Blurry iSight?

Anyone here getting blurry images from their built-in iSight?
Image from the built-in iSight:
Image from FireWire iSight:
Image from another MBP iSight:
The image from my MBP iSight is considerably blurrier and washed out compared to the others.

have you taken multiple images with your iSight? Just
as a test try turning your MacBook Pro so you have a
different background behind you, possible it's having
a difficult time focusing on you? Don't know for sure
though. Hope you find a fix.
Yes. Same result.

Similar Messages

  • Blurry iSight only when other party connects

    I have read the numerous other issues with blurry video, however, I haven't seen one with my problem. My preview looks crystal clear until I invite another party for a video conf. Once they accept, my viedo gets slightly blurry.
    My bandwidth is 4.5MB down and 500 kb up, which should be sufficient. I have made the changes to preferences/quicktime.
    Any suggestions?

     Are you running ANY other apps while trying to video chat? If so, shut down everything, reboot your modem (and router if you use one,) restart your Mac, close any apps that you have set to launch as System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items, launch iChat AV only, and try video again. If you experience the same problem, you can try the following to track down the cause of your problem and resolve it.
    ALL parties to the problem chat should Check Broadband Speed. (Buddy Names for iChat Test if you need testers.)
    If speed is adequate for all parties, ALL parties to the problem chat should test with more than one other user to determine which system is causing the problem. Then the user of the problem system should troubleshoot and consider any untried Help for iChat AV 3 Problems suggestions that are relevant to the problem system.
    Please let us know what fixed it for you.

  • Focus on Built-in iSight - Intel iMac

    Anyone out there with a new Intel iMac that has a blurry iSight?
    I have the new machine at home and a G5 with external iSight at office and when chatting for first time with home, noticed that image on my end was blurry. After getting home and looking into it, even the "video preview" is out of focus.
    Anybody else having similar problems? Any tweeks or suggestions are appreciated

    My problem exactly. My external iSight knocks the built-in dead in the dirt. Apparently my up/down speeds are OK, so seems like I need to visit an Apple store and see what theirs' look like. I still think it could be memory, especially since my image degraded so much between a two person chat and a three preson chat.
    I would like to hear from some other folks that have a new imac with built in that are loving it, cause I sure do think something is wrong with mine.
    Good luck with your Moms' machine.

  • Isight...blurry images after 10.4.6 install?

    after installing 10.4.6, my isight camera seems to have a blurry/slightly out of focus image, but only within the ichat program (photo booth doesn't have the same problem).
    anyone else notice this? any settings i can look at?

     Consider relevant suggestions from Help for iChat AV 3 Problems.
    The first thing I usually try is to shut down everything, reboot the modem, then, after the modem's self-test has completed, restart your the router. Once the router's self-test is finished,restart your Mac and try iChat AV to see if the problem is now resolved.
    If not, I would try the QT streaming speed setting check next.
    If your problem persists, follow that with the 10.4.6 Combo Updater using the technique recommended.
    If none of those get iChat AV working properly for you, try the other suggestions in any order that you deem appropriate for your system.
    If you are not CERTAIN that the problem began immediately following your update, you can also consider How to get iChat AV working again.

  • Blurry Built-In iSight when using iChat

    I have a new 20" iSight iMac and seem to be having an issue with using the iSight w/ iChat. The picture looks perfectly clear in my preview window, until the moment where it actually connects with another user, at which time it immediately goes blurry as if the camera has completely lost focus. I've tried on multiple occasions, connecting to people who also have an iSight/iChat with everyone having high-speed connections.
    This seems like a bug to me, and there's no way to manually focus the camera until/unless iGlasses comes up with a version that's compatible w/ the new iMacs. I've searched and seen this problem mentioned a few times on the boards, but have yet to hear a solution or even whether this is something fixable or not.
    20" iSight iMac 2.1 gHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    It's certainly possible there's some kind of bandwidth detection going on that made it blurry, but it doesn't make sense that it would make the picture BLURRY, rather than make it lower quality (more pixalated). I have a cable connection that has a very fast upload speed, so if there was a bandwidth problem, it wasn't likely on my end.
    Today I connected w/ a neighbor and didn't have the blurry problem, though I did have the problem with the other two people I've tried it with.
    Next time it happens I'll check the connection doctor to see what it says. I should also note that when I connected to the same people using a stand-alone iSight, I did NOT have the 'blurry' problem. It seems to be confined to the built-in camera, and again it looks fine until it actually connects to someone.

