Boot images: bootsplash v grub splashimage v lilo bitmap

I'm interested in the pros and cons here - I've only ever used bootsplash back in the 2.4 days and i could never get the loading bar thing to work
Ideally, I wouldn't want to patch anything - I like stock builds...
I want to know how each of these works...
I am assuming the bootloader images will not coverup the dmesg spam at the beginning... and I also heard grub supports only 14 colors (!?)... so wtf?
anyone have experience with all 3?

I think there are two different issues here:
- Grub splashimage is just that : an image in the background of the grub bootloader menu.  it really has nothing to do with the kernel.  so your assumption about not covering dmesg "spam" is correct.  it just makes it look less dull than having a black background with colors while you are making a choice
- don't know about lilo bitmap but I would assume the same kind of thing
- i have experience with bootsplash with SUSE linux.   I like it a lot (of course the progress bar was working perfectly  ).  I am going to try to patch the 2.6.9 kernel this weekend and get a bootsplash going (with the same config file as arch)  and make a package.  if I am successful, I could either let you know how I did it and somehow get the package over to you so you can have a bootsplash as well (prepackaged and all).  so let me know if you are interested.  I was going to ask someone from the TUR group to see if it would be possible to get the package posted.
as far as cons go, I don't really see any because you could always press F2 and it drops into the normal "spam" mode in case you need to trouble shoot the init process or something. 
pro: eye candy!  + ability to show windows and MacOSX users that Linux can be both functional and beautiful.

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    [599][root@srv-parnode2][Tools]> ./add_install_client \
    -d \
    -e 00:e0:81:58:af:c8 \      -s \
    -s \
    -c \
    -p i86pcadd_install_client: /DATA2/export/jumpstart/install/boot/grub/pxegrub does not exist, invalid boot image

    nm, i found my prob, you can close the thread :)

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    mkdir /boot/EFI/boot
    cp /boot/EFI/arch_grub/grubx64.efi /boot/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
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    ps. installing from archiso ran into errors too
    Last edited by kwatrecht (2014-11-18 12:06:15)

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  • Boot image does not exist and cannot read disk label errors.

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    Check that boot image exists, or use [-t] to
    specify a valid boot image elsewhere.
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    Can't open boot device
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    Hi check that you are booting of the right cd. Make sure it is soalris 9 software 1/2 if that fails then it may well be that your cd is buggered. most likely it is buggered it it cant find the boot image.

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    Have you tested copying those files to %windir%\system32\drivers during the WinPE session (just enable commandline support to your boot image) to see if they need to be in there before the OS start? Test that and if they don't need to be there during the
    boot up of WinPE then:
    Create two packages (v6 and v7)
    "Run command line", use the package created earlier and just use "copy /Y .\*.* %windir%\system32\drivers" ...again, this should be run according to your needs, variable or some other check like I said

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    using  eeprom values
    WRDTR,CLKTR: 0x83000800 0x40000000
    RQDC ,RFDC : 0x80000035 0x00000208
    using ÿÿÿÿ ddr static values from serial eeprom
    ddr init done
    Running Normal Memtest...
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    DDR values used from system serial eeprom.
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    RQDC, RFDC : 0x80000035, 0x00000208
    PCIE0: link is up.
    PCIE0: VC0 is active
    PCIE1: link is NOT up.
    PCIE1 port 1 not initialized
    PCIEx: initialization done
    flashfs[0]: 1 files, 1 directories
    flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
    flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 32385024
    flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 1536
    flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 32383488
    flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 16 seconds.
    Reading cookie from system serial eeprom...Done
    Base Ethernet MAC address: 28:94:0f:d6:c8:62
    Ethernet speed is 100 Mb - FULL duplex
    The system is unable to boot automatically because there
    are no bootable files.
    C1140 Boot Loader (C1140-BOOT-M) Version 12.4(23c)JA3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support:
    Compiled Tue 18-Oct-11 14:51 by prod_rel_team
    So , now my question is how to load the boot image ? From where will we get this ? OR
    I m also having another Cisco aironet 1140 , Can i get bootimage from that . Kindly let me know the solution from genius ?

