Beta Tape Cleaner

Probably not the right place to post this, but I'm at a stand still - We have beta tapes from 20 years ago that we not very well kept so it they are dusty and plays like crap. We are using a Sony J-30 Betacam player and FCP to log and capture the footages form the tape, but because the tapes are dirty, they all have this horrible lines across the screen.
I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a device that cleans beta tapes, any other ideas on hos to solve this problem will be very much appreciated.

Russ One wrote:
Do the search in Google on "Baking Video Tape" and also "Baking Audio Tape" lots of info there and even companies that do it or you.
Interesting piece of information, Russ, thanks for the tip. I wonder if that will work on my ancient 3/4" tapes?
that we not very well kept so it they are dusty and plays like crap. We are using a Sony J-30
Betacam player and FCP to log and capture the footages form the tape, but because the tapes are
dirty, they all have this horrible lines across the screen.
I've got to comment on the screen appearance, though. Oxide separation usually causes immediate head clogging. "Lines " from Beta playback can indicate a bad head, not necessarily caused by dirt or oxide flaking. Lines that remain constant through the entire playback indicate magnetic damage to the tape. Surface damage migrates and evolves over time. That is, it's not possible to, say, drag one's fingernail across the top edge of the packed tape and have it appear constant. The diameter of the pack changes to the timing on the edge damage artifacts change as the tape plays.
Further, it's almost impossible for dust to penetrate the closed Beta cassette. I don't think your issue is dust.

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    Cheers from Oz

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    Also make sure you put a check mark and time limit for 'Limit Capture Now to' your Systems Settings dialog.
    If you don't, FCP will allocate the entire available drive space, since it has no idea how long to capture...and you'll end up with an unusable file.
    I always set it for a couple of minutes beyond my longest tape to capture. If your biggest beta is a 40, then set it for 42. If you have a 90 min. tape, then set it for 92...etc.
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    Thank you!!!!
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    OK...this hits me:
    We've hooked Betacam Deck to Sony monitor to see if we can see pictures but we can't see anything or hear anything.....We can see just timecode. We have PVM-14N6U monitor and we used BNC cable to connect those.
    You connect the deck to a monitor and don't see or hear anything. the deck WORKING? Perhaps you can't capture anything because you aren't getting a signal from the deck.  The deck will have 2 possible outputs....BNC that's a COMPOSITE signal (meaning SD video, a complete, but low end video signal), and three separate ones known as COMPOSITE...R-Y, B-Y and G-Y.  Try both of those on the monitor. There's also one called SUPER. This is a COMPOSITE signal that also displays timecode.  If you can see timecode on the monitor, that means you are plugged into this. BUT, if you see timecode and no video image...that means that the tape is bad, or the video heads are bad....because you are getting a video signal from the deck, but no image from the tape. 
    So we aren't even talking about the Sony converter...right now just trying to get a good signal...and you can't even do that, right? Might need to try another deck.

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    I have an AJA IO, which is an older capture device, and have done quite a few jobs like you are describing. The IO (or another high-quality capture device) allows you to input S-VHS, or another analog signal, such as YUV component video, which many beta decks have, and capture the material to an uncompressed 8- or 10-bit QT, thereby preserving the maximum quality possible. Converting to DV compresses the footage, which can't be undone later down the pipeline, so if you are planning to output to another compressed format, such as MPEG-2 for DVD, you will compress it yet again and lose even more quality. I guess it all depends on the deliverables you need.

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    The timecode is being captured.  Open the clip in the VIEWER...note the timecode at the will match exactly what is on the tape.  If this wasn't possible, FCP would be a HORRIBLE NLE and not used for broadcast TV editing at all.  But it seems you captured correctly (RS-422, SDI) the file you captured will match the tape.
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    Re-installing is pain.. Especially if you have spent week/months tweaking your system too make it perfect just the way you want it.. You can probably back up the home directory and get back some of your configuration.. But re-installing all the applications you need again will be a pain..
    Especially with Arch Linux and it's KISS principles, you HAVE to re-install every single application after you re-install the system.. It's not like Ubuntu or Fedora where you get some stock applications ready to use.. Don't do it..
    As siriusb pointed out above, re-installing is the microsoft way.. With Arch (or in general with Linux), you can fix just about any situation with a little effort (sometimes even no effort).. Have a little patience, try figuring out what went wrong.. Post your questions in forums..
    It is a LOT easier to fix your system (with help from people in the community/forums) than to re-install..
    You would probably benefit from reading this:

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    Any ideas?

    I have this problem too. I was able to make the situation a little better by cleaning the video heads with a cleaning tape, but the problem still persists. Now, I am having to work around this problem by turning off the option to "start new clip @ scene break" in the import preferences. I then set the maximum clip length to 1 minute. Then I get a series of 1 minute clips that I can then break into scenes in iMovie. Not an optimal situation.

