Border on book cover photo

I don't suppose one can get a cover design without the white border?
Folio theme.

I don't think that is an option.

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  • IPhoto 11 - book cover photo issue

    Hello all,
    I am working on a book in iPhoto 11. I first started the project way back in 2009 on my old iMac. Created 3 books for my kids about our family trip that summer. The books are 80 pages, with photos (duh) and a lot of text. A LOT of text. I transcribed the journal we kept while on the trip and used their photos for their books. They all came out beautifully. The amount of text is important here. . .
    Then my old iMac started to die, and I put off creating MY copy of the book. Flash forward to now, and I have a brand new iMac and I've moved all of my photo libraries to this shiny new Mac and I'm ready to finish my book.
    Everything seems to be fine except for one thing. Whatever photo I add to the cover, it never shows up. There is a checkmark next to the photo, indicating that it's been used, but it's not visible. There is no problem with photos on pages. They all work just fine. (And a big HALELEUJAH! for iPhoto now allowing me to insert pages in the middle of the book - have wanted this since 2009)
    I tried doing a preview as pdf - with no photos inserted except for the cover, and still saw nothing.
    I really, really don't want to change themes and then come back. I do still have the journal as a Word doc, but the thought of recreating this huge book is not something I want to tackle if I don't have to.
    Thanks for any ideas and help.

    I might have just solved this myself. It was simple, of course.
    I selected a different layout for the cover. The photo appeared. I went back to the original layout. The photo and caption both appeared.

  • I cannot change the cover photo on a book I am creating??????

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    Well I did do it right.... I did drag the photo that I wanted to be the cover photo to the cover and it would not stay there.  Other photos drag where you want them.
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  • How do i change cover photo in iPhoto when creating a book. I have tried everything

    how do I change cover photo in iPhoto when creating a book? I have tried everything. Mirage 388

    I have just finished one and changed the cover photo the same way I did on any page. Bring up the page, right click on it and then click on Remove Photo. Then just drag the photo you want into the empty space. You have to have the phot sidebar up on the right side to do this. Hope this helps

  • Cover photo in an Iphoto book.

    How do I change the cover photo in an Iphoto book.  It seems to select one randomly.

    You have a damaged book or library.  Try this:  launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and create a new, test library.  Import some photos, create a test book and see if the same problem persists. If it doesn't then yhour library is damaged so try the following:
    1 - create a new book and see if you can change the cover and back photos. If you can then recreate the book from scratch. If you can't you'll need to continue with #2:
    2 -  apply the two fixes below in order as needed: 
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Problem with preview of iPhoto book cover

    A friend has assembled a book in iPhoto and we have previewed it by going to File-Print and choosing to open a pdf in Preview. The pdf preview looks fine except for the front cover in which the image and text appear enlarged and shifted, cutting off the top of the cover photo. Attempts to insert a photo with a white border just give the same result - the picture is cropped and shifted.
    We then looked at a previous iPhoto book which David has had successfully printed through the Apple book ordering system. This shows exactly the same fault on the cover when opened as a pdf in Preview.
    Can we be confident that the new book will also print correctly despite the incorrect cover preview? David is using iLife 09 on a 24" iMac running OS X 10.5.8.

    Use the recommended preview method -
    Assume that it will print exactly like this preview shows - you can save the resulting PDF for reference

  • How to add a title to the book cover/spine?

