
      IF go_model->ds_tx_data_io_type IS NOT INITIAL.
        IF go_model->ds_tx_data_io_type-documents IS BOUND.     "mb210303
    *        and i_reporting_logic is initial.
          PERFORM fill_tool_tab USING:
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '1',
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_ENTRIES' '2',
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '3',
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_SEL_COND' '4',
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '5'.
          PERFORM fill_tool_tab USING:
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '1',
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_SEL_COND' '2',
                       gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '3'.
        ENDIF.                                                  "mb210303
        SET HANDLER go_event_grid->handle_toolbar_comp   FOR go_grid.
      ELSE    .
        PERFORM fill_tool_tab USING:
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '1',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_SEL_COND' '2',
                     gt_toolbar gs_toolbar 'UCR_DUMMY'   '3'.
        SET HANDLER go_event_grid->handle_toolbar_comp   FOR go_grid.
    * Set header-control invisible while main-list is displayed
      IF NOT go_splitter_container IS INITIAL.
    * Header container can be set visible by user on main-screen
        CALL METHOD go_splitter_container->set_row_height
            id     = 1
            height = 0.
        IF NOT go_dydo IS INITIAL.
    * Display last header if user wants to set it visible
          CALL METHOD go_dydo->display_document
              parent = go_container_head.
    * subscreen with main list simply is started once again
    * prepared with current user settings
      IF ( LINES( gt_fieldcat_save ) > 0 ) AND
         NOT g_display_main_again IS INITIAL.
        REFRESH gt_fieldcat.
        gt_fieldcat[] = gt_fieldcat_save[].
    *    clear g_display_main_again.
    * is necessary, because current_frontend_fieldcat must be set
        CALL METHOD go_grid->set_table_for_first_display
            i_bypassing_buffer   = 'X'
            i_save               = g_save
            is_layout            = gs_layout
            is_variant           = gs_variant
            it_special_groups    = gt_sgrp                      "mb110403
            it_toolbar_excluding = gt_exclude_toolbar
            it_fieldcatalog      = gt_fieldcat
            it_outtab            = <gt_outtab>.
    * set current fieldcat
        CALL METHOD go_grid->set_frontend_fieldcatalog
            it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat.
    * now reset other current layout-infos if necessary
        PERFORM set_current_layout USING go_grid
    * display current main-list
        CALL METHOD go_grid->refresh_table_display.
        REFRESH: gt_fieldcat_save, gt_filter_save, gt_sort_save.
        CLEAR  : gs_layout_save.
    * Show ALV
        CALL METHOD go_grid->set_table_for_first_display
            i_bypassing_buffer   = 'X'
            i_save               = g_save
            is_layout            = gs_layout
            is_variant           = gs_variant
            it_special_groups    = gt_sgrp                      "mb110403
            it_toolbar_excluding = gt_exclude_toolbar
            it_sort              = gt_sort
            it_fieldcatalog      = gt_fieldcat
            it_outtab            = <gt_outtab>.
        CLEAR g_display_detail_again.
        g_display_main_again = 'X'.
    * Set cursor on selected row if necesary
      IF NOT gt_row_id IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD go_grid->set_selected_rows
            it_index_rows = gt_row_id.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_main_list_subscreen
    *&      Form  display_message
    FORM display_message USING lo_grid_object TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid
                               lf_refresh_msg_table TYPE c.
      DATA: l_lines       TYPE i,
            ls_layout     TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    * header_main is not used by Worbench
      IF g_subscreen IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM header_main.
      g_no_data = 'X'.
    * if first data selection results no data gt_parameter_save must be
    * filled  from lt_parameter to take care of further user changed
    * parameters from list screen
      DESCRIBE TABLE gt_parameter_save LINES l_lines.
      IF l_lines =  0.
        gt_parameter_save[] = gt_parameter[].
      PERFORM no_data_selected IN PROGRAM (gc_progname)
                                USING      gt_fieldcat_mess
                                           lf_refresh_msg_table   " 'X'
                                           space.      "  'C610'. no color, accessibility
    *** Start of Comment By Ramesh Babu N,IBM - C1DK900725 ***
    * Set header-control invisible while main-list is displayed
    *  IF NOT go_splitter_container IS INITIAL.
    *    CALL METHOD go_splitter_container->set_row_height
    *      EXPORTING
    *        id     = 1
    *        height = 0.
    *    CALL METHOD go_splitter_container->set_row_sash
    *      EXPORTING
    *        id    = 1
    *        type  = cl_gui_splitter_container=>type_sashvisible
    *        value = cl_gui_splitter_container=>false.
    *  ENDIF.
    *** End of Comment By Ramesh Babu N,IBM - C1DK900725  ***
    * display messages
    *  ls_layout-no_toolbar = 'X'.
      CALL METHOD lo_grid_object->set_table_for_first_display
