Believe it or not...

Believe it or not, there is a certain effect achieved only through doing the following:
              - mask feather: 20
<0>     WhiteSolid1                        luma
              - mask feather: 20
<0>     footage.wmv
The symbol <0> is meant to represent the EYE symbol, or rather visibility.
Also, bare in mind that WhiteSolid1 has been masked to a rectangle.
I want to achieve the same fading away effect, but for a white solid that is luma matte tracked to the footage, NOT a duplicate of itself.
I understand this is very difficult, but i'd be surprised if there were not a way of doing this.
If you were wondering why I have the white solid luma matte tracked to the footage, here's why: I want white to appear wherever the footage is bright (and obviously I have VISIBLE footage underneath).
I can't feather the footage because that would mess up the brightness detection - know what i mean?
Please could you help,
Yours sincerely
Harry Evans
Thanks alot..

You're making this much too difficult. Instead of using masks you should be using blend modes. Here's an easy 3 step process for making a light saber effect. It takes about 30 seconds and involves 3 copies of a shape and the ADD.
Create a shape layer that is approximately the shape of your light saber. The color should be a slightly darker value than you want for your light saber core. Add fast blur with a value of 10 to 20 pixels. Set the blend mode to ADD.
Duplicate the layer (not the shape) and edit the copy to be slightly larger than the layer below using the pen tool. Increase the blur value to about 40 pixels.
Duplicate the layer and edit the shape to be slightly larger and possibly rounded on the end. Increase the blur value to about 60.
There's your light saber. Drop this Light Saber comp into a new comp with your footage at the bottom. Make sure the project settings are set to 32bit. Set the blend mode of the Light Saber comp to ADD. Move the anchor point to the base of the light saber and then animate away.
You can make adjustments to the look by adjusting the blur and opacity of the shape layers in the Light Saber Comp.
This is how long it should take you:

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    Got it!
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    Charles Cole wrote:
    THANKS! I haven't tried it yet, but I assume by "Go to.." you literally mean the "Go to folder" selection in under "Go" in Finder.
    I didn't mean any particular fashion. The Time Machine drive is an external drive like any other.
    I didn't know you could access files inside the "sparse bundle" folder this way.
    There should be some way to access those files. Try double-clicking it. It will probably just ask for a password and mount it as a new drive. Then copy your file over.
    That is what makes Time Machine a very good backup system. You don't need Time Machine to restore your files. You can use Time Machine and they provide a fancy interface, but it isn't required.
    Would it kill Apple to let us know this?
    There is probably a tech note or web page somewhere that explains it.

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    Here's what happend when I removed the 2 files you mentioned and then ran iTunes & iPhoto in that order ( I couldn't delete the iMovie & iDVD -- the former I have never run before so that's probably why the "plist preferences file didn't exist" and for reasons I don't know, iDVD didn't get installed when I upgraded to 10.3.9. Anyway I assumed just working with iTunes and IPhoto would suffice. After deleting the 2 preference files I ran iTunes again (no problems here). Then I ran iPhoto. Unlike last time, iPhoto this time recognized that I had iTunes and it listed my playlists on the Slide Show dialog . However, when I requested music to be played from my iTunes playlist, the same error occured -- iPhoto gave me a error message that "this computer wasn't authorized to play purchased music in iPhoto." It told me to go to the music store and authorize the computer -- I declined because iTunes already knows I am authrized and I don't want to use up my limit (its 5) of allowed computers to play my purchased iTunes music.
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    "Quicktime 6.5.2 or later is required to use Music purchased from the iTunes Music Store (such as iPhoto or iMovie)." But I had Quicktime 6.4 installed.
    So its not the mis-aligned application preferences that's the problem, its the fact that its really Quicktimes audio playing capabilities that are used in iPhoto's slide show. Isn't that weird? And .... if you don't have the right pedigree of Quicktime, you will run into the problems that prompted my original post.
    So, I installed QT 6.5.2 (the apple download site and the OSX Updater made it difficult for me not to choose QT 7.3 but I've heard there's some questionable tradeoff issues with QT Pro 6.0 if I do that -- so I opted not to and instead instead installed 6.5.2 with much perseverance). After the installation I ran QT 6.5.2 just to make sure it worked and to ensure its preference files were ready in my ~user/Library/Preferences folder. Then I reran iPhot and Voila !, I was now able to run a slide show with music from my purchased music from iTunes -- w/o having to deal with iTunes computer authroizaion issues.
    So, it a nutshell, here's what someone shoud do if they have they are having iPhoto incorrectly complain about iTunes computer authorization.
    (1) Check to make sure you have Quicktime 6.5.2 or later installed.
    (2) If not, install QT 6.5.2 or the Apple recommended later version (QT 7), if the user is comfortable running with QT 7.
    (3) Run QT after installation to ensure its preferences and configuration are saved in the user's Library/Preferences folder so that other applications (i.e., iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD) can correctly configure their music playing functions to use iTunes purchased music.
    Sorry for being long winded but I wanted to be complete for whover runs into this problem.

