Bind in form works with cfinput, how to with cfselect and a href

Hi all
This code workks binding a cfinput in an HTML cfform:
Name:<cfinput type="text" name="FIRSTNAME" label="Name" required="yes" width="150" bind="{UsersGrid.FIRSTNAME}" >
However this href doesn't seem to bind correctly:
<a  href="{UsersGrid.COMPANY}&btnK=" bind="{UsersGrid.COMPANY}"></a>
This cfselect doesn't either:
Department: <cfselect name="DEPARTMENT1" width="100" size="1" label="Department" required="yes" bind="UsersGrid.DEPARTMENT1">
<option></option><cfoutput query="dNames"><option value="#DEPARTMENTIDS#">#DEPARTMENTNOM#</option></cfoutput>
How can I make them both work? Thank you

Sure, Aaaron here it is, it uses the same database tables and datasource as in the other thread:
<cfquery name="QNAMES" datasource="tester">
    select * from company, industries, division
where company.SECTORS1 = industries.SECTORSIDS
<cfif structKeyExists(url,"sectorid")>
and industries.SECTORSIDS = #url.sectorid#</cfif>
and division.DEPARTMENTIDS = company.DEPARTMENT1
and company.WHEN = 2
ORDER BY company</cfquery>
<cfquery name="dNames" datasource="tester">
    from division
order by DEPARTMENTNOM</cfquery>
<CFQUERY name="industries" datasource="tester">
SELECT * FROM industries
<CFQUERY name="salesstep" datasource="tester">
<CFQUERY name="xity" datasource="tester">
SELECT * FROM ciudad
<CFQUERY name="hols" datasource="tester">
SELECT * FROM holidays
<!--- UPDATE QUERY --->
<cfif isDefined("FORM.UPDATEADDBTN")>
<cfset isCOMPANYNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.COMPANY)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isSECTORS1Null = iif(len(trim(FORM.SECTORS1)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isRANKINGNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.RANKING)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isPRICENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.PRICE)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isDEPARTMENT1Null = iif(len(trim(FORM.DEPARTMENT1)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isFIRSTNAMENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.FIRSTNAME)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isPOSNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.POS)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isPHONENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.PHONE)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isEMAILNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.EMAIL)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isMOBILENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.MOBILE)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isADDRESSNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.ADDRESS)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isCITYNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.CITY)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isCOMMENTSNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.COMMENTS)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<!--- DATECFM--->
<cfset isMTGTNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.MTGT)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isSTATE1Null = iif(len(trim(FORM.STATE1)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<CFQUERY name="updatecompany" datasource="tester">
update COMPANY
SET COMPANY = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.COMPANY)#" null="#isCOMPANYNull#" />,
   SECTORS1 = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.SECTORS1)#" null="#isSECTORS1Null#" />,
   RANKING = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.RANKING)#" null="#isRANKINGNull#" />,
   PRICE = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.PRICE)#" null="#isPRICENull#" />,
   DEPARTMENT1 = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.DEPARTMENT1)#" null="#isDEPARTMENT1Null#" />,
   FIRSTNAME = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.FIRSTNAME)#" null="#isFIRSTNAMENull#" />,
   POS = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.POS)#" null="#isPOSNull#" />,
   PHONE = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.PHONE)#" null="#isPHONENull#" />,
   EMAIL = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.EMAIL)#" null="#isEMAILNull#" />,
   MOBILE= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.MOBILE)#" null="#isMOBILENull#" />,
   ADDRESS = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.ADDRESS)#" null="#isADDRESSNull#" />,
   CITY = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.CITY)#" null="#isCITYNull#" />,
   COMMENTS = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.COMMENTS)#" null="#isCOMMENTSNull#" />,
   ABUNDANCE = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" value="#MEETINGDATE#" />,
   MTGT = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.MTGT)#" null="#isMTGTNull#" />,
   STATE1 = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.STATE1)#" null="#isSTATE1Null#" />
<CFLOCATION URL="testht.cfm?begin=1">
<cfset isCOMPANYNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.COMPANY)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isSECTORS1Null   = iif(len(trim(FORM.SECTORS1)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isRANKINGNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.RANKING)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isPRICENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.PRICE)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isDEPARTMENT1Null = iif(len(trim(FORM.DEPARTMENT1)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isFIRSTNAMENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.FIRSTNAME)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isPOSNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.POS)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isPHONENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.PHONE)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isEMAILNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.EMAIL)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isMOBILENull = iif(len(trim(FORM.MOBILE)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isADDRESSNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.ADDRESS)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isCITYNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.CITY)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isCOMMENTSNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.COMMENTS)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isMTGTNull = iif(len(trim(FORM.MTGT)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<cfset isSTATE1Null = iif(len(trim(FORM.STATE1)) EQ 0, true, false)>
