Bonjour iChat window in Lion

Is there a way to "split off" the Bonjour window in iChat Lion? It would be nice to have a separate Bonjour buddy window similar to the way it was before Lion.

Thanks. I should kick myself for not lloking with better care in prefrences....

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  • IChat AV 4, Bonjour on Windows, MIranda IM Client

    The Mac users in our office have been using the Bonjour side of iChat to chat with our Windows users. The Windows machines have Bonjour for Windows installed and use the Miranda IM client. Worked great until we started upgrading to Leopard. Now if the Windows users initiate a chat, the message never appears on the Leopard Mac. The Leopard user, however, can initiate the chat with the Windows user and they receive the message just fine. Everything worked just fine when all the Mac users were on Tiger. On the Windows machines, we are running the latest version of Bonjour (1.0.4) and Miranda (0.73). Anyone have a clue? Thanks.

    I am afraid I have no info on this one.
    8:32 PM Monday; February 25, 2008

  • Bonjour on Windows Vista Business (Epson Stylus Pro 4800)

    I've installed Bonjour 1.0.3 on Vista Business.
    But the print stuck on about the half page. I think, Apple has to update Bonjour for Windows Vista.
    Do you have another idea?
    Best wishes.

    The printer dialogue will only show printers connected (either physically or wirelessly) to your Mac.
    There's got to be a simple answer to this as your Mac should find the printer. Epson has a Lion driver, so your printer should work.
    Try a different USB cable and / or plug the printer into a different USB port on your Mac, then switch your printer on.

  • Bonjour iChat messages never arrive

    I have a client who is having issues with Bonjour iChat. She can see the other Bonjour users on the network in iChat and send them a chat, but it never arrives on the other end. Other users can send her a chat and she receives it, but if she responds, the sender will not see the response. She is the only user in the office this happens to and her setup is not that different than the other computers. The machine is an iMac 8,1 (early 2008) 20" with Mac OS X 10.6.8. She is connected to the network by Ethernet. This is a Bonjour problem since it affects both iChat and Adium. She has all of the latest updates, and her AIM chatting works as expected. This affects only Bonjour. 
    I have done the following to try to fix this:
    repaired permissions
    removed and recreated iChat preferences
    removed caches and restarted
    removed preferences and caches and restarted
    tried a new user and the problem still occurred
    tried the root user and the problem still occurred
    reinstalled the 10.6.8 Combo updater
    I really don't want to have to wipe the machine and start from scratch, but it is looking like that is what I am going to have to do at this point unless anyone has any great ideas.

    I have a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard (As it can't run Lion)
    I have looked at this .plist with OmniOutliner and it only contains details of the Routers I have had the MacBook Connected to.
    Now I do not use DHCP over Wifi at my Home and the Mac has a Manually (Static) issued IP address.
    I did recently give talk on iChat at  Mac Users Group and the details of their Base Station and an iPhone I was briefly connected to for Internet were still listed. (I was able to judge by the Dates listed).
    However deleting them in System Preferences > Network (linked to a Location) did not delete them in this .plist
    As this .plist does not seem to be rewritten on changes to the System Preferences > Network it would seem it may be holding on to some other info that is effecting your Bonjour service.
    7:33 PM      Thursday; December 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • IChat window moves

    This is a minor annoyance but still bugging me... I keep my iChat windows in a certain part of my screen, which has always worked fine: new message pops up in the corner, and that's where I do my chatting. However, since upgrading to Lion, it insists on moving the new windows to a different location.
    Movie example here:
    Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas?

    I can explain this in terms of Leopard and Snow Leopard which may explain some of this.
    With Incoming Invites these windows always pop up in prescribed places.
    Text Chats, as you say is Top Right
    Audio ones are fraction below this
    Video Chat Invite are always Top Centre.
    With all the Chats, the actual window for the chat will tend to Stay in that place.
    Outgoing ones are different.
    Double Clicking a Buddy to launch a Text chat will move the window to where the Last outgoing Chat Window was.
    This may be different if you had two or three different text Chat going on and only one was an outgoing one.
    The same applies to Audio Only and Video Chat Windows.
    Now for Chat on computers that have the Camera at the top of the screen it makes some sense as then your eye line is at least somewhat directed towards the camera
    The behaviour may be different in Lion, as in different places.
    However they may have finally linked all Chat Windows to be remembered as to Last positions and to that end iChat has somewhat "Learnt" since you first started using iChat 6.
    You may find that these may move when you close the app with  a window still open that is in a different place to where you normally have it.
    You may have enough info now to prove or disprove this or at least test what it will do.
    10:11 PM      Saturday; August 6, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Bonjour for windows: "The printer you have selected is no longer available"