  • The isight is blurry just like a VGA camera...

    i just bought macbook pro yesterday 22 july 2009 at 3 p.m.
    I guess i don't know how to use it properly, but, i forgot to check the camera as we speak, because this macbook belongs to my sister, she done the checking, after we bought it, then we install a screen guard @ one of the apple vendor in indonesia. I think something happen, is it because of the screen guard that makes my isight camera looks like a VGA or, do I need to download some program and make the camera like any other macbook? (i check the macbook(which not pro) and the isight camera looks like a crystal clear camera of acer, which are good, to the best. Need help, because if the isight camera installed on my macbook pro is broken, then where should i go to fix it. (its a brand new item, i just bought it.) ><
    And can someone give me an brief explanation about the isight cam inside macbook pro mb990 13'3inch, appreciate it soo much, Thanks before.

    Welcome to Discussions, erikers
    erikers wrote:
    ... is it because of the screen guard that makes my isight camera looks like a VGA ...
    If by "screen guard" you mean something that covers the screen something like shown in this image:
    the guard may very well be what is causing your iSight's view to look more blurry than it would without the guard. Remove the guard and check to see if iSight image looks better to you. If it does, you merely need to decide whether you want to use the guard or not.
    If you think there is something wrong with your iSight even when you are NOT using the guard, try the relevant suggestions in Apple's troubleshooting page:
    Once you have your iSight working reliably, you can test your Mac's iSight's resolution with QuickTime Pro if you have it. If you don't have QT Pro, use the test explained in this page to find the native resolution of the iSight in your Mac.
    ... do I need to download some program and make the camera like any other macbook?
    No. Unless you want to do something with your iSight that your Mac's bundled Apple software does not do, you don't need to add any applications program software.
    Some of the apps that can control your iSight and what they do are summarized on this page:
    Regardless of the native resolution of your inbuilt iSight, at least some of the applications in this list, including Apple iChat, for example, can only use your iSight at VGA resolution.
    What resolution(s) is available in any software is a function of how the software is written, so read the documentation carefully if you are trying to add only software with resolutions higher than VGA.
    ... where should i go to fix it. (its a brand new item, i just bought it.)
    If the above info does not help you resolve your problem, contact the retailer who sold you your MBP or a local Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider for service.
    If you can take your Mac back to the same retailer who sold it to you, perhaps his technicians can correct the problem. If not, the retailer may be able to exchange your new Mac for one with a properly functioning iSight, particularly if you raise the issue quickly. 
    Service contact info for Indonesia are shown in
    ... give me an brief explanation about the isight cam inside macbook pro mb990 13'3inch ...
    The User Guide that came with your MBP contains instructions for using your MBP's iSight.
    The other info Apple publishes about MBP is available in the MacBook Pro product page and the Tech Specs and other links there.
    EZ Jim
    G5 DP 1.8GHz w/Mac OS X (10.5.7) PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)   iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • The Built-in iSight Camera in my 13" MBA is ALWAYS blurry ... see sample

    Surely I'm not the only one?
    Lens is clean.
    Lots of light.
    Different apps.
    It just always looks blurry.
    See screenshot

    I agree with SP, all of my iSight cameras on my portables also suffer from the same "problem." I'm pretty sure it's a .3 megapixel sensor with a plastic cover (not glass) so there's only so much to be expected from it. Personally if you require a video camera for web conferences (and such) and you're looking for something along the lines of crystal clear HD video then you'll need one **** of an ISP and an external solution.

  • Blurry/Fuzzy isight

    My isight is very very blurry compared to earlier shots i've taken, I've cleaned the surface of the lense and it appears clear. However the pictures i'm now taking are much blurrier than previous. I'm wonderin if it's possible to clean the inside of the lense.

    Nope, Scott TD,
    Unless you are an Apple-Authorized Service Provider (AASP), you cannot clean inside your MacBook Pro without endangering your warranty. There are no user-serviceable parts of iSight. Contact Apple or your local AASP if you think your problem is internal.
    You can try the relevant suggestion for built-in iSight in Apple's How to Troubleshoot iSight first if you like.
    One other possibility is that you are trying to take very different pictures. Built-in iSight is a fixed focus camera. If the pictures you consider "Blurry/Fuzzy" are of much closer or much more distant subjects than the acceptable images you made, you may be outside the limits of your iSight's Depth of Field or Hyperfocal Distance. Some techniques, such as adding more light, can help in certain circumstances. We may be able to offer other suggestions if you post details of how current and previous subjects differ.
    EZ Jim
    PowerBook 1.67 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.10)    G5 DP 1.8  External iSight

  • Blurry video from Isight, hardware or software issue?

    The last time I used my iSight was a few months ago with 10.4.3 or 10.4.4. I have updated to 10.4.5 and my iSight shows a blurry stretched image with lines going vertical. I am not sure if this is just a coincidence, or if my iSight was damaged durring my time of not using it.
    If any one has had this problem, or knows for certian that it is hardware, please let me know. Also, if there is a way to "rollback" the update for troubleshooting purposes, please let me know. Thank you.