          i_bypassing_buffer   = 'X'
          it_toolbar_excluding = gt_exclude_toolbar_mess
          is_layout            = ls_layout
          it_fieldcatalog      = gt_fieldcat_mess
          it_outtab            = gt_message.
    *** Start of Comment By Ramesh Babu N,IBM - C1DK900725 ***
    * Event-Handler for docking-container
    *  IF go_event_dock IS INITIAL.
    *    CREATE OBJECT go_event_dock.
    *  ENDIF.
    *** End of Comment By Ramesh Babu N,IBM - C1DK900725  ***
      IF go_parameter IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD cl_uc_parameter=>get_instance
            eo_instance = go_parameter.
    *** Start of Comment By Ramesh Babu N,IBM - C1DK900725 ***
    *  SET HANDLER go_event_dock->handle_new_parameters FOR go_parameter.
    *** End of Comment By Ramesh Babu N,IBM - C1DK900725  ***
    ENDFORM.                    " display_message
    *&      Form  sub_download_data
    * Used for downloading BCS data to a TAB delimited file in Custom task *
    *      <--ct_data  HASHED TABLE
    FORM f_download_data  USING     ct_task     TYPE uc_task
                                    ct_sel      TYPE uc0_ts_sel
                                    gt_param    TYPE ucm_ts_parameter
                          CHANGING  ct_message  TYPE uc0_t_message
                                    ct_data     TYPE HASHED TABLE..
    * SUBROUTINE DESCRIPION: Used for downloading BCS data to file in Custome Task
    *           DEVELOPER: Ramesh Babu Nalla , IBM
    *       CREATION DATE: 2007-10-11
    *          DER NUMBER: None
    * REVISION HISTORY-----------------------------------------------------*
    *       REVISION NO: C1DK900725      REFERENCE NO:  None
    *         DEVELOPER: Ramesh Babu N,IBM       DATE:  2007-10-11
    *       DESCRIPTION: Copied from SAP FM UCR_LST_LOGIC *
      CONSTANTS : c_task01 TYPE uc_task VALUE 'T2700',
                  c_task02 TYPE uc_task VALUE 'T2490'.
      TYPES:  BEGIN OF ty_download,
    **            /bic/zcs_comp   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Company
    **            /bic/zcs_item   TYPE char10,      " Unilever-Item
    **            /1fb/move_type  TYPE char03,      " Unilever-Movement type
    **            /bic/zcs_pcom   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Partner Company
    **            /bic/zcs_invc   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Investee Company
    **            /bic/zcs_cang   TYPE char03,      " Unilever-Cost Analysis Group
    **            /bic/zcs_ad     TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Aquisitions/Disposals
    **            /bic/zcs_cd     TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Continued/Discontinued Ops.
    **            /bic/zcs_prgp   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Product Category
                /bic/zfb_comp   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Company
                /bic/zfb_item   TYPE char10,      " Unilever-Item
                /bic/zfb_move   TYPE char03,      " Unilever-Movement type
                /bic/zfb_pcom   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Partner Company
                /bic/zfb_invc   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Investee Company
                /bic/zfb_cang   TYPE char03,      " Unilever-Cost Analysis Group
                /bic/zfb_ad     TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Aquisitions/Disposals
                /bic/zfb_cd     TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Continued/Discontinued Ops.
                /bic/zfb_prgp   TYPE char08,      " Unilever-Product Category
                /1fb/cs_trn_lc  TYPE string,      " Unilever-Period value in Local currency
                /1fb/cs_trn_qty TYPE string,     " Unilever-Periodic quantity
                unit            type string,
              END OF ty_download.
    * flag
      DATA flg_chk TYPE c.
      DATA: lr_s_data_out TYPE REF TO data,
            lr_t_data_out TYPE REF TO data,
            l_outtype     TYPE field_type VALUE 'UCR_SX_TX_DATA_LST',
            lr            TYPE REF TO data,
            lo_conv       TYPE REF TO lcl_convert_output,
            lt_char       TYPE lcl_convert_output=>th_comp,
            ls_comp       TYPE lcl_convert_output=>s_comp,
            lr_s_data     TYPE REF TO data,
            lr_t_data     TYPE REF TO data,
            l_filename    TYPE string,
            l_action      TYPE i,
            l_path        TYPE string,
            l_seperator   TYPE char01 VALUE 'X',
            l_fullpath    TYPE string,
            l_mmyy        TYPE string,
            lr_sel_data   TYPE REF TO data,
            lr_t_val      TYPE REF TO data,
            lr_t_final    TYPE REF TO data,
            lr_val        TYPE REF TO data,
            ls_download   TYPE REF TO data,
            lt_download   TYPE REF TO data,
            ls_sel        TYPE REF TO data,
            ls_msg        TYPE uc0_s_message.
    ** SOC by Dpak-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Changed by Deepak N Jain, IBM on 16/11/2006 as the corresponding field name assigned by Ramesh from
    ** the structure <LS_DATA_OUT> are not matching. This is because of the new cube from whch the Financial
    ** data is coming now. The new cube is ZFBCS_T1 which has replaced the old cube ZCS_T1.
    ** Hence, Short Dump on Execution.
    **  DATA: l_comp        TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZCS_COMP',  " Unilever-Company
