Bookmarks tab is too wide

I just installed Firefox 10.1 for the second time. The first time I was so aggravated with trying to find an answer to the wide and non-dropdown features in the Bookmarks tab that I went back to version 4.+. The Bookmarks tab is very wide, the various bookmarks won't drop down or once dropped down, I can't move the mouse back to another bookmark.
Mac OS 10.5.8

I have gone back to FF 3.6 because of this same problem with all later versions... words are spaced F A R apart making it really hard to read the bookmark drop down lists, tabs, etc. I am not going to go through hundreds of bookmark names to shorten just a few that may be too long, takes too much time that I just don't have, especially when I have no idea how many characters are allowed before the problem is triggered. FF can either fix this or lose a user.

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    The bookmark drop down tab is too wide on version 6. It worked just fine on version 3.6. I know you can shorten the individual urls, but why should I have to do this? I am sticking with 3.6 until this problem is resolved.

    That can be caused by having some bookmarks with a long title.<br />
    The width of a column in the Bookmarks menu list is in current Firefox versions automatically adjusted to fit the bookmark with the longest name.<br />
    You can check the names of the bookmarks and make the longer ones shorter.<br />

  • Bookmark panes are too wide

    My FF5 bookmark panes are too wide. I've found suggestions in the database to edit site titles to shorten them. Having to edit bookmark webpage titles is unacceptable. That means external website naming practices can take over my browser's bookmark display characteristics.
    My Firefox 4. doesn't do wide bookmark panes - I reinstalled Firefox 4. and checked ( and left FF4 installed so I have a useful browser.) Something in FF5 has changed, maybe an unknown preferences file
    Old questions/answers in the help database about FF4 behavior when FF4 was newly released suggest editing a userChrome.css file, but suggested edits are not working for me, and in any case I didn't have to do such with FF4 - it was usable out of the box. Also FF5 doesn't seem to be opening userChrome.css anyway.
    What gives?

    Hi Spencer,
    I now understand that you're describing the bookmark functionality within Acrobat... I'm afraid this forum relates to the online services at, and I'm not able to answer your question. However, I have two resources for you to try...
    Here is the home page for Acrobat Help and Support:
    Here is a link to the Acrobat Forums, where you could post your question and get help from other Acrobat users:
    Kind Regards,

  • I have just upgraded my Mac to Firefox 9.0.1 and it has made my bookmark menus far too wide and renedered them almost unusable! What the?

    User groups suggest I go through all my bookmarks shortening the URLs. I don't think so. I have way too many and should not have to do this. Why did version 9.0.1 of Firefox decide that my bookmarks menu needed to be wider when the previous version deemed it okay to have the short/ narrower style?

    That can be caused by having some bookmarks with a long title in the main Bookmarks menu.<br />
    The width of a column in the Bookmarks menu list is in current Firefox versions automatically adjusted to fit the bookmark with the longest name.<br />
    You can check the names of the bookmarks and make the longer ones shorter.<br />

  • Pin tabs are too wide in Firefox 29

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    Thanks a lot, cor-el, I had look into that possibility. But I had also understood, from another thread, that it was a bit buggy, and that the UI had to be reset at about every relaunch of Fx. I wasn't looking forward to that for this (so far) one and only wish, nor to having to ''"switch to a new clean profile (or at least delete 'localstore.rdf' from profile folder)"'', according to the Classic Theme Restorer's programmer's own instructions.
    On the other hand, I also found [ this thread] and [ this one] about '''''expanding''''' the screen size of the App Tabs. I suppose it's only a question of editing the pixel size, but I couldn't quite figure the instructions you yourself had given in reply.

  • Safari Tab size is too wide

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    The behaviour as follow:
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    - Then, when you open another tab, there are two tabs with size half of the windows size.... it is soo wide..
    - Then, when you open another tab, the size of those three tabs split the wide of the windows... it is still too wide...
    - and so on.
    Please have a correction patch to this. Thanks.
    Safari version used is Version 6.0.

    Please send your feedback to Safari feedback.

  • Bookmark display too wide

    Pardon any terminology that doesn't conform to Firefox terms. When I look at my bookmarks, the display is way too wide and thus difficult to work with.
    I have lots of Bookmarks and some of them are from sites that have put a ridiculous amount of text into the "title" field of the HTML page which is what is saved in addition to the URL when you bookmark a page.
    Firefox 4 differs from Firefox 3.x in having two obvious ways to display the list of your bookmarks. shows a list generated from menu at right edge of icon bar and has a rational width. shows list of same bookmarks as displayed with Bookmarks menu. There is a very wide item off the bottom of the list that has forced display way too wide.
    Would be helpful if a reasonable width limit was imposed--either fixed to same as smaller display or adjustable in about:config.