<!--- DATECFM --->
<CFQUERY name="addcompany" datasource="tester">
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.COMPANY)#" null="#isCOMPANYNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.SECTORS1)#" null="#isSECTORS1Null#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.RANKING)#" null="#isRANKINGNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.PRICE)#" null="#isPRICENull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.DEPARTMENT1)#" null="#isDEPARTMENT1Null#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.FIRSTNAME)#" null="#isFIRSTNAMENull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.POS)#" null="#isPOSNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.PHONE)#" null="#isPHONENull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.EMAIL)#" null="#isEMAILNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.MOBILE)#" null="#isMOBILENull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.ADDRESS)#" null="#isADDRESSNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.CITY)#" null="#isCITYNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.COMMENTS)#" null="#isCOMMENTSNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" value="#MEETINGDATE#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#trim(FORM.MTGT)#" null="#isMTGTNull#" />,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(FORM.STATE1)#" null="#isSTATE1Null#" />
<CFLOCATION URL="testht.cfm?begin=1">
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
<html xmlns=""> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="formst.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<cfdump var=#qnames#>
<cfajaxproxy bind="javascript:myHandler({UsersGrid.COMPANY},{UsersGrid.SECTORS1},{UsersGrid.DEPARTMENT 1})"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function myHandler(COMPANY,SECTORS1,DEPARTMENT1) {
      //update the link's href
      document.getElementById('myLink').href = '' + COMPANY;
      document.getElementById('Linkedin').href = '' + COMPANY;
      //update SECTORS1's selected
      var theField = document.getElementById('SECTORS1');
      for(var i=0; i<theField.options.length; i++) {
          if(theField.options[i].value==SECTORS1) {
              theField.options[i].selected = true;
          } else {
              theField.options[i].selected = false;
<!--- TOP --->
<cfform name="SFORM" FORMAT="html"  width="1000" height="400" style="margin-left:140px;">
<cfgrid name="UsersGrid"
           query="QNAMES" width="920" height="200" rowheaders="No" striperows="yes" striperowcolor="fefefe">
<cfgridcolumn name="RANKING" width="40"header="Rank">
<cfgridcolumn name="COMPANY" width="170" header="Company">
<cfgridcolumn name="FIRSTNAME"  header="Contact Name">
<cfgridcolumn name="POS" width="160" header="Position">
<cfgridcolumn name="DEPARTMENTNOM" width="150" header="Department">
<cfgridcolumn name="SECTORSNOM" width="120" header="Sectors">
<cfgridcolumn name="ABUNDANCE" width="120" header="Action date">
<cfgridcolumn name="SECTORS1" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="PRICE" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="PHONE" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="EMAIL" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="MOBILE" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="ADDRESS" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="CITY" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="COMMENTS" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<cfgridcolumn name="MTGT" width="120" header="Action date" display="no">
<table width="880" class="stat" >
<tr><td><cfoutput>#QNAMES.RecordCount# Companies</cfoutput></td></tr>
<td>Company:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="COMPANY" size="20" label="Company" required="yes"  bind="{UsersGrid.COMPANY}" ></td>
Sector:<cfselect class="input" name="SECTORS1" size="1" label="Sector" required="yes">
<option></option><cfoutput query="industries"><option value="#SECTORSIDS#">#SECTORSNOM#</option></cfoutput></cfselect>
<td>Ranking:<cfinput class="input"  type="TEXT" name="RANKING" size="3" label="Ranking" bind="{UsersGrid.RANKING}" ></td>
<td>Price:<cfinput class="input" type="TEXT" name="PRICE" size="3" label="Price" bind="{UsersGrid.PRICE}" >
<a href="" id="myLink" target="_blank">Google</a>
<a href="" id="Linkedin" target="_blank">Linkedin</a></td>
<td>Department:<cfselect class="input" name="DEPARTMENT1" size="1" label="Department" required="yes">
<option></option><cfoutput query="dNames"><option value="#DEPARTMENTIDS#">#DEPARTMENTNOM#</option></cfoutput></cfselect>
<td>Name:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="FIRSTNAME" label="Name" required="yes" width="150" bind="{UsersGrid.FIRSTNAME}" ></td>
<td>Position:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="POS" label="Position" width="150" bind="{UsersGrid.POS}" ></td>
<td>Phone:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="PHONE" label="Phone" width="150" bind="{UsersGrid.PHONE}" ></td>
<!--- THIRD--->
<tr><td>Email:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="EMAIL" label="Email" width="150" bind="{UsersGrid.EMAIL}" ></td>
<td>Mobile:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="MOBILE" label="Mobile"  bind="{UsersGrid.MOBILE}" ></td>
<td>Address:<cfinput class="input" type="text" name="ADDRESS" label="Address"  bind="{UsersGrid.ADDRESS}" ></td>
<td><cfselect class="input" name="CITY" width="80" size="1" >
<cfoutput query="xity"><option value="#CITYID#">#CITYNOM#</option></cfoutput>
<!--- FOURTH --->
<tr><td>Comments:<cftextarea class="input" name="COMMENTS" height="60"  label="Comments" bind="{UsersGrid.COMMENTS}" /> </td>
<td>Action:<cfinput type="DateField" class="input" size="10" name="ABUNDANCE" label="Action"  bind="{UsersGrid.ABUNDANCE}" ></td>
<td>Time:<cfselect class="input" name="MTGT" width="90" label="Time"><option>7:00AM</option></cfselect></td>
<td><cfselect class="input" name="STATE1"  size="1" label="Action" >
<cfoutput query="salesstep"><option value="#SALESID#">#SALESNOM#</option></cfoutput>
</cfselect>  </td>
<cfinput type="hidden" name="ENTID" label="ENTID" bind="{UsersGrid.ENTID}" >
<tr> <td> 
<cfinput type="submit" name="DELCOM" value="delete" class="button" >
<cfinput type="submit" name="UPDATEADDBTN" value="UPDATE or ADD NEW" class="button"></td>
<cfif isDefined("FORM.DELCOM")>
<CFQUERY name="deletecompany" datasource="tester">
<CFLOCATION URL="testht.cfm">

