BIA/BWA - sizing with one period data?

Hi All,
We have already a system that is about to go-live in 2 weeks.
We realized that some of the reports are running slow and need to boost the performance.
Now, we need to add BWA on that.
We have 21 cubes. But, we want to choose 5 cubes to be part of BWA.
We have only one period of data in the each of the 5 cubes.
The question is:
To size the BWA system, if we size the memory & Disk Space by using the program RSDDTREX_MEMORY_ESTIMATE, by multiplying the program result based on the one period of data, by 2 and 3, respectively, would that be enough?
Or do we need to multiply the result by the number of periods that we are going to store in the cube, e.g., by 12, for one year, by 24 for 2 years, by 36 for 3 years, etc...?
Also, let's say for cube 1: it's 300 GB memory required, and 500 GB Disk space required, and for cube # 2, it's 400 GB memory required, and 700 GB disk space required, then can I say the total requirement of BWA server is just add the two numbers, which is  700GB RAM and 1.2 TB Disk space?
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
- Shashi

Hi Shashi
Please note Cube Size and Index size Ratio will be 5:1 .
That is for 500 GB Cube , 100 GB memory will be required.
Please check the below link
and OSS note 917803.
Best Regards

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    If you are using Citrix then it becomes all the more easy to have a commmon location

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       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HPBProcessing.Tablix.RowInfo.AddToPageContent(ScalableList`1 columnInfo, Int32& colsOnPage, Boolean isLTR, Boolean pinnedToParentCell, RPLWriter rplWriter, PageContext pageContext, Double pageLeft, Double
    pageTop, Double pageRight, Double pageBottom, RepeatState repeatState)
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       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.RendererBase.Render(Report report, NameValueCollection reportServerParameters, NameValueCollection deviceInfo, NameValueCollection clientCapabilities, Hashtable& renderProperties, CreateAndRegisterStream

    Hi GravityJunky,
    Based on the error message, the object reference is not set to an instance, it is typically caused by one or more of the following reasons:
    There are soft page breaks within empty lists in the report.
    There are hidden groups within the report and you tried to export it to PDF.
    There are text boxes with a width and/or height of zero in the report.
    A text box is either hidden or the NoRows property is set to true.
    A text box spans table cells where some cells have a collection of null values.
    The report has static columns and/or rows and, in the Visibility properties, Hidden is set to true.
    The report has static columns and/or rows and there are grand totals in the report.
    The report has static column headings and, in the Visibility properties, Hidden is set to true.
    The matrix report has multiple columns and rows and, in the Visibility properties, Hidden is set to true and you tried to export to PDF.
    To troubleshoot the problem, please refer to the following steps:
    Review the specific error contained within the message and then, depending on the message, review your report.
    If the problem is related to soft page break issues, try increasing the page height, reducing the first row height, or reducing the number of header rows.
    If the problem is related to errors when rounding the image size up or down, try slightly increasing the page header height so that it is different than the image height, or try changing the image size to fit better.
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    Nifty Styles
    (Norfolk, England)
    P.S.  I'm using Acrobat 8.3.1. Professional on Windows XP (SP3).

    Thank you for all your help above.
    Just to confirm your advice, am I right with the following conclusions? :
    1. The script (function) to fill the text field with the modification date of a different PDF file needs to be stored in a folder level .js file.
    2. The document containing the text field needs to call the .js function either within the document script or within the custom script property of the text field itself.
    Further to that can you just advise on the syntax for accessing the modification date of the other document.
    Do I need to assign a variable to the address of the file to be used, and then use this variable in the text form filling script (as below) or can I use a direct file reference at the .modDate command.
    var LastSync = "C:\sync\bin\lastsync.pdf";
    var strMsg = util.printd("h:MM tt",LastSync.modDate) + " on ";
    strMsg += util.printd("dddd, d mmmm, yyyy",LastSync.modDate);
    this.getField("LastSyncDate").value = strMsg;
    If the syntax is totally different to the above I would be very grateful for some guidance in the right direction.
    I much appreciate your time to help me ... I'm almost there.
    Kind Regards,

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    The link is to a discussion started on 12/18 in the FiOS Internet forum.  Here's the link I get now, however it is different than the link I pulled a few hours ago.  If this system changes the link again, it may not work.
    You can also look for the topic, "frustration and just confused" in the FiOS Internet forum.
    Here's a link that is in the thread that gives more detail.
    Good Luck!
    P.S.  "Copper Contributor" is my "rank."  gs0b is my user name.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.

