Bluetooth Keyboard (or universal HID) Drivers?

I've successfully paired an Apple Bluetooth keyboard with a Blackberry 8830, but cannot use it for input.
Is there a universal HID driver for Blackberry that can be enabled?  Anything native to the device that would allow this to work?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

To use bluetooth keyboards, there is a security setting that must also be changed.  Go to Options>Advanced Options>Applications, find your bluetooth keyboard driver, click for the menu and select Edit Permissions.  Under the Interactions category, make sure that Interprocess Communication and Keystroke Injection are both set to Allow.  This can also be implemented via BES software configurations if you have a lot of them to do.
posted by DigitalFrog
WARNING: May contain traces of nuts.

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    Never mind,,,,,
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    am a happy camper now!

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    OK, I'm happy to say, I am at last typing this message on my bluetooth keyboard while running XP via Bootcamp. Hopefully this will help anyone else who encounters this problem.
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    Hi CarolV.,
    Are you using a separate App, or the Emoji keyboard built into iOS6?
    Although I don't have a Logitech Bluetooth keyboard, I tested with an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, iOS6, built in Emoji.
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    Any ideas?  I have the most recent Bluetooth Driver (11.08).
    Curt B.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

    Hi brenec,
    just curious, did you fix your problem? Did it resolve the problem with crashing the device?
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    I use the keyboard quite often as some kind of daily journal and to think loud (brainstorming). I find the smallness of the device very nice and that the Palm is ready to work after switching on. I used the Universal Wireless Keyboard before and didn't had these crashes. I removed the old infrared keyboard driver, but I did not do a "spring clean".
    Any idea? If I can't fix the problem, I need to go for an alternative platform after 10 years of having had a Palm device :-(
    Post relates to: Palm TX

  • Pairing with brand new 2008 bluetooth keyboard, Boot Camp 2.0

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    So the question: can I have the keyboard work under BOTH Windows XP (under boot camp) AND OS X?
    I did try to see if I could make it work....
    1. Reboot under XP (boot camp whatever the latest version is, I installed boot camp two weeks ago).
    2. Select Control Panel - Bluetooth Devices
    3. Check the box
    4. Press button on right side of keyboard
    5. Quickly press "next" button.
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    The keyboard did not work. At all.
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    So, if I 'un pair' the keyboard under OS X, and then 're pair' the keyboard under Windows, will I then need to 'un pair' the keyboard under Windows and then 're pair' it under OS X to make it work?

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    It is up to manufacturers of 3rd party hardware to provide drivers to get their stuff to work on phones. It is not Nokia's responsibility. There's no way Nokia can be expected to provide drivers for all the hardware that's been designed by other manufacturers to work on their phones.
    BTW, "wineman" is an unusal user ID. I know someone in the East of France who uses it fairly frequently. If it's you then you can probably guess who I am from my user ID...
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Recovery Disk Assistant with Bluetooth Keyboard?

    The recovery drive "creates a hidden, 650MB partition called Recovery HD. You can boot your Mac from Recovery HD by holding down Command-R at startup"
    How do you perform the keyboard command when you're using a bluetooth keyboard?

    junitoprmodel wrote:
    How do you perform the keyboard command when you're using a bluetooth keyboard?
    You plug in a USB keyboard.  Any keyboard will do... USB HID is a standard.  If you use a Windows-logoed keyboard rather than a Mac one, the Windows log key is the Option key.

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    I've done so (and even tested it on my Macbook and the USB mouse works fine) but for some reason it will not interface with my iMac - and I've tired multiple USB ports and still nothing, which is why I brought up the keyboard being bluetooth I didn't know if that somehow may interfer with the USB mouse when the bluetooth keyboard is turned on and paired. I am pretty good when it comes to computers so I know what to look for and what I am doing (for the most part) but this has me stumped.

  • Number lock in Bluetooth keyboard

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    I have tried all the help options but still it isn't doing the job. Whenever I press the number pad the mouse cursor moves up, down, right, left and diagonal. The number '5' key works like a mouse click. Once I press the number keys then mouse and rest of the key board doesn't work till I press 5 to select some item.
    Please somebody explain me how to rectify this
    C. Badrakumar

    Turn off "Mouse Keys" in Universal Access. I turned them on a few weeks ago, and didn't realize what it was for; it's for using the numeric keypad in place of a mouse, and renders the numeric keypad worthless for input of numbers.
    Go to "System Preferences", then "Universal Access", then "Mouse". Mouse Keys should be OFF.