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    You're most likely dealing with a dynamic XFA form created in LiveCycle Designer. You can open it, click the button, and save it, and it will most likely be 12 pages when next opened, but it depends on how the form is set up. The ability to make edits to an XFA form in Acrobat is very limited, especially for dynamic forms, so things like flattening aren't possible.
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    This is my first time @ this forum.
    I tried to find documentation about this but no luck.
    I am new to Forms. Nevertheless, I know that in order to use key binding in Forms, fmrweb.res file is used. BUT....
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    Let me start by saying "Welcome to the Oracle Forums" and more specifically to "Forms". Before going much further, I would recommend that you review the following page as it will help you to get the most valuable replies possible.
    As for what you are asking, I am guessing that there is a more specific, underlying question you are asking. Is how Forms capturing key strokes internall really important? What are you trying to accomplish? The simple answer from a fairly high level is that the java client applet (frmall.jar) monitors for client activity (mouse clicks, keyboard actions, etc) and sends that information to the server. It is the Forms runtime process (frmweb) which is running on the mid tier that reacts (as required) to that event. So, it is the runtime process using the resource file and not the client. Also, you referred to frmwebutil.jar and jacob.jar. These files are only used for WebUtil enabled forms. The only file required for all applications is frmall.jar
    If your real question is, how to I doing something in my application as a result of a particular key press, then the answer to most of that is in the comments listed in fmrweb.res. Here is one example of how it works.
    Let say you wanted to have your app do something custom when F2 is pressed. In fmrweb.res, assign F2 is assigned to Forms function. Specifically a custom function. This would be one of the ones shown as "Function X". You can choose any one you like as these are not related to the key. In other words, the key F2 has no direct relationship with "Function 2" unless you decide to set it up that way. "Function 2" refers to the trigger in your form. So let's related the F2 key with Function 6. You entry in fmrweb.res would look something like this: 113  : 0 : "F2"  : 88 : "Function 6" Here's how this entry works:
    <blockquote>1. The 113 directly relates to the java awt key event 113
    2. The 0 indicates that no modifiers are to be included. This means that the only key pressed will be F2. There will be no Shift, Control, etc
    3. The next entry ("F2") is what is displayed when "Show Keys" is displayed from your form's help.
    4. The 88 is the internal ID number used by Forms which relates to an event. In this case, 88 refers to Function 6 or in other words, a KEY-F6 trigger in your form.
    5. The last entry is the description of what the key does. In other words, item 3 above indicates which key to press (to the user) and this entry explains what it does or represents. So in this case, you can change the wording "Function 6" to whatever you'd like.</blockquote>
    Again, most of this is explained in the comments of fmrweb.res although I understand it can be confusing.
    This to remember:
    <blockquote><li>You cannot have duplicate java events (with modifier). So be careful, if you duplicate an entry, likely nothing will happen. You can duplicate a java event so long as it has a modifier different from other similar entries. In other words, you can have a F2, Shift+F2, etc
    <li>Some keys are restricted by the OS and cannot be overridden. Exactly which ones will depend on your client OS and version. For example, on most Windows versions, you will not be able to override F1 however in some cases it may work. It will just depend on exactly which version you are using.</blockquote>