    **        l_cgcomp      TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/SEM_CGCOMP'," Unilever-Consolidation Group
    **        l_pcomp       TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZCS_PCOM',  " Unilever-Partner Company
    **        l_doct        TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZCS_DOCT',  " Unilever-Document type
    **        l_plevel      TYPE string VALUE 'CS_PLEVEL',      " Unilever-Posting Level
    **        l_tc          TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/CS_TRN_TC', " Unilever-Period value in Transaction currency
    **        l_qty         TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/CS_TRN_QTY'," Unilever-Periodic quantity
    **        l_trn_lc      TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/CS_TRN_LC', " Unilever-Period value in Local currency
    **        l_bu          TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZCS_PROF',  " Unilever-Business Unit/Cost Centre
    **        l_low         TYPE string VALUE 'LOW'.
      DATA: l_comp        TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZFB_COMP',  " Unilever-Company
            l_cgcomp      TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZFB_CG1',   " Unilever-Consolidation Group
            l_pcomp       TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZFB_PCOM',  " Unilever-Partner Company
            l_doct        TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZFB_DOCT',  " Unilever-Document type
            l_invc        TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZFB_INVC',  " Unilever-Investee Company
            l_plevel      TYPE string VALUE 'CS_PLEVEL',      " Unilever-Posting Level
            l_tc          TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/CS_TRN_TC', " Unilever-Period value in Transaction currency
            l_qty         TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/CS_TRN_QTY'," Unilever-Periodic quantity
            l_trn_lc      TYPE string VALUE '/1FB/CS_TRN_LC', " Unilever-Period value in Local currency
            l_bu          TYPE string VALUE '/BIC/ZCS_PROF',  " Unilever-Business Unit/Cost Centre
            l_low         TYPE string VALUE 'LOW',
            l_unit        TYPE string  VALUE 'UNIT'.
    ** EOC by Dpak-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ** future use **
    **  /BIC/ZFB_CG1 TYPE L0002/BIC/ZFB_CG1,
    **  /1FB/CS_CHART TYPE L0002/1FB/CS_CHART,
    **  ACQ_PER TYPE L0002ACQ_PER,
    **  UNIT TYPE L0002UNIT,
    **  /BIC/ZFB_CT TYPE L0002/BIC/ZFB_CT,
    **  /BIC/ZFB_CD TYPE L0002/BIC/ZFB_CD,
    **  /BIC/ZFB_AD TYPE L0002/BIC/ZFB_AD,
    **  /BIC/ZFB_FR01 TYPE L0002/BIC/ZFB_FR01,
    **  /BIC/ZFB_FR02 TYPE L0002/BIC/ZFB_FR02,
    ** future use **
                     <ls_data_out> TYPE ANY,
                     <ls_data>     TYPE ANY,
                     <ls_data_cop> TYPE ANY,
                     <lt_data_std> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                     <ls_data_std> TYPE ANY,
                     <ls_download>  TYPE ANY,
                     <lt_download> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                     <comp>        TYPE ANY,
                     <cgcomp>      TYPE ANY,
                     <pcomp>       TYPE ANY,
                     <doct>        TYPE ANY,
                     <plevel>      TYPE ANY,
                     <tc>          TYPE ANY,
                     <invc>        TYPE ANY,
                     <qty>         TYPE ANY,
                     <unit>        TYPE ANY,
                     <trn_lc>      TYPE ANY,
                     <comp1>       TYPE ANY,
                     <cgcomp1>     TYPE ANY,
                     <pcomp1>      TYPE ANY,
                     <doct1>       TYPE ANY,
                     <plevel1>     TYPE ANY,
                     <tc1>         TYPE ANY,
                     <invc1>       TYPE ANY,
                     <qty1>        TYPE ANY,
                     <trn_lc1>     TYPE ANY,
                     <unit1>       TYPE ANY,
                     <bu>          TYPE ANY,
                     <bu1>         TYPE ANY,
                     <low>         TYPE ANY,
                     <l_year>      TYPE ANY ,
                     <l_period>    TYPE ANY ,
                     <l_mmyy>      TYPE ANY,
                     <ls_sel_data> TYPE ANY,
                     <ls_val>      TYPE zbcs_check_val,
                     <lt_t_val>    TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                     <lt_t_final>  TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    **************** Begin Of Addtion - ASIF MAQBOOL ******************
      Data: BEGIN OF l_s_tab,
            values TYPE C LENGTH 400,
           end OF l_s_tab,
          gs_param LIKE LINE OF gt_param,
          l_temp_store LIKE gt_param.
      Field-SYMBOLS: <gt_param> TYPE ANY TABLE,
                     <final_gt> TYPE any ,
                     <gs_fieldname> TYPE any,
                     <gs_value> TYPE any.
      Data: l_t_tab TYPE TABLE OF string INITIAL SIZE 0,
           str TYPE string,
           str1 TYPE string.
    **************** End Of Addtion - ASIF MAQBOOL ******************
    * create Line-structure of data table
      CREATE DATA lr_s_data LIKE LINE OF ct_data.
      ASSIGN lr_s_data->* TO <ls_data_std>.
    ** create cumulation table
      CREATE DATA lr_t_data LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF <ls_data_std>.
      ASSIGN lr_t_data->* TO <lt_data_std>.
