Boot with Ignore Ownership

I realize you can/should only boot from a disc/volume with Ignore Ownership not selected but....
I clone our second Mac from my Mac to a volume on an external FW drive connected to my Mac. It is set so as to not Ignore Ownership.
However if I then connect that FW drive to the second Mac that same volume shows as set to Ignore Ownership.
I'm concerned that in an emergency that my backup clone will not work because of this change in ownership setting.
Appreciate any advice. Thank you.
Powerbook G4 Ti   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

Not if you weren't able to boot before. The behavior of your clone once is indicative of what it will be in the future until the clone is remade. I suggest double-verifying on your next clone that the Ignore Ownership checkbox is unchecked before you make the clone. If it still isn't able to boot after the clone is made, either your cloning software is not able to make a bootable volume, or the Firewire case you have is not able to boot your machine due to the Firewire case's firmware.
The ones by Granite Digital, LaCie, and Otherworld Computing I know are, or at least you can request to have cases that are from them.
The software for cloning that works best of late for me has been Shirt Pocket software's Superduper, and the latest Retrospect Express 6.1. LaCie's Silverkeeper sometimes works. Carbon Copy Cloner is also able to clone, however, it has one significant weakness, and that's if the clone is partial, it leaves behind a huge temporary file in the /Volumes/ folder.

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    <Edited by Host>

    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?----------------------->

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    When you create the image in Disk Utility, did you
    change the 'Partitions' setting?
    If you leave it to read 'CD/DVD', it will create a ISO9660/UDF image.
    To be able to maintain permission and extended file attributes, you
    need to select 'GUID Partition Map'.
    I assume you used iTunes to create your music backup?
    It seems it creates the correct image type for you.
    Before sending this message, I actually created a single layer image,
    copied some files to it and gave additional permissions to other users on my system.
    Afterwards I copied the files to my Desktop, verifying that the attributes are still intact.
    Best regards
    (It took quite a while to burn this 4x DVD-RW Anyways, I hope I could help)

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    Hi Alfredo,
    I can't test this at the moment, but I have a theory!
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    Thanks for understanding - And for forgiving me.

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    and the keyboard doesn't work and I couldn't go any further from here.
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    It will be much appreciated if you could give me some suggestions as to how to solve this problem.

    Something else you could try.  Not sure it will make any difference.
    Skip the boot creation tools and just boot the thing in UEFI mode.
    Use the latest (12.10 or later will work, IIRC) 64-bit Ubuntu ISO.  Format your flash drive as a single FAT32 partition.  Extract the contents of the ISO to the flash drive.  Use 7zip for Windows, or your favorite Linux de-archiving tool.  That's it.  
    [edit] I don't believe the partition needs to be set active, but haven't tested that.
    Set BIOS boot mode to UEFI.  Even secure boot mode should work withe a new enough Ubuntu - but isn't necessary.
    Give that a try.  If it still barfs at the same place, mess around with the start-up graphics options.
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
    English Community   Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español   Русскоязычное Сообщество

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    You can try to just press F1.
    I have a similar issue with my home server, the battery on the motherboard is dead so when the pc is powered off for a while it will not remember the clock. When trying to boot the system in such a case it spits out an error where it offers to "ignore" the error if you press F1.
    In my case I need to wait until my pc beeps before pressing F1, basically you need to get past the BIOS stage.
    With a bit of luck it might work for you too.
    Also I hope you have some ntp service running on your system to make sure the date gets set correctly on your system on bootup.
    Last edited by Neburski (2014-02-19 12:35:00)

  • Old Macmini ignores ownership on external HD's, new Macmini does not.

    Hi - my old Mac mini has a couple of external HD's set to "ignore ownership on this volume", as they are just storing personal files, one backing up the other nightly. I transferred them to a new Macmini, only to find my backup software won't update from one external to the other (permissions type error messages), and the "ignore ownership on this volume" checkboxes on each are not checked, and greyed out.
    I've tranferred the HD's back to the old Macmini, and presto the "ignore ownership on this volume" boxes are now checked again. How can I make this behaviour transfer safely to the new comp?

