Blue screen on downloading of Adobe Elements 11

Had to reinstall my adobe elements 11 and experienced blue screen what's up

What Elements program?
Details on blue screen?

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    ChromaKey, GreenScreen Key, and BlueScreen Key are not included in Premiere Elements Mac.
    Some suggest Videomerge as the alternative. I do not. But Videomerge is not THE alternative.
    Instead, I prefer the Difference Matte as a substitute for the 3 absent keying effects. Please check out my blog post on that which includes
    the how to.
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    Hello hagarar,
    If your iPhone started displaying a blue screen after running a software update, I suggest the steps in the following article.
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    Verify that the Sleep/Wake button functions. If it does not function, inspect it for signs of damage. If the button is damaged or is not functioning when pressed, seek service.
    Check if a Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated or there are signs of corrosion. Learn about LCIs and corrosion.
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    The home screen appears: The iPhone should be working. Update to the latest version of iOS if necessary. Continue charging it until it is completely charged and you see this battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen . Then unplug the phone from power. If it immediately turns off, seek service.
    The low-battery image appears, even after the phone has charged for at least 20 minutes: See "iPhone displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive" symptom in this article.
    Something other than the Home screen or Low Battery image appears, continue with this article for further troubleshooting steps.
    If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    If the display remains black, go to next step.
    Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    Thanks for reaching out,

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    Hmmmm. is your download location for those podcast files a SATA drive or a RAID array?
    If it's a RAID, what RAID controller are you using? an Intel Matrix Storage Manager, or something else?

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    Number one item in the faqs of this forum:
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    it's a mac
    Tennille Kamish
    Pure Focus Salon
    [email protected]     
    Book an Appointment Online

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    Are you installing it from a package? The package is created for 32 bit & 64 bit separately.
    Please check Silent install instructions | Photoshop Elements | AOO volume license version | Mac OS .
    Error "The serial number is not valid for this product" | Creative Suite
    You might need to create a new package with the correct bit chosen.
    You can also contact Adobe Support at .

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    extracting the product installer (error101). check for available disk space on your system & try downloading the product again.
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    Check for the available space on the Hard Drive. The link below would help to resolve the issue. Use a different browser to download the product Installer.
    Alternately you can follow the steps listed at to initiate a direct download.

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    Good morning, all,
    Please could some body supply me with a working Link to down load this software
    The reason for asking, is I work in at a college as an IT Tech, and need to install PSE10 on to a machine so i can AppV it for deployment on to the 14 Thin Client machines that we have licences for:)
    Tried going through Help desk but always busy.
    Please help need to get working asap. Upgrade to 7 is beginning of april but need to be working before then..

    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
    Photoshop/Premiere Elements 10: l

  • Gx 630 blue screen, while downloading

    Is this a HDD error?  Here is a log
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:   BlueScreen
      OS Version:   6.0.6001.
      Locale ID:   1033
    Additional information about the problem:
      BCCode:   f4
      BCP1:   00000003
      BCP2:   87A590B0
      BCP3:   87A591FC
      BCP4:   82077430
      OS Version:   6_0_6001
      Service Pack:   1_0
      Product:   768_1
    Files that help describe the problem:
    Read our privacy statement:

    Quote from: Bas on 26-January-09, 01:40:05
    You have it often?
    Does the harddisk make a lot of clicking sounds? (real loud)
    It happened twice when I was downloading large amount of fiels. (1.2mb / sec )
    Also it makes tic noise between 10 to 30 every sec. (Not Loud)

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    So I backed up my boot camp partition using Winclone and then opened up the MacBook Pro with Windows XP as the operating system. I turned off Norton Antivirus (I thought the more basic system would have less potential interactions with other systems) and downloaded bootcamp 2.1 again. Installed it and then restarted and then turned Norton back on (Norton AV has actually been a pretty stable version from my recent experience). My external keyboard is now connected and so far so good-- the computer has not been giving me the BSOD every 20-30 minutes. I remembered from long ago-- on the mac side-- I was always told to turn off virus software before installing any new software-- maybe that's what it needed? I will continue to update.
    I never got a blue screen while downloading updates to windows. I've only gotten BSOD after that initial attempt to install Bootcamp 2.1 with antivirus software turned on. And I'm backed up so I can go back to version 2.0 if necessary.

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    Bad Pool Header is not something you want to see. It usually means Hard drive problems, but it can (on very rare occasions) be "just an OS problem". I put that in quotes because "just an OS problem" in this case is ONLY remedied by completely reinstalling your Operating System, and that's in the rare event that your hard drive isn't on its last leg.  From another forum (
    Your crashes could be related to system file corruption or errors on the hard disk. Use Advanced Boot Options to select Repair Your Computer and get to System Recovery Options and start command prompt.
    Click Start and Run (or press the Windows key+R)
    sfc /scannow
    Run this three times
    Yes, three times (unless the first time gives the message that there were no integrity violations). If that does not work, get into command prompt the Run command box as before and run the following lines.
    chkdsk /r c:
    chkdsk /r d:
    chkdsk /r e:
    chkdsk /r f:
    until it says it cannot open the volume.
    If the SFC (system file checker) shows errors it cannot repair... you need to reinstall your OS.  Or if the chkdsk (check disk) says it cannot complete the  check, then it's your hard drive.

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    Is this common with HP Mini 311s? 
    Is it worth returning to Verizon or can I get it fixed by contacting HP support?

    Try removing your sim and insert it again and make sure that its clean as well as the sim tray. insert it securely locked in place. See if it works, quick fix. If not try to use a different sim or try your sim to a different h/s. For you to be able to isolate if its with your sim or iPhone. Tricky Tips!

  • MSI P67A-G45 (MS-7673) Blue screen problems

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forums so pardon me if I'm doing this wrong or I'm in the wrong section.
    I recently bought the P67A-G45 board in mid January.  Mainly, I wasn't having any problems, a few hiccups here and there which I solved by updating Bios/Chipset.  However, recently (past two-three weeks) I've been having troubles with Blue Screens.  These can occur anytime, sometimes while gaming, other times just browsing the web.  I have a few shots of the screens (bad quality, sorry):,UZiiC,GvSbn,UZiiC,GvSbn#1
    As well as BSOD error like (no pic, sorry)
    Is this the Mobo?  I've searched around, the error of IRQL... I'm told can be nearly anything...
    I'm starting to get slightly frustrated, so I'm hoping you guys can help.
    MSI P67A-G45 (MS-7673)
    8gigs DDR3 (9-9-9-24)
    Intel Core i5 2500k @3.30 GHz (not overclocked)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570
    1GB memory
    Let me know if I can provide anymore information.  I'll do my best to try and help.
    Edit: Drives are up to date and everything else.  Everything aside from Non-MSI related utilities have been installed via Live Update 5.

    Quote from: Flick on 29-February-12, 05:53:39
    Connection Interface... I'm not sure what that is either.
    Is it an IDE or SATA drive, you can check in devicemanager.
    Quote from: Flick on 29-February-12, 05:53:39
    Edit:  It could be the hard drive.  Everything on this PC is nearly new (within 5 months) albeit the Hard drive.  Is there anyway to see if thats what is actually causing the blue screens?
    Download HDtune and let it check the disk, if it bluescreens whilst checking, it is probably your drive, but, more importantly, its to see if there are damaged sectors and thus see the status of you HDD. If the disk is damaged, best to back up all important data and get a new HDD.
    To read the minidump from the bluescreen, I use Bluescreenview, its free.
    The stop code from the minidump can then be used to look up what it is, on or Google.

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    Hate to suggest this, but you need to ask in the Flash forum. This forum is for Acrobat.

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