Bizarre display/UI behavior scripting Entourage 2004

Hello, Everyone!
I’ve been working on this script a long time... it is designed to be used with Microsoft Entourage. In order to slim down the email database size, it saves attachments in a specified path (~/Documents/Archived Attachments/[current year]/[current date]), links the email to the newly saved version of the attachment, and then finally (assuming the save was successful) deletes the attachment from the email. I have a nearly identical version working with the older version of Entourage (version X), and it runs fine (mostly). However, this one, for the 2004 version of Entourage, has a really strange issue, which I can not figure out:
As the script is running, even though no windows are told to open (in fact, the script closes ever Entourage window before it begins the archiving procedure), little portions of message windows start appearing here, there & everywhere on the screen. Not complete windows, just small pieces of windows. You can not close them by any normal means, as they are not normal windows. The only way I’ve found to get rid of all these little window pieces that show up is to use Exposé. Hit F9, then F9 again, and all the artifacts that were there are gone... but new ones show up shortly again.
The code is below... and it is a ‘SAFE’ version. That is, the line where the script deletes attachments from your email is commented out, just in case anyone would be willing to try out the script to help me out. If you do, please do make a backup copy of your current Entourage identity, just in case, though I can say I’ve done extensive testing and have never had a lost/damaged email, attachment, database, or what have you.
Can anyone tell me what I’m missing?
Thanks so much!
Features to add:
Link archived attachment(s) to the message it came from. **DONE**
Progress box (better yet, a bar) with constantly updating attachment count.
1) Throughout script, fragments of message windows appear for no apparent reason!
Pre-Production Changes:
1) Set duration before attachments are archived (6 months?)
display dialog "Entourage is about to archive your attachments. You may continue working in other applications, but it is best if you can avoid using Entourage." & return & return & "Another message like this one will come up when the archiving process is complete." buttons {"Go!"} default button 1
--declaration of global variables:
global totalAttachmentCount
--We're starting at 0 attachments archived.
set totalAttachmentCount to 0
--Generate the appropriate path to save attachments in:
set svPath to createSavePath()
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
close every window
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Error: Failed close every window command." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
set outerFolders to every folder
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Error: Failure to set outerFolders to every folder." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
set outerFolderCount to (count outerFolders)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Error: Failure to set outerFolderCount to (count outerFolders)." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
set todaysDate to (current date)
my archiveandsave(svPath, outerFolders, outerFolderCount, todaysDate) --Main routine call
set doneDate to (current date)
set timeToRun to (doneDate - todaysDate)
display dialog "All done!" & return & return & totalAttachmentCount & " attachments were archived in just " & timeToRun & " seconds." buttons {"Killer"} default button 1 with title "Spyder Attachment Archiver"
open main window
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Error: Failure in archiveandsave sub call." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
end tell
on archiveandsave(savePath, outsideFolders, outsideFolderCount, todaysDate)
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
repeat with i from outsideFolderCount to 1 by -1
set theFolder to item i of outsideFolders
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure to set theFolder to item i of outsideFolders." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
my extract_attachments(theFolder, savePath, todaysDate)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure in extract_attachments call." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
end repeat
end tell
end archiveandsave
on extract_attachments(thisFolder, save2Path, todaysDate)
set bogusPath to save2Path & "BOGUS:"
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set thisFolderCount to (count folders of thisFolder)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Error - unable to set thisFolderCount to (count folders of thisFolder). Setting folder count to 0." & return & errMsg & return & errNum & return & "Folder Name: " & (name of thisFolder)
set thisFolderCount to 0
end try
if thisFolderCount is greater than 0 then
set innerList to every folder of thisFolder
set innerListCount to (count innerList)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failed to set innerList to every folder of thisFolder, or to set innerListCount to (count innerList)." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
repeat with m from innerListCount to 1 by -1
set innerFolder to item m of innerList
my extract_attachments(innerFolder, save2Path, todaysDate)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure in recursive extract_attachments call." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
end repeat
end if
