Bogus No Sender in Email

Can anyone help me! I have noticed that from time to time I receive emails from No Sender with no subject and no content! Upon editing I can't trash the email? Has anyone had a similar problem and if so how can it be fixed?

I'm having this problem too. It started with the last iPhone update. I have Yahoo email, and I'm getting "no sender" messages dated 12/31/1969. Can't open or delete them, and they don't show up in my regular Yahoo email account. After this happened the first time, I restored my phone to original settings and they went away. But I got some more a couple weeks later. Restoring is not an option given that I have to reload everything each time. Just got off the phone with ATT support and they said I should try deleting all my Yahoo email files except for inbox, trash, and sent. Given that I have important stuff in my email files, I don't think this is a good option. Apple should solve the problem instead of asking the customer to do it.

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    I, too, am trying to figure this out.
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    Try below:
    Go to Central Admin ---->Operations----->outgoing email settings and verify that SMTP server is mentioned correctly 
    2) Test the connectivity with the SMTP server.
    In order to do that follow these steps:
      Open  cmd
      telnet <SMTP server name> 25 ( We connect smtp server to the port 25)  
                     you should see a response  like this 220 <servername> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.3959 ready at date and time
                     Beware that different servers will come up with different settings but you will get something
                     If you dont get anything then there could be 2 possible reasons, either port 25 is blocked or 
                     the smtp server is not responding.
      For testing response from your server
                       For testing response say ehlo to it.
                            Type :
                                        ehlo <servername>
                                        250 <servername> Hello [IP Address]
      Now a test mail can be sent from that SharePoint server. 
                          Now we need to enter the From address of the mail.
                          Type :
                           mail from: [email protected]
                           250 2.1.0 [email protected]….Sender OK
     It's time to enter the recepient email address.
    Type : rcpt to: [email protected]
    250 2.1.5 [email protected]
     Now we are left with the data of the email. i.e. subject and body.
    Type : data
    354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
    subject: this is a test mail
    This is test mail body
    I am testing SMTP server.
    Hit Enter, then . and then Enter.
    250 2.6.0 <<servername>C8wSA00000006@<servername>> Queued mail for delivery
    Type: quit
    221 2.0.0 <servername> Service closing transmission channe
    3)  Check alerts are enabled for your web application
          verify if the windows timer service is running or not.
          Run this stsadm command to check that
          Stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL -pn alerts-enabled
         This should return <Property Exist="Yes" Value="yes" />
         If you don’t get this, Enable alerts by:
         stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn alerts-enabled -pv "true" -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL
          If its already enabled, try turn off and turn on it back.
    4)  Check the Timer job and Properties
           Go to
           MOSS 2007:  Central Administration > Operations > Timer Job Definitions (under Global Configuration)
           In SharePoint 2010: Central Administration > Monitoring > Review Job Definitions 
           Check whether the "Immediate Alerts" job is enabled for your web application. check these properties:
           stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url "http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL" -pn job-immediate-alerts
           The expected output is:
           <Property Exist="Yes" Value="every 5 minutes between 0 and 59"/>.  
           If you don’t get this, run the following command to set its value.
           stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -pv “every 5 minutes between 0 and 59" -url http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL
    5)  Check whether the account is subscribed for alerts and it has a valid email account. This should be the first thing to check if the problem persists for some users not for      all.
    6)  Then check if at all those users have at least read permission for the list. Because the first mail should go out for every user without security validation but the next ones       won't be delivered unless the user has at least read
    7)  If it is happening for one user, can also try to delete and re add the user in the site.
    8)  Most importantly , you should try this one.
          Run this SQL query to the content db < Select * from Timerlock>
          This will give you the name of the server which is locking the content database and since when.
          In order to get rid of that lock 
          Go to that server which is locking the content db and then restart the windows timer service.
          within some time it should release the lock from content db, if not then at the most stop the timer job for some time
          Once the lock will be released then try to send some alerts
          You will surely get the email alert.
    I found this is the most probable reason for alert not working most of the time. We should start troubleshooting with above steps before coming to this step for any alert email issue but from step 1 to step 7 are best for new environments or new servers.
    If the issue is like this ,alert was working before and suddenly stopped working without any environmental change then above conditions in step 1-7 should be ideally fine.
    Even after this if it is not working, then you can try these few more steps too
    9)  Try re-registering the alert template:
    stsadm -o updatealerttemplates -url http://Your-SharePoint-Web-App-URL -f  "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\alerttemplates.xml" -LCID 1033
    10)  Try to clear the configuration cache
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Reg: sending an email using report server

