Bigpond not forwarding all emails

Hi, I currently have bigpond forward my emails to another non bigpond address, however not all emails get forwarded. For example and emails from facebook are not forwarded, they are in my webmail inbox, but go through to my other address. Other emails are forwarded with no issues ? My bigpond webmail is still on the old system (MyConnect ?) Any suggestions ? Thanks

Have you considered setting your current provider to 'pull' all the email from your Bigpond box rather than relying on Bigpond to 'push' it out?
Most providers have a relatively simple process for fetching mail from other boxes by either POP or IMAP.

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    All email sent to your iCloud email alias address should be received in your iCloud inbox.  If email is being addressed to your alias when you think it should be addressed to your primary address it may be because the sender replied to an email you inadvertently sent from your alias address.  You might want to confirm that your primary address is set as your default for sending mail.  See "set default address to send from" here:

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    First of all, please make sure your Outlook is fully patched.
    Then, please log on your web mail and check if you can see all your emails. If so, please open your Outlook, go to File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings > Highlight your Imap account and click
    Change > in the Change Account wizard, check how you set the 'Mail to keep offline' slider. Change it to
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    If problem persists, please try to create a new mail profile in Control Panel and set up your IMAP account in the new profile to check if it helps. To configure an email account via IMAP, please refer:
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

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    Not showing all emails in UNIFIED Inbox Folder
    PLS ADV.

    Please don't raise multiple threads for the same problem. Follow up at your OP at
    P.S. Writing ALL CAPS is considered shouting.

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    The junk mailbox is empty. I checked my preferences and disabled it for now to see if that will make a difference. I do have some Rules set up to filter known "sales" emails to delete or change the color but I have not set up any rules to move or filter from friends.

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    superrachel wrote:
    I am not recieving all of my emails. I became unemployed a few months ago and I have had several prospective employers have tried to send me emails to my verizon email address and I never get them. When that does not work I have them forward to my yahoo email instead. I have tried to get assistance with this and I keep getting referred to the on line help
    Are the senders getting any type of error? What happens if you send a test message to yourself?
    You should check your settings:
    On the My Account page:
    1. Mail Forwarding - Make sure it says "Off"
    2. Email Storage - Make sure this is at less than 99%
    In Mail under My Settings (can be accessed from your Inbox):
    1. Blocking - Make sure that you do not have the sender's address/domain in your Blocked Senders list.
    2. Filters - Make sure that all of your filters are set up correctly. Be especially wary of "not" filters. (Ex: If subject does not contain spam then automatically delete.)
    3. Spam Detector - On the Setup tab, set this to save the messages to your SpamDetector folder, then check for the missing messages there.
    Hope this helps!
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Style not receiving all email messages

    I recently changed mail-servers. Neither the current nor the previous mail server are in house. We route our in-house email through MS Exchange Server. We do not run BB Enterprise Server so I have set up my BB Style to go directly to the external mail server. I am using MS Outlook 2010 on my desktop computer.
    My BB Style is not receiving all the emails coming to me. Some emails come through our MS Exchange Server but not to my BB. Other emails are received both on my device and desktop.
    Any ideas why this is happening.
    Go to Solution.

    Referring back to Post 2 in this thread -- if your email server (the one facing the Internet, with which BIS interacts) is capable of reconciling with the BB (via BIS) items deleted on the server, then you have no choice in the matter, given what you've now been told.
    If you absolutely must retain all items on your BB, then you would I suppose need to set up an auto forwarder that sends everything you receive in your Outlook client out to a different email address. Then you integrate that to your BB so that you can keep that library of items on your BB. You, of course, cannot use those items for any useful purpose (e.g., if you reply, it'll be coming from this secondary email address), but at least you'd have them on your BB.
    What your IT person told you is, however, quite unusual indeed. MS Exchange is intended to be a post office and mailbox containing entity, and has a ton of other power as well. I've never actually heard before of anyone using it in this manner, requiring that the client app remove items from the server (encouragement is always in place, via mailbox size quotas and such...but the requirement is rather unusual in my experience). That requirement would seem to make your MS Exchange environment function much more like a POP/SMTP environment, negating all of the power of MS Exchange, and thereby causing me to think that you are not getting the value from that environment that it offers. But, to each his own!
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Not getting all emails and sync issues

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    Try temporarily turning off the desktop. If the problem goes away change the settings on the desktop to leave messages on the server. Or, if it is an MS Exchange or IMAP account it is probably automatically filing messages in folders as soon as they appear.