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    Did you use the MPEG2-DVD preset... and did you make any changes to the preset?
    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list may help

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    MacBook Air, 13", Mid 2013:
    On June 10, 2013, Apple released an updated MacBook Air in the same form factor as the 2012 model during the company's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC). The 11-inch and 13-inch models have a minimum standard 4GB RAM, with a maximum configuration of 8GB. Both models are powered by the Haswell ULT 1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processors with Turbo Boost up to 2.6GHz and 1.7GHz Dual-Core i7 with Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz option available. Each model has a 128GB configuration and a 256GB configuration available, with the 256GB model being upgradeable to 512GB SSD.
    1.3 GHz (Core i5) or 1.7 GHz (Core i7)
    MacBook Air, 13", Early 2014:
    On April 29, 2014 Apple released an updated MacBook Air featuring faster processors and better battery life. The standard configurations also saw a price drop in most regions.
    1.4 GHz (Core i5) or 1.7 GHz (Core i7)
    MacBook Pro, 13", Retina, Late 2013:
    At the Apple Special Event on October 22, 2013, Apple announced that it had updated the 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display. Both versions feature the new Intel Haswell chipset.
    2.4 or 2.6 GHz (Core i5) or 2.8 GHz (Core i7)
    MacBook Pro, 13", Retina, Mid 2014:
    On July 29, 2014 Apple announced updated prices and processors for their Haswell Macbook Pro with Retina Display.
    2.6 or 2.8 GHz (Core i5) or 3.0 GHz (Core i7)
    I would go for the Pro Retina since the display is much better.

  • If you have any possible with in the itemrender have one is label control and onther one is data gri

    Hi Friends,
                    If you have any possible with in the itemrender have one is label control and onther one is data grid control.
    In my application i was using list control.The list control have item renderer. In my case if i click list control of label name, the corresponding releated data of data grid need to display and list control label also.
    <mx:List width="750" id="Lst_userlist" verticalScrollPolicy="off"  horizontalScrollPolicy="off" rowCount="20"
    labelField="sec_user_first_name+sec_user_last_name" labelFunction="BindUserName" buttonMode="true" itemClick="Click_UserList(event)" >
       <mx:VBox  horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" >        
         <s:Label id="lbl_userhead" name="{data.sec_user_first_name+data.sec_user_last_name}" buttonMode="true" color="#000000"/>
              <mx:DataGrid height="100%" id="membershipGrid" alternatingItemColors="[#DCDCDC,#F8F8FF]"  paddingLeft="5"  horizontalScrollPolicy="off" color="black"
          horizontalGridLines="false" verticalScrollPolicy="auto"  verticalGridLines="false"   rowCount="{membershipArrColl.length}" rowHeight="25"
                borderSkin="{null}" showHeaders="true" borderVisible="false" dataProvider="{membershipArrColl}" width="750"  visible="false" includeInLayout="false">
      <mx:DataGridColumn width="180" headerText="Name" minWidth="150" sortable="true"  wordWrap="true" >
         <mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off"   >
           override public function set data(value:Object):void{
  = value;
            fileimg.load("/ist_shared/ist_images/ist_icons/Modern/gif/16/hot/ f");
            fileimg.load("/ist_shared/ist_images/ist_icons/Modern/gif/16/dis/user_remove_16_dis.gif") ;
           lbl_Gridcloumn_name.text=data.sec_user_first_name+" "+data.sec_user_last_name;
          <mx:Image id="fileimg"    buttonMode="true"  toolTip="This is the User's Home Organization"/>          
          <s:Label  id="lbl_Gridcloumn_name"  width="200" buttonMode="true" textDecoration="underline" toolTip="User Menu [{data.sec_user_name}]" click="outerDocument.Click_Name(event);"    />
      <mx:DataGridColumn width="120" minWidth="110" headerText="UserName" sortable="true"  dataField="sec_user_name"  />
      <mx:DataGridColumn width="100" minWidth="80"  headerText="OrgName"  dataField="sec_org_name">
    Please Any One Help to me...
    Magesh R.

    Hi Friend,
    The list values are display Even if i click perticular data list value ,the corresponind data grid are display in blow line data list...
    can u see below sample.
    Blue colotr items are List values
    Green Color items are Data Grid values... If click Blue color name then only correspond data grid items are display...
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    Site Manager UT
    Chuck Gamble
    HR Demo
    System Wide Auth Admin UT
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    HR Demo
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    HR Demo
    OnBoarding UT
    Please Any One Help to me.
    Magesh R.
    Amiee Mann
    HR Demo
    Regional Manager UT
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    HR Demo
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    I have scenario that I need to load the master data records with one key.
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    Cluster            Dcode               version
    5000                 DC1                  2008
    5000                 DC1                  2008
    5001                  DC1                  2009
    Could you please let me know possible ways.

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    Hope this helps.

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    Hello kasinathadurai,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that you have some questions about cellular data usage and apps that use cellular data. For this question, I would refer you to the attached article that will help explain how data usage, call time, and app cellular data is calculated. 
    Learn about cellular data settings and usage on your iPhone and iPad (Cellular Model) - Apple Support
    Have a great day,

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    MTD is from the 1st of the current month till today's date.
    YTD is from 1st Jan till today's date.
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Maybe you are looking for

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