Blank Software Simulation

I'm trying to record a software simulation, but Captivate (version seems to be only recording the mouse movements but not the background software. I'm winding up with a white rectangle with a blue mouse line. Do I have a setting that is wrong somewhere? Any suggestions? Thanks!
Just to practice software simulations, I tried to record how to open an email in Outlook... this is what I got:

I have it set to Automatic, Demo

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    Does anyone know what may be causing this?

    You might try de-selecting the Advanced Project Compression option in the preferences:

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    Hmm, I suspect you deleted or edited the Blank daughter master slide that
    is used by software simulation slides. Another user had the  same issue a
    while ago.

  • Captivate Software Simulation Audio Issues

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    My initial gut reaction is to blame this on the latest Captivate 8 update… as I don’t remember experiencing this issue before.  But then again, I also upgraded my mac to OS X and that may be a factor as well.
    I've had people suggest to add a blank ending to the audio to restart the audio timer on the next slide, as well as add a transparent highlight box at the end of the slide, but these are ways to fix it when the file is published. Since my issue is happening before publishing, I was hoping someone on this forum may have an answer.

    PIP is available in Presenter Video Creator, not in the normal Presenter plug-in. It is not available in Captivate normal projects with extension cptx. You can insert a PIP in the TOC, but have to record it separately.
    In Captivate HD Video Demo, extension cpvc (which is also a video creator with a dedicated video editor) you can insert a PIP in the editor. But again you have to create it separately.
    The choice is up to you: an easy way to have both recordings together, with very limited editing possibilites in Presenter. Or the Captivate way, more work, better editor.
    Afraid to repeat again: we are only talking about pure video now. In the normal Captivate files, that are based on slides, you can insert a video (like a PIP) and distribute it over slides, adapting the slide markers is available  in the Video menu. No webcam recording for the moment in Captivate.

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    Should I insert the .cpvc slide directly into my .cptx project or publish it to an .mp4 first and then insert that video?  What are the pros / cons of each method?
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    It seems as though using the .cvpc slide is better although the loading / spinning wheel is not desirable in the project.  How can I eliminate this from happening?  Any advice would be appreciated!

    I had both an iMac and a MBP years ago - I found that I used them about 50-50%. Inside the house, I'd do what needed doing on a large-screen on the iMac and then, at night, I'd web surf from the den or the bedroom. I liked the large screen on the iMac and the portability of the MBP.
    But you introduce two new factors - you already have an external monitor (which, to me, favors the MBP) and you're going to be getting an iPad (which favors the iMac). With the external monitor, you'll have a large screen to work with. With the iPad you'll have portability for web surfing, etc.
    I would go with the iMac and the iPad. Even though I'm now down to just a MBP with a 27" external monitor, I don't have an iPad - and that introduces a wholly new part to the equation. Previously, I had to have a MBP only (with no external monitor) because I lived in a nursing home. Now that I'm in my apartment, I use my MBP with external display probably 85-90% of the time and the MBP on the couch or in the bedroom about 10-15% of the time. To be honest, I'll seriously be looking at the 2013 Mac Pros and just use the MBP around the apartment and around town. I'm not planning on getting an iPad, so I'll still need the portability.
    Those are just my thoughts and ramblings - if you're going to get an iPad, get an iMac.

  • Is anyone else trying to use Edge Animation to create software simulations?

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    If you're attempted or were successful creating a software simulation using Edge Animate - I would be interested in hearing how you accomplished it. Also looking for some best practices around this idea.
    I think Edge Animate would be an amazing product for software simulation if it incorporates a few enhancements.
    In the timeline - allow the user to nest things. The timeline can get unwieldy quickly. Would be nice to be able to nest items and then twirl the nested items to hid them - like in AE.
    Enable AE functionality with the ability to play one Edge Animate piece inside another.
    Provide the ability to add video with transparent backgrounds. We wanted to have someone walk on screen and appear as if they were walking on the software. Can't do it in Edge Animate!
    If you have any other ideas or suggestions for creating software simulations in Edge Animate - would be great to hear from the community

