BD Adapter: Specify a dynamic amount of arguments within an "IN" block

Hi everyone,
Has anyone found a way to specify a dynamic amount of arguments within an "IN" block when using a custom SQL function with DB adapters?
SELECT Attr1 WHERE Attr2 IN #Arg1
I don't want to use different DB adapters depending on the amount of arguments. I'd like to use the same one.
I've tried to pass an Arg1 like this val1','val2 and it only works if Attr2 equals val1. I've also tried to enclose the #Arg1 within parenthesis but at that time the xsd seems not to know what type the #Arg1 variable should be.
Any ideas would be great!
Thank you,

With numbers:
The input was "(123,1)"
And I got this error:
file:/c:/ora/as3/bpel/domains/processus/tmp/.bpel_PSU0101_TraiterCommunication_Enregistrement_MaJ_1.0_189aab1db75d9becb4c7f4e57a0d4352.tmp/DB_VOI1001_AGENDA_DOCUMENTS_EXPED_MaJ.wsdl [ DB_VOI1001_AGENDA_DOCUMENTS_EXPED_MaJ_ptt::DB_VOI1001_AGENDA_DOCUMENTS_EXPED_MaJ(DB_VOI1001_AGENDA_DOCUMENTS_EXPED_MaJInput_msg) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'DB_VOI1001_AGENDA_DOCUMENTS_EXPED_MaJ' failed due to: Exception Pure SQL.
; nested exception is:
Exception Pure SQL.
Loption Pure SQL nest utilisée que pour les cas demploi problématiques et offre des fonctionnalités simples, mais minimes. Essayez éventuellement loption Exécuter une opération sur une table à la place.

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    Hello Experts,
    I am configuring the scenario ( AS2 to EDISeparator and EDISeparator to IDOC ).
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    09.06.2014 17:52:18.785
    B2B EdifactConverterModule: Message will be read as ISO-8859-1.
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    09.06.2014 17:52:18.785
    0}: The module-paramteter "eancom.subversion.prefix" is not set. Using default value "false"
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    Application attempting to send an XI message asynchronously using connection AS2_
    09.06.2014 17:52:18.792
    Trying to put the message into the send queue
    09.06.2014 17:52:18.831
    Message successfully put into the queue
    09.06.2014 17:52:18.831
    The application sent the message asynchronously using connection AS2_ Returning to application
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    MIC (DeJYUIusqQj6aaYRASdHhAo+4J0=) is calculated using SHA1 algorithm.
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    The message was successfully retrieved from the send queue
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    Message status set to DLNG
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    MDN is succcessfully signed with SHA1 ( algorithm
    09.06.2014 17:52:18.859
    Trying to put the message into the send queue
    09.06.2014 17:52:18.912
    Message successfully put into the queue
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    The message was successfully retrieved from the send queue
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    Message status set to DLNG
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    Trying to put the message into the send queue
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    Message successfully put into the queue
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    The message was successfully retrieved from the send queue
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    MP: exception caught with message No configuration / default adapter specified for EDISeparator
    09.06.2014 17:52:19.006
    Delivering to channel: B2BSE00002_O2C_ORDERS_VANS_PO_WRITE_EDISeparator
    09.06.2014 17:52:19.006
    Message status set to DLNG
    09.06.2014 17:52:19.009
    Exception caught by adapter framework: No configuration / default adapter specified for EDISeparator
    09.06.2014 17:52:19.010
    Transmitting the message to endpoint <local> using connection AS2_ failed, due to: java.lang.Exception: No configuration / default adapter specified for EDISeparator
    09.06.2014 17:52:19.015
    The asynchronous message was successfully scheduled to be delivered at Mon Jun 09 17:57:19 CEST 2014
    09.06.2014 17:52:19.015
    Message status set to WAIT