    i am using the below code to send an email using the report server.
    When send button Click:
    PL_ID ParamList;
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep varchar2(100);
    rep_status varchar2(20);
    l_host_name varchar2(50);
    l_port_num varchar2(10);
    l_server_name varchar2(50);
    l_month_name varchar2(20);
    l_from varchar2(50);
    l_to varchar2(50);
    l_cc varchar2(50);
    l_property varchar2(1000);
    l_sub_out varchar2(200);
    l_sub varchar2(400);
    L_BODY VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_email_dir varchar2(50);
    l_sub:=:block1.number||' '||replace(replace(:block1.desc,'&','ampersand'),'''','$quote');
    if length(l_sub) >150 then
    end if;
    l_host_name := (i used my host ip address local host);
    l_port_num := '8889';
    l_email_dir := 'C:\forms\';
    l_from := [email protected];
    l_cc := [email protected];
    L_BODY:=' Please refer to the attached abc Report';
    repid := find_report_object('PRINT_REPORT');
    if :abc.email_address is not null then
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid,REPORT_OTHER, 'paramform=no DISTRIBUTE=YES DESTINATION='||l_email_dir||'test.xml'||' '||
    ' p_2='|| TO_CHAR(:control.sessionid)||' '||'P_ID='||TO_CHAR(:block1.ID)||' '
    ||'P_LIST_TYPE='||'A'||' '     
    ||'DISTRIBUTE=YES DESTINATION=test.xml'||' '
    ||'P_FROM='||''''||l_from||''''||' '
    ||'P_SEND='||''''||l_to||''''||' '
    ||'P_CC='||''''||l_cc||''''||' '
    ||'P_FILE='||'C:\testfile.txt'||' '
    ||'p_email_path='||l_email_dir||' '
    ||'P_BODY='||''''||l_body||''''||' '
    ||'P_NUM='||''''||'Email report: '||l_sub_out||'''');
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);     
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
    message('Error when sending email to: '||l_to);
    END IF;
    if :system.last_record='TRUE' then
    end if;
    end loop;
    end if;
    message ('Mail has been sent.');
    In the report:
    I created all the required parameters and i wrote a trigger as
    function AfterPForm return boolean is
    dst_file text_io.file_type;
    l_email_dir varchar2(50);
    dst_file := text_io.fopen(:p_email_path||'test.xml','w');
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '<destinations>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '<mail id="ex1" '||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, 'from="&P_FROM"'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, 'to="&P_SEND"'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, 'cc="&P_CC"'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, 'subject="&<P_NUM>">'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '<body srcType="text">'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '</body>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '<foreach>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '<attach format="pdf" name="report.pdf" srcType="report" instance="all">'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '<include src="mainSection"/>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '</attach>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '</foreach>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '</mail>'||chr(13));
    text_io.putf(dst_file, '</destinations>'||chr(13));
    return (TRUE);
    Then after compilation i click the button send. Then i got the message as
    Mail has been sent to [email protected].
    But i didn't receive any mail.
    then i check the report job id. It was showing job was successful .
    And i check whether the test.xml file was created or not. It has created the test.xml file as below:
    <mail id="ex1"
    <body srcType="text">
    <![CDATA Please refer to the attached abc Report]>
    <attach format="pdf" name="report.pdf" srcType="report" instance="all">
    <include src="mainSection"/>
    I have 2 machines having dev 10g. one machine is working fine with this code. but in my machine it was not working.
    Do any one of you had a solution for my case.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user648380 on Dec 29, 2009 5:59 PM

    Sorry to all.
    I made a mistake in the from email address.
    Instead of i had given gmail,com
    I am really sorry about it.