      LOOP AT ct_data INTO <ls_data_std>.
        COLLECT <ls_data_std> INTO <lt_data_std>.
      FREE ct_data.
    * get reference for outtab / create outtab
      CALL METHOD go_model->create_data_reference
          io_tx_data_io_type = go_model->ds_tx_data_io_type-totals
          i_type             = l_outtype "'UCR_SX_TX_DATA_LST'
          er_data            = lr_s_data_out.
      ASSIGN lr_s_data_out->* TO <ls_data_out>.
      ASSIGN lr_s_data_out->* TO <ls_data_cop>.
      CREATE DATA lr_t_data_out LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF <ls_data_out>.
      ASSIGN lr_t_data_out->* TO <lt_data_out>.
      CREATE DATA lr LIKE LINE OF <lt_data_std>.
      ASSIGN lr->* TO <ls_data>.
      CALL METHOD lcl_convert_output=>get_instance
          io_model    = go_model
          it_char     = lt_char
          eo_instance = lo_conv
          cs_data     = <ls_data>.
      ASSIGN: l_comp   TO <comp>,
              l_cgcomp TO <cgcomp>,
              l_pcomp  TO <pcomp>,
              l_invc   TO <invc>,
              l_doct   TO <doct>,
              l_plevel TO <plevel>,
              l_tc     TO <tc>,
              l_qty    TO <qty>,
              l_trn_lc TO <trn_lc>,
              l_bu     TO <bu>,
              l_mmyy   TO <l_mmyy>,
              l_low    TO <low>,
              l_unit   TO <unit>.
      LOOP AT <lt_data_std> INTO <ls_data>.    "  loop
        CALL METHOD lo_conv->convert_output.      "end of "wis240605
    *     fill outtab
        ASSIGN COMPONENT if_uc_model=>gc_type_comp_s_char
        OF STRUCTURE <ls_data> TO <ls_data_cop>.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_data_cop> TO <ls_data_out>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT if_uc_model=>gc_type_comp_s_kfig
        OF STRUCTURE <ls_data> TO <ls_data_cop>.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_data_cop> TO <ls_data_out>.
        IF ct_task = c_task01 OR ct_task = space . "'it can be T2700 or blank
    *****  aggregate the transactionaldata for given Rules  *****
          ASSIGN COMPONENT : <comp>   OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <comp1>,
                             <cgcomp> OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <cgcomp1>,
                             <pcomp>  OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <pcomp1>,
                             <doct>   OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <doct1>,
                             <invc>   OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <invc1>, "added by Asif M.
                             <plevel> OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <plevel1>,
                             <tc>     OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <tc1>,
                             <qty>    OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <qty1>,
                             <trn_lc> OF STRUCTURE <ls_data_out> TO <trn_lc1>.
    **** 1st Rule ****
    * dont include records where '/1FB/CS_TRN_QTY' and '/1FB/CS_TRN_LC' are blank
          IF <trn_lc1> = 0 AND <qty1> = 0.
    **** 2nd Rule ****
    * delete the Posting levels if it is > 1 and clear to blank  CS_PLEVEL
          CHECK <plevel1> LE 1.
          CLEAR <plevel1>.
    **** 3rd Rule ****
    * replace the Unilever Company with CG without prefix G and compare with Partner comp for deletion
    * /BIC/ZCS_COMP with   /1FB/SEM_CGCOMP and check with /BIC/ZCS_PCOM
          IF ct_task <> space.
    ***  code added by Ramesh for the removal GBRNCH  records while downloading the file.
    **** code for removal of GBRNCH records only - Hardcode - sample code
    *        IF <cgcomp1> <> 'GBRNCH'.   " to avoid BRNCH records
    ** replace Company with CG without prefix G when task name is not blank
    *          <comp1> = <cgcomp1>+1.
    *        ELSE.
    *          CONTINUE.
    *        ENDIF.
    **** code for removal of GBRNCH records only - Hardcode - sample code
    ***  the assumption here,is consider only records with Legal entity as numeric excepting the first character
            IF <cgcomp1>+1 CN sy-abcde.   " to avoid BRNCH records
    * replace Company with CG without prefix G when task name is not blank
              <comp1> = <cgcomp1>+1.
    * removing leading zero's as SAP sometimes adding them to <pcomp1>.
    *        EXPORTING
    *          input  = <pcomp1>
    *        IMPORTING
    *          output = <pcomp1>.
          PERFORM f_alpha_conversion USING <comp1>
                                          CHANGING <comp1>.
          PERFORM f_alpha_conversion USING <pcomp1>
                                     CHANGING <pcomp1>.
          " removing leading zero's from Investee Unit company - Added By Asif Maqbool, IBM/Unilever, 25/01/2008.
          PERFORM f_alpha_conversion USING <invc1>
                                     CHANGING <invc1>.
          CHECK <comp1> <> <pcomp1>.
    **** 4rth Rule ****
    * initialise Document type & PV TC to blank   /BIC/ZCS_DOCT & /1FB/CS_TRN_TC
          CLEAR: <doct1>,<tc1>.
        COLLECT: <ls_data_out> INTO <lt_data_out>.
      ENDLOOP.          " end loop
      IF <lt_data_out> IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM f_build_msgs USING 'UCM0'
                                   space "ct_task
                          CHANGING ct_message.
        MESSAGE e208(00) WITH text-102.
    * perform various steps based on task name
      CASE ct_task.
        WHEN c_task01 OR space.              " 'T2700' or blank
    * download the data into a tab delimited file