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure in repeat digging into folders, recursively calling extract_attachments subroutine." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
set folderMsgs to every message of thisFolder
set messagesCount to (count messages of thisFolder)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure to set folderMsgs to every message of thisFolder." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
repeat with k from messagesCount to 1 by -1
set thisMsg to item k of folderMsgs
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure to set thisMsg to item k of folderMsgs." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
set howOldIsIt to ((time received) of thisMsg)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure to set howOldIsIt to ((time received) of thisMsg)." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
set howOldIsIt to ((time sent) of thisMsg)
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure to set howOldIsIt to ((time sent) of thisMsg)." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
set howOldIsIt to current date
end try
end try
set attachmentCount to (count attachments of thisMsg)
on error errMsg number errNum
set attachmentCount to 0
display alert "Failure to set attachmnetCount to (count attachments of thisMsg). Setting attachment count to 0." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
if (attachmentCount is greater than 0) and ((((current date) - (howOldIsIt))) > (minutes * 6)) then
set msgAttachments to every attachment of thisMsg
end try
repeat with l from attachmentCount to 1 by -1
set thisAttachment to item l of msgAttachments
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure to set thisAttachment to item l of msgAttachments." & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
save thisAttachment in bogusPath
set totalAttachmentCount to totalAttachmentCount + 1
set attachName to name of thisAttachment
set safeAttachName to my replacecolons(attachName)
set newFileLocation to (save2Path & safeAttachName)
link thisMsg to alias (newFileLocation)
--Below is the DELETE ATTACHMENT line... please un-comment this for real use.
--delete thisAttachment
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failed to save thisAttachment in bogusPath." & return & "Message: " & (name of thisMsg) & return & "Attachment: " & (name of thisAttachment) & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
set thisAttachment to null
end repeat
end if
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure:" & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
end repeat
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert "Failure:" & return & errMsg & return & errNum
end try
end tell
end extract_attachments
--This subroutine simply creates and returns the path for saving attachments to
on createSavePath()
set todaysDate to (current date)
--Format months for save path
if (month of (todaysDate) as integer) < 10 then
set theMonth to 0 & (month of (todaysDate) as integer) as Unicode text
set theMonth to (month of (todaysDate) as integer) as Unicode text
end if
set theDay to day of (todaysDate) as Unicode text
set theYear to year of (todaysDate) as Unicode text
set theDate to ((theYear) & "_" & (theMonth) & "_" & (theDay)) as Unicode text
-- Try to create Archived Attachments folder, simply fails out if it already exists.
set docsPath to (path to documents folder)
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at docsPath with properties {name:"Archived Attachments"}
end tell
end try
--Create a folder for the year
do shell script "mkdir ~/Documents/Archived\\ Attachments/" & theYear
end try
--Create a folder for today's archive.
do shell script "mkdir ~/Documents/Archived\\ Attachments/" & theYear & "/" & theDate
end try
set svPath to ((docsPath as text) & "Archived Attachments:" & theYear & ":" & theDate & ":") as text
return svPath
end createSavePath
--This routine borrowed from Paul Berkowitz's 'Save Attachments 2004'
to replacecolons(someText)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
set textItems to text items of someText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"-"}
set someText to textItems as Unicode text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"/"}
set textItems to text items of someText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"-"}
set someText to textItems as Unicode text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
return someText
end replacecolons
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
MacBook Core Duo (2GHz)   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    i do not have the solution but there is some thigs that can help.
    You can use "Run\Stack Trace"(CVI/IDE menu) to check the way of program flow to actual (break) point.This can be useful to check if Ring callbak is called in time when your plot function i s already in run(assuming you call ProcessSystemEvents() or similar)
  When you found where problem is, you can eventualy protect you function or callback to be called in only one instance by something like this:   (not multithread safe)
void func()
static int runonce=0;
if (runonce!=0)return;
//... some code
//... some code
   be careful to insert runonce=0; before any return; in function;
Two tips about changed value of Ring:
    a)if control callback return value 1 , some event is swallowed and control change its value back like before the user click.
    b)maybe on some other place in program you call SetCtrlVal/SetCtrlAttribute with wrong panel handle/control value
       It seems to me that you use "Tab" control, maybe it is related to it, do you corectly get panel handle by GetPanelHandleFromTabPage on all places?