    appears to be a stupid question, but I couldn't find any answer in the Videos by JK o any other help page:
    How can I add a title to he book cover and the spine of a blurb-book made in LR5?
    I could not find any cover template having a title (only a lot of text).
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    I have worked with Booksmart and made one book successfully. I have also made a book in Lr 5.2 and had it printed by Blurb to my satisfaction.
    Compared to creating a book in Lr the workflow in Booksmart is cumbersome and slow.
    (1) During the creation of a book in Lr I test the book often by exporting it as a PDF. This option is only available when you select PDF instead of Blurb - but it is possible to switch between PDF and Blurb without harm. The only change is that the Blurb logo page disappears when PDF is selected. Viewing the PDF in Acrobat tells me what the book will look like in print since my monitor is calibrated and set to the correct intensity (brightness).  It also tells me if my sharpening is good. For the export to PDF I select 100 for quality; color profile sRGB; file resolution 300; sharpening High; media type glossy.
    A Blurb representative told me that these settings come close to the settings that Lr uses when the book is uploaded to Blurb.
    In Booksmart I can't export to PDF.
    BTW you should sharpen the image so much that it looks a bit too sharp in your PDF. When the boook is printed the ink droplets spread out a tiny bit before they dry. This tends to make the print softer than it looks on screen.
    (2) Booksmart is not color managed. Therefore in Booksmart you have no feedback how your book will look in print. If you want to test your images you have to softproof them in Photoshop.
    (3) When I make a book I find often that my develop adjustments are not optimal. In Lr it is very easy to switch the the Develop Module, make the necessary adjustments and switch back to the Book Module. With Booksmart you have to export the adjusted image again - or it has to be re-published if you use the Blurb plug-in.
    (4) In the past I have made complaints that Lr does not give enough flexibility for the layout. Since then I have worked more in Lr and I find the Book Module actually quite good.
    I find that the full page bleed allows the most flexibility for creating my own layout. Starting with a full page bleed I use the padding feature to place the image anywhere on the page and in any size I want. The boxes for "Page Text" and "Photo Text" allow for more than one column. The text can be edited by adjusting Tracking (all letters are spaced wider/closer), Kerning (individual pairs of letters can be spaced), Baseline (letters can be pushed up or down), or Leading (the distance between different lines of text can be adjusted). There are no such features in Booksmart.
    (5) Selecting a color for page background or for text is cumbersome in Booksmart. In Lr it's easy.
    The cover of my first book in Lr looks like this:

  • For a book cover in Elements 9 I can't exchange the jpg for another. Can someone walk me thru it?

    At the upper rt. and wrapping around the book cover is a jpg. I want to exchange it for another, but can't. I've tried deleting the photo and then importing another. That won't work. Tried opening another layer, but that doesn't work either. Do I open a layer and then import? Whatever I do the jpg pastes onto the entire BACKground of the cover/canvas! Can someone walk me thru this?! Is the problem that I need to be in a certain format from the left column of icons?!
    Thank you!
    [email protected]

    From the nature of your question, it appears that you have posted in the wrong forum. This looks like a Photoshop Elements 9 (photo editing) question that you have posted in the Premiere Elements Forum (video editing).
    If this is as I suspect, please repost your question in the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum or wait for a moderator to see your thread here and move your thread from here to there. It might be quicker for you to repost your question in the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum.
    Photoshop Elements

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    I'm a bit unsure from your post which playlist is missing from where. If you deleted the "Purchased" playlist in iTunes it will be recreated next time you make a purchase. You can add your previous purchases into this list, and select it to be synced to your device. The "Purchased on <Device>" playlists are locked down and cannot be edited.

  • How do I change the cover photo of an album in the Photos App?

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    But how do I change the cover photo of a shared photo stream I created in the iOS 6 Photos app? It seems to be the first photo in that stream but I want to use another photo as the cover / key photo of that shared stream. Is it possible at all?

    Which iPhoto are you referring to?  iPhoto on your mobile device or iPhoto on your Mac?  If on your Mac you'll need to change the date of the photos in the Event via the Photos ➙ Batch Change ➙ Date menu option:
    This will change the date of all selected photos in the Event and thus change the date range of the Event.
    Or you can use the Photos ➙ Adjust Date & Time menu option and change just one or two photos which can also change the date range of the Event.