  • cfselect with bind to cfc works but is followed by 500 Jrun javax.servlet.ServletException

    This is driving me crazy. 
    I have a CFC with a function that returns countries via remote as JSON with the // prefix as Cold Fusion is configured.
    I call it with the following url ollection={}&_cf_nodebug=true&_cf_nocache=true
    It returns countries according to the Cold Fusion specs (just imagine it returning all countries, didn't want to paste it all the countries here).
    //[[0.0,"Please select a country..."],["US","UNITED STATES"],["CA","CANADA"]] 
    I bind a <cfselect for countrycode to this CFC and it works about 30% of the time.
    Here is the <cfselect
    <cfselect name="CountryCode" id="spanCountryCode" bind="cfc:getCountriesAndStates.getCountries()" bindonload="true"  onChange="DEdetermineTohide(, '1')" onKeyUp="DEdetermineTohide(, '1')">   
    It has a second function that returns the States with a CountryCode as the argument. 
    I call it with the follow url
    /getCountriesAndStates.cfc?method=getStateProvince&returnFormat=json&argumentCollection={" countrycode":"US"}&_cf_nodebug=true&_cf_nocache=true
    It returns states according to the old Fusion specs (just imagine it returning all the states, didn't want to paste all the states here.)
    //[[0.0,"Please select a state..."],["AL","ALABAMA"],["AK","ALASKA"]]
    I bind a <cfselect to this CFC with the countrycode as an argument and it populates the states for the countrycoe about 30% of the time.  It fails when the getCountries call fails.
    Here is the State <cfselect
    <cfselect name="StateCode" bind="cfc:getCountriesAndStates.getStateProvince({CountryCode})">
    I have a third funtion that returns whether or not the country selected has States and Zip Codes.  I call this function from a seperate javascript script included in the header and fired from the <cfselect name="CountryCode for onChange or onKeyUp.  It basically determines whether or not to show or hide both the State or Zip span but calls the CFC so that I can encapsulate everything in one place.  So the state and zip span with <cfselect and <cfinput appear and disappear based on the information about the country and state and the labels can change too from State to Province and from Zip to Postal Code etc...
    /getCountriesAndStates.cfc?method=getStateZipMetaData&returnFormat=json&argumentCollection ={"countrycode":"US"}&_cf_nodebug=true&_cf_nocache=true
    Ok, so I hope I have described enough about what I am doing.  This works about 30% of the time and fails about 70% of the time.  Flawlessly.  Sometimes it works for hours.  But eventually for some reason AFTER a perfectly good JSON response is returned from Cold Fusion, the Cold Fusion server starts following the JSON response with a 500 Serverlet Exception error.  This happesn on all function calls until I reboot my machine.
    It is driving me mad and making me start to reconsider whether or not I want to use CFForm binding.  It seems like a nice elegant solution that really simplifies and reduces the amount of javascript I have to write, but I can't go to production with forms that produce 500 server errors.
    Anyone have any ideas on what is going on?  If this is a bug?
    Should I just stay away from <cfform binding?
    Please help because it is driving me really crazy.
    My platform information is below.
    About 70% of the time it returns all the countries followed by a 500 Servlet Exception error.
         at coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCServlet.invoke(
         at coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
         at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
         at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter(
         at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
         at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
         at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(
         at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
         at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
         at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(
         at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(
         at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(
         at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(
         at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(
    Platform details
    Server Product
    Operating System
    Windows XP 
    OS Version
    Adobe Driver Version
    4.0 (Build 0005) 
    JVM Details
    Java Version
    Java Vendor
    Sun Microsystems Inc. 
    Java Vendor URL 
    Java Home
    CF9 Update 1
    Apache 2.2
    Database MS-SQL Express