    Hi there,
    Thanks for your suggestions! We're looking at ways to make the timeline more flexible as far as nesting and/or hiding elements, so hopefully these types of improvements will come as Animate continues to grow. Just wanted to quickly pop in to address a few of your bullet points - hopefully, other Animate users can answer regarding whether they use Animate for software simulation.
    Your first two points (I think) can be at least somewhat addressed by using symbols. Each symbol has its own timeline which can contain many elements, but it will appear as a single element in the main (Stage) timeline.
    Regarding video, there's currently only one HTML5 browser that natively supports video with alpha transparency: Chrome, using video encoded to the webm format. See here for more info: Alpha transparency in Chrome video - HTML5Rocks Updates
    Once other browsers start incorporating native support for video with transparency, this could be pretty cool. But as of now, native browser support is still quite limited.

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    Please do not double post issues.

  • How do i remove popups in software simulation - captivate 8

    I have recently moved to captivate 8 - straight from captivate 4. I have recorded a software simulation and am now in the process of editing it. On some screens captivate has captured the popup messages you get when you hover over a button or link, in the past in captivate 4 i would copy the background out of captivate, remove the pop using paint or photoshop and paste the edited background back in to the simulation.
    In captivate 8 i finding i am unable to do this. When i preview the screen capture the pop up message appears, however when i look at the background there is no pop up. It seems to be there as part of the screen capture, if i use the skimmer to run over the timeline the popup appears in the last few seconds, if i trim the slide of the seconds the pop up remains. I have been unable to find any options for removal of the pop ups.
    Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

    Yeah, somehow those tooltips are animated in the background slide.
    My fix: edit that background slide in Photoshop, ensure it shows what you want (i.e. not the tooltip), copy (or save) that flattened background image, back to Captivate, create a new slide after the 'odd' one, paste the background slide (merge with background), copy over any other elements from the 'odd' slide...then delete the odd slide.
    There is an option to capture tool-tips or not, I believe, in the capture setup/preferences...

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    Thanks for the suggestions Malcolm,
    They're very handy app's for sure, but unfortunately they didn't fix the problem.
    Detour DID overide the routing for iChat's general bleeps & noises, but not the audio stream from video conferences (which is the problem I want to fix).
    If anyone has any other suggestions for fixes, I'd appreciate it!
    Thanks again,

  • Phantom Lines in CP ( Software Simulations

    Does anyone else have a problem with phantom lines showing up in their published CP software simulation slides?
    They don't display in my previewed copy, but do in the published SWF... and only in my software simulations, not in non-recorded slides.
    To see what I'm referring to, here are two screen shots. The first one shows (SWF) the phantom lines and the second one (preview) with without any phantom lines.
    (NO LINES)
    Any suggestions for correcting this problem?

    These are usually caused by Captivate compressing the SWF file.  You can try Edit -> Preferences-> Swf Size and Quality, an de-select the compression options.  Then republish.

  • Cannot change slide duration in software simulation

    I'm using Captivate 7 for the first time. I had a much older version, but seldom used it.
    I have recorded a simple software simulation that should be a piece of cake to edit and produce, but have come across a problem I don't know how to solve. The simulation includes an item on screen being clicked, then dragged and dropped into a new location. I cannot edit the duration of the slide that shows the drag-and-drop motion. It has a duration of 6.5 seconds, which is painfully and unrealistically slow and there is no way I can find to shorten it.
    I can't drag the end of the slide on the timeline, right-clicking hasn't produced anything promising in pop-up menus, and the Properties panel has a Time field, but when I select the 6.5 seconds and change it, it just reverts to 6.5 seconds immediately afterward.
    I recall this sort of thing being very simple in previous versions of Captivate. Not anymore, I guess...
    - Jennifer