    Take a look at this link as it should have the info you need
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • System Image Utility fails to create boot image

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    Xserve G5 Dual   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    I had simililar problems with much headscratching as the result.
    I found that whenever I tried to create a boot image with System Image Utility (SIU) using an image file of my existing system as the source SIU would fail with the annoying "No space left on device" message everytime. I did a little investigating and found that SIU always created a 400 MB disk image file to copy to. So the error message was correct as my source was way over 4 GB.
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    So I went back to my Xserve, mounted the image so it appeared on the desktop. Ran SIU and chose the mounted volume as the source instead of the image file, and hey presto!
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    Anyone have an idea what could be the problem here? Anyone having issues with Surface Pro 3 and SCCM 2012?

    I would imagine you have upgraded to R2, have you also applied KB2905002. 
    This hasn't got anything to do with the TFTP loading phase of the boot image.
    Similar thread to this can be found here:
    I already asked in that thread the same question, but how about normal PCs that are connected to the same network segment as the Surface devices, do they boot slow also?

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    Winclone will backup your Windows partition to a Mac formatted drive.
    Just search for Winclone on this forum and on Goggle.

  • Do I need to use a boot image? 6509 / Sup2T Quad / VSS

    I'm curious about boot loader images and if or why I should use one.
    I've got a 6509 VSS setup running right now with no bootloader variable and no boot image.
    SHEC-VSS#sh boot
    BOOT variable =
    CONFIG_FILE variable =
    BOOTLDR variable =
    Configuration register is 0x2102
    Standby BOOT variable =
    Standby CONFIG_FILE variable =
    Standby BOOTLDR variable =
    Standby Configuration register is 0x2102
    SWITCH-VSS#sh ver
    Cisco IOS Software, s2t54 Software (s2t54-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.1(2)SY2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Wed 26-Feb-14 16:03 by prod_rel_team
    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(50r)SYS3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
     SHEC-VSS uptime is 16 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes
    Uptime for this control processor is 16 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power on
    System restarted at 13:56:56 CDT Fri May 16 2014
    System image file is "bootdisk:s2t54-advipservicesk9-mz.SPA.151-2.SY2.bin"
    Last reload reason: power-on
    I'm about to set up a nearly identical VSS pair for another facility.
    I just downloaded the latest SY3 version of IOS for the new pair, and there is a boot image available:
    I just don't know why I would want or need that.  Can anyone explain? I'm not a newbie by any means, but I just don't know why I'd need it.  Right now, in the bootdisk: volume, I just have my IOS image: s2t54-advipservicesk9-mz.SPA.151-2.SY2.bin         That was all that was in there before, but now that I'm building this new pair, I copied s2t54-advipservicesk9-mz.SPA.151-2.SY3.bin onto the same volume.
    I understand that if I set a boot variable I can tell it to boot from one image or the other, but what does the BOOTLDR variable do for me.  If I were to set the BOOTLDR variable to bootdisk:/s2t54-boot-mz.SPA.151-2.SY3.bin    then what does that do for me?  Right now, if I reboot, (until I added that 2nd image) it will just boot the only image in that directory with no issue. 
    What am I missing? Do I need to upgrade or use this boot image for anything?
    Thanks for any tips you can provide!

