Best Quality uprez  for DV SD to 720p HD ?

I have a valued client who wants me to edit a pile of NTSC dv footage into 720 p HD, and he wants maximum quality.  I would like to  do that in CS4, but my software of  choice, Topaz Enhance, doesn't work in PPro or AE CS4, and I don't want to go back to CS3 where it will run to do that work and then have to import it all into CS4 to do the editing. I usually pass on SD to HD work, but this client is important to me.  So, I  agrred to do it, not realizing that Topaz had not upgraded Enhance to work with CS4 yet.
Is there any software that will do the job in CS4 at the same level of quality as Topaz? Any suggestion welcome. TIA

Thanks Jim,
I'll look into that.  My problem is more than just a simple upconversion.  I suspect that to get the best quality possible, I will have to deinterlace first, and clean up the edges,etc.  The great thing about both Topaz Enhance and Instant HD Advanced is that they combine all the necessary fuctions into a single pass application that use very sophisticated nearby frame algos.  The results with Tpaz are excellent--and there are good reports on Instant HD Advanced, although I have never used it.  I wonder if Dan's script will do more than simply upres.  The deinterlacing in AE is only so so.

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    Lagarith is a codec that you install separately.  A very brief Search would have given you that info.
    You can access the Lagarith option (once installed) using the Microsoft AVI format, and selecting Lagarith under Video Codec in the Video tab.

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    i created a login just to reply to you cuz i was trying to do the same. i found the answer on:
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    The best solution is to ask to talk to the guy with the PC and ask him what he needs. Hopefully he has some clue as to what he is doing and will give you direct answer. If he doesn't know what he is doing the first question you need to ask is he working in HD or SD? Start there.
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    Welcome to the forum, Cinema. There's a ton of people on here with lots of good advice and experience, so read frequently and if you have any questions do a quick search before posting. You'll probably find the answers.
    As far as best export out of FCP, the best is going to be File>Export>Quicktime Movie. This will export your project with the settings your timeline is set to. Any other option is going to compress the project somehow and you'll lose quality.
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    The best is one that matches the Source Footage 100%. Unfortunately, with that variation on HD, I do not think that PrE, even PrE 10, will be able to come close. PrPro, however, does have the ability to do Custom Sequences (think a bunch of mini-Projects inside of a Project), and one can match odd Frame Sizes, FPS, etc.. I was hoping that PrE 10 would have Custom Presets, but it did not show up. This limits PrE to standard Frame Sizes, which is not what most video screen capture programs offer. Your footage does not match to any real HD-Lite Frame Sizes, so you will still have the same problem.
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    Good luck,

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    Hi check this article out from:
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    ie does the multicast rate affect quality?
    Not really. The multicast rate defines the bottom limit of the wireless data rate allowable before the wireless connection is discontinued. If you set this higher, you will cause disconnects if the signal is low. One way to think of this is that a higher multicast rate will decrease the usable range since you have to be closer to the base station to get a high data rate.

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    Thanks for your help!

    Thanks for the response. I did try this, save for the Create DVD Job Action, but it just creates one audio and one video file. I'm trying the Create DVD job action now, so hopefully that will work.
    Here is a screenshot of my batch. Does this look correct?
    Thanks again.

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