  • PDA Bluetooth keyboard: possible to get it to work with Arch?

    Hello there,
    I have an old Bluetooth keyboard that was originally intended to be used for one of those Palm PDAs that came out like six or eight years ago. I successfully paired this device with my Laptop (Thinkpad X60t). However, the only service exhibited by this device is "SPP slave". The keyboard doesn't identify as a HID, as it seems. I don't know the exact model; it's one of those foldable models by GeneralKeys.
    Using sudo cat /dev/rfcomm0, I can verify that key presses on the keyboard actually reach my laptop. However it's all gibberish, e.g. pressing the sequence hjkl<enter> results in the string (g)h*i+j.m being output. Is there any way to somehow to convert/attach this device's output so that I can use the keyboard as a proper HID?

    Natanji wrote:...Is there any way to somehow to convert/attach this device's output so that I can use the keyboard as a proper HID?
    I am not familiar with the device, but from your description, I would say it is unlikely.  Your device appears to be using an SPP (Serial Port Protocol); It is much simpler than a HID implementation. 
    You might look to see if the system creates an event interface in /dev/input when you associate the keyboard.  If so, it may be possible to do something with evdev.
    I cannot offer any suggestions, except that it would make an interesting project.

  • Lumia 1520 does not support Bluetooth Keyboard (HI...

    I would very much like to buy a Lumia 1520 as it would spare me from carrying both a phone and a tablet.
    However, I am not going to as, for reasons which utterly defeat me, the Bluetooth stack does not support a keyboard. The HID (Human Interface Device) aspect has not been included.
    I am utterly baffled by this simple omission. From my Nokia N95 through to my N8 I was able to use a keyboard. I even still have a Nokia one which folds.
    Would someone from Nokia be good enough to:-
    a. let me know why this bit of simple but basic functionality has been left out?
    b. when, if ever, it is likely to be included in an update? 

    Agreed on all points -
    1. Lack of HID support is a glaring omission that needs to be fixed
    2. Microsoft is responsible for omitting HID support (which existed in Windows Mobile 6.5!)
    3. There is hope for the future when Nokia/Microsoft collaboration is tighter after the merger.
    As mentioned above, a WP device can see a bluetooth keyboard - it can even perform the pairing handshake.  It generates a random code, you enter the code on the BT keyboard, the two become paired.  But then nothing.
    I can add a little insight to this conversation: If you were to ask Microsoft folks, the answer would probably go something like this: "We have a finite number of resources.  So to support one feature, we'd have to cut something else.  What feature would you be willing to lose in exchange for HID support?"
    I am basing this on similar conversations I've seen on MSFT discussion boards about support for entire-device backups - not piece-meal app-supported "in the cloud" data storage, but total backup/restore functionality.
    I personally think it is embarassing that Windows Phone does not support the HID profile.  I know we're getting close.  The code is already on Windows RT for tablets.  So I sure hope it's in the pipeline for WP.  Time will tell I suppose.

  • N8 & BlueNext Mini Bluetooth Keyboard

    I have a BlueNext BN1000 Mini keyboard which I have paired with my N8 but some of the keys are not being recognised by the phone: eg: Shift key won't work if you want to type a capital letter followed by a lowercase one & ome other key functions requiring the Shift key are not working. I have keyboard set to UK but have also tried US-English. The keyboard came with various Symbian S60 drivers but the N8 either said it had them or that they were not compatible when I tried to download them.  I would like to have the keyboard fully functional if possible as I can type much better with it than the rather cramped onscreen option.  Is there anything more I can do?
    Go to Solution.

    Unfortunately there seem to be quirks with whatever Bluetooth keyboard is used apart from Apple Bluetooth keyboard where UK keyboard can be chosen from selection available. Even Nokia's SU-8W is not immune to such issues as can't type "y" as keep getting "z" instead as referrred to in my post here:/t5/Nseries-and-Symbian-Smartphones/N8-and-bluetooth-keyboard-mouse/m-p/972815/highlight/true#M26055...
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

