BIS GMail Bug!

Like many people I had a problem (recent) adding my gmail account to my Blackberry.
When setting it up on the BB the error message pop-up was "Update Failed" after entering my username and password.
When trying to set it up via the Digicel BIS I got an invalid username/password error.
I tried the CAPTCHA workaround, to no avail.
I tried disabling Advanced IMAP in my GMail account, still no progress.
I tried adding a different GMail account that I used to administer a club website and that worked flawlessly!
So, something specific about my own GMail account.
After much trial and error I tried entering my GMail account without the "." that separates my first and last name.  And voila!  It lets me in.
However there are still issues.  It won't find my Google Calendar since that seems to insist on identifying itself with the "." in the email address, and likewise it can't sync my Contacts.
So there is clearly a BIS/GMAIL bug handling a "." in an email address (before the of course!)
So who do we yell at to get that fixed?  It's a stupid bug that was introduced recently as I had previously used my GMail account (period and all) on the same Blackberry and it worked fine.

mikeszeller wrote:
So who do we yell at to get that fixed? 
Since your post basically boils down to this question, here's the answer. All formal support for BB's is provided by the carriers and authorized resellers. Therefore, that would be the proper channel for pursuing your chosen course of action (though I can only wonder how they will take to getting yelled at).
Good luck!
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    Happy friday,
    Go to Solution.

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    12345 Sesame Street
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    Message was edited by: wyattisimo

    You are not alone!
    I use mobileme to sync my contacts data, as opposed to gmail... so I am unable to provide advice.
    However a quick search on here shows that you are not the lone ranger:
    Browse some of those pages mate and see if there are any resolutions that will work for you.

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    It's very annoying now, why am I paying only for the BBM. I need email connectivity as well.
    Can anyone please help.

    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Did you do this sequence?
    Check setting are correct in Google.
    Delete the Google account from the BB.
    Recreate the BIS Gmail account., then logout.
    On the BB go to options advanced options, Host Routing Tables, click to enter. DO NOT click on any listing.
    Press menu key, and select register now.
    You will get a registration message. Then go to email settings and send service books.
    Some models like the Curve 8330 and Pearl require logging into the carriers BIS site
    via PC.
    You will get an verification email for your gmail account.
    Verify the device and Gmail are working.
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • UIDFolder.getMessageByUID(UIDFolder.LASTUID) throws A4 BAD Could not parse

    I get a Folder from an imap store like this
              Properties props = System.getProperties();
              props.setProperty("", "imaps");
              Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
              Store store = session.getStore("imaps");
              store.connect("", USER_NAME, PASSWORD);
              Folder folder = store.getFolder(folderName);
    Then I try to get the newest message in the folder:
              UIDFolder uidFolder = ((UIDFolder) folder);
              Message lastMessage = ((UIDFolder) folder).getMessageByUID(UIDFolder.LASTUID);
    The last line throws this Exception:
    javax.mail.MessagingException: A4 BAD Could not parse command;
    nested exception is:
         com.sun.mail.iap.BadCommandException: A4 BAD Could not parse command
         at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder.getMessageByUID(
         at com.clipper.metadata.mail.provider.Gmail.downloadRwdFilesFromLastMessage(
         at com.clipper.metadata.mail.provider.Gmail.main(
    Caused by: com.sun.mail.iap.BadCommandException: A4 BAD Could not parse command
         at com.sun.mail.iap.Protocol.handleResult(
         at com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.IMAPProtocol.fetchSequenceNumber(
         at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder.getMessageByUID(
         ... 2 more
    Google turns up nothing for this Exception message.
    Has anyone else seen this?

    Could be a Gmail bug.
    What version of JavaMail are you using?
    Can you add "session.setDebug(true);" and post the protocol trace showing
    what command is causing the exception?
    Also, be sure to read the JavaMail FAQ entries about Gmail.
    Finally, you probably want to use Session.getInstance instead of Session.getDefaultInstance,
    although it has nothing to do with this problem.

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    Ich nutze ein MacBookPro Early 2011 auf dem Yosemite läuft.

    Schwierig Vorstellbar, dass das Problem ausschließlich bei mir Auftritt.
    Wir hatten hier schon mehrere Berichte, dass das neue RAW update dieses Problem verursacht hat.
    Du könntest versuchen, ob es einen Unterschied macht, wenn du den Update direkt herunterlädtst anstelle ihn vom AppStore zu installieren:
    Hier ist die Software Update Seite:  Digital Camera RAW Compatibility 6.01
    Ansonsten bleibe bei Version RAW Camera Update 5.07, bis diese Bug durch einen neuen Update behoben wurde  (Re: Aperture crashes after launch despite rebuild).