    Hello Ruchir Sinha and Dimitri Sannen,
    I think I have progressed a bit. Just unsure of the usage of the Module configuration .I now get a new error (see below) and the updated config details are :
    Sender Interface :
    Receiver Interface :
    Sender AS2 config :
    Receiver EDISeparator config :
    Sender EDISeparator config :
    Receiver IDOC config :
    IDoc details configured but not added in this document
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.414
    The message was successfully retrieved from the send queue
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.420
    Delivering to channel: B2BSE00002_O2C_ORDERS_VANS_PO_WRITE_EDISeparator
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.420
    MP: processing local module localejbs/ModuleProcessorExitBean
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.420
    Message entered AF MP exit bean and will now be passed to the JCA adapter
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.420
    Message status set to DLNG
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.433
    UNA segment UNA found
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.444
    Parsed UNB segment 333333333/014 to 111111111/014
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.445
    Parsed UNH segment ORDERS D96A
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.514
    Searching sender channel for Eancom message part message with Message type ORDERS, Message version number D, Message release number 96A, Interchange sender identification 333333333, Interchange sender identification code qualifier 014, Interchange recipient identification 111111111, Interchange recipient identification code qualifier 014, Message Subversion EAN008, Message Agency UN
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.579
    Sender channel (Channel) keys: ObjectId=7abf551ddbb638268f91af80ec1c04c8 values: ToPartySchema= Attributes=(Attributes:Channel:EDISeparator:INBOUND) values: edisep.advanced=false snd.interchangeSenderId=.* snd.tradacommessagetype=.* snd.xpath= snd.xpath.value= snd.filterCondition=equal snd.edifactMessageReleaseNumTxt= snd.tradacomMessageTypeUsingFreeText=false snd.eancomMessageReleaseUsingFreeText=false snd.eancomMessageVersionFreeText= snd.odetteMessageType=.* snd.edifactMessageVersion=.* snd.xml.splitPath=null snd.eancomMessageVersion=.* snd.odetteMessageVersion=.* snd.edifactMessageRelNumUsingFreeText=false snd.otherVersionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCodeEnabled=false adapterStatus=active snd.vdaMessageType=.* snd.eancomCONTRLMessageRelease=3 snd.odetteMessageTypeTxt= snd.tradacommessageversion=.* snd.edifactMessageVerNumUsingFreeText=false snd.edifactMessageTypeUsingFreeText=false snd.xpathUsingFreeText=false snd.interchangeSenderIdCode=.* snd.otherVersionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCode=.* snd.odetteMessageTypeUsingFreeText=false snd.tradacomreccode=.* snd.edifactMessageVersionFreeText= snd.edifactInterchangeRecipientIdentification=.* eoio.sequenceId= snd.edifactMessageTypeTxt= snd.odetteMessageVerNumUsingFreeText=false snd.eancomMessageVerNumUsingFreeText=false snd.interchangeReceiverId=.* snd.eancomMessageRelease=.* snd.tradacomsendername=.* snd.tradacomMessageTypeTxt= snd.vdaLieferantenNummer=.* snd.interchangeReceiverIdCode=.* snd.edifactInterchangeSenderIdentificationCode=.* snd.odetteMessageVersionFreeText= snd.versionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCode=.* snd.edifactInterchangeSenderIdentification=.* snd.edifactMessageType=.* snd.eancomMessageType=.* snd.xpathTxt= snd.vdaMessageTypeTxt= deliverySemantics=eo snd.eancomMessageReleaseTxt= snd.plainmessagetype=.* snd.xml.split=false snd.edifactMessageRelease=.* snd.vdaMessageTypeUsingFreeText=false snd.tradacomrecname=.* edisep.addParameterParams=TableData: edisep.addParameterParams {} snd.encoding=iso885915 snd.vdaKundenNummer=.* snd.tradacomsendercode=.* snd.edifactCONTRLMessageRelease=3 snd.edifactInterchangeRecipientIdentificationCodeQualifier=.* snd.transactionSetIdentifierCode=.* Service=ASJAVA_DX5 Channel=B2BSE00002_O2C_ORDERS_PO_ECC_READ_EDISeparator EngineType=CA Party= TransProt=XI TransProtVers=1.0.0 FromPartySchema= FromPartyAgency= Direction=I MsgProt=EANCOM MsgProtVers=1.0.0 EngineName= AdapterType=EDISeparator AdapterSWCV=06c536e6fafe11e0bb1cea8f0a4290b1 ToPartyAgency= AdapterNamespace= found. New message ID is f18894a8-f53b-11e3-a748-00001e96c7e2
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    16.06.2014 11:52:35.586
    Message could not be forwarded to the JCA adapter. Reason: Message cannot be dispatched: Message cannot be dispatched: Error during processing local class: localejbs/GenericConverterModule
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.590
    Exception caught by adapter framework: Message cannot be dispatched: Message cannot be dispatched: Error during processing local class: localejbs/GenericConverterModule
    16.06.2014 11:52:35.591
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  • Pass dynamic Command line arguments