    ****             start of Task 0001              ****
    * create Line-structure of download table
          CREATE DATA ls_download TYPE ty_download.
          ASSIGN ls_download->* TO <ls_download>.
    ** create Download data internal table for task T2700
          CREATE DATA lt_download LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF <ls_download>.
          ASSIGN lt_download->* TO <lt_download>.
          LOOP AT <lt_data_out> INTO <ls_data_out>.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_data_out> TO <ls_download>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <trn_lc> OF STRUCTURE <ls_download> TO <trn_lc1>.
    *** 6th Rule **********************
            " Check for values, if present remove decimals, if not present clear it of (blank).
            UNASSIGN <qty1>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <qty> of STRUCTURE <ls_download> to <qty1>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <unit> of STRUCTURE <ls_download> to <unit1>.
            if <unit1> = '' OR <unit1> <> '%'.
              <qty1> = ''.
            if <unit1> <> '' And <qty1> <> ''.
              <unit1> = ''. " We dont need unit downloaded.
              <qty1> = <qty1>+0(2).
    **** 5th Rule ****
    * Move the Negative sign to front
            PERFORM f_put_sign_in_front CHANGING <trn_lc1>.
            INSERT <ls_download>  INTO TABLE <lt_download>.
    * move the aggregated data to final table for display
          FREE ct_data.
          ct_data = <lt_data_out>.
          CLEAR: l_path,l_filename,l_fullpath,l_action.
             window_title            = 'Download aggregated BCS data to Tab Delimited file'
             default_extension       = 'txt'
    *   DEFAULT_FILE_NAME       = dynamic file name as like ALE settings
             file_filter             = 'Text files (*.txt)'
             filename                = l_filename
             path                    = l_path
             fullpath                = l_fullpath
             user_action             = l_action .
          CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
          " *************************** START OF CHANGE - ASIF MAQBOOL ************************
          IF l_action = 0 OR l_action = 1.
            ASSIGN gt_param TO <gt_param>.
            APPEND '100' to l_t_tab.
            READ TABLE gt_param INDEX 6 INTO gs_param.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE gs_param to <gs_value>.
            APPEND <gs_value> to l_t_tab.
            Clear gs_param.
            READ TABLE gt_param INDEX 4 INTO gs_param.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE gs_param to <gs_value>.
            APPEND <gs_value> to l_t_tab.
    *        LOOP AT <gt_param> INTO gs_param.
    *          ASSIGN COMPONENT 1 OF STRUCTURE gs_param to <gs_fieldname>.
    *          CASE <gs_fieldname>.
    *             WHEN '/BIC/ZFB_VERS'.
    *              APPEND '100' to l_t_tab.
    *             WHEN 'FISCPERIOD'.
    *                ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE gs_param to <gs_value>.
    *                APPEND <gs_value> to l_t_tab.
    *             WHEN 'FISCYEAR'.
    *                ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE gs_param to <gs_value>.
    *                APPEND <gs_value> to l_t_tab.
    *              WHEN OTHERS.
    *                ENDCASE.
    *        ENDLOOP.
            CONCATENATE LINES OF l_t_tab INTO str1 SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
            CLEAR l_t_tab.
            INSERT str1 INTO TABLE l_t_tab.
            ASSIGN l_t_tab TO <final_gt>.
            "  To Start by adding the Header Data.
            CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
                filename              = l_fullpath
                write_field_separator = l_seperator "SPACE
                data_tab              = <final_gt>
                file_write_error      = 1.
            " Now append the Data after the header data insertion.
            CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
                filename                = l_fullpath
                write_field_separator   = l_seperator "SPACE
                append                  = 'X'
                data_tab                = <lt_download>
                file_write_error        = 1
                no_batch                = 2
                gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
                invalid_type            = 4
                no_authority            = 5
                unknown_error           = 6
                header_not_allowed      = 7
                separator_not_allowed   = 8
                filesize_not_allowed    = 9
                header_too_long         = 10
                dp_error_create         = 11
                dp_error_send           = 12
                dp_error_write          = 13
                unknown_dp_error        = 14
                access_denied           = 15
                dp_out_of_memory        = 16
                disk_full               = 17
                dp_timeout              = 18
                file_not_found          = 19
                dataprovider_exception  = 20
                control_flush_error     = 21
                not_supported_by_gui    = 22
                error_no_gui            = 23
                OTHERS                  = 24.
            " *************************** END OF CHANGE - ASIF MAQBOOL ************************
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *          MESSA