    Whenever I go to try and set up sharing my imacs printer with wifes windows computer, the bonjour for windows app at first sees my two printers, but as I select them I then get a message stating that "the bonjour printer you have selected is no longer available. Please make sure the printer is powered on and plugged in." It of course is on, powered and plugged in, and receives print jobs from my mac. I have also configured printer sharing in OS X 10.6 to allow for "everyone" to print. Don't get any firewall messages either.
    Same problem happens for me when I am trying to connect from windows running under Parallels on my ibook.
    Has anyone run across this problem and can offer guidance? I'm running out of hair to pull out!
    Thanks in advance,
    "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC... and we're trying to play nicely together." (mumble-mumble-grumble...)

    Problem solved!! Somehow. After being in try everything and anything mode (remove/add printer, update drivers (again), shut down/restart, etc), I think I solved the problem my changing sharing permissions. I still couldn't print though. Kept getting the "printer cannot be contacted over the network" error message. After much searching and reading things I didn't really understand, I noticed I kept running across this statement that Windows 7 does not play well with DHCP and the printer should be assigned a static IP address. I found this forum item that tells simply how to do that: The big thing was that it had me add the printer as a local printer where I had been trying to add it as a network printer. I never would have thought to do that. Then you put in the Airport address and that's it. It worked!
    This whole thing made it very clear why I moved from Windows to Mac. I should never have had to spend a whole day trying to get a network printer to print. Good luck to everyone having this issue.

  • Bonjour for windows gives this error - You do not have sufficient access...

    I installed Bonjour for windows on a PC running XP. When I run the Bonjour app from windows I can see the printer I wish to connect to. It is shared off of my G3 server. When I try to connect I get the following error,
    "You do not have sufficient access to your computer to connect to the selected printer"
    I have done some research through Apple's info database and found,
    I followed the instructions and still I get the same error. I have rebooted the PC deleted all the printers under the printer window. But no luck. I found a similar request by another apple forum user. His issue was the same but he was using 'Parallels' emulator. But no solution was provided.
    Any suggestions?

    Well this is what I've done to date to try to resolve this issue.
    I uninstalled Bonjour for Windows from my PC. I checked Apples support pages dealing with Bonjour for Windows (BfW). As suggested I deleted all printers in my printer window, (to delete all possible print Queues). I updated my Windows to the latest patch for XP. I reinstalled BfW, with the XP Firewall turned on. It is suggested that BfW will make the necessary changes to the XP firewall to allow traffic going through port 5353. I have tried more than one printer off of my G3 and I double checked my external router port restrictions, and I turned off the firewall on my G3, shared mt printers in OS X, and even turned on windows file sharing. I even updated my G3 to 10.4.8
    I pinged my G3 from my XP machine it's there. Also I can see the G3 with it's printers when I browse the network from the XP box. Also I'm on the same local subnet 192.168.2.x
    The only thing I have not done yet is see if it is possible to ping a bonjour host (my G3) from a bonjour client (XP box). That would at least verifiy the 5353ports.
    Anyone have a bonjour utility to do that? Probably have to run in a Windows enviroment. Or can a ping packet be directed to use a particular port?

  • Bonjour for Windows no longer works after SP3 is installed

    Bonjour for Windows was working fine until SP3 came out. Now I can see the printer and Bonjour goes through the motions to set it up, but I can't print to the printer.
    The whole construct of "Printer.local" or "AirPortExpress.local" doesn't seem to work in a printer Port configuration any more.
    I can ping the Printer.local or AirPortExpress.local in a command window, but the print spooler can't seem to send anything to the printer if the name.local construct is used in the port configuration.
    If I replace the printer.local name in the port configuration with the IP address instead of the printer.local name, I can print fine. The only exception to this is printers hanging off of an AirPortExpress. I can't print to any printer that is attached to an Airport Express. Even if I setup a port to the IP address, I can't print to that printer.
    Another user that had this problem uninstalled SP3, I'm contemplating that now.

    I have Bonjour installed on my ThinkPad running WinXP. It can't see my LAN-connected HP printer. I don't even see an option to add a Bonjour printer.
    ( how do you add a Bonjour printer??
    Nor can any of my Macs see the shared documents folder on the PC. They could before I upgraded to SP3. Sharing for that folder is turned on, of course
    I removed the Bonjour component and reinstalled it. No diference.
    I downloaded the latest Bonjour installer from Apple and installed that.
    Turned firewall off. No difference.
    The Windows Component Manager shows that the Bonjour service is running. I stopped and restarted the service. No joy.
    The Windows Event Viewer shows that the Bonjour service is logging informational error messages ID=1 from time to time.