  • My Icloud account is not receiving mail on my mac laptop.

    Hey Mac wizards,
    I am trying desperately to receive mail on my mac just randomly stopped working.
    I have looked online, changed configuration but just can't seem to do it.
    Can anyone help me out please?

    Mavericks 10.9
    Mail: Version 7.0 (1822)
    gmail IMAP
    Inbox on my Mail Desktop does NOT match what iphone, ipad, or web mail shows. Because it is NOT getting mail or syncing. Still doesn't when I hit the get mail button, get new mail, get all new mail etc.
    Connection doctor says gmail IMAP is green.
    Troubleshooting already performed: Restarted mail. Rebooted computer. Deleted gmail account and re-added it ... TWICE. Downloaded and installed new mail app (which was acually the same one I already had). Spent an hour on the phone with Mac support.
    How can you act like this isn't a WELL known problem: 481/ in-mavericks.html address-gmail-issues/
    Most of these talk about a fix. I updated by Mail and it is NOT fixed.

  • "Invalid Account. Please Validate"

    I recently had my storm replaced due to an issue with the female connection with the wall charger (it wasn't accepting my car charger or my wall charger.) I am having trouble setting up my gmail account on my phone. I cannot receive emails on my gmail account, and when I go to Email Setup, I get "Invalid Account. Please Validate" in red under my gmail account, and requires my email password again. I type in my password and get 'The application has encountered an error and cannot continue.' (Keep in mind that I have done a battery pull more than once) I figured I might go around this hiccup by going to and delete the account and add it again there. I successfully deleted it, then upon adding the email I got "user name or password is invalid, if this problem persists please contact your provider (gmail)" but after a few tries I got it added again, but still having the same invalid account problem on my storm..Any suggestions?
    BTW my yahoo account is working just fine..
    Sorry if that was difficult to understand..
    Go to Solution.

    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Did you do this sequence?
    Check setting are correct in Google.
    Delete the Google account from the BB.
    Recreate the BIS Gmail account., then logout.
    On the BB go to options advanced options, Host Routing Tables, click to enter. DO NOT click on any listing.
    Press menu key, and select register now.
    You will get a registration message. Then go to email settings and send service books.
    Some models like the Curve 8330 and Pearl require logging into the carriers BIS site
    via PC.
    You will get an verification email for your gmail account.
    Verify the device and Gmail are working.
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • Email being sent as Gibberish

    Encountered a strange problem recently, emails sent from a Corp Email address to a particular Hotmail recipient received as Junk.
    Handheld: BlackBerry 8900 (Generic) with Latest OS
    Network:    Etisalat, UAE
    BES:          Corporate Email ID (BES)
    BIS:            Gmail (BIS)
    Handheld:  BlackBerry 9000 (Generic) with latest OS 
    Network:    Orange, USA
    BIS:            Hotmail (BIS)
    Sender sends an email from Gmail (BIS) to recipient to his Hotmail Address, it's received fine i.e.. Readable.
    Send sends an email from the Corporate Email Address (BES), Recipient receives garbage.
    Whereas, if the sender sends an email from the Outlook from the same Corporate Address to the recipient it's received as normal.
    Another users on the same Corporate BES sends an email to the same hotmail address for recipient it's received fine. 
    Already tried the following
    1. Deleted the Stored Contact & all the emails (to / from) the recipient.
    2. Fresh Enterprise Activation (without restoring the backup)
    3. Changed the 8900 with a Brand New 8900
    Result: Issue still persists.
    Interestingly, all other communication to all other addresses is OK.
    Has anyone seen this issue before ? Any recommendations ?

    I have previously had to modify a user's entry in the AWL file for the same reason (user forwarding to junkmail account rather than redirecting). What started as an answer for this forum got a bit big and so I've stuck it up on my web site (hope this is ok for forum)... utowhitelist-file-in-105-panther-server.html
    snappy little page title
    Basically there is a problem with the location of the active auto-whitelist file in that it is not in amavisd's home folder (set by 10.5 in /var/virusmails), so it is not accessible by running the required spamassassin commands under sudo -H -u amavisd since this uses the wrong location. A work-a-round is necessary. If anyone can see another way to address this, I'd be obliged to hear about it.

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