    I am also from same project.
    We are facing a problem with this code.
    How can I increase the length of the field obtained by this method.
    CALL METHOD go_model->create_data_reference
          io_tx_data_io_type = go_model->ds_tx_data_io_type-totals
          i_type             = l_outtype "'UCR_SX_TX_DATA_LST'
          er_data            = lr_s_data_out.
    ASSIGN lr_s_data_out->* TO <ls_data_out>.
    We are getting data overflow error when we try to move some large value to one of the field in <ls_data_out>.
    we can avoid this if the field length is increased.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Madhu G S

  • Transport Request Ended with return code:  === 12 ===

    Good day to you.
    We are able to move Transport Request from Development BW Client (with respect to an SEM-BCS Configuration) to Quality BW Client smoothly.
    But when we move the same TR to Production client, we are getting the following error message. I would be very grateful if somebody could throw light on why it is happening, what could be its implications and what to do to avoid the same
      Execution of programs after import (XPRA)
      Transport request   : DBWK901288
      System              : PBW
      tp path             : tp
      Version and release: 340.16.37 640
      Post-import methods for change/transport request: DBWK901288
         on the application server: sapbwpd
      Post-import method FINB_TR_AFTER_IMP_METHOD started for UCREPGROUP T, date and time: 20081029144344
      Post-processing taking place in client 300
      Import carried out using RFC destination PBWCLNT300
      Communication error: Destination PBWCLNT300 -> long text
      Errors occurred during post-handling FINB_TR_AFTER_IMP_METHOD for UCREPGROUP T
      The errors affect the following components:
         FIN-FB (Financials Basis)
      Post-import method FINB_TR_AFTER_IMP_METHOD completed for UCREPGROUP T, date and time: 20081029144351
      Post-import methods of change/transport request DBWK901288 completed
           Start of subsequent processing ... 20081029144344
           End of subsequent processing... 20081029144351
      Execute reports for change/transport request: DBWK901288
         on the application server: sapbwpd
      There are no reports to execute
      Execution of programs after import (XPRA)
      End date and time : 20081029144351
      Ended with return code:  ===> 12 <===

    Hi Siddique,
    Looks like your RFC destination is wrong. The proper syntax is FINBTR@<system>CLNT <client>.
    See also the note 644610.