    Ok, so I think I answered this for myself.  This may be ignorant.  Whatever.  I haven't programmed CF in over 10 years and just started again a month ago, so I think advanced CFC and javascript is a lot.
    I seperated my CFC into a directory with a Alias mapping under Apache and a CF Mapping from CFIDE
    I trimmed down the application.cfc
    It was
    <cfset This.clientstorage="Cookie">
    That was causing the remoting CFC's to return a 500 Jrun Servlet Error
    I am just going to keep my remote CFC's seperate from the rest of my application anyway because they need a different type of security schema.
    So, if anyone struggles with this.  I recommend just put your remotely accessd CFC's in a seperate virtual directory mapped from your webserver and CF and lock them down both with a trimmed down application.cfc and some kind of security.
    They also seem to run much faster now combined with my other Ajax and Javascript.

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  • Creating a form with WebDB - how should I start ?

    Since I am a beginner in this area and nobody can help me at the office (but deadline is very close:) I hope somebody can help me at this forum..
    So my problem is the followng:
    I have a table 'Entity' with columns:
    - ID// Name// Version// PreVersion and so on...
    There is already implemented a form for Defining new entity. That form introduces Version = '1.1-0' (by default) and PreVersion = 'N/A' (by default), and of course Name and others are introduced by end user.
    Now I have to implement a form for creating a new version from a specific Name and from an existing version (of course at the beginning there will exist only versions 1.1-0)
    So I don't have idea at the moment which kind of form should I start with: forms on stored procedures or forms on tables/views or other type ?
    The form should work in the following way:
    when user executes it, he/she must give the Name and Version (from which new version must be created) and then a new row must be inserted with values copied from previous row (or if it's easier with NULL values); BUT Version of the new row must be a value entered by end user and PreVersion of new row must be the value of Version of the modified (previous) row.
    For me it's difficult to imagine how can I solve a kind of parametrization in the form. I mean let say I have two columns in the form definition: Ent_name and Version where user gives the searching criteria i.e. Version and Name value of the row which must be modified, but how can I refference them in a SQL code let say added for example in 'Advanced PL/SQL Code' menu of form definition ?
    I would appreciate any good idea just to give me a kick in what way sould I start ...

    You can reference the columns in the additional plsql code using session variables. All the columns are referred with 'A_' prefixed to the name of the column. You can make use of p_session.get_value_as_<datatype> to get values and p_session.set_value to assign values to these columns.
    Here is an example
    flightno number;
    ticketno varchar2(30);
    tdate date;
    persons number;
    blk varchar2(10) := 'DEFAULT';
    flightno := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_FLIGHT_NO');
    ticketno := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TICKET_NO');
    tdate := p_session.get_value_as_date(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TRAVEL_DATE');
    persons := p_session.get_value_as_number(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_NOF_PERSONS');
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_FLIGHTNO',
    p_value => to_char(NULL)
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TICKETNO',
    p_value => to_char(NULL)
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TRAVEL_DATE',
    p_value => to_char(NULL)
    Hope this helps.

  • How Adobe Print Forms work?

    Hi All,
    Please could anybody tell me wich is the procedure so as to create Print Forms with ABAP and what i need to achive it?
    I understand that i have to create first in transaction sfp
    1. create a interface where i must import the data i want to bind in Adobe form
    2. create a form where i must include the above interface
    and there i have to map the data in the context which i bind in the Adobe form
    3.In the layout i open the Designer where i create the PDF form
    The question is:
      This procedure is right or what else can i do?
      Do i need ADS installation for this?
      How can i run the form? I push when i created the form the Test(f8) button is there where i must run it?
      Do i have  to write a Application Programm and were can i write it and how i call it in the interface?
    Do i need sth else?
    I am talking for printing form.
    I am new in this technology and Sap so i will appreciate if you help me.