    Are you using code in [ userChrome.css] ?
    Are you using the Default theme (Tools > Add-ons > Themes)?
    Does that still happen with a new profile?
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.<br />
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting&#58; Make a new profile]]
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)<br />

  • PDF to TIFF error: Image is too wide to output Acrobat X Pro

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    The issue should be the resolution.  I've had this same issue before so I'll give you a walk through of what I did.  You will need to reprint your current PDF to a new PDF with a new resolution.  Upon doing that, the new PDF will need to match whatever resolution is being required by whoever is needing this TIFF File, if there is not a requirement just pick one (such as 300 DPI).
    1) In your existing document select Print (Ctrl+P)
    2) Change your current printer to "Print to PDF/Adobe PDF/ ETC..." (whatever it is called)
    3) Select Properties and a dialog box called "Adobe PDF Document Properities" should pop up.
    4) Select the tab labeled Paper/Quality
    5) Select "Advanced..."
    6) There is an option for graphic that should have a print quality labeled " XXXX DPI" (could be anywhere from 72, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 3600, 4800), select what you want to use, click OK back out to the basic print screen, and print your new PDF and label it whatever you want your TIFF's to be called. (I use 300 as that is what a city I submit to requires for plans).
    7) Open your new PDF, and on your menu bar at the top select EDIT (right next to file) then select "Preferences" at the bottom on the drop-down menu. (or on your keyboard use "Ctrl+K" for a faster way to get to preferences)
    8) From there select Convert from PDF then select TIFF from the list of options from the box in the middle> then select "Edit Settings..." under the box on the far right that has the information about how it saves TIFF Files currently.
    9) There should be a "Save As TIFF Settings" Dialog box that opens up and at the bottom there is a place under "Conversion" that says resolution.
    10) Change the resolution to whatever your new PDF was saved and and that should fix your problem!
    I know some of this was basic stuff but I see this question come up in different places and no one has really mapped it out like above. Hope this helps!

  • Bookmark toolbar takes too muck space

    Here is screenshot demonstraiting the problem:
    [ Screenshot]
    Main Toolbar is disabled
    Bookmark toolbar contains a few folders and located at the top row along with the navigation buttons and page tabs.
    The problem is bookmark panel takes too much space (it is too width) - lots of free space is unused.

    It never occurred to me to put the bookmarks on the tab bar. They don't seem to auto-size correctly there. (On other bars, you can re-fit the bookmarks using: View > Toolbars > Customize ''or'' right-click blank area of tab bar or navigation toolbar > Customize, then just clicking Done.)
    There are some methods for applying style rules to the Firefox UI that might help in this case. For example, you might be able to specify a maximum width for the bookmarks part of the bar. For example:
    <br>#TabsToolbar #personal-bookmarks, #TabsToolbar #PlacesToolbar {max-width:350px !important;}
    To apply such a rule, you can use the Stylish extension or the userChrome.css file (as described in other threads, but I'm short of time to search them up at the moment).

  • Browsing Basics video has many more tabs on screen than my Mac Firefox shows (i.e. no Firefox tab, no bookmark tab, no new tab tab,no all tabs tab), so most features of Firefox are not available to me .

    I'm a year into using a computer, and my Mac was set up by another family member who is no longer around.
    Tonight I noticed the Firefox "getting started: tab and thought I might learn something. For starters, the screen on the Browsing Basics picture was so small as to be almost unreadable; I played parts of the video many times to catch what tab was being explained. It did not help that many of the tabs on the video were not on my Mac's Firefox screen.
    Specifically, my screen has no Firefox tab (except at the top next to the Mac Apple logo), no bookmark tab to the right of the Home tab, no plus sign/new tab tab, no all tabs tab.
    My screen also does not match the details on the sample screen that comes up when I first clicked on the Firefox "getting started" tab.
    It would seem I need a new Firefox top section of my screen, but I just downloaded Firefox updates.......Thanks for any help!

    I too just downloaded Firefox on my Mac and noticed that my screen did not match the video. The video's sample screen has been customized to show all the features you can add and use to make browsing easier, like adding all those tabs you and I don't have yet.
    But first let me comment on how small the video is, with no way of expanding the video. Your mac can easily zoom in to make the video as big as you need it. Just hold down your ctrl key, place two fingers on your track pad and zoom in or out to the desired size. I use this feature so much, to read small text and watch video windows that are too small. Try it.
    After you finish watching the "getting started video" just roll over the markers to make Firefox do what you need it to do. I however have the most of the tab features already from importing some of my settings from another browser so I can't tell you step by step on how to get the tabs you want. Just play around with it and I'm sure you'll begin to appreciate the speed and ease like I do.