    I tried to pass dynamic command line argument to Web start using the method :
    "javaws URL -D foo -D bar"
    as explained in the "Unofficial JWS/JNLP FAQ" that " You can pass your own system properties to your app using -D switch ....", but I got the following error at the start;
    error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Category: Invalid Argument error
    Too many arguments supplied: {http://...URL/my.jnlp, -Did=123 }
    p.s. I already added the"<property name='' value=''/> in the <resourse>, and modified the main class to get the parameter using System. getProperty();
    Did anyone try to this method before? What's wrong of this?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    here below is the jnlp file:
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" href="$$name" codebase="$$codebase">
    <title>GUI Application</title>
    <description>PS GUI WebStart Version</description>
    <icon href="logo.jpg" />
    <offline-allowed />
    <j2se version="1.3" />
    <jar href="lib/gui.jar" />
    <property name="id" value="zbc" />
    <jar href="lib/" />
    <jar href="lib/j2ee.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/jaas.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/jce1_2_1.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/jdom.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/xerces.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/local_policy.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/log4j.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/orion.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/sunjce_provider.jar" />
    <jar href="lib/US_export_policy.jar" />
    <all-permissions />
    <application-desc main-class="GUIFrame">
    and in the main class "GUIFrame", i use System.getProperty("id") t get the parameter, if I hardcode the value of the "id" in this jnlp file and use javaws URL, everything's fine, but not the "javaws URL -Did=value" which will return the error as mentioned.
    Thanks again for your help.

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    Any suggestion would be appreciated.
    Edited by: Roberto Islas on 12/07/2011 03:07 PM

    Check you Cash Management Bank account setup for Tolerance limits. By updating the Bank account tolerances, you would be able to auto reconcile.

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    Is there a solution for post parameters dynamically via HTTP Adapter?

    The operation mapping aka Interface mapping's need not only use 1 single mapping.
    In the interface mapping you can add multiple message mappings and / or other mapping programs.
    The mappings get executed sequentially and the output of first mapping is input to second mapping and so on.
    In this case, write a java mapping that will take the input as the output of your graphical mapping; add the prolog to this and make it the output of your Java Mapping and this is the final output of your Operation mapping!

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    are there any known problems with the email-Adapter (Sender), reading IMAP MS Exchange Server?
    We have an email adapter reading the MS Exchange Server Mail Account once per Minute and in the mail account are about 4.000 unread email  (1KB each) .
    After 2000 emails, the adapter stops working and throws only exceptions.
    Any idea?

    Hi Holger,
    i made a few tests at that time, and there was no specific scenario which re-produced this error.
    In some tests i was able to process more than 3000 emails before the error occured, next time only 2000.
    And this only occured when the inbox had a huge amount of emails. if i moved, lets say 1000 emails to a temporary folder,
    processed 1000 and then moved the 1000 back to the inbox, there was no problem. Now i'm polling every minute and i'm
    not receiving 2000 emails in a minute, so i'm not having this issue anymore. it only happend when we stopped the
    sender channel for a while and a lot of emails were queuing up in the inbox.  I don't think that there are any MS Exchange settings that need to be changed and when we spoke to Support that time, they refered to the Note i mentioned earlier.
    Maybe there is still a problem in the mail adapter itself..