  • Sending multiple email for free goods item category??

    we have requirement to send email (Z report in smartforms) automatically when sale order save in tcode VA01/VA02.
    we made reqd config in tcode NACE and we set access sequence on ORDER TYPE and it's working fine. but the problem is that when order booked for item category free goods it sends multiple emails. (i.e. no. of line items = no. of email) for one order no. All other item category is working fine. only problem with the free goods.
    I am an abaper. all config are made with the consent of SD consultant.
    pls help.
    Radhashyam Sahoo.

    If you are an ABAPer, then it sounds like you simply need to debug the processing to identify where/why the fault occurs.  As for the NACE settings, you should understand the config as well as your functional counterpart.  It will make you a better developer and help you understand the processing code.

  • Send as email doen't work in my Acrobat 9 Pro

    I use the desktop version of Windows Live Mail but my Acrobat 9 Pro is not able to connect with it to be able to send as email an open pdf.
    Can anyone help?
    Many thanks in advanced.
    Francisco De La Chesnaye
    [email protected]

    Acrobat communicates with default email client which set on the machine.
    To make Windows Live Mail as default email handler, following instruction in given article:
    For Windows XP:
    For Windows 7 or Vista:

  • Using launchd to send an email on startup and shutdown

    Hello All !
    I'd like to get an email whenever my Mac starts up and shuts down, since I have to leave it unattended for quite some long periods of time (and even with the help of a UPS, power goes out anyway...). My Mac runs under Mac OS X Lion.
    I found some help on the Internet, mainly from this page : , which applies to Linux, and hoped it could work on Mac OS X (I thought at first I could just drop a script in something like /etc/init.d/ or /etc/rc.d/rc5.d but well... we have launchd instead...).
    The first method listed in the page above worked well, but sends an email only on startup (for a reminder: you add a line that starts with @reboot in your crontab, and a command that sends directly an email).
    I then tried to adapt the second method to Mac OS X, and succeeded partially: I wrote a small script based on what was shown on that page (a start and stop function, start gets called when the script is started, and stop gets called based on a trap on various kill signals, with an infinite wait loop: see below). I also wrote the plist file, loaded it in launchd and rebooted my Mac several times to test everything.
    I get an email on each startup (yeah!), but the shutdown mail gets sent only at the next startup. So I guess that postfix gets killed by the shutdown process *before* being able to send my shutdown email :-(
    So here are my main questions, if someone can help me:
    1. is there a way to precisely call a script during the shutdown process, meaning giving it a priority so it gets called before postfix dies ? (like the rc directories and the naming conventions (KnnScriptName and SnnScriptName) found on some Linux/Unix).
    2. is it possible to do that with launchd ? if not, what would be the Mac OS X sanctionned way of doing this ?
    Other things:
    3. my shell script writing ability is kind of rusty, so maybe I made some "very bad shell writingTM": l'm not sure putting an infinite while loop with a 15 second pause in it is the best way of telling a script to do nothing. There might other things in there that would make an Unix guru jump out of his chair: please tell me :-)
    This is my plist:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”>
    <plist version=“1.0”>
    And this is the script that does the job:
    # PHL 20120604
    # Send an email on startup and shutdown (version for launchd)
    # Based on script and explanations found here:
    # Modification history
    # PHL 20120604 v01 First version
    # Environment variables #################################################
    DEST_EMAIL="[email protected]"
    EVENT_TIME=$(date +%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S)
    RESTART_BODY="This is an automated message to notify you that $SRV_NAME started successfully at $EVENT_TIME."
    SHUTDOWN_BODY="This is an automated message to notify you that $SRV_NAME is shutting down now ($EVENT_TIME)."
    # Functions ##########
    return 0
    return 0
    # Main part #########
    case $1 in
    # trap kill signals to send an email
    # sleep until killed
    while :
        sleep 15
    Thanks for your help, and any comment :-)