  • How to set content-type for outbound mail in BCS

    Hey everybody,
    can anybody please give me a hint how to set the content-type for outbound email in ABAP using BCS to send mail.
    By default the content tyoe is set to text/html. I need other.
    Best regards

    //add related mutip-part to combine parts
    MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("related");
    //attach a pdf
    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    fds = new FileDataSource("h:/something.pdf");
    messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));
    //add multipart to the message
    //send message

  • SEM-BPS: Transporting allocations

    I have used UPC_TRANSPORT_BPS_ALL to transport a planning function (Allocation) that contains several parameter groups. When going to target system I see the transported parameter groups but cannot process these. I get error message about missing consolidation methods. When I take a look at table e.g. ucf001c I see these parameter groups in source system but not in target system. This table is one of the consolidation methods. Does someone know is there any specific trick to transport planning functions for allocations?

    I use for transport BPS0 instead or the report you have used.
    I have developed Allocations (e. g. yesterday) and have transported it also. I had no problems, can execute it and I also had never these kind of error message.
    One thing: Allocation is a BCS-Function and consolidation groups are BCS groups. I guess there must be something wrong in your system, because BPS allocation wants to check BCS customising, which does not make any sense here.
    Eckhard Lewin

  • General Questions about SEM-BCS Data Transfer

    Please help me guys ! I need a clearer picture as to how exactly the loading of data should be done to SAP SEM-Busines Consolidation
    Q1) Can I specify the Basic Cubes in my Data Basis Streams that I use for FI & CO in BCS-Workbench ? Or do I need to switch these cubes to Transactional, so it can be used in SEM-BCS ?
    Q2) or Do I have to export the data out of my FI & CO cubes in BW to a FLAT FILE, and then load the Flat File into custom Transactional Cubes ?
    Q3) Usually, for SEM-BCS would there be any direct connection to SAP R/3 or it`s via BW ?
    Please help me with these initial issues guys ! Very much appreciated!

    Hi Eugene,
       Great man! You`re back!...Nice to hear from yourself
       Anyways, I still am struggling to understand the Intergration from SEM-BCS with BW and/or R/3. If you have any material that can help me understand the intergration would be helpful.
       So, I had a look into the SAP Note 689229
       It says, all changes of master data nad hierarchies have to be made via the application layer by means of application SEM-BCS :-
      a) By Flexible Upload
      b) Manually in Consolidation Workbench
      c) In Subordinate systems from transports
      Hence, am I correct to assume that the only 2 options are permitted: Option (a) Flat File (b) Manually define the master data in BCS-Workbench ?
        So, now assuming that I need to define Consolidation Items into SEM-BCS.
      Because  there's too many, I would go with option (b) Flat File.
      So, I create a Flat File containing the Consolidation Items. Next, how do I get this loaded into BCS-Console ?
      Do I have to create a Transactional Info Cube and then load this Consolidation Items Flat File into it? Then following from there, I specify this Transactional Info Cube in my Data Stream ? or
      Is there a way, I can directly read the Flat File from SEM-BCS ?
      I use the following Info Cubes as source to my Data Basis:-
                       <b>Data Target  | Virtual InfoProvider</b>
      TOTAL RECORDS =   0BCS_C50    |     0ECCS_C05
      DOCUMENTS     =   0BCS_DS12   |     0BCS_VC12
       P/S: We don`t use the SAP R/3 ECCS Module
    Message was edited by: John Mcluskey

  • BCS - master data change in productive system?