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    My copy of Entourage 2004 (version 11.2.5 (060620)) will print attached PDF files when I print out an email. I've found when printing that I need to turn on the option to "Print Pictures". It seems to scale them to fit the paper size, so I'm not sure how you could script sending it to different printers based on size.
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    You can get iMagine Photo from and the best part is that it's free.
    Hope that helps,

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    The best way is through an exchange server. If you don't have access to one, then there are two more options from the site mentioned above (
    "Other options to convert your Outlook mail into the MBOX format.
    Use Mozilla Mail. See Dave Riches tutorial here
    Use Paul Berkowitz's Export-Import Scripts download here"

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    400 notes), again categorized?
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    Think Better, Apple. If you're trying to get us to use your platform, document how to make the switch.

    Hey Kevin, sorry for the deafening silence. I can trade you two possible solutions for your secret elegant solution, how about that?
    It turns out I have done the exact same thing you've done: I'm going from Entourage 2004/Treo 680 to Apple apps/Toodledo/iPhone. (Getting rid of Entourage altogether has more to do with the difficulty of using Entourage for my small business on the Mac than the iPhone switch.)
    So, there are 2 Applescripts available that deal with moving contact groups and categories to the Mac Address Book.
    The first is a script from Paul Berkowitz called Sync-Entourage Address Book. This script was developed before Microsoft turned on Sync Services within Entourage, and was intended to fill that gap. It purportedly can copy over contacts, categories and groups from Entourage to Address Book. It has special features for handling both categories and groups simultaneously. The latest version available is from Feb. 2006, and purports to work with Panther and Tiger, but there's no info on whether it works with Leopard. Also, there's no telling whether it will work simultaneously with Apple sync services. (I would guess not.) Berkowitz is not answering emails or responding in Microsoft forums anymore; according to one of the other Entourage MVPs, he is too busy with his day job, so this is apparently all the information there is. If you want to take a chance, the script is here: templatefn=FileSharing.html
    There is another (free!) Applescript from a guy named Jon Nathan called Sync Entourage & AB Groups, that syncs Groups only. It is designed to work with Apple Sync Services, and Nathan has written me that it is up-to-date and does work with Leopard. He also wrote me that you can get an idea of how long it will take in this fashion:
    "If you open the script in the Script Editor, switch to the "Event Log" tab
    at the bottom of the script window, then run the script from here by
    clicking the "Run" button, you can watch in real time as it processes your
    contacts and you can get a sense of how long it will take to process your
    contacts. This will take some time with that many contacts & groups so it's
    probably best to run it while you can do something else like eat lunch."
    Nathan's script is available here:
    So, some answers to your questions about note exporting from Entourage:
    For tasks and notes, I decided to use two iPhone apps from a company called Appigo: Todo and Notebook. Both apps store tasks and notes locally on the iPhone, interact with each other, and can sync to a Web service called Toodledo. Toodledo can import CSV files to their (under-featured, hopefully to be improved) Web notebook, and from there, you can bring them into Notebook on the iPhone. (Notebook works great on the iPhone and you will be loving it a lot more that the Memo app on your Palm, trust me.) In Toodledo, Todo and Notebook, you use folders in place of the categories you had in Entourage, for both tasks and notes.
    Unfortunately, I had a very frustrating time getting my 300+ notes out of Entourage using Berkowitz's import-export scripts, but I did figure it out, and can save you some time if your interested. (You will need TextWrangler in addition to the Berkowitz scripts.)
    As far as tasks go, I only have about 30, so it was no big deal to enter them by hand in Toodledo and bring them onto the iPhone with Todo. (FYI, Toodledo's basic Web service is free, you pay an annual subscription fee if you want your stuff encrypted on their servers.)
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    Further testing has implicated the use of the Yosemite San Francisco Font from 'wellsriley' at GitHub. Placing the display version of the font into the ~/Library/Fonts folder will trigger the problem. Removing the font will immediately end the problem.
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    I have a requirement i need to display text in script as same as text displayed in news paper
    with out creating any windows. iie ( Abcdef should be in one cloum after some space i need to display 1234)
    please let me know how can i achieve this
    hi abcdef           12345
        abcedf          12345
    abcedf            12345
    Edited by: suribabu124 on Jun 15, 2010 7:55 AM

    If you need to print a form like news paper you need go for multiple main windows.We know that we can use 99 main windows in one page.first create one main window and then leave a space then create one more window and select window type as mainwindow.
    while populating data,after completion of one main window the control will move to next main window,which is in the same page.
    Like this you need to analyse and code according to your requirement.