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    Rather than considering the number of times you can use a tape versus video quality, you should be thinking about the heads in your DV camcorder, for the quality of your video is more directly related to the condition of the recording head.
    Using a tape more than once is generally not a good idea. With each use, microscopic pieces of the tape formulation will rub off onto the heads. Using a tape more than once will result in greater numbers of particles being shed as the tape wears, thus clogging the head to the point where video quality will decline and the cam heads will need a tape cleaner passed over it more frequently.
    Head cleaning tapes themselves are way more abrasive than a tape, so minimizing the need to use the cleaning tape should be a priority for long head life.
    I will use a tape twice, once for original footage and again if I wish to archive a finished movie back to tape. I won't reuse a tape for more original footage. I also recommend buying quality tape online, as you can get better deals buying in bulk quantities. Don't buy cheap tape and don't buy different brands of tape. Not only can it clog your heads faster, but you will suffer drop outs which can really screw up your movie.

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    Judgement: the image (an interview) looks no better from the Beta-SP capture. If anything, DV looks "better". I can't say why. It's very strange. Must have something to do with monitoring in composite "filtration".

    Beta SP>via S video to DV = compression
    BetaSP>component out to 8 or 10 bit uncompressed = uncompressed video
    I suggest that if you have DV footage you should use a DV sequence setting
    If you can load component, use a sequence that matches your compression setting. 8bit load = 8 bit seq...10 bit load = 10 bit seq. If not you will be rendering all the time for no real benefit.
    With a 13" monitor it would be hard to tell the difference.
    Final notes....Put your s cables away and forget that they even exist.
    Load dv footage via firewire..betaSP via component
    Purchase a larger broadcast monitor

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    Thinking of CBD as hockey director...
    "I'll take some of that! More of this! And less of those!
    "I want them now! I want it yesterday! And stay awake because the requirements will change tomorrow!"
    On a more serious note...
    I searched around for a beta sp deck that takes fire wire in and could not find one.
    It strikes me that if you (Cantonpro) are already using an iMac you are either sharing the firewire bus, or placing media on your system drive. As noted, neither of these situation are recommended.
    However, if you are on the system drive, then an AJA IO might be a possibility, but almost $2000 plus deck rental seems a bit steep, especially since the capabilities of the AJA would be limited by the iMac. Maybe a higher end canopus converter like this one,
    but you are still talking almost $1500 plus deck rental. This solution is a bit more appropriate if you plan on staying with the iMac.
    There are less expensive options that rely on composite video, but then you may as well have the station do the conversion.
    Maybe you should contact a local dub house and see what they have to say, or find out if anyone near you has this equipment already.
    Or, if your work is generating profit, and your business would benefit from the higher quality on-air, start to upgrade your hardware so you will see greater returns in the future.

  • How Can I Clean up Imported Bitmap Images

    Hi, I am using Flash 5. I have imported a sequence of .png images and they are looking pretty rough and bitmapped so I wanted to clean them up.
    1. Do I have to select each frame after import and adjust the bitmap settings for each image or can I doo this somewhere so it affects al images?
    2. I can’t find the settings for cleaning up the bitmap images. I thought they would be in the “Properties” panel?
    3. Is there a way to fix the rasterization or clean up an imported .swf or is it better to clean up the sequence before saving as an .swf?

    Ned Murphy wrote:
    Ideally you should have images cleaned up/ properly sized / optimized before you import them into Flash.  Once they are in Flash, one thing you can do that can help how the image displays, especially if you manipulate its size while in Flash, is to set the image to allow smoothing.  This can be set using code or can be manually applied to the image in the library by right clicking it, selecting Properties, and checking the option to Allow Smoothing.
    Thanks Ned,
    Wow, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. A huge improvement in the look of the gradients.

  • Insert Edit to Tape Error

    Having a problem with the insert function of edit to tape. I lay a program off to beta tape using the Edit to tape mode. Of course, I'll find a mistake in the program and try to insert a correction. Sometimes it works fine. Other times I get the following error code:
    "The deck may be unable to perform the edit since the duration is only 1 frame."
    The video I'm trying to insert certainly doesn't have a duration of 1 frame. The edit to tape window has an "In" marked, but no out so there is no duration in that window either. No amount of restarting the program, computer, deck or AJA will correct this.
    What in world is going on, and how do I fix it?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.5)  

    FCP Rescue "trashes" your existing preferences. It also can save your preferences when you know them to be in an uncorrupted state, so the next time you have any problems, you can restore your backup preferences as opposed to trashing them.
    Repairing preferences is an activity performed by /Applications/Utilities/Disk and should be done on a regular basis... Crank up that program and it should be pretty self explanatory.

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