Block user logon in CI

We have scenario where we have CI and 2 application servers. We want users to login only to applications servers. For this, we have created logon groups and configured users' GUI accordingly. The problem is some users directly give sapgui <CI> command in RUN command and get connected to CI. How can I avoid this? Is there any way by which I can block users login directly to CI?

The problem is some users directly give sapgui <CI> command in RUN command and get connected to CI
You cannot avoid users connecting if they have the right to logon directly to the system... replace their SAPLogon to SAPLogon Pad so they cannot create or modify entries or Educate them with the reason why is wrong to logon directly to the CI.

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    Hello Anthony,
    even maybe not on Windows (I faced this on Unix), proceed with invalid objects as in : Note 1453935 - Invalid DataPump objects after Windows patch collection > 25
    this is the leftover of some previous 10g patching. Once objects are recreated, recompilation will go ok.

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    I do not think that you can go that by GPOs. However, this is feasible on File servers:
    You might think about creating scheduled tasks that will run periodically and remove files with these extensions from the user profiles (...).
    For GPO questions, please consider asking them here:
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
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    Hi Jp,
    Method 1:
    You can use the Enhanced Privacy Mode in Lync 2013
    <section class="ocpSection">
    Enable Privacy Mode
    By default, everyone except Blocked Contacts can see your presence status. To modify the privacy settings, you can do the following:
    In the Lync main window, click the Options button.
    In the Lync - Options dialog box, click Status, and then do one of the following:
    Click I want everyone to be able to see my presence regardless of system settings (override default settings).
    Click I want the system administrator to decide - currently everyone can see my presence but this could change in the future.
    About Enhanced Privacy Mode
    If your organization has enabled Enhanced Privacy Mode in Lync, you can choose whether to limit visibility of your presence information to only those people you’ve added to your Contacts list. You do that by selecting one of the following on the
    Options->Status window:
    I want everyone to be able to see my presence
    I only want people in my Contacts list to see my presence
    Method 2:
    Using Privacy Relationship, you can block a particular user by adding him to blocked contacts
    Anil Kumar (MCITP)
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Cannot open database "ReportServer" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'USER LOGON'

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    Hi IWAR,
    The error message "Cannot open database "ReportServer" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'USER LOGON'" means the user 'USER LOGON' does not have permissions to access the "ReportServer" database.
    To fix this issue, please verify that the user has a valid database user login. For more details, please refer to the following steps.
    In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer and expand the Databases folder.
    Expand the database in which to create the new database user.
    Right-click the Security folder, point to New, and then click User.
    On the General page, enter a name for the new user in the User name box.
    In the Login name box, enter the name of a SQL Server login to map to the database user.
    Click OK.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks for the support

    Didn't get your question exactly.
    Whenever someone tries to login with wrong password then he gets Locked into OIM. You'll have to go to Admin Console and Unlock it. You can also do this from DB as well.
    To lock user from Admin console, you'll have to create a custom button and extend the same action class to Lock that user into OIM.
    Create a UDF called LOCK.
    Create a trigger on this UDF i.e. whenever LOCK value changes to TRUE then lock the user using DB query or API (UPDATEUSER -- Users.Lock User)

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     Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\User Accounts\Apply the default user logon picture to all users
    C:\programdata\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp  --> renamed my company log to user.bmp.
    Taken backup of old user.bmp.
    But policy is not working.
    Windows Server 2008 R2
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    Hi S.Vijay Kumar,
    Based on my understanding, the GPO which configured the
    Apply the default user logon picture to all users would not apply successfully. What’s more, you have customized the default user logon picture
    %ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp. Right?
     Firstly, please check if the scope of this GPO and the setting of Filtering are correct.
    Secondly, please follow the steps below to check if the GPO is applied to these Windows XP clients:
    Click Start, type rsop.msc in the search box to access
    Resultant set of policy.
    Check if the GPO is applied to these clients and the setting of the GPO is correct.
    In addition, it would be helpful for future troubleshooting if you could help to collect the following information:
    Did the GPO fail to apply for all the computers or only some computers?
    Can you set the user.bmp as the user logon picture
    Lany Zhang

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    their is no standard process for hold PO you have to do it by enhansment take help from ABAP guy

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    I have written the below code to display the language in english if it exists if not in french & so on, but i would like to know how i can read the language in which the user has logged on & use that as the first criteria.
    Eg: S_SPRAS = User Logon language
        AND SPRAS IN (S_SPRAS,'EN','FR','IT',' ').
    Hope my problem is clear, await inputs.