  • Bluetooth keyboard needs constant pairing

    So I bought a wireless keyboard last weekend as well as a Graphire 4 pen tablet which included a wireless 2-button mouse with scroll wheel. Once I set up the keyboard and entered the code, everything worked fine. Installed the Wacom tablet and it also worked just fine. I shut down the computer and upon my next start up, the keyboard didn't work and the Bluetooth symbol indicated Bluetooth was Not Available. The Bluetooth discovery window opened automatically and was looking for a mouse. When I selected "go back" and chose keyboard, Bluetooth wasn't able to find the keyboard. I shut down again and before restart, plugged in my original wired mouse. Now Bluetooth finds the keyboard and wants the pairing sequence to be executed again.
    Are there any known conflicts between the wacom tablet and the wireless keyboard?
    Is my computer automatically assuming that I have a wireless mouse because it can't find my USB mouse?
    It seems the only work around is to never shut down the computer - only put it to sleep. Any suggestions??
    iMac (Rev A) G5 20" 1.8 Ghz, 1 Gig Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Hi, Peter!
    Sorry to hear you're having trouble — particularly with such a cool new toy!
    I'm relatively familiar with Bluetooth issues in the wacky world of Macs — but not Wacom. So I did some research [1] that may prove helpful. I found a number of issues with Wacom drivers — but none that identify a conflict with an Apple wireless keyboard.
    But before we wade too deep into that, I have a few questions/suggestions, primarily for clarification — but one may help. Depending on whuzzup (please post back!), we can discuss further troubleshooting steps to try, if necessary.
        (1) Keyboard. You didn't mention the model of Bluetooth keyboard you purchased. Was it an Apple wireless keyboard? This may be a factor in any compatibility issues.
        (2) Icon. What Bluetooth icon did you see in the menu extra that you considered "Bluetooth Not Available"? Here are the symbols and their intended meanings.
        (3) What Bluetooth module are you using? Did you order your iMac G5 with Bluetooth as a CTO extra (internal Bluetooth module) or are you using a D-Link DBT-120 (Rev B2) (or other) adapter for your Bluetooth connection? If the latter, please post back to discuss if none of the other suggestions help.
        (4) Are your Bluetooth drivers and software current? Please check to confirm that your Apple Bluetooth Firmware and software are updated to versions 1.2 (Bluetooth specification no.) and 1.5, respectively, for your model. System Profiler »» Hardware »» Bluetooth and »» Software »» Extensions/ Frameworks can help with this. According to Wacom's KnowledgeBase Article 332, the Wacom Graphire4 Bluetooth pen tablet is compliant with specification 1.2.
    Wacom issued a newly updated Driver 4.95-1 for OSX for your tablet on Feb. 14, 2006. If you don't have this, or have any doubts about its installation — the new driver is described in this product bulletin, and available here. Wacom Article 335: "Why doesn't my tablet work after upgrading to Mac OSX Tiger 10.4?" explains how to un-install previous versions of Wacom drivers, and how to install the new one.
        (5) Bluetooth Preferences and the Bluetooth Setup Assistant (BSA) can be a little confusing at 1st, and may suggest a "ghost" connection problem.
    The BSA "auto-open" is a Preferences setting; "Mouse" is the default in the BSA Select Device Type window. (It's not automatically indicating what failed to connect or pair.)
    Go to System Preferences »» Bluetooth and check to confirm that the settings match your objectives. At the »» Settings tab, I suggest that you de-select "Open Bluetooth Setup Assistant at startup when no input device is present" and select the others. [2] From what I can glean in Wacom's KBase, the auto- option for the Setup Assistant (BSA) may get pretty frustrating — because of the tablet's wake/sleep behavior. (We can discuss this later, if necessary.) You'll still be able to initiate "Setup Bluetooth device..." readily from the Bluetooth menu. While you have the Preference pane open, check setting in the Devices and Sharing tabs, too.
    If you haven't already, you may want to contact Wacom tech. support in Vancouver, WA, USA at 1-360-896-9833 (Dial 4).
    That's enough — too much? — for now. Please post back to share your progress. I found a few other ideas you could try, if these suggestions don't do the trick.
    [1] Including, if you're interested —
        • Wacom's Knowledge Base, including Bluetooth FAQs re: Mac OS X
        • Wacom Graphire Bluetooth Manual (Feb. 2005)
        • MacInTouch's listing of Incompatibilities and Workarounds between 3rd-Party software and OS X 10.4
        • Version Tracker reader reviews of Wacom drivers
        • a little Google searching...
    [2] You may not want to select "Discoverable" — as re-/authentication shouldn't be necessary on a regular basis.
    [1,877 ⊥ 3,285]

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