     Hello CurtisP. Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    I am using the 10.4.5 update with good results. If you updated properly, I strongly doubt that the update is causing your problem. It is possible that the download or the update itself did not work properly.
    First, verify that you have not added other hardware or software since you last used your iSight that may have resulted in Possible hardware or software conflicts.
    As noted in the "camcorder substitute" section of Using iSight, it is not unusual for people who store their iSights for long periods, particularly inside iSight's plastic shipping case or in places like briefcases or desk drawers that move, to find that their iSight has stopped working.
    If the suggestions in How to test your iSight to ensure it is functional do not help resolve your problem, you might also want to try the 10.4.5 Combo Update as suggested in How I Update My Mac OS X before you see your Apple Service Tech.
    The only way to "rollback" to an earlier version is to Reinstall Mac OS X to the installer version you own on disc. You must then reapply the updates that would take you to the version that you desire. Even if you want to use a version earlier than 10.4.5, I suggest you use that version's Combo Updater to get there. Using the combo will save you the time of upgrading stepwise, and it seems more reliable to me than using the "Software Update..." method.
    Please let us know how it goes for you.

  • Why does the isight on the mac blurry?

    Everytime im on photo booth or facetiming, its just blurry. I just bought the macpro and just surprised that its blurry.

    Stetsonli wrote: why does the isight on the mac blurry?
    Because you, your Mac, or maybe both are doing wrong.
    Stetsonli wrote: ... I just bought the macpro and ... its blurry.
    I think you mean "MacBook Pro". Take your new Mac back to the retailer who sold it to you ASAP and ask him to check the problem you see.
    If your new MBP is defective, your retailer can help you get it repaired or replaced.
    If there is nothing wrong with your new Mac, your retailer can show you how to use it to get the best possible image quality.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.8.5

  • Built-in iSight blurry with iChat

    When I use iChat my preview is clear and then goes blurry when I start to chat. I have tried extra and different lighting and iGlasses. I have also changed the video prefs in iChat to bandwidth limit is none. I think it might be my Quicktime prefs but not sure which streaming speed to pick. At the moment it is set to 256 Kbps DSL/Cable. I checked with my internet provider to see what DSL speed I have and it is 128 Kbps DSL but there is nothing in Quicktime prefs for that. I don't have this problem with Skype with the current settings but the audio isn't as good as iChat.
    iMac5,1 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi Hejo,
    I think your DSL connection is not really fast, it might be just a little to slow for a crisp picture. Your preview picture is always nice, it is closed circuit. (not over the internet) Skype video uses less bandwidth and can run on less bandwidth than iChat.Try to boost your airport and it might get better:
    This can be accomplished with the AirPort Admin Utility (located in Applications/Utilities).
    Open the AirPort Admin Utility, and click on your desired Base station on the left-hand pane, then select "Configure." Go to the "AirPort" tab at the top. Next, find the "Mode" pop-up menu, and select 802.11g-only. Of course, you will need a Mac with an AirPort Extreme or other 802.11g-compatible wireless device in order to connect to the Base station.
    (Core 2 Duo)
    MBP 2.33GHz intel core 2 duo 3GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4)   (8P2127)7

  • ISight is blurry

    I posted this question before and thought the problem was solved but it has reoccurred. I have a stand alone iSight that does not stay focused. It pulsates in and out of focus under various light conditions. If I unplug it and plug it back in, the problem is fixed for a short time then starts all over again. I have two iSights attached to my mac mini and one is controlled by iGlasses and I do not have any problems with that one.
    Any suggetions? Is there another program similar to iGlasses that can control the focus of an iSight? iGlasses will only control one iSight on a system.

    Apple will take the iSight back, which is under warranty still, and take a look at it for repair or replacement.

  • Blurry Pictures Photo Booth/iSight

    I suddenly noticed that Photo Booth is taking pictures that look blurred or fuzzy. I have the MacBook on a table (not moving) so it's not from movement. Everything has a soft focus (no, it's not from the special effect "glow", but it sort of looks like a more subtle version of that). I tried gently cleaning the lens. No luck.

    Take the computer to an AASP or your local Apple Store for a check-up. Hopefully, you have Apple Care.

  • Kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?  Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Kisight:- How do I get my iSight working ?

    kisight:- How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.
    On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ? which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight. They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First. For Internal iSights Start at 2b) (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.
    Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.
    If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in. It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such. It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.
    The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.
    iChat is one, Photobooth is another, iMovie (Version 4 or above), Comic Book if bundled on your Mac are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera and the OS and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.
    If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.
    Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable form any other Firewire device and give the iSight it's Own Firewire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other Firewire devices).
    Use a firewire port on your Mac that you know works.
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)
    Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > Firewire. (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.
    This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognize a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it s going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.
    The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.
    The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.
    The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther. (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSght Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
    Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
    Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff can give you clues for any application really
    "Look and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    First Draft.
    Comment please.
    9:59 PM Friday; May 15, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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