    In simple terms, the bootldr file is the helper file to load the IOS.
    The BOOTLDR environment variable specifies the  Flash file system and filename that contains the boot loader image  required to load system software.
    The variable defines the primary Cisco  IOS image that will load the final image from another source.
    we need to set the BOOTLDR environment variable to specify  the Flash device and filename of the boot loader image.
    For Old version of IOS, there is a requirement of boot loader image to boot up the IOS image.
    But for the latest version of IOS, no need for boot loader image.
    Below are few things happen when the device boots:-
    1. The router initially boots into ROMMON (this is your bootstrap code, which you can see in the show version command).
    2. Then the router loads into the bootloader code (this is the bootloadr code, which you see in show version). This bootloader code is just an intermediate step between the ROMMON mode and the IOS mode.
    3. The router then boots into the IOS mode from the bootloadr mode.
    So if you do not mention the bootloadr specifically by giving the "boot bootloadr" command, the router will assume the bootloadr to be in bootflash of the device and try to boot it from there. If you mention the "boot bootloadr flash:...." command, then the router will look for the bootloadr in the flash (instead of the bootflash). Thats the only difference.
    However, in both cases, if you have a valid IOS to boot into, then the router will come up without a problem, irrespective of the fact whether bootloadr image is in bootflash or flash.
    *Plz dont forget to rate if this info is helpfull.

  • Unable to import Windows 7 boot images

    When we installed our SCCM 2012 server, no boot images appear to have been created. I have since upgraded to R2, and added CU3, and there are still no boot images available.  I would like to add boot images for Windows 7 x64 but so far have been
    completely unsuccessful.  I have tried creating images with MDT on the server, and they will not import. I have also created them with WAIK 3.0 with the WAIK 3.1 Supplement from a Windows 7 machine, and those will also not import. In every situation I
    receive the following error: The specified UNS path does not contain a valid WIM file or you do not have permission to access it.  Specify a valid path.  This occurs if I try to import from a share on the sccm server, or from a share on
    another computer.  The permissions on the share are set at Everyone--full control share permission, and  NTFS permissions are set to give the system account, the computer account and domain admins full control. The SMSProv.log file shows the
    following error on each failed attempt: Failed to get the image property from the source WIM file due to error 80070002. I have read everything I can find and tried everything that people are mentioning that has fixed the problem for them, and so far
    no success.  I feel like I must be missing something, but I'm not sure where else to look.  Any suggestions will be most appreciated!

    Uninstalled and reinstalled ADK--no improvement.
    Every time I try to import a boot image, the SMSProv log shows this:
    ~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.623+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    CExtUserContext::EnterThread : User=COP\reistg Sid=0x01050000000000051500000010DFF9978E4D14F2AFDA7FC15A0C0000 Caching IWbemContextPtr=000000385D804E50 in Process 0xd80 (3456)~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.623+300><thread=7084
    Context: SMSAppName=Configuration Manager Administrator console~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.623+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context:  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.624+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: UserName=COP\reistg~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.624+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: ObjectLockContext=1316ccc7-f4be-40c3-9b9e-c34dd1028080~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.624+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: ApplicationName=Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.624+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: ApplicationVersion=5.0.7804.1400~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.625+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: LocaleID=MS\0x409~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.625+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: __ProviderArchitecture=32 ~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.625+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: __RequiredArchitecture=0 (Bool)~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.625+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: __ClientPreferredLanguages=en-US,en~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.626+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: __CorrelationId={2F91BBB1-35A9-0008-97BC-912FA935D001}~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.626+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Context: __GroupOperationId=13101 ~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.626+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    CExtUserContext : Set ThreadLocaleID OK to: 1033~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.626+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    CSspClassManager::PreCallAction, dbname=CM_COP~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.626+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    PutInstanceAsync SMS_BootImagePackage~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.627+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    CExtProviderClassObject::DoPutInstanceInstance~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.627+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    GetStorage : doing Loggin due to aged out context~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.627+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    ************ WBEM Missing property TransformAnalysisDate~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.645+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    ************ WBEM Missing property TransformReadiness~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.645+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    ~*~*~e:\qfe\nts\sms\siteserver\sdk_provider\smsprov\sspbootimagepackage.cpp(3634) : Failed to read image property from the source WIM file due to error 80070002~*~*~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.669+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    ~*~*~Failed to read image property from the source WIM file due to error 80070002 ~*~*~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.669+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    Auditing: User COP\reistg called an audited method of an instance of class SMS_BootImagePackage.~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.669+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>
    CExtUserContext::LeaveThread : Releasing IWbemContextPtr=1568689744~  $$<SMS Provider><01-21-2015 15:30:43.678+300><thread=7084 (0x1BAC)>

