Bezier warp expression - slowing amplitude and velocity with fast decay

I've been working with an expression from Dan Ebberts Vibrating strings which I have modified to create a bending effect on a solid shape
This part is applied to a slider expression of the solid
veloc = 14;
amplitude = -250;
decay = 4;
Then a bezier warp has been applied to the solid shape to the Bottom Right Tangent and Bottom Left Tangent
value + [0,effect("Slider Control").param("Slider")]
This works very well except that I would like to be able to have the amplitude of the bending shape slow down as it bends and then snap back quickly in the decay but  I'm not sure how to accomplish this.  I have tried playing with the settings that I have, but am unable to make this work.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

I'm not sure what you're describing exactly. The expression you're using generates a damped sine wave. What would the new waveform look like? Would it be the same except eased so the the wave spends more time close to the extremes and less time transitioning, or something else entirely?
You could build your own, triple-eased periodic waveform like this, but I'm not sure it's what you're after:
veloc = 14;
amplitude = -250;
decay = 4;
period = (Math.PI*2)/veloc;
t = (time+period/4)%period;
if (t < period/2)
  v = ease(t,0,period/2,-1,1)
  v = ease(t,period/2,period,1,-1);
v = ease(v,-1,1,-1,1);
v = ease(v,-1,1,-1,1);

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    my thoughts were that with Trim command support disabled,  when you’d reïnstalled OS X and your apps and personal files, that your SSD might have gone over 75% full, at which point SSDs’ performance start to slow down. (Without Trim command support, the SSD needs to be “told” manually to reuse space which has been freed up by deletion.) If that is the cause of your current slowdown, then you wouldn’t start noticing a difference until your SSD has run out of previously unused space; at that point, a Trim command would be run on the SSD to make available that previously used space. In the interim, I guess that you could try selecting your SSD in Disk Utility, then select the Erase tab, then press the Erase Free Space… button to see if that would work as a manual substitute for a Trim command. Alternatively, you could try creating dummy files to purposely fill up your SSD nearly to capacity, and then delete them to see if the Trim command will make available all of the space for all of the previously deleted files (i.e. not just for the deleted dummy files).

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    It sounds like, for some reason, that the wireless card in the new system is sending an inordinate number of packets to the router to try to communicate with it, and that is what is causing the slow speeds to the other systems.  
    Have you tried a traceroute to see where communication is failing? This may be a better article explaining how to do a tracert.  
    Here is an article that explains how to understand the results from a tracert.  Check to see where the longest "hops" are between your system and the destination.  (I suggest using at first just to see how it works out).
    If the initial hops to your router and then the ISP take the longest then we can narrow down the issue better.   I would recommend trying this from the other systems as well to see how the results differ.  
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    Blythe wrote:
    i have the current os x, and i am having trouble with my safari, mail, and dashboard performing very slow (not a consistent issue, but happens frequently) or freezing or shutting down. i read various discussions and tried the helpful tips, but i am not familiar with the ins and outs of a mac. i fear i might have done things wrong or worse that i have downloaded something that is frying my mac. (previously, i have download several applications that i didn't check out first, also realized for several months now that i didn't have my firewall on.)
    i tried the disk utility maintenance. i ran the "verify disk permissions"
    Welcome to Apple's discussion groups.
    You can ignore those disk permissions messages:
    Regarding your performance problems, I'd use the Activity Monitor utility. Launch it, then set the list at the top to "All Processes". Click on the "CPU" column heading to put the highest CPU consumers at the top of the list. Leave the program running while you're using your Mac. If you encounter problems with performance, check the Activity Monitor window to see if there are particular processes consuming a lot of CPU time. If you see something possibly interesting but don't know how interpret it, post the details here and someone should be able to offer advice.