  • How to specify height dynamically for each showDetailItem

    I'm using JDeveloper version.
    I have the following requirement:
    I have a create page with one <af:region>.
    The <af:region> displays a page with <af:PanelTabbed> component having 4 <af:showdetailItem> components.
    For each tab I would like to specify the height dynamically based on the content of the tab.
    Any pointers would be helpful.

    actually its the parent component (panelTab) that determines the size
    To quote from
    Geometry Management
    This component should never have any width or height specified in its inlineStyle because it will always gets its dimensions from its ancestor component.

  • Error in file reviever adapter, getting file dynamically

    MP: Exception caught with cause Channel has not been correctly initialized and cannot process messages
    this is my strcuture 
    i have given the recordset structure as
    Edited by: sridhar loganathan on Apr 26, 2008 12:26 PM

    thanks ,
                    i am using UDF and for getting dynamically the file name , and i have my structure as
    and i have declard my RECORDSET STRUCTURE AS
    AND I AM GETTING THE ERROR AS  MP: Exception caught with cause Channel has not been correctly initialized and cannot process messagesSO PLEASE HELP ME TO RECTIFIY WHAT IS THE ERROR
    Edited by: sridhar loganathan on Apr 26, 2008 12:47 PM

  • One file Adapter NXSD file dynamic

    Hi all,
    I will get different inputs based on the input request ID i have to do write the file using file adapter .
    so the question is if i have 10 files is it necessary to create 10 File adapters or can i achieve this using a single File adapter and multiple NXD or XSD files in a folder .
    select the xsd or NXSD at runtime based on the input request ID.
    The best thing with this approach is even for a new transformation request i will just add the xsd or NXSD in the folder and update the DB no need to create a file adapter from scratch.

    You cannot change the XSD for a file adapter at runtime....u can choose to write an opaque file with an native format is not required option checked.

  • Specifying log file as jvm argument not working

    I've long used the java.util.logging by having a file and specifying the "java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern" in that file and specifying the location of the as a jmv arg ( No issues with that.
    I now, however, want to override the file pattern by using a jvm arg (-Djava.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=somename.log), but when I do that, I get no file log output. If I leave it specified in the it uses the value there and NOT the jvm arg value. If I comment it out of the file is uses nothing (no file output).
    I see (via Google) others using this parameter, but I am having no luck.
    All in latest JDK release (6u11).
    Can't find any documentation on doing this on Sun's site (it might be there, but I haven't been able to find it). Don't see posts of others having this problem. I've got the same results on linux and OSX, different releases and all.
    Thanks for any insight in advance!

    This is easy to do! Remember you can write things like
    ... ${user.home}...In your config file. So write something like:
    log4j.rootLogger=debug, R
    log4j.appender.R.File=${my.file}Then launch your app with:
    java ... -Dmy.file=goomba.txt ...

  • How to create table with dynamic amount of columns which are nested columns

    M trying to fetch data and show in a javaFX table.
    My table displays the details of different items from ItemVO , where :
    public class ItemVO()
    String itemName;
    List<ItemTypeVO> type;
    and My ItemTypeVO has the following attributes :
    public class ItemTypeVO()
    String typeName;
    Integer quantity;
    Integer price;
    Now, i want to display the details of an item in a table in which the itemname and quantity will be displayed, the quantity column will have nested columns showing different types(typeName) as found from List<ItemTypeVO> inside ItemVO.
    This question is similar to this link but my not able to find how to link a list with itemVO for nested columns. :(
    Please help !!
    M still unable to find a solution..
    Edited by: abhinay_a on Jan 14, 2013 10:50 AM

    Hi Abhilash,
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Actually the problem is with the image, as I am not able to rotate 270 degree. Crystal report cannot support the rotation of image.
    i have another problem, I have to create a report in which
    Lables are fixed on the left side of report and 3 columns per portrait page. Those columns are
    dynamically created and shown in the report.
    The format is like the above. Can you please help me in doing this report, as I tried it doing
    with CrossTab. I am really stuck to this report.

  • SMARTFORMS - dynamic amount of the columns

    Hi Everyone.
    Please, would you give me some advice? I need to print a table with variable amount of columns. Is it possible to do it in SMARTFORMS?
    Thanks in advance for any answer.

    Hello Pavel,
    Please go these links:
    Smart forms query
    If useful reward.