  • Can't add drivers to Server 2012 R2 boot image in WDS

    Hi all.
    I want to use my "old" Windows Server 2012 (not R2), WDS to deploy new R2 servers but i can't add driver package to the R2 boot image, it comes out with error code: 0xc0000135 no matter what drivers i use.
    Without network drivers i can't boot the image on my physical servers, i've tried on a virtual machine where it works just fine.
    I can't use the old boot image to install R2, then it comes with error: "Windows could not apply unattend settings during pass [offlineServicing]." when it tries to install it on both virtual and physical servers.
    My initial thought is that the WDS server has to be on a R2 server but i can't find anything that proofs that.
    Can someone confirm that non R2 WDS is not supported to R2 or does anyone have an idea to a solution?
    Thank you in advance.

    Okay maybe not a solution but i installed a new WDS server on R2 and then there was no problem adding driver package to to boot image.
    So i was able to confirm my theory that it's not supported to deploy R2 from a non-R2 WDS server. If anyone can make it work please let me know but until then i think this is the only way.
    If I understand your description of the issue, the problem is that you are trying to update a WinPE 5.0 WIM with a version of the ADK that services WinPE 4.0 images.  Installing the new Windows Server 2012 R2 server caused SCCM to use the version of the
    ADK that services WinPE 5.0 images.  You should be able to deploy them fine from the other server, but you can only service them from the new one.  You will not be able to service the older WinPE 4.0 images from the new server either.

  • Where to see the boot image package path installed on my DP server

    I have distribute the boot image content to one of my DP server. Where can I see the package is installed at which location at that particular DP in SCCM 2012 console?

    The blog below could answer your question.
    Configuration Manager 2012: Content Monitoring and Validation
    Best Regards,
    Joyce Li
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Selected boot image did not authentica​te. Press enter to continue

    I just removed the stock HDD that came with my M4-1015x and now I'm trying to install windows 7 to the SSD that I replaced it with. However, upon boot up I get the message "Selected boot image did not authenticate. Press <enter> to continue" when the laptop attempts to read the OS from the disc. I've never seen this before... any help? (It's a legitimate DVD copy of Windows 7)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I fixed it. Had to disable secureboot and enable legacy boot mode to get it to run.

  • Driver in boot image

    Hi all,
    I add some drivers for Wi-Fi and video, in boot image. I update distribution point. I see how the new drivers was injected in the image. I recreate the task with involved image. I create a new .iso file for offline deployment. But after installation
    computer don't have installed drivers. Manually  I update the drivers with some drivers used to add to the image and works.
    Were I mistake ?

    Parsing step node: Apply Driver Package TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Description:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    ContinueOnError:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    SuccessCodeList: 0 TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    (__hrMethodRetVal == ((HRESULT)0L)) || (bFailIfMissing == false), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\NTS_SCCM_RELEASE\sms\common\inc\ccmxml.h,582) TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    No condition is associated with the step. TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Disable:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Run in attribute: WinPE TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Timeout:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    DefaultVarlist found TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Variable name: OSDAllowUnsignedDriver TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Action command line: osddriverclient.exe /install:NTM0003C  /unsigned:%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver% TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Adding instruction at 7 TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Processed all elements TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Adding end group instruction at 8 TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    The next instruction after group will be at 9 TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Processing group TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Parsing group node: Setup Operating System TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Description: Setup Operating System TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    ContinueOnError:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Disable:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    (__hrMethodRetVal == ((HRESULT)0L)) || (bFailIfMissing == false), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\NTS_SCCM_RELEASE\sms\common\inc\ccmxml.h,582) TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    No condition is associated with the step. TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Adding begin group instruction at 9 TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    There are 1 first level steps or groups TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Parsing step node: Setup Windows and Configuration Manager TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    Description: Actions to setup Windows and Configuration Manager client TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    ContinueOnError:  TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)
    SuccessCodeList: 0 TSManager 3/10/2014 3:20:05 PM 864 (0x0360)

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