  • How to connect an HP 111 designjet with my airport extreme 2nd gen with bonjour for windows

    I have an HP 111 Tray, plug into an airport extreme 2nd Gen, both works properly running in a PC with windows 7.
    When I start Bonjour for windows it identify de printer, but when i continue my printer is not in the list, I used the browse buttom and selected the .inf file that is contained in the driver and Bonjour collapsed everytime
    Any one can Help me??
    Thank you guys
    Ante todo buenos dias, os cuento mi problema:
    Tengo una impresora gran formato HP 111 Tray (con bandeja) enchufada a un router Airport Extreme de Apple de 2ª generacion, ambos funcionando correctamente y con las ultimas actualizaciones de firmware, el caso es que al abrir el asistente BOnjour para imprimir en red a la hora de seleccionar la impresora no aparece entre las opciones disponibles, a pesar de reconocerla. Al darle a examinar para que utilize los datos de Información sobre la instalación (.inf) que me he bajado de la pagina, Bonjour se queda colgado siempre
    He probado desde dos ordenadores diferentes conectados a la red y nada
    Alguien sabe como puedo solucionarlo.
    La impresora se conecta con un USB al router de Apple
    Muchas gracias de antemano

    What model and firmware is the 2TB TC?
    What firmware is the AE?
    Does the AE get good signal from the TC in its current location?
    Signal can only be extended that is received intact.
    Is it extending on 5ghz? As I remember it a Gen2 AE is only single band, although you can choose either 2.4ghz or 5ghz.
    I am fairly sure you are going to tell me your TC is AC model..
    I would do a couple of things..
    1. Fix the wireless name, make it short, no spaces and pure alphanumeric.
    2. Fix the wireless channel for 2.4ghz so it is not going to jump around.
    3. Get real results from the AE in its current location for signal strength.. this is really only possible on v5 utility. And that is a double pain with Mavericks because you cannot use it.
    Apple have removed all the useful diagnostics from the airport utility. There is next to nothing left. So you need to use the computer and its diagnostics to find signal levels in the location.

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    Any ideas how I can connect to those external hard drives? Thanks!

    Thank you. I probably should have figured that out myself, but this did the trick. I am also connecting a new hard drive to my airport extreme. The mac and pc don't see the drive because of the NTFS format. This hard drive will be used for PC business related files only, but I still want to access it using my wireless network. Paragon is supposed to do the trick. I am just wondering if paragon makes the harddrive useable for both, the pc and the mac.

  • Where is ichat in mountain lion?

    where is ichat in mountain lion?

    Maybe it was a typo?
    It's not called 'Messages' and its in your Application folder.
    It's now called 'Messages' and its in your Application folder.

  • IChat Windows Does Not Open

    Hey all!
    Well, so I've got an issue with iChat. You see, once I click on iChat, the iChat menu on the top bar appears, but the iChat window does not show up, ever..
    ..Any help would be appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

    Do you mean the Buddy List ?
    If no windows show up go the the Window menu of iChat and use the Keystrokes or select the item there.
    It is possible to hide the Buddy List by using the Red Button and iChat will remember this next time you open the app.
    10:12 PM Saturday; August 16, 2008

  • IChat window dragging problem

    Did anyone noticed that you cannot drag an iChat window by its upper right corner? The last 1/4" is dead for me, you try to grab the window from there and it just slips. Everywhere else you can grab it normally. I don't have this problem with any other window in any other application.
    It's not a big deal but I was just wondering if I am alone and why so?

    An Ahh Ha! Moment.
    On most other apps that space is for the white/grey/non coloured oblong button that can reveal/hide the toolbar.
    See it at the top of Safari or Firefox ?
    iChat does not have this on Any window.
    It makes it a pain when the Preferences decide to lose their Toolbar of iCons for the different panes as then the only way to get them back is delete the
    I would guess this is "Dead Space" for the missing button.
    (Of course I cant' find another apps to test this theory out right now).
    3:49 PM Saturday; May 31, 2008

  • Ichat window in time machine switches to finder window

    Try to open iChat window, version 4.0.8. in Time Machine. The TM window changes to a finder window. Is this normal for an application like TM? Trying to get back an open chat. not recorded. Thanks.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Time Machine is a backup file storage and retrieval system, hence the reason you end up in Finder (file system) when you select a prior date.
    I think you'd have a better chance of retrieving a recent chat link directly from iChat, File, Recent Items as shown below.
    I'm on iChat 5.0.3 (OS X Snow Leopard 10.6), so your screen might look different, but as I recall the same option exists in the Leopard version. (Full chat names are intentionally obscured for confidentiality, so only E's appear in this screen capture.)

Maybe you are looking for

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