  • Published Folders Panel Issue in LR5.2 - Too Wide, Can't See Folder Arrows

    I installed LR5.2 from the CC today on my Mac (10.8.4), and when I upgraded my LR4 catalog to LR5, all of my Published Folders were missing from underneath each corresponding Publish Services tab. None of the collections of photos are present. (Hard Drive, Facebook, Flickr, 500px)
    However, each of the Published Services plug-ins are set correctly, and are shown to be up and running in the Publishing Manager. Also, when I try to create a new published folder underneath one of the tabs using the same name that I used in LR4, it says "That Name is Already In Use." So, LR5 knows that the folders exisit, they're just not there in the pane. Not only do I not see my old collections of published photos, I have no way adding new photos to those collections.
    I tried deleting the LR5 preferences and starting over, opening up and upgrading my LR4 catalog in LR5 again, but still having the same problem. LR4 still runs fine and shows all of my published folders normally. They just don't show up in LR5.
    It looks like it may just be an issue with the Publish Services pane. It's too wide to show the little black arrows at the right. (see photo below)
    Anyone else having this problem? Any solutions?

    At the risk of stating the obvious, did you try:
    * Pulling the panel wider?
    * Installing/enabling jf Folder Publisher (to get rid of the "(missing plug-in)" text (or delete the jf publish service altogether (disabling it in plugin manager won't do it)).
    Note: if the panel won't go wide enough, you can widen it by adding lines like this to TranslatedStrings.txt in {lang} subfolder of 'Resources' - in with your Lr program files -

  • Navigation bar too wide for template graphic after creating new page

    I want to stick within the templates, but I have a lot of pages and don't want them all in the nav bar. When I flagged a page to keep it out of the NAV bar, the NAV bar get messed up - not properly displaying at the edge of the template, like it made room for the hidden page's link then re-adjusted itself too wide for the background graphic. I've got the problem in the elegant template when displayed in IE on Windows (1024X768). Safari on my mac looks OK. Are there any other setting changes I can make to be better compatible?

    It appears to have been a cache issue or some such. I no longer see the problem

  • I am stuck with a google theme behind the bookmark tab bar and url box. How do I get rid of it? changing themes isn't the issue - it's just all stuck in back!

    I set a theme on igoogle - but it seems to now be embedded in my firefox as it is behind the url box, behind the bookmark tab bar and at the bottom of the page. How do I get rid of it. I can still change themes but they stay on the google page as they should. this has nothing to do with my screen saver and my desktop screens - they are different and ok - seems to be stuck in Firefox particularly.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == a month ago when I changed themes on google

    Please do not use existing threads to ask a question, but [/questions/new start a new thread] instead.
    Then you also can provide troubleshooting information like your operating system and installed plugins (about:plugins), and extensions (Tools > Add-ons) and we will be better able to help you.<br />
    See [[Deleting bookmarks]]

  • I have updated my iPad 2 to 7.0.2.  After syncing to iTunes I noticed that in Safari on my MacBook Pro one of the Bookmark tabs has been emptied.  Also, on the iPad I am getting a dark keyboard that stays on the screen no matter what is going on behind it

    Lots of strange things happening after installing 7.0.2.  Mail and Safari routinely quit on me.  Keyboard appears for no reason and doesn't go away.  After syncing to iTunes on my MacBook Pro one of the bookmark tabs got emptied out.  Is there no one cracking the whip anymore at Apple?

    Using iCloud to sync bookmarks between your Mac and iPad?
    If so, on the iPad tap Settings > iCloud. Swich Safari off then back on.
    On your Mac, open System Preferences > iCloud
    Deselect the box next to Safari then reselect it.
    Give iCloud a few minutes to re sync your bookmarks.
    If you are using iCloud, don't sync Safari bookmarks on iTunes. That could be why the bookmark tabs got emptied out.

  • I can no longer find a manage bookmarks tab anywhere in my (the latest) Firefox browser.

    I have been using browsers for over 15 years, and Firefox for about 10. After the next to last Firefox upgrade I was no longer able to find a manage bookmarks tab. I can bookmark a page and place it in an existing folder, but I can no longer create folders, arrange tabs alphabetically in a folder or delete folders. I have searched everywhere for help, but found none on point.
    By the way, it was very annoying that after I had typed in a question about the same as above, I then went to Troubleshooting Information and tried to find help, but when I was unable to do so and I returned to this page, my question was gone and I had to start over again.

    OK working now ... for some reason the bookmarks screen was behind the Firefox screen ... duh .... how about renaming this function something which indicates it has an edit function? Like in the past ...

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