    Let me try to explain the problem
    Mtl-A, has description in 3 languages. (En, Fr, It)
    Mtl-B, has description in 1 language only. (It)
    Mtl-C, has no description
    First i want to check for a given mtl if description exists in the user's logon lang, if it does not, then check if description is maintained in English, if not check in French, if not Italian.
    Eg1: User logs-in with En language,
    Then the description for mtl-A is displayed in english, for Mtl-b description is displayed in Italian (as only italian description is maintained) & for mtl-c no description is displayed as it is not maintained.
    Eg2: User logs-in with It language.
    Then description for Mtl-A & B is displayed in Italian & for mtl-c it is blank as no description exists
    But when i use the below code, the system by default picks up EN which is my default lang, even if i login in French or Italian lang, the description is shown in english only.
        AND SPRAS IN (SY-LANGU, 'EN', 'FR', 'IT').
    Hope i was able to put across my problem clearly.
    Await inputs.

  • User logon history date and time details

    can any  tell me the user logon history tables,
        as usr02 is only having the present log on details

    use below Function module
    it will solve your problem...
    Use BAPIS there are very useful BAPIS to get the user's info.
    BAPI_USER_CHANGE               Change User                                                              
    BAPI_USER_CLONE                Create User with Template in Another System                              
    BAPI_USER_CREATE               Create a User                                                            
    BAPI_USER_CREATE1              Create a User                                                            
    BAPI_USER_DELETE               BAPI to Delete a User                                                    
    BAPI_USER_DISPLAY              Display users                                                            
    BAPI_USER_EXISTENCE_CHECK      Check a user exists                                                      
    BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL           Read User Details                                                        
    BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN  Change Activity Group Assignment for Dependent Systems from Central System
    BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_DELETE  Delete Activity Group Assignments in the Dependent Systems               
    BAPI_USER_LOCK                 Lock User                                                                
    BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_ASSIGN   Change Profile Assignment for Dependent Systems from Central System      
    BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_DELETE   Delete Profile Assignments for Dependent Systems                         
    BAPI_USER_PROFILES_ASSIGN      User: Assign profiles                                                    
    BAPI_USER_PROFILES_DELETE      User: Delete All Profile Assignments                                     
    BAPI_USER_UNLOCK               Unlock user                                      
    U can see tables:
    USR01 User master record (runtime data)
    USR02 Logon data
    USR03 User address data
    USR05 User Master Parameter ID
    USR12 User master authorization values
    <b>Reward Points if it is useful..</b>
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • Powershell User logon script not Exiting With "Exit" scripts are set to be visible in GPO

    I am trying to run this script as a user logon script and it is set to visible to the user. There are other parts of the script but It won't ever Exit. It works fine if I run it directly I only have the trouble when it is in the logon script. I'm thinking
    of tryin "Kill -Id $PID" but I'm sure I'll get a bad return code.
    Has anyone else experienced this or hav any ideas what I could try?
    If (Test-Path U:){
    Robocopy U:\ $Destination /E /move /XF "*.inf"
    New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\test\test -Name Test –Force
    New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\test\1 -Name Test1 –Force
    Exit       #here is where it will not stop!

    Sorry, I did mention this was only a subset of the complete script.
    So, what I am trying to accomplish in words.
    1. Check for the existence of a certain folderon the c: Drive (that is created as apart of a different process)
    2.  Look to see if a registry key exisits that tells the script if it should run or not. So if certain registry key exists under HKCU then don't run if not continue.)
    3. The first time a user logs in and does not find the value that the process is allready complete show the user a message box aski9ng them if they are ready to do (something) if not write a registry key saying step one has completed and then quit.
    4. When the user logs in again the script looks to see if the process is complete and or if step one is complete, if step one is complete it allows the user to skip the process 2 more times but on the forth login forces the user to complete the process and
    writes the final registry key that it is complete.
    Like I say I have this all working correctly if I manually have the user run it. I just don't know why Exit is not being recognized when in the users login script processing of the script. I appreciate your reply and any direction you can point me to.