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    Well at least up and til today, there never was a solution to activate or even synch Vista 64 bit OS, iTunes, and the iPhone - for anyone, anywhere - period. Not unless you used some VMware solution (which I've heard mixed results on).
    This new version of iTunes (7.6) did today for the first time, correct the ability to burn CDs from my collection of music in iTunes. Before this version it wasn't possible.
    My Mobile Device Support program did update and install correctly today along with the other apps that got updated. So now I wonder if it is truly possible to activate and synch with an iPhone?!? Anyone try this yet?
    Cyanide regarding your install, I had to go through something similar back in one of the earliest versions designed for Vista 64bit OS. The trick is not only uninstalling, but removing all references in the registries, left over file folders, etc. after uninstall. Then begin a clean install.
    BUT, it's entirely possible that the iPhone still is still not capable of syncing with Vista 64 bit.
    If you think you've had this ability before, than I'm 99.9% sure you only have Vista 32 bit OS.
    Reference this thread for more info - towards the bottom...

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    Also under Reporting/advanced LMS for the courses I have selected Send data on every slide and Set exit to normal after completion (these have always been the settings)
    Scorm files are SCORM 2004
    Any input would be very much appreciated.

    Hi Rod,
    I could be wrong but I don't think that is the issue.
    The updated courses are only on the staging site as we do not transfered them until they are tested. Only those courses that have been recently updated are not working properly but I know that the correct course is being loaded as the button on the Quiz Review is now red. Yesterday I did a test on the live site and uploaded one of the updated courses to see if the problem persisted on the live site. Same problem was on the live site. When I removed this undated course and reverted back to the original the problem went away. It seems it is definitely an issue with the newly updated course.
    The courses were oringinaly created using Captivate 6 but then saved in Cativate 7 months ago as I have been using it since if first came out. The original files that were working were created in Captivate 7.

  • Trouble with JVC GY-HD100: trying to capture in DV NOT HDV

    Hello all!
    First let me say I am a long-time reader of these boards and they have saved me on many, many occasions. However, this is my first post!
    I have used FCP for over 6 years with my trusty Canon XL1 and XL1s with relatively few issues. I recently shot a feature in HDV using the JVC GY-HD100 (in 720p 24 no less - yes, yes, I know, what a mess). I used the Firestore Pro-HD to store the footage, which added additional fun getting those m2t files onto the computer and into FCP. What a headache it was jumping from DV to HDV systems, getting the very pricey HD monitor and AJA Kona LH card, etc. Believe it or not, my HDV workflow has equalized and I successfully edited the feature in FCP (everything worked pretty smoothly once I got all the footage into FCP).
    Anyway, that was a complete digression from my issues right now. I got a corporate job that required two cameras, so I decided to use my XL1 and new JVC (my other XL1 is broken) . The job did not require HDV, so I used the JVC in standard DV mode. I figured I could always capture the miniDV tapes in my XL1 (broken one is now deck, ha, ha). Well, the tapes recorded in the JVC camera do not register timecode in the XL1 (picture looks ok though) and the audio is a little scratchy.
    So I decided to try capturing the footage from the JVC. Now the problem is I cannot get FCP or what seems to be the computer itself to recognize the JVC in DV mode. I have two editing systems:
    #1 Dual 2 GHz G5, OSX 10.4.7, QT 7.1.2, FCP HD 5.1.1
    #2 Dual 800 MHz G4, OSX 10.3.9, QT 7.1.2 , FCP HD 4.5
    (I use #1 for HDV and #2 for DV)
    I've tried getting FCP to recognize the JVC on both systems and it cannot find it. iMovie cannot find it either. Even though the JVC GY-HD100 is not on the list of approved cameras for NTSC capture (only for 720p 30 HDV), I've read on the boards of others who have used it in standard DV mode without issue. So now I am trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the firewire port on the camera. Here is something that is fishy: under the system profiler, usually a firewire device like a camera will show up under the bus (my XL1 does), but the JVC does not.
    I've tried the trashing prefs, trashing QT pkgs and reinstalling, repairing permissions, etc., which are all in effort to get FCP to work, but I'm not even sure that this is a FCP issue, it might be a firewire issue.
    So after my long-winded post (sorry!!), has anyone here used the JVC GY-HD100 to capture DV footage into FCP and did you have to do anything special to get the computer/FCP to recognize the camera. I guess I can also use my Kona LH board using the video out from the camera (and bypass the firewire), but I've never used it for SD/analog capture before, so if anyone has experience with the settings for that scenario, that would be great also. I mostly use my Kona to output the HDV to my HD preview monitor.
    Ugh...needless to say I'm stuck in the middle of a project with half its tapes captured. Thank you very much in advance for your help!
    Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   QT: 7.1.2