  • How to create a table with a dynamic amount of columns

    Hi, all!
    Thare is a tutorial at javaFX documentation page. This example describes how to make tableView, if you have some certain java class, which can tell you which columns you are going to have. (That is a Person class in this example).
    But what if i do not have any specific class, and number of columns can vary from time to time? In my case i have such data structure:
    class TableData{
        List<Row> rows; //A list with all my rows i need to have in my table
    class Row{
        List<Column> columns; //Cells\Columns for every row.
    class Column{
        Attribute attr; //Each column - is somethig like a wrapper for the real data i need to show in a cell;
    class Attribute{ //My precues data
        String name;
        SupportingInfo info;
    class SupportingInfo{//Some supporting fields...
        String name;
        String value;
    }So, my case is very similar to [this one|] . The only differents is that data from the case above is not binded with its representation in javaFX table (so, even if some one will make extra controls to edit this data in a tableView, the actual object with that data will never know about it.), because it(data) goes to the table like some strings, not like some objects;
    So, what do i need - is to push data to the table (like that: table.setItems(tableData)), set some set Factories, to give user ability to edit data, and to have this edited data in my tableData object;
    Here are some code i've tried to make for this purpose:
    //prepare my table
    private void createTableHeader(TableView table, List<Attribute> ias) {
        int i = 0;
        for (final Attribute ia : ias) {
            final int j = i;
            TableColumn tc = new TableColumn(ia.getName());
            tc.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<List<Attribute>, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
                public ObservableValue<String> call(CellDataFeatures<List<Attribute>, String> arg0) {
                    if(arg0.getValue().get(j).getSupportingInfo() == null){
                        arg0.getValue().get(j).setSupportingInfo(new SupportingInfo());
                    return new SimpleObjectProperty(arg0.getValue().get(j),"value");
    //loading some data to my tableView
    private void createTableBody(TableView curTable, List<Row> rows) { 
        ObservableList<List<Attribute>> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
        for (Row row : rows) {
    //this one is to define some extra controls for editing data in a table by users
    private void makeCellFactory(TableColumn curTableCol, final Attribute templateIa, final Document doc) {
        curTableCol.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn, TableCell>() {
            public TableCell call(TableColumn p) {
                final EditingCell cell = new EditingCell(templateIa, doc);
                return cell;
    }But, as a result, i have just empty rows in my table, with an ability to click some cell and recieve table editing controls. But there is not defult values in by table; What am i doing wrong in my code?
    Edited by: 929064 on 21.09.2012 2:24
    Edited by: 929064 on 24.09.2012 8:26
    Edited by: 929064 on 24.09.2012 8:27

    I put an example up on this thread No DataGrid component? with a TableView displaying values from a non-JavaFX aware data model. It might help get you started. This example is not editable, to make your table editable you would need to update the data model directly when editing is complete.
    Note that if you're building the data model from scratch, there's no need for the listener-notification to be built by hand, as I did in the example. Your data model can directly use the same JavaFX collections instances the table is using.

  • PO amount Order Budget : PO is not blocked !

    I create an investment order (Tcode : KO01) and I assigned it a budget of 20.000 EUR (Tcode : KO22), then I create a PO assigned to this order (Tcode : ME21N), with 35.000 EUR as an amount. The problem is the system doesnu2019t block the PO despite that 35.000 > 20.000  !!
    Please how to resolve this ?

    Go to Controlling>General Controlling>Organization>maintain Controlling Area
    Select your controlling area and click on active components/control indicators on the left and there you will find Committment management
    Note : Also create Asset Recon account as Statistical Cost element.
    Edited by: SAPFICO on Oct 27, 2010 12:45 PM

  • Can we pass arguments within HTML pages

    can we send some arguments among the HTML pages.
    eg: say if I have a form in one.html whose action is
    if the same page was requested to a JSP page I could have retrived through request.getParameter("");
    But i dont know to do it in the HTML pages
    My concern is that the requested page two.html should get the values

    You'll need to use JavaScript in your receiving HTML page (two.html) as documented in the blog entry [Get URL Parameters Using JavaScript|].

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