    Thank you! I haven't yet dared try this, but I've found the following info that explains those commands in a fashion even I could understand - I take it this will work for all enclosed folders too? -
    chmod stands for "Change Mode".
    The numbers part is a little more complicated.... "777" is three be nerdy and specific.. it is three 3 digit binary (base 2) numbers converted into three 1 digit octal (base 8) numbers.
    The first number stands for "user", the second group stands for "group" and the final number stands for "other". There are three possible things that can be done with a file: read, write, and execute.. Here is a little reference:
    execute = 001 in binary = 1 in octal
    write = 010 in binary = 2 in octal
    read = 100 in binary = 4 in octal
    So where does the 7 come from?
    7 in binary = 111 in decimal = read, write, execute
    So you get:
    read write execute = 111 = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7
    read write no execute = 110 = 4 + 2 = 6
    read no write execute = 101 = 4 + 1 = 5
    read no write no execute = 100 = 4
    no read write execute = 011 = 2 + 1 = 3
    no read write no execute = 010 = 2
    no read no write execute = 001 = 1
    no read no write no execute = 000 = 0
    I'll have a go in the next few days (will need to switch the HD's back to the new comp first etc) when I'm feeling brave.
    Message was edited by: midwich
    Message was edited by: midwich
    Message was edited by: midwich

  • Finder get info ignore ownership on volume vs wgm sharing perms

    if I check "ignore ownership on volume" (finder > file > get info), how does this affect wgm sharing settings?
    i.e. Is it ignored if WGM handles the share?
    does it override wgm's settings?
    just wondering how they interact with each other, if at all....
    thanks in advance

    The "ignore ownership" box in the Finder's Info window completely disables local POSIX and ACL permissions, making the affected volume act like a removable disk. (Any user assumes POSIX ownership of the volume with full control.)
    If you want to use a volume to house a share point, do NOT check the ignore ownership box. Yes, you can share a volume with it checked, but with very unexpected results.
    Often people have trouble sharing FireWire disks because they don't check to see if the "ignore ownership" box is unchecked before attempting to share them.

  • Problem moving Time Machine backup in Mavericks (missing "Ignore ownership on this volume")

    In order to move Time Machine backup it is necessary to Make sure "Ignore ownership on this volume" at the bottom of the "Sharing & Permissions:" section is not checked.
    However, this option has disappeared from Volume info window after upgrading to Mavericks 10.9.
    Any idea how I can find this?
    Thank you.

    Once you're in the TM interface you will see a basically normal Finder window (with a lot of weird graphics, hence its other name The Star Wars interface )
    On the right of the screen is the timeline allowing you to move backward and forward in time. Once you find what you want you can select the files or folders and restore.
    As in the normal Finder multiple selections are allowed. I suggest you play around with it a bit at first and try restoring a file or a few files or folders just to get a feel for it.
    good luck

  • "Ignore Ownership" when backing-up CDs and DVDs

    Dear members:
    While in the process of making back-up copies of my applications' CDs and DVDs I was surprised by a message from Retrospect stating that if I proceeded to duplicate the disk with the option "Ignore Ownership" checked important files would not be copied that allowed the duplicate to be bootable.
    Do any of you have experience with using Retrospect to duplicate CDs and DVDs ? Is this just a standard warning meant for duplicates of drives that have the operating system installed and that should be bootable copies ? Or could this affect my back-up copies ?
    I would prefer to leave the option "Ignore Ownership" checked as it is my understanding that it would allow the disk to be read by other computers instead of only mine. Is this right ? Could my back-up copies become corrupted or unusable if I leave the "Ignore Ownership" box checked ?
    Thank you in advance for your help,
    Joseph Chamberlain