  • GPO Run these programs at user logon not taking effect when configured in Computer Configuration section

    [EDIT 20140207]:
    I found that the default domain policy sets "run these programs at user logon" and (other than I expected) not BOTH GPO settings become active, but the setting from the default domain policy overrides the setting from my new GPO. So I think I have
    found the answer myself.
    When on our W2k8-R2 DC I create a new GPO and configure
    "Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Administrative Templates/System/Logon/run these programs at user logon" to "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe" (just for testing) it won't take effect on Win 7 SP1, no matter what the Security
    Filtering options are.
    It seems other settings (in the very same GPO) become active but "run these programs at user login" from the computer policies section doesn't. I configure the very same setting in the section "user policies" instead and add "Authenticated
    Users" to Security Filtering, the program will be started. But that's not what I need.
    I can reproduce the issue, here are the exact steps:
    create a new group "group-a" for later security filtering
    create a new GPO
    in the new GPO set "Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Administrative Templates/System/Logon/run these programs at user logon" to "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe"
    for setting the scope remove "authenticated users" from Security Filtering and add "group-a" instead
    link the GPO to the domain root
    make "test computer" a member of "group-a"
    on "test computer" run "gpupdate /force", reboot, log in
    Issue: notepad is not being started.
    What I'm aiming for is obvious: Depending on the membership of group-a I want to configure certain programs that should be started whenever a user logs in.
    gpresult /R returns that it would be applying the GPO. (It actually is but the setting "run these programs at user login" is not being applied.)
    For debugging I started MMC / RSoP on one of the machines on which the GPO should have been applied and found that "run these programs at user login" is not set (which seems to be the reason why the GPO won't work on the machines).
    Searching the web I found similar reports
    [1] [2] but no solution was found and the user used a workaround instead.
    If I change the GPO so that I use the very same setting in "user configuration" instead of "computer configuration" it works as long as I add "authenticated users" to the Security Filtering. But then the GPO is applied to all users
    and not only to the ones using computers which are members of group-a. According to this howto [3] I should not remove "authenticated users" but alter the security setting instead. However, the howto seems to be aimed ad w2k3 and using Win2k8 I cannot
    find security settings "apply" for "authenticated users" so I cannot remove that setting, there's only "read" or "read and modify".
    So two questions:
    1. Why doesn't it work when using "computer settings"
    2. What about that Security Filtering with removing "authenticated users" and using group-a instead?

    sounds like you find the answer already.
    If you have any further question, please feel free to let me know.
    Have a nice day!
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Impact on roaming profile accounts if we Change User logon Name to Employee Number format in Active Directory for all User accounts

    I want to understand if we change User logon Name to Employee Number format in Active Directory for all User accounts, then what would be the impact on existing profile. Whether we need to change it manualy or it will connect to same profiles in terminal
    As i observed it create new profile after logon name changed to employee number where existing users profile settings get fails to load and prompt for new settings (such as outlook reconfiguration, share drive mapping etc.).
    Kindly let me know the proper process to overcome with this, how to connect same existing roaming profile with employee number format change.

    What if we change the user name of user account, will it have impact on roaming profiles.
    Yes, it will affect roaming profiles. Please rename the roaming profile folder as the new user account name, in addition, change the profile path in ADUC.
    Here is an related article below for you:
    How to Rename a Windows 7 User Account and Related Profile Folder
    Best Regards,

  • Block users from Home Hub 3 wi-fi without them kno...

    Is there any way on the homehub 3 to block users on the wifi without it giving them a notification?
    When you use the parental lock down between certain times when the user opens a web page it says they've been locked down by the hub but I don't want them to get this notification just to be completly disconnected?

    Neogeo wrote:
    Is there any way on the homehub 3 to block users on the wifi without it giving them a notification?
    When you use the parental lock down between certain times when the user opens a web page it says they've been locked down by the hub but I don't want them to get this notification just to be completly disconnected?
    No, you cannot do that with the home hub 3.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • How we Can find out How many Users Logon into the Portal those users Names.

    Hi Friends
    I have one doubt in Portal,
    How we can find how many Users Logon into the Portal and how we can find that users Names in Portal.
    Vijay Kalluri

    Hello Vijay,
    If you are at all interested in a 3rd party application to make your life a bit easier getting stats on your users, you could check out Click Stream by Sweetlets.
    Click Stream uses the Usermanagement (UME) API to get more information about the user, groups, roles, LDAP attributes etc. and offers you the ability to filter this information in nearly any report at the click of a button.
    Click Stream also uses the PCD API to get information about the pages your users are visiting too.
    In the very near future Click Stream will also have iView recording to monitor iViews, telling which iViews have been clicked, etc.
    Here are some reviews on the SAP EcoHub from people who have used it:
    Please just let me know if you have any question or if you are open to test drive Click Stream. We will certainly help as best as we can.
    Good luck.

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