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    Turn off the router. Turn back on. Wait until all the lights are lit properly.
    Restart the computer.
    A new Mac comes with 90 days of free tech support from AppleCare.
    AppleCare: 1-800-275-2273

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    ngs (Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service)
    ZoneInfo: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\lib\zi\ZoneInfoMappings (Insufficient s
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    WARNING: RMI TCP Accept-0: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,por
    t=0,localport=2161] throws socket closed
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop.executeAcceptLoop(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ Source)
    at Source)
    Dec 29, 2008 10:10:35 AM sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop executeAc
    WARNING: RMI TCP Accept-0: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,por
    t=0,localport=2161] throws socket closed
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop.executeAcceptLoop(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ Source)
    at Source)
    Dec 29, 2008 10:12:36 AM sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop executeAc
    WARNING: RMI TCP Accept-0: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,por
    t=0,localport=2161] throws socket closed
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop.executeAcceptLoop(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ Source)
    at Source)
    Dec 29, 2008 10:15:37 AM sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop executeAc
    WARNING: RMI TCP Accept-0: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,por
    t=0,localport=2161] throws socket closed
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop.executeAcceptLoop(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ Source)
    at Source)
    Dec 29, 2008 10:20:40 AM sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop executeAc
    WARNING: RMI TCP Accept-0: accept loop for ServerSocket[addr=,por
    t=0,localport=2161] throws socket closed
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$AcceptLoop.executeAcceptLoop(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ Source)
    at Source)
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # Internal Error (4D555445583F57494E13120E4350500075), pid=1352, tid=1828
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0-b105 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Can not save log file, dump to screen..
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # Internal Error (4D555445583F57494E13120E4350500075), pid=1352, tid=1828
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0-b105 mixed mode, sharing)
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    Does anyone has any idea?

    Your RMI server invokes a JNI method as you mentioned. It seems your system resource is become very low as from the exception from "ZoneInfoMappi"
    (Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service...I would suggest the following
    1- remove the JNI method invocation and replace by a simple method which does nothing special ( counting etc..)
    2- Run the RMI sever and stress test it again
    If you see the RMI server is working well after 12 hours, then your native method is leaking i.e consuming the system resources ( RAM etc..)
    You should profile the running RMI server using jconsole
    Alan Mehio

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    Hi. I have a 45 page pdf and I need to be able to select some pages to not print based on content of a field. To do this I understand the form needs to be saved in Acrobat v7 or greater and saved as a dynamic form. So far so good. When I create the dynamic form by opening the existing 45 page pdf, livecycle creates a form object for each line in the document. That's a ton of objects that don't need to be objects. I am adding 15 enterable fields into this document. For example the document may contain a line of text "Last Name", this appears as a form object as described. I am adding a text field next to that so the user can enter their last name. After saving the document it takes a long time to load and the tabbing from field to field is very slow. I am thinking this might be due to processing all the form objects that don't need to be form objects, but not sure. Question: based on my description is there a way to create this document without all those non-enterable form objects?

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    Hey Hesham92,
    As you mentioned the myRIO encoder counts pulses.  These pulses will typically come from some type of encode such as a quadrature encoder.
    Look at your encoder datasheet and it should explain how it works (which mode it uses) and the resolution (ie rotation per pulse).    If the encoder is attached to a wheel you can use some simple math to determine how many cm the wheel moves per encoder pulse.
    Let us know if you have questions about this (please also post more info about your setup such as the encoder, what it's attached to and what you need to measure).
    -Sam K
    LabVIEW Hacker
    Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

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    2 Nvidia 580m running in SLI
    24 gigs of DDR3 ram
    4 internal SSD
    Intel I7 990x Extreme CPU (6 cores)
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    Is there anything I could try to improve performance minus blowing a wad of cash?
    Thank you Friends.

    As per your advice I've tried that. It seems I may be getting a slightly higher framecount - which is of course a good thing. I still see solid red, but maybe that is just how it is with my video cards. I tried "The Hack" and added my card to the list, but that did nothing. I still can't select Mercury.
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    As a last resort, try a factory default reset on the AirPort Express as follows:
    Power off the AirPort Express
    Wait a minute
    Hold in the reset button first, and keep holding it in for another 8-10 seconds while you simultaneously plug the Express back in to power
    Release the reset button after the hold period and allow a full minute for the Express to restart to a slow, blinking amber light status
    On an iPhone or iPad home screen....
    Tap Settings
    Tap WiFi
    Look for a heading of Setup a New AirPort Base Station. If it appears.....
    Tap on AirPort Express just below the heading to start the configuration process on the Express again
    If you try several factory default resets, and the AirPort Express does not appear under the heading of Setup a New AirPort Base Station, the Express most likely is defective and will need to be replaced.

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    if you boot into Safe mode, log in, and run your graphic design and animation apps, do they run just as slowly then?

Maybe you are looking for

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