    Hi, Joseph.
    1. The "Ignore Ownership" warning is to ensure that you get a 100% accurate backup of the data you are backing up, including the privileges (Ownership and Permissions) associated with that data. Part of creating a 100% accurate backup includes backing up the filesystem information, such as the privileges associated with those files, not just the data files themselves.
    This is covered in the Retrospect User's Guide: see the information concerning the "Privileges Warning" on page 162. You can also find this by searching Retrospect Help for "Privileges Warning" and selecting the topic "OS X Preference" from the search results. This warning can be disabled in Retrospect's OS X Preferences, but one should leave it enabled for the reasons stated above.
    2. You wrote: "I would prefer to leave the option "Ignore Ownership" checked as it is my understanding that it would allow the disk to be read by other computers instead of only mine. Is this right?"No. For example, if you used Retrospect to Duplicate your Home folder to another folder on a FireWire drive, then connected that FireWire drive to a second Mac, you could simply select "Ignore Ownership..." in the Get Info window for the FireWire drive when its connected to the second Mac to have access to all the files in the duplicated folder on the FireWire drive. The "Ignore Ownership" setting is specific to the Mac using the disk/disc, not the disk/disc itself.
    3. Retrospect is generally not the right tool for backing up CDs and DVDs of the type you describe. Retrospect is designed primarily for backing up data on hard drives. This is generally the case with all Backup and Recovery utilities. You could use it to backup CDs or DVDs that contain only data.
    When backing up commercial CDs or DVDs there are a variety of other important issues to consider:
    - The first are legal issues, such as "Does the software license permit this?" or "Is this activity legal in my country?" If the answer to either question is "No" then you should not engage in that activity.
    - The second are formatting issues: while you may be able to backup the data and permissions bits off an optical disc, you may not be able to recreate a usable disc by burning the backup to another optical disc. For example, commercial DVDs generally employ some form of copy protection or encryption to prohibit or deter piracy. One can search MacUpdate or Version Tracker for specialized utilities for backing up various kinds of optical media so that one can create a usable disc, but one should not engage in these activities if they are illegal, either by license or by statute.
    - In some cases, there are no legal restrictions, e.g. a home movie of your family that you filmed with your video camera and from which you created a DVD with iDVD or DVD Studio Pro. In this case you're the copyright holder. For that case, there are instructions in the AppleCare Knowledge Base: see "How to copy previously-burned DVD-R video discs."
    Please note that all questions concerning Retrospect should be posted to the EMC Dantz Support Forums. These are like the Apple Discussions. Questions posted there are often answered by Dantz tech support personnel. Searching or posting to the Dantz forums are the best ways to find Retrospect answers quickly.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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    Hi, blank white screen where exactly?
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    10.5, 10.6, 10.7 & 10.8…
    System Preferences>Network, top of window>Locations>Edit Locations, little plus icon, give it a name.
    10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x/10.8.x instructions...
    System Preferences>Network, click on the little gear at the bottom next to the + & - icons, (unlock lock first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
    The interface that connects to the Internet should be dragged to the top of the list.
    If using Wifi/Airport...
    Instead of joining your Network from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.
    For 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8, System Preferences>Network, unlock the lock if need be, highlight the Interface you use to connect to Internet, click on the advanced button, click on the DNS tab, click on the little plus icon, then add these numbers...
    (There may be better or faster DNS numbers in your area, but these should be a good test).
    Click OK.

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    i have now a question , what happens if i boot with win 8.1 boot able DVD and install a new windows ?
    the main questions are :
    1. does it recognize any of my partition to select for windows installation ?
    2. if no , can i format any partition for new partition during windows installation?
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    majid khalili wrote:
    I tried to install a windows on my mac book pro but i couldn't because of i don't know different problems which finally in this forum they told me u can not because of my hard disk partitions ( Link to that post) , now i am using vmware but its really slow for windows 8.1 and visual studio .
    Give your previous partition layout, you cannot install Windows via Bootcamp, unless you are willing to give up all your extra partitions and go back to EFI, OS X and RecoveryHD only configuration.
    i have now a question , what happens if i boot with win 8.1 boot able DVD and install a new windows ?
    the main questions are :
    1. does it recognize any of my partition to select for windows installation ?
    2. if no , can i format any partition for new partition during windows installation?
    3. if i could install a windows , who is the boot loader ? windows or mac ? can i still boot to windows or what ?
    1. Windows installer will not work and you will end up with driver issues.
    2. No.
    3. You cannot, but if you could, the Apple Bootmanager would be your Boot Manager/Loader.

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    I have not played around much with memory timings and such as of yet.  It is quite a pain to put in a single DIMM, and boot the system to make a BIOS change then shut it down again and install the second DIMM to see if it works.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Go back to your previous BIOS.

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