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    Message was edited by: GGPP

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    I found the problem. I didn't check the box 'Require authentication' under the tab LDAP - Global Address List.

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    Anyone have experience with this?

    Security Update 2012-001 Bricks Rosetta programs
    I've outlined the restore proceedure here, it covers a lot of bases and explains what is going to occur so please don't be intimidated it's a LOT easier that it appears.
    Take your time and comprehend the steps involved and you'll be backup up like before in short order.
    Restore method.
    #1 Backup your personal data off the machine.
    Backup files off the computer (not to TimeMachine). If you don't have a external drive, get one and connect to the USB/Firewire port and simply drag and drop copy your User folder to the external drive, it will copy all your files. It's best to have two backups of your data off the machine when trying to restore.
    Disconnect all drives now to prevent any mistakes from occuring.
    #2 Try Restoring from a TimeMachine or hold option bootable clone
    If you have TimeMachine drive, or a hold the option key bootable clone use that to erase and restore from before the Security Update occured.
    Obviously if you didn't make a recent backup before the update, your going to have to skip to Step #3.
    Note: A TM restore can take a awfully long time, a clone restore takes under 2 hours in most cases.
    If you don't know how to restore from TM drive
    #3 Reinstall OS X 10.6 from disk
    If no recent TM or bootable clone then:
    Get out your 10.6 install disk and make sure it's clean and polished (very soft cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol, no scratches) If your disk is borked, you'll have to order a new one from Apple with your serial number.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6 disk (wired keyboard, internal optical drive), use Disk Utility First Aid to >Repair Disk and Permissions  (do not format or erase!!), Quit DU and simply re-install 10.6.
    Note: Simply reinstalling 10.6 version from disk (without erasing the drive) only replaces 10.6.8 with 10.6.x and bundled Apple programs, won't touch your files (backup anyway)  or most programs, unless they installed a kext file into OS X itself. (only a few on average do this)
    Note: If Disk Uitlity can't repair the drive, then come back to seek further assistance and make sure you have a copy of your data off the machine.
    #4 Update to 10.6.8 without Security Update 2012-001
    Reboot and log in, update to 10.6.8 via Software Update, but EXCLUDE THE Security Update 2012-001 by checkinig the details and unchecking the blue check box.
    #5 Reinstall any non-working third party programs
    When you reboot, make sure to reinstall any programs that require kext files installed into OS X, you'll know, they won't work when you launch them or hang for some reason.
    If for some freakish reason you get gray screen at any time when booting (possible it might occur when you reinstall older programs), hold the shift key down while booting (Safe Mode, disables kext files) and update your installed third party software so it's compatible with 10.6.8.
    Note: For most users likley Step #3 and #4 is likley all that is needed to be done.
    That's it really.
    Further Reading:
    Learn how to have a OS X drive restore ability using TimeMachine or cloning software
    Learn how to clone your entire OS X boot here
    TimeMachine  help here
    Make copies of your original Snow Leopard
    Learn how to make a bootable SL USB thumb drive
    Deciding on upgrading to Lion?
    Learn which programs ARE NOT compatible/updated for Lion, Rosetta programs will not run on Lion.
    Unverified hacks
    Note: You may see a "hack" for this issue floating around, it has had mixed results as people's software is different.
    You may want to try it, but it's at your own risk. It has worked fast for some and not at all for others, hopefully over time it will work for all.
    The above methods I outline are Apple approved restore methods + based upon experience here and not a quick fix, but are sure to work as Apple recommends such steps themselves.
    If at any time you feel this is beyond your capability, please seek local Mac/PC professional assistance before you lose your data.
    In fact my steps above are very simple, you might want to have a family member or friend perfrom the proceedure in about a hour or two.
    If you don't have any backup, please maintain at least a TM drive, just hook up a new blank external drive and TM will ask you to make a backup, takes some time so let it work.
    If your a bit more skilled, a option bootable clone is much superior than TM drive.
    Good Luck