    Thanks a lot for your answer, Camelot, even if it sorts of confirm what I suspected. Pinging a machine from an external observer is a solution, but it will also report broken links problems and not only a computer shutting down, and it raises the next tier of problems, general network reliability after individual system reliability. It's something I'll have to look at for sure.
    It's weird there isn't any way to access the way the shutdown process works.
    One of the commenters (#14) on the page from Syntaxtechnology had a similar problem: he added a "sendmail -q" in his script to force sendmail to go to work and service the queue before shutting down, which I can try, but he also added a delay to the stop process of sendmail, which is something I'm not sure I can do on Mac OS X (and that might disappear one day with one of the OS updates).
    Unless there is a way to change the launchd.plist file for postfix and add an ExitTimeOut option in it (I found this idea here : )

  • Unable to send out emails via outlook express since 06/29/2010

    Task '[email protected]" - Sending' reported error (0x80042109) : 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'        This is a copy/paste of error message from Office Outlook  2003
    Our household has been unable to "send" outgoing emails since 06/29/2010.  This includes a wireless laptop and a PC. We both lost the ability to send emails same day.  We changed NOTHING and did not share emails with each other that would have corrupted our system. During this time I have had 2 Verizon techs dance around in the PC doing all the same things I did as well as what  the automated assistant did.  The last tech said the Outlook Express 6.0 was corrupted, and to unistall it and then reinstall;  this time 2 hours later, I think he just gave up).  That did not work either.  I tried using the Outlook Office and still got an error message for outging. Everything is set up as it was when it was working until 06/29/2010.  I was told that there was a new server being installed and that things wold be working by 07/02/2010... I have tried taking down the firewall, turning off virus protection (McAfee), changing from to just, checking boxes, unchecked boxes. SMPT is set to 587.  We get incoming fine.  I hate using the "Verizon email site" as too much monkey motion to get to mail, but that's what we have been doing.  I even tried setting up a GMail account, again got mail still could not send.  Any ideas?

    Thank you for your response!  I even tried sending an email via dos prompt  with Telnet, got past "HELO", but when trying to get a  "RCPT TO"  (using  I got an "authorization required" response and then was dropped.  I have been passed around without a solution. I am about ready to change ISP, but really hate to as most of the time (years now) this has been a decent ISP. If Verizon is having a problem just say so, I can handle it, honesty would be nice, refreshing and not wasting so much of my time as well as the techs!

  • Since upgraded phone to 2.0, cannot send out email

    I recently upgraded my iphone to 2.0 (mistake!) and now cannot send out email from my iphone. I have tried deleting all my email accounts and re-setting it up on my iphone rather than syncing with my computer but it still will not send out email. I can send out email from my computer and used the same settings for both...

    Also having mixed success sending mail on the iPhone, which is disappointing because I haven't had to send a lot of messages. Out of about 6 attempts, I've had two replies completely disappear. They weren't sent, they weren't in the outbox to send later. They just disappeared. One was while on my home network, the other was while I was traveling. I am very bothered that the emails aren't saved to try and send later.

  • I just restored a new iPhone from iTunes and now it is continuously asking me for my email passwords. I can receive emails with no issue, but I cannot send any emails.

    I've entered my passwords for both email accounts numerous time and it still won't send any email and continuosly asks for the passwords.

    Hello Timmy790
    Try the suggestions in the article below to resolve the issue of seeing your old Apple ID on your iPhone.
    iOS 7: If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud
    -Norm G.

  • TS3276 I can receive emails, but I cannot send emails. This just started happening. I have an iPhone and I can send emails from my phone fine. It's just not working on my Macbook. Every time I try to send an email it goes straight to my outbox. Can anyone

    I can receive emails, but I cannot send emails. This just started happening. I have an iPhone and I can send emails from my phone fine. It's just not working on my Macbook. Every time I try to send an email it goes straight to my outbox. Can anyone help?