    Hello all!
    First let me say I am a long-time reader of these boards and they have saved me on many, many occasions. However, this is my first post!
    I have used FCP for over 6 years with my trusty Canon XL1 and XL1s with relatively few issues. I recently shot a feature in HDV using the JVC GY-HD100 (in 720p 24 no less - yes, yes, I know, what a mess). I used the Firestore Pro-HD to store the footage, which added additional fun getting those m2t files onto the computer and into FCP. What a headache it was jumping from DV to HDV systems, getting the very pricey HD monitor and AJA Kona LH card, etc. Believe it or not, my HDV workflow has equalized and I successfully edited the feature in FCP (everything worked pretty smoothly once I got all the footage into FCP).
    Anyway, that was a complete digression from my issues right now. I got a corporate job that required two cameras, so I decided to use my XL1 and new JVC (my other XL1 is broken) . The job did not require HDV, so I used the JVC in standard DV mode. I figured I could always capture the miniDV tapes in my XL1 (broken one is now deck, ha, ha). Well, the tapes recorded in the JVC camera do not register timecode in the XL1 (picture looks ok though) and the audio is a little scratchy.
    So I decided to try capturing the footage from the JVC. Now the problem is I cannot get FCP or what seems to be the computer itself to recognize the JVC in DV mode. I have two editing systems:
    #1 Dual 2 GHz G5, OSX 10.4.7, QT 7.1.2, FCP HD 5.1.1
    #2 Dual 800 MHz G4, OSX 10.3.9, QT 7.1.2 , FCP HD 4.5
    (I use #1 for HDV and #2 for DV)
    I've tried getting FCP to recognize the JVC on both systems and it cannot find it. iMovie cannot find it either. Even though the JVC GY-HD100 is not on the list of approved cameras for NTSC capture (only for 720p 30 HDV), I've read on the boards of others who have used it in standard DV mode without issue. So now I am trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the firewire port on the camera. Here is something that is fishy: under the system profiler, usually a firewire device like a camera will show up under the bus (my XL1 does), but the JVC does not.
    I've tried the trashing prefs, trashing QT pkgs and reinstalling, repairing permissions, etc., which are all in effort to get FCP to work, but I'm not even sure that this is a FCP issue, it might be a firewire issue.
    So after my long-winded post (sorry!!), has anyone here used the JVC GY-HD100 to capture DV footage into FCP and did you have to do anything special to get the computer/FCP to recognize the camera. I guess I can also use my Kona LH board using the video out from the camera (and bypass the firewire), but I've never used it for SD/analog capture before, so if anyone has experience with the settings for that scenario, that would be great also. I mostly use my Kona to output the HDV to my HD preview monitor.
    Ugh...needless to say I'm stuck in the middle of a project with half its tapes captured. Thank you very much in advance for your help!
    Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   QT: 7.1.2

