Blue Earth Icon Blinking when starting my mac

I just installed Leopard, and I have a problem. My iMac G5 is not booting anymore, I get a blue earth icon (blinking). I have no clue what it means. But the mac will not boot.
Anybody has a clue what happening?

Restart with the X key held down; this changes the startup disk to a Mac OS X system instead of the network disk the computer was looking for.

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    System Preferences - Users and Groups - Login Items - remove any that you don't want on startup.
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    Will it boot in Safe Mode? See
    What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck
    Look at A flashing question mark appears when you start your Mac
     Cheers, Tom

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    Which model MacBook Pro do you have (e.g., "15-inch Late 2011") and which version of OS X are you running?
    You may want to try resetting your SMC -> Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC).
    If no joy there, call back with th requested information.
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    this is the information from the event log viewer. no files are referenced
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: System Error
    Event Category: (102)
    Event ID: 1003
    Date: 8/29/2007
    Time: 2:21:22 PM
    User: N/A
    Computer: DAD_ASUS
    Error code 10000050, parameter1 f79f0000, parameter2 00000000, parameter3 f79f0000, parameter4 00000000.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45 System E
    0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72 rror Er
    0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 ror code
    0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 35 1000005
    0020: 30 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d 0 Param
    0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 66 37 eters f7
    0030: 39 66 30 30 30 30 2c 20 9f0000,
    0038: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00000000
    0040: 2c 20 66 37 39 66 30 30 , f79f00
    0048: 30 30 2c 20 30 30 30 30 00, 0000
    0050: 30 30 30 30 0000

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    Hi BradnBeaverton,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Whether or not you are using an Apple Cinema Display, the behaviour you are describing is the same:
    Apple Cinema Display: Troubleshooting steps
    Desktop icons move after screen resolution change
    Changing the screen resolution affects the display of information on your screen, especially changing to a smaller resolution. The operating system may automatically reposition icons after you change the screen resolution.
    OS X Mountain Lion: About the Display pane of System Preferences
    - Judy

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    Kind Regards

    OK, sounds like things aren't as bad as I feared. Could be a problem with your internet connection. In any case, start again.
    Follow this guideline EXACTLY (
    The short version:
    Restart your Mac and hold down the Command key and the R key (Command-R), and keep holding them until the Apple icon appears.
    After the Recovery HD has finished starting up, you should see a desktop with a Mac OS X menu bar and a "Mac OS X Utilities" application window.
    In order to reinstall OS X Lion, you will need to be connected to an Ethernet or Wi-Fi network. The Wi-Fi menu item is in the upper-right corner of the screen. Click the icon to display all available Wi-Fi networks. Click your preferred network name and, if needed, enter a username and/or password for your wifi.

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    Im not sure I understand the issue. Do you receive any error messages when you log in? To me this sounds like a software issue. If everything works normal pressing a button I would assume all the hardware is fine.
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    i am new here and just on this subject i had run in with similer problams in past as i build pcs for photo video editing co
    BSOD (blue screen of deth) normaly occurs due to hardware (or software trying to push hardware ) in your case if i am not wrong cpu or ram or hdd in my cases 1st one i had was cpu was not set at correct voltage and running at higher clock (bad overclocking)
    2nd time different machine i had hdd failure (it was secondory drive not os drive)
    3rd and recent i had problam with ram 8 gb ddr3 1600 wich motherboard decided to run at 1.4v insted of 1.65v and timing was set to 7-7-7-32 insted of 9-9-9-24.
    in short i have seen machines giving bsod jor just having faulty usb connector ( draining power ) to faulty psu but to trace it follow normal comman sence
    1 dose it happnes at peak cpu use  ?
    2 or memory use
    3 hdd use
    4 did it use to happen before or just happning now if yes then what changed scince last use ? (confliting programs, reg keys)
    5 if all above is fine  then dose it happen at random times or just under load  ?
    check bios and compare all the settings with hardware specs that it is configured right
    strip pc down to bare minimum and rum it if works start adding other bits till you get problem
    in most new build pc (self build) it is down to bios setting or not compatable parts (fully approved by mobo)
    old pc over heating confliting software or reg keys ( good clean heatsinks and clean install easiest solution)

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    Open Users & Groups preferences. Click on the lock icon and authenticate with your admin password. Click on the Login Options button below the users list. At the top enable Automatic Login. You will need to select the user and then provide the password for that user.

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    "After Effects Warning: Error parsing properties list from file C:\users\joe\appdata\roaming\after effects\10.0\AIFEffectCache.xml.  It has been renamed to "AIFEffectCache.xml.old for backup.  Proceeding."
    I've tried disabling OPENGL, defaulted back to default prefs..  No idea why this is happening but it's only in AE.  No other application crashes my machine.
    Thoughts?  Please let me know.  Thanks!

    i am new here and just on this subject i had run in with similer problams in past as i build pcs for photo video editing co
    BSOD (blue screen of deth) normaly occurs due to hardware (or software trying to push hardware ) in your case if i am not wrong cpu or ram or hdd in my cases 1st one i had was cpu was not set at correct voltage and running at higher clock (bad overclocking)
    2nd time different machine i had hdd failure (it was secondory drive not os drive)
    3rd and recent i had problam with ram 8 gb ddr3 1600 wich motherboard decided to run at 1.4v insted of 1.65v and timing was set to 7-7-7-32 insted of 9-9-9-24.
    in short i have seen machines giving bsod jor just having faulty usb connector ( draining power ) to faulty psu but to trace it follow normal comman sence
    1 dose it happnes at peak cpu use  ?
    2 or memory use
    3 hdd use
    4 did it use to happen before or just happning now if yes then what changed scince last use ? (confliting programs, reg keys)
    5 if all above is fine  then dose it happen at random times or just under load  ?
    check bios and compare all the settings with hardware specs that it is configured right
    strip pc down to bare minimum and rum it if works start adding other bits till you get problem
    in most new build pc (self build) it is down to bios setting or not compatable parts (fully approved by mobo)
    old pc over heating confliting software or reg keys ( good clean heatsinks and clean install easiest solution)

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    Are you talking about PSE 6 on OS X or PSE 7 in some kind of virtualization?
    If you meant PSE 6, then go to your username>library>preferences and delete:
    Adobe PSE 6.0 paths
    Adobe PSE 6.0 settings
    opera preferences
    Repair permissions and try again.

Maybe you are looking for

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