Blackberry 8830 Chinese input

i have a blackberry from Bell in Canada. I have to support our customers in China, it means i have to input Chinese. but I haven't seen any possiblity after i asked around and googled interenet.
who can, please tell me if there is a solution? 
thanks in advance.

Hello jaydencanada,
Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums
The only supported method of installing Chinese Language and input support through your wireless provider's latest software package.
Please keep in mind that the language packages included in each version are determined by the wireless provider.
You may want to download Bell's latest software and see if this language package is available:
Software Download for Bell Mobility Inc.:
Message Edited by FozzyBear on 07-15-2009 01:18 PM
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    You need upgrade the software to multilingual that includes Chinese Input.
    Check with your carrier to know the BlackBerry device OS release or click on this link. Look for the multilingual OS version. Download and install using desktop manager.
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    This is all I found on the Blackberry website through Sprint's website
    Software For BlackBerry® 8830 World Edition smartphone   BlackBerry Handheld Software v4.2.2.365 (Multilanguage)
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    Software Platform:
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    Regards, Mathan MP

    Hi Mathan,
    You can configure the proxy server by following these steps
    Make sure that MDS is stopped.
    1. Go to installation folder of your MDS. Like for example in my case
        "C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 4.0.2\MDS\config"
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        a. "application.handler.http.proxyEnabled = true" from false
        b. "application.handler.http.proxyHost= proxyname"
        c. "application.handler.http.proxyPort=portnumber"
    After this you can restart the MDS and try to access any web link. Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

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    I was having the same problem few minutes ago. Here's the solution I found. You have to do these settings in all your apple devices (ie: iPhone, iPad, etc). In your iPad: first got to Settings, then to messages (make sure iMessage slider button is ON), the go to Receive at, then in the apple ID you have to sign in with your full email address (not your short apple ID) the same one you use in iCloud, iTunes, etc, then after you put your password your are sign in with your iMessage account.
    After that go to You can be reached for messages at, and then enter you full email address and since you are already signed in your email address will be verified in your device. In you iPhone use your cell number instead an email address since most of your contacts know your phone number, but you have a choice to use your email address instead with your phone. So it's up to you what you wanna use.
    Rememeber you also have to do this same procedure with Facetime to work with all you devices. To test Facetime i called my iPhone with my new iPad and worked. Good luck trying these settings.

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    I can't duplicate your problem with 这 or 你。But I am only on 10.6.3.
    Another place you can ask is the Chinese Mac group:

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    [02:21:01.076] Could not lcoate the Microsoft Entourage Office Synchronization Tool. 
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    You have to repair Desk Manager or unintall and reintall DM, but this time uncheck "Auto update" and anything that refer to "update" the reason why I mention that is because everythime you run DM, it goes online and check for newer version and put this file "vendor.xml" in the Blackberry Common Folder, and with that file in place, it will block the program from installing the newer version from a difference cell company..
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    When I click to play them on my phone, I get this message: 
    "a problem occurred when trying to render page"
    Can anyone help?

    If I'm not mistaken, you need OS 4.5 to do that and OS 4.5 has not been "officially" released yet despite what RIM tried to suggest in an email they sent out the "Blackberry Owners Lounge" members a month or so ago. I'm running the latest beta of OS 4.5 and it runs Youtube vids with a small tweak.
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    Any help is welcome.
    I solved it for the while by tweaking the rime.xml in /usr/share/ibus/component/
    This is my customized file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- filename: rime.xml -->
    <description>Rime Component</description>
    <exec>/usr/lib/ibus-rime/ibus-engine-rime --ibus</exec>
    <author>GONG Chen &lt;[email protected]&gt;</author>
    <author>GONG Chen &lt;[email protected]&gt;</author>
    <description>Rime Input Method Engine</description>
    <author>GONG Chen &lt;[email protected]&gt;</author>
    <description>Rime Input Method Engine with German keyboard layout</description>
    Edit2: Unfortunately rime only gets started with the original layout somehow. Thus I reverted to simply tweak the <layout> option in the default engine in the rime.xml file.
    Last edited by Alcasa (2015-04-07 07:29:21)

    i use fcitx-rime, you can change the layout for rime in the input method configuration panel while not change you system layout.

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    Tell Apple:

  • Hi I just got my iPad 2 and updated it to ios7 . Here is my problem: my Chinese input doesn't work , I need to restart every time . Is it the problem of the iPad? Or iOS 7??

    Hi I just got my iPad 2 and updated it to ios7 . Here is my problem: my Chinese input doesn't work , I need to restart every time . Is it the problem of the iPad? Or iOS 7??

    Hi Eric Ferguson,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For troubleshooting on this, take a look at this article:
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    Error 13, 14, 35 and 50 (or -50)
    These errors are typically resolved by performing one or more of the steps listed below:
    Perform USB isolation troubleshooting, including trying a different USB port directly on the computer. See the advanced steps below for USB troubleshooting.
    Put a USB 2.0 hub between the device and the computer.
    Try a different USB 30-pin dock-connector cable.
    Eliminate third-party security software conflicts.
    There may be third-party software installed that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting one or more TcpWindowSize entries into your registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause this error. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet-size modification for assistance. Or, follow this article by Microsoft: How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to reset the packet size back to the default for Windows.
    Connect your computer directly to your Internet source, bypassing any routers, hubs, or switches. You may need to restart your computer and modem to get online.
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    Best of luck,

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