    Thank you very much Francois ,
    I appreciate your help.
    Yes i did found some examples FP_.
    This is the Application Program?
    As i can this programm call the form yes.
    I can see that these program has some code equal to all programs?
    Something like
    1.* First get name of the generated function module
      call function 'FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
    2.* Now call the generated function module
      call function fm_name function 'FP_JOB_OPEN'
    4.* Close spool job
      call function 'FP_JOB_CLOSE'
    All the FP_  programms must have this functions?
    I had this error when i tried to run the project
    Call contained error(s): ADS (2)
    Message no. FPRUNX003
    Maybe this is because i must install the ADS?
    How can i understand if the ADS is installed to my system?
    If you have any tutorial where i can find ADS and how i can install it will help me.
    Also, what do you mean
    " if you'll need interactive forms later on you'll have to register a credential."?
    Thank you Francois!

  • I upgraded Safari in my Mac (10.6.8 Leopard) but the new version does not work with my system so that I now have not a working browser. How can I solve the problem and/or install back my previous Safari version?

    I have upgraded Safari in my Mac, but the new Safari does not work with my system. So I find myself without any working browser. How can I solve this problem and/or install my previous Safari version?

    Reinstall Safari 5.1.10 for OS X 10.6.8: Might do the trick.
    But, frankly, I don't think that simply reinstalling the old Safari will work because of all the peripheral, under the hood changes that happen when you upgrade from one version of Safari to another. Reinstalling 5.1.10 may be insufficient to turn back the clock. (This is the moment where a Time Machine or another form of full backup would save your bacon.)
    While you're getting a copy of Safari 5.1.10, get a copy of Firefox (, too, so that you have an alternate browser to use as you're sorting matters.

  • Error Code with Livecycle forms, when opened online - how do I fix this?

    Could you please tell me how to fix issue where when I make my forms available online, they open up with an error code?  I provide a link to a file, and when the user opens the file, it says there was an error - about a paragraph of text.  If they save the file, and then open again in Adobe Reader, it works fine.  But most of the time they think the file is corrupt, and don't want to download and save it to their computer.  Below is a screenshot of the problem, and it only happens when I open the file online.  And, I have already upgraded to the most recent version of Adobe, so why does this happen?

    Oh, I found a great instruction page at Configure browser to use the Adobe PDF plug-in  That worked!  Thank you!

  • I have registered on my PC two devices iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 4 now I am using only the iPhone 5. I have two different apple ID`s and yesterday I have FB update and from app store wanted to sign in with the ID form iPod Touch 4 how to fix it?

    I have registered on my PC two devices iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 4 now I am using only the iPhone 5. I have two different apple ID`s and yesterday I have FB update and from app store wanted to sign in with the ID form iPod Touch 4 how to fix it? I want to use my current Apple ID not the old one. Regards!

    Try this
    Hope it helps.

  • How to configure RZ12  and SM59 ABAP connection settings when we have work with Load Balancing servers rather than a specific server .

    Hi ,
    If we have a specific server say ( on which we are working, Then under RZ12 we make the following entry  as :
    parallel_generators         ( Lets assume : The instance number is 10 )
    Now in SM59 under ABAP Connections , I am giving the following technical settings:
    IP address        
    Instance number          10
    Now if we have a scenario of load balancing servers with following server details (with all servers on different instance numbers ) :
    In this case how can we make the RZ12 settings and SM59 settings such that we don't have to hardcode any IP Address.
    If the request is redirected to and not to , in that case how will the settings be.

    No one using FMS behind a load balancer? No one using RTMPT?

  • I have forgotten my appleID password and the email it is linked to is deactivated, security questions aren't working. This is on my iPhone and iTunes acs so I can't sync with my new computer. How do I merge AppleID accounts and shut down the old one?

    I have forgotten my appleID password and the email it is linked to is deactivated, security questions aren't working. This is on my iPhone and iTunes acs so I can't sync with my new computer. How do I merge AppleID accounts and shut down the old one (when I have no password and the security questions aren't working?)

    You cannot merge Apple ID accounts, that has never been supported.
    You can contact the Apple ID Security folks per the listing in and they can help reset security questions and get the account working.

  • I cannot locate my cs6 redemption code and I just purchased a new computer because my old one doesn't work anymore. How can I get my photoshop on this computer? All my other products are registerd with a serial number

    I cannot locate my cs6 redemption code and I just purchased a new computer because my old one doesn't work anymore. How can I get my photoshop on this computer? All my other products are registerd with a serial number

    The activation servers for CS and CS2 stopped working and were taken down. You'll need to take a look at this link for your issue: ml

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