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    Thank you for your assistance.
    barbi saunders

    Thunderbird downloads email messages that make it into your Inbox on your providers server. Are these missing messages actually in the Inbox and are not downloaded or do they not make it to the Inbox on the server.
    If the later, ask your provider where your mail is going.
    It might not hurt to log into your account on the server and check for a spam folder. You might be surprised to see what is in there.

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    Do you mean only one particular user couldn't view all messages from Outlook?
    From this sentence "Some users it shows a bunch emails for others it only shows one or two.", it seems that this issue affect some users, not only one.
    If only one user is affected by this problem, you can follow the steps below to check result.
    1. Please check if it displays all mails in OWA.
    2. And please switch between Outlook cached mode and online mode to check result.
    If some users are affected, please check database index status.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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    Please help!

    Please check carefully your settings for your GMail account, especially the portion concerning "Sync Timeframe" (if visible to you, it depends on the integration method).
    Check carefully also how these are labeled on GMail...Gmail technically uses labels and not folders, and the BB must interpret the labels into folders. So if a stray label is applied to these items, then that may be why they are suppressed from view.
    You can also try removing and re-integrating the problem account.
    You can also try ringing up your mobile service provider for formal support and potential escalation to BlackBerry for enhanced formal support.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Exchange 2013 not delivering all emails

    Hi All,
    I have a fresh install of Exchange 2013 SP1 with CU5 on Windows Server 2012 R2 and I am having a weird mesage delivery issue. 
    Im getting most emails, but some messages I am not getting. They don't show up in my inbox. If i do a Get-MessageTrackingLog, the EventID is listed as FAIL
    [PS] C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ClassicShell\Pinned>Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageSubject "Balance Snapshot" -Start "7/20/2014" | FL
    RunspaceId              : 06baa1a8-4732-49df-b00c-0a685d5e75fb
    Timestamp               : 7/20/2014 10:43:05 AM
    ClientIp                :
    ClientHostname          : DC1
    ServerIp                :
    ServerHostname          :
    SourceContext           : Sender Id Agent
    ConnectorId             : DC1\Default DC1
    Source                  : SMTP
    EventId                 : FAIL
    InternalMessageId       : 1275605286912
    MessageId               : <[email protected]>
    Recipients              : {[email protected]}
    RecipientStatus         : {[{LRT=};{LED=250 2.6.0 <[email protected]>
    Queued mail for delivery};{FQDN=};{IP=}]}
    TotalBytes              : 0
    RecipientCount          : 1
    RelatedRecipientAddress :
    Reference               :
    MessageSubject          : Balance Snapshot: Your Available Balance
    Sender                  : [email protected]
    ReturnPath              : [email protected]
    Directionality          : Incoming
    TenantId                :
    OriginalClientIp        :
    MessageInfo             :
    MessageLatency          :
    MessageLatencyType      : NoneEventData               : {[DeliveryPriority, Normal], 
    I have verbose logging turned on, and its showing the log of the email that is not getting delivered, but no errors. Any ideas?
    Brad Nelson MCSE/DCSE/A+/Network+/WCSP

    From your description, I recommend you disable the Postini anti spam temporarily to determine whether this issue is related to it.
    I look forward to your response.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Iphone 4s not getting all email from 2 out of 3 accounts

    I have an I phone 4S and have two POP3 accounts and a gmail account set up.the two POP 3 accounts have suddenly stopped pushing all of the received emails to the iphone.
    I used to receive them on the phone and computer at the same time. Last two days this has not occurred. I am worried as of course the POP 3 accounts are related to my business.
    Any thoughts or help is appreciated.

    I've found something that solve the problem imediately, maybe you could try.
    On the Web go to your yahoo account, on the french interface, on the top right corner there is a dropdown menu "options" with a "other options" entry, select, you get a page and the left part, select "POP Acces and Transfert" and check the firt radio button, that accept the POP access.
    Just selct another entry from the left and save and disconnect.
    And it works immediatly, perhaps you will have to recreate your account on the iphone or ipad, but I don't have to.
    I apologize for my poor english, I hope you understand.

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    I have bad news for you. There appears to be a problem with the [Contains Attachments] condition in smart mailboxes. For smart mailbox purposes, Mail does’t realize a message contains attachments until you view its contents. I don’t think there is anything you can do about it other than reporting the problem here:

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