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    Hi the list,
    I have a strange behavior with entourage 11.2.5 with shared IMAP folders. Here's what I'd like to do :
    All this has to do with spamassassin and spamtrainer. Some of our mails accounts are IMAP ones, but most are POP only and I don't want them to be IMAP. But I also want both IMAP and POP users to have some IMAP access to shared mailboxes for spam and ham to be learned. For those who are using IMAP accounts, that's not a problem with shared mailboxes. But, considering those with only POP accounts, I decided to create a dedicated user called anti_spam, using IMAP access, with two mail boxes that are spam and non_spam, so that all POP users could share this account.
    Using SirAdmin, I set l/p/i ACL rights for anyone and the same for anti-spam user so that mail can't be read back with this shared account. Everything just works fine with Mail, but it doesn't work with Entourage. I set up an IMAP account for anti_spam to get an access to shared mailboxes even if main account is a POP one. Everything's fine except I can't write anything on mailboxes : I get an error 1025 and a denied access for writing. The only way to get write access to these mailboxes is to add "r" ACL to them with SirAdmin, which is NOT the solution as it would allow anybody to read mails. It's obvious it has more to do with Entourage than OS X mail service, all the more trying the same conf in Thunderbird is OK as expected.
    I was just wondering if somebody here would have some idea of what could be wrong ...

    I'd be interested to hear if anyone has a solution too as am having the same problem of not being able to write to IMAP mailboxes.

  • Automatically display the Interactive Scripting on WinClient's CIC

    Is it possible to automatically display the Interactive Scripting for the cic Agent?
    I only have one script so there's really no need for the agent to choose when he only has that option.
    I'm on CRM 4.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Vitor,
    To show the Interactive Scripting ViewSet as the default Viewset for your IC profile you will need to do the following customizing step:
    IMG > CRM > IC WebClient > Define Inital ViewSets and Transactions
    Create a new entry for your profile and set the Initial View to ScriptViewSet
    The views for Interactiver Scripting itself (in CRM4) are JSP's located in the Java Stack of the CRM server and can not be maintained using the ABAP workbench, so if you want to launch a script by default you will need to "extend" the coding of the appropriate JSP

  • SMTP error with entourage 2004 on OS 10.5

    I'm running Entourage 2004 on OS 10.5. For the last week we've had an issue with receiving emails. For several days it wouldn't download any, presenting the error "An operation on the server timed out. The server may be down, overloaded, or there may be too much net traffic." (-3259 )
    " Halfway into this, it downloaded the bulk of the emails from the days it hadn't connected, but never finished and gave the same error again. Emails can still be sent fine. It's an AOL email account.
    It's set up to receive from an IMAP server as
    It's set up to send from, overriding default port with 587, password required.
    I started to set up a new account with this email, and when it tried to verify the account settings, the IMAP settings verified fine, but the SMTP settings didn't.
    I found one forum that said "" had to be changed to "[email protected]"
    That didn't work (couldn't find the server)'s sending emails just fine and they even get received by other mail accounts in entourage, but unable to verify the smtp settings for receiving.
    Yet it cannot receive emails and verifies imap settings just fine.

    Hi Roy,
    You have them swapped, SMTP is for Outgoing mail... usually!
    For Incoming Mail Server, try:

  • URGENT - Entourage 2004 Keeps Crashing when Opening programme - Help!??

    Can someone give any advice that will enable me to re-open Entourage 2004. I am using Tiger Mac OSX 10.4.11
    My laptop (Powerbook G4) recently locked up and I had to do a power down to shut it down and then restart it. After that, I cannot open any Microsoft application.
    Can anyone help out there?

    Can someone give any advice that will enable me to re-open Entourage 2004. I am using Tiger Mac OSX 10.4.11
    My laptop (Powerbook G4) recently locked up and I had to do a power down to shut it down and then restart it. After that, I cannot open any Microsoft application.
    Can anyone help out there?

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