    Thank you for heading me in the right direction.  I reset my Mail account for Outgoing Mail Server to ID) (instead of, per Apple's online troubleshooting information).   I'm not sure what "(Offline)" means when it appears at the end of my Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)??  In the Advanced box I clicked on "Use custom port:  465" and checked "Use Secure Sockets Layer."  Authentication:  Password; I have correct User Name and Password put in.  After doing all this, when I try to send emails again today, they go directly to the Outbox and sit there. 
    What's curious is that my first sent email this morning did go out using the Outgoing Mail Server, (customer ID) but subsequent emails I tried to send with this server were rejected with the message:  "Cannot send message using the server (etc.).  The SMTP server doesn't support TLS(SSL) on port 587.  Verify your account settings and try again."  That's when I tried resetting my Outgoing Mail Server to (etc.), as mentioned above, and was unsuccessful in sending out any further emails.  I guess my next step is to contact my email service provider, AT&T, and see if they can help me.  Thanks, again, for taking the time to respond and for giving me your input!  Much appreciated!

  • Cannot send an email from my alias Mobile Me account from the iPhone.

    I have a Mobile Me email account which works perfectly on my Mac and iPhone. I created a an Alias Mobile Me Account on the web.
    I am able to create a new email from the alias account on the Mac.
    The iPhone will not recognize the alias account, I cannot add it or sync the account.
    I cannot send an email from my alias Mobile Me account from the iPhone.

    To all frustrated MobileMe alias owners who want to send email from iPhone - please go to the feedback area of the and leave messages regarding this issue. I had a lengthy conversation with a tech support guy who agreed that this is a needed fix - he said to initiate a grass roots effort - and that by all of us leaving messages it will eventually get attention and fixed. Why would Apple give us the ability to create alias's, use them on mobileme website, on our mac mail programs, but NOT the iPhone, which is the MOBILE device. Silly. Please protest!! Thanks.

  • I cannot send an email from my iphone

    I have entered all of the information for my in-coming and outgoing server into my iphone 4s.  However, I cannot send an email  and the message reads as follows "The sender address was rejected by the server.

    Did you check your user name and password in Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars...tap your email account, tap SMTP, then tap the primary server name.  Make sure the settings there are correct.

  • I cannot send an email from my iPad 2? No problem receiving, why does this happen? Have tried the suggestions for setting up email and after doing the sync mail through iTunes receiving worked great but still cannot send? Any help would be great

    I cannot send an email from my iPad 2? No problem receiving, why does this happen? Have tried the suggestions for setting up email and after doing the sync mail through iTunes receiving worked great but still cannot send? Any help would be great!

    The fact that you can receive means you have a valid e mail address, and have established the connection to the incoming server, so all of that works.  Since the send does not work, that means your outgoing server is rejecting whatever settings you used formthe outgoing set up.  Try them again. 
    Google your particular isp, and ipad and many times you will find the exact settings needed for your isp.  Or tell us here, and soneone else may be on the same isp.  Some mail services need you to change a port, or have a unique name for the outgoing server.  
    Kep trying.

  • TS3899 When sending email from the Mail App or through other Apps, my default From: address will change when I enter a To: address.  This sometimes leads me to send the email from the wrong outgoing email account.  It is frustrating and poor design.

    When sending email from the Mail App or through other Apps on my iPad, my default From: address will change when I enter a To: address.  This sometimes leads me to send the email from the wrong outgoing email account.  It is frustrating and poor design, especially since I had already checked the From: address.
    iPad 4 running iOS 8.1.3

    3rd party email addresses have to be deleted on every synmced mac product, although I have and my imac updatetes the mails in that account from mac mail.
    Yahoo etc is a 2 step deleting process but good to get your emails pushed when on the go.

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