  • Adobe creative cloud say i'm not connected to the internet, but I am

    adobe creative cloud says i'm not connected to the internet, but I am

    If you statee more aout your set up about your relation to the Cloud a l9ittle of the history something to go on right now tht is believe it or not ptretty vague.
    i do not relly particfipate in the forum but I doubt that the other users will have an easytime helping you without more informtion.
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  • Context sensitive help not opening to bookmark (tough one)

    I have a Robohelp 9 HTML project with multiple topics. Each topic has multiple bookmarks. I have created a map file with mappings from a map id to a bookmark within a topic.
    An example of a map id is Change_SSN, the map # is 70, and this is mapped to a book mark.
    The .ali entry is <alias name="Change_SSN" link="Change_SSN\TCRS_Concord_Project_-_Change_SSN_User_Guide-FINAL.htm#3_Change_SSN">,
    BCCSDefault.h has this entry: #define Change_SSN 70
    whcsddata has this entry: SetCsh(15,"Change_SSN",70,"Change_SSN/TCRS_Concord_Project_-_Change_SSN_User_Guide-FINAL. htm#3_Change_SSN");
    I am using the standard RoboHelp_CSH.js file in my web application. Within that web application I call to RH_ShowHelp(0, <path to the index.htm file>,HH_HELP_CONTEXT,70). The help file will be displayed but it does not go directly to the book mark within the topic, instead the default topic is displayed. I have multiple topics and when the help file is displayed all topics are displayed in the TOC, the correct topic is not even opened let alone the bookmark within the appropriate topic.
    If I just open my browser and enter path/index.html#<id=70 again the help file is displayed but to the default topic. This leads me to believe there is not an issue with the coding of my web application but something odd with the help file.
    I have tried everything and I can not figure out why this is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Is your help always opening the default topic regardless of whether you call a link to a bookmark or does it go to the default topic for every CSH call?
    Are you using local help or is it placed on a server?
    What browsers have you tried?
    If you enter the entire path with two pound signs in the address bar, do you then see the correct topic/bookmark location? (example: SN_User_Guide-FINAL.htm#3_Change_SSN)
    My first guess would be that you have to enable all map files for your output. But you seem to have done that as whcshdata contains information. *For anyone reading this thread: To enable CSH in WebHelp: Open your SSL, expand Content Categories, select the category and check the map files you want to use under Map files.
    Please answer the questions and we’ll dive some deeper.

  • Mac book pro is very very slow/it hangs for even the smallest tasks/even with the lid closed it is still running if it is not completely turned off. Dose any one know what may be wrong ? and how to fix it?

    More details about the problem : My computer is a Mid 2012 Mac Book pro 2.9GHz i7 processor with 8GB RAM updated to OS X v10.8.5
    - I ran a compleet scan of my computer for any threats ( I used virus barrier express ) and there was nothing identified
    - When I oppened the Activiti Monitor there are about 20-30 processes which I do not undersatand they are run under the user "root" 2 in perticular ( Kernel_task & fseventsd ) they both take up a lot of threads and kernel_task is constantly using 1.2 GB of "real memory" which is at least 20 times any other process that is running espesially the ones that run under the user "Apple" I do not know if this is causing the problems on my mac but i tryed to forces close it and it dose not even let me click the button, the others close but reopean immideatly. I will attach a screen shot of what i have mentioned here.
    - The problems I am facing are mainly performance :- To state a few examples, my mac dose not seam to be able to handile even the smallest tasks like switching tabs on safari, typing any thing, playing a movie withought stopping inbetween, etc.. ( let me elaborate on why I said its not able to handil these tasks, it is because when I am trying to do any one of the afformentioned tasks inbetween the cursor becomes a rainbow collered spinning disk and I am unable to do anything for about 10 seckonds after which it starts to work again for some time before it happens again. )
    - Another concern of mine is that my mac seems to be on even with the lid closed if I do not shut it down compleetly, if i just close the lid after some time the computer starts warming up, and the fan starts running. the battery is drained at the same rate or slightly less rate than it would have if i was using it normally with the lid opean. ( altough this is happning the screen dose not turn on untill the lid is opean again )
    Ps: I apoligize if I have given too many unrelevant details, not enough usefull information and or if i was just all over the place with my explanations but I am really frustrated and was hoping not to miss anyting. Please let me know if any information at all is required and ill do my best to provide it.
    Thank You

    Start with this comprehensive troubleshooting article:
    Look at this one for possible solutions:

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