    Hi group,
    We are about to go live with our BCS system, but of course someone got the great idea of changing the company code currency for one of the "non-SAP" companies in the group since the sytem was set up.
    When I enter the consolidatin workbench in our production system, everything is considered customizing, so no changes are allowed - even to master data. I''ve searched the "Object changeability" settings of the BW system but couldn't find any settings regarding BCS. I also checked settings in se06 and found a namespace "/FINB/" which I suspect has something to do with BCS (currently set to "Not modifiable")?
    What are the correct system settings for the BCS system to function correctly, and what is the normal procedure for maintaining master data in SEM-BCS? - by transport requests or by changing directly in the productive system?
    Best regards
    P.S.: Are there any usefull resources for BCS on the Internet? The help in the system is very limited and I can't find anything on the SAP marketplace.
    Message was edited by:
            Thomas Ringe Pontoppidan

    Hi Dan,
    Example: you have a single selection containing a set (not range) of separate values. Then you decided to change the set (adding one more value, for example). Are you saying that this single selection change in DEV will be reflected automatically in PROD? 
    From my experience I know that while using single selections, the system replaces it by the set/range/node. And when a single selection was changed, nothing yet happened with elimination settings using SS. You have to go into each part of the settings in the method and refresh the SS. You'll see that only after that the set of values was changed. It's obvious for me that if I don't do this refreshing in DEV and then import the request into PROD, I'll have the old, not modified, version of my settings.

  • Transporting into a new BW system from a shared dev system

    We are currently in the process of setting up a new BW system in the same landscape as our existing one where both boxes will share the same dev system.  Our existing one is used by many different applications and has tonnes of shared objects on it.  Our new box will only be used for SEM-BCS and thus does not need everything else that the other box contains.  Since many objects are dependant on others (attributes and such) I am finding it hard to get transports into the new system.  There always seems to be something missing even when I try to just move a single object.  I also seem to be having troubles with InfoObject Catalogs where they cannot be moved if the InfoObjects are not there and the InfoObjects a cannot be moved with the Catalogs not there.  This is all starting to give me a serious headache.
    Has anyone delt with transporting to separate systems from a common development system?  What is the best approach to this to ensure we only move what we need to the new system?

    The transporting is the same, however there are a lot of dependant objects that also need to be brought into our system.  I'm looking for a way to minimize what I need to transport into our new system.
    Collecting automatically doesn;t seem to be working for me since it does not collect everything I need and when I add that missing object I then seem to be missing another list of objects.  It seems to be a never ending cycle.

  • How to create company code in BCS

    I am new to BCS.
    I have to create a legal entity in BCS and map it to BW queries.
    Can you please suggest the steps to create the same.

    The company is create in the BCS workbench (UCWB) with path Master data > Cons unit.
    The company may be created by adding it to an existing hierarchy or creating in  the unassigned nodes and subsequently adding it to the hierarchies when needed.
    In many cases this is created in the development system and transported to the production system. However, there are ways to make it available to create and change master data directly in the production system by following a few guidelines provided in certain SAP Notes.

  • Activate BCS from year

    We are going live from 1st April  2015 for FM-BCS. In the "Activate Global Functions for Budgeting", I have mentioned from fiscal year 2014 as I required to test the in Development and Quality.
    Now when I want to go live on 1st april, after transporting the requests to production, I will have to create all the master data and upload the budget. Once I transport the requests to production system will start asking for the budget. How do I plan it?
    Shall I change the fiscal year start to 2015 and ask users not to post any transactions for new fiscal year 2015 till I complete my master data entry and budget upload?
    Is this approach is correct? Please guide

    Hope you are activating FM from new financial year and other modules are already live
    My advise would be except activation of funds management, you can move all requests.
    then upload all FM masters and set derivation strategy.
    After setting everything you activate FM from the new financial year

Maybe you are looking for

  • Invalid Password when trying to connect wirelessly

    Hey all, For some reason my wife's laptop has decided to not recognize my wireless password. I have tried changing the router's security from WEP to WPA and back. Different passes, everything. Network Setup Assistant sees the network but gives "The p

  • 关于 narrowing cast 的疑问...

    请教大家一个问题. 在 ABAP Keyword Documentation 中对 MOVE 的说明中有这样一段话: Both these statements assign the content of the operand source to the data object destination. The variants with the addition TO or the assignment operator = are valid for all assignments bet

  • Music page on iTune

    even since my computer got a virus attack, my iTune has not worked. i can go into all the pages for example the iTune store, but i can't view the music page without having a error come up saying that something is wrong and it makes me close iTune. i

  • Classpath and hash Character (#)

    Hi, I have some jar files in my java classpath and it looks as if the JVM does not manage to find them when the jar file path contains a hash character (#) (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Exception is raised) I haven't found anything about this in do

  • Matchcode for Vendors with Partner function as a selection

    I have a request to try and create a new matchcode or search help, where they can select on Partner Function.  I tried to look, but did not find the ability to use that field.  Now i have never had to create a new match code, so can someone first tel