    Thanks, guys! Those replies led me to try something that actually worked. It did record as a video demo (the red strike-through line) as Varun Kalra suggested. I discovered that I can click the end of the timeline for that slide (where the word END displays), then use the left arrow on my keyboard to decrease the duration of the slide.
    That probably wouldn't work if the entire animation was too slow, but in this case, just the very end was too slow.
    Thanks much!
    - Jennifer

  • Undesired default behavior in Software Simulation

    Hi there!
    I created a software simulation (demonstration setting enabled) and I noticed, that when the user presses the enter key during the recording to perform an action, Captivate 6 creates a left mouse click in the project.
    Most probably this happens because the enter key, is usually equal to a left mouse click action.
    However, in my project this is not the case.
    Is there any setting that I missed out?
    P/S: I use Captivate 6 on a Mac OSX (i5 CPU, 8gb RAM)

    Well, every typing in my case is followed by an enter keystroke as a confirmation of the typing, so I couldn't be sure, if this behavior is because of the typing or the enter key.
    That's the screenshot of the timeline.

  • Auto Record in Software Simulation

    Hi, I am attempting to create a software simulation of CATIA
    Only the first frame gets recorded. No mouse activity or
    selections frames are created after the initial frame. Then the
    only way to end/save the session is to activate Captivate in the
    task bar.
    I have tested the Software Simulation Auto mode with other
    softwares, Maya, Max, and Adobe products, and it seems to work ok.
    Problem is, CATIA V5 is my focus software.

    I get mouse clicks, and the associated sound, sporadically,
    about every fourth or fifth action.
    The only way to stop the Captivate 4 session is to first
    select the Captivate button on the task bar, then I can select the
    "End" button and the session ends.
    Full Motion Recording catches more of the action but still
    not all.
    For Example:
    I Select File, the action gets recorded
    I select New, the action NOT recorded
    This brings up a new project window, the window is recorded
    I select part out of the options list, action NOT recorded.
    This is a bit frustrating because C4 works with other apps
    but CATIA V5 is the ONE I need to record.

  • Typing asterisk-protected password characters in software simulation.

    I'm doing a software simulation in Captivate 6, one portion of which involves typing a user ID, and then an asterisk-protected password.  The recording shows the user ID being typed character by character. However, the asterisks in the password field do not display character by character, but in a single shot. Meanwhile the audio outputs the typing for the password character by character.
    Am I doing somethingwrong?

    That was software simulation, i captured part of screen or VMware application (you know, that was separate projects).
    For security reasons i'm not allowed to gain remote access to anyone. I can capture the project, if you want, and send somewhere or collect logs you need.
    That's not a suggestion. If your realization can't achieve the intended goal so you have to use "security reasons" as excuse... That's yours developers decision, don't think i should teach you what is security flaw and what isn't.
    EDIT: i updated to 6.0.1 and made a simple demo:
    Captivate haven't record typing process. The same thing is with fields and other stuff in VM. I think it should turn FMR on and record the typing process with console output of VM.

  • Recording Software Simulation using Epiphan VGA2USB

    Can someone help me with an answer for the below question:
    I have one question : How can we Record Software Simulation in Assessment mode in the following scenario :
    1.laptop 1 has Adobe Captivate installed and is the source recording machine
    2.laptop 2 has the software for which the recording and simulation needs to be done but this does not have captivate.
    3. We use Epiphan's VGA2USB device to perform screen capture from Laptop 2 to Laptop 1 using Epiphan Capture Tool software.
    My Question is : How can we get the clicks done on Laptop 2 be recorded using Captivate on Laptop 1, so I can capture the recording in Assessment Mode.

    Hi Raghu,
    Firstly, we do not recommend to record a different machine using a remote client, as there could be issues with latency.
    If both machines are in same domain/intranet, you can use the Remote Desktop Share and while recording choose an application to record from list as RDP Service, readjust the recording window and start capturing.
    Captivate would capture the events from Application listed which in this case would be RDP, I have not personaly used VGA2USB, if it can recreate a similar scenario you can test that as well.

Maybe you are looking for

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