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  • Attaching a thumbnail to a book cover for my eBook

    My gear: Windows Vista Ultimate, 64-bit.
    My objective: Attach a thumbnail version of my eBook cover to my eBook book cover, so the Adobe Digital Edition version will look cool.
    What I've done: With distiller set to eBooks, I've created the PDF book cover and the thumbnail, using Ifan and OpenOffice.
    Result: I'm stuck. My cover is in PDF/A mode. I can't attach.
    You probably already can tell I'm a noob. However, what I have done to solve this problem, follows:
    1.I closed Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard.
    2.Opened my Window folder, so I'd have my PDF thumb and PDF full size cover before me. I minimized this window.
    3.I opened my beloved Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard.
    4.I selected File>Combine>Assemble. I got a blank screen. It says 'Home/ in the upper left hand corner. I call this Window A. I size Window A so it fits the left hand side of the desktop.
    5.I brought up the minimized window. I call it Window B. I sized Window B to it fits the right hand side of my desktop.
    6.I dragged my PDF book cover file, still in PDF/A mode, from Window B, to Window A.
    7.In Window A: I selected File>Combine>Merge Files. I'm 'merging' a single file into a single PDF.
    8. A window appears. It says: File Portfolio1.pdf is a PDF portfolio that contains multiple files. The files within the PDF portfolio have been added to the file list. I clicked OK.
    9.Now I'm in a window titled Combine Files. Single PDF is selected. A red X is in the Remove square, bottom of this window. My PDF/A book cover file is the only file in the list.
    10.I selected my file just to highlight it.
    11.I selected Combine Files.
    12.A save as window opens. I renamed my book cover to Book Cover not in PDF A mode
    13.Now, my non-PDF/A Book cover opens in Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard.
    14.In the lower left hand corner of my Adobe 9 window, I right click the comments icon, and select Attachments.
    15.I select Add a new attachment.
    16.My PDF files come up (they would not come up in PDF/A mode), and I select my thumbnail PDF. It attaches.
    17.Yay. I'm done.
    If there's a quicky professional way to do this, please add to this thread, so I may learn from my mistakes.

    Hellow Johannes,
    thank you for your repling.
    i don"t think that this is the direction.
    In lots of objects in the SAP like a notification or a material,a button call "service for object" is available provide
    some functions like
    document attaching.
    How i can see this attachments?
    I think that the answer should be close to the table SOOD.

  • How do I open a pdf book cover file using Acrobat XI into Indesign CC?  Everytime I try, it says I am trying to open a file that has been saved wrong.

    How do I open a pdf book cover file using Acrobat XI into Indesign CC?  Everytime I try, it says I am trying to open a file that has been saved wrong.

    PDF files cannot be natively opened in InDesign. They can only be placed as graphics.

  • I can't seem to upload cover photos to FB from iPhoto, any suggestions on how to fix it?

    I use iPhoto '11. I have Facebook connected to my iPhoto library. I am able to upload photos to new albums and change my profile photographs. However, I am not able to change my cover photos anymore. I was able to select a photo, go to "share", select "Facebook" and then select "Cover Photos" but last week, this last step wasn't an option anymore, I could only either select an existing album, change profile photo or create a new album. Not sure what the issue is - I even deleted Facebook and reconnected the account on iPhoto but no luck. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    For Mavericks you need to upgrade to iPhoto 9.5.1.
    You cannot buy this version from the AppStore, since the current version is iPhoto 9.6, and that requires Yosemite. The easiest route for you would be to upgrade to Yosemite. Then you can simply buy the newest version of iPhoto from the App Store and can use iCloud Photo Library (iCloud Photo Library beta FAQ), once it has been release for the Mac as well early next year.
    If you want to stick with Mavericks, you'll have limited iCloud features, only the Photo Streams  (iCloud: iCloud Photo Sharing FAQ), but no iCloud Drive (iCloud Drive FAQ) and iCloud Photo Library.  And to upgrade iPhoto you need to buy an iPhoto '11 installer. It comes as part of iLife '11. You can try to buy a boxed version from Amazon or try to find it at eBay.  Once installed on Mavericks, download the iPhoto '11 updaters from the apple Support Downloads page.

  • Facebook images, profile photos, cover photos are not loading. Only small blue square with question mark. Same thing in Safari, FireFox, Chrome.

    Since July on MacBook Pro facebook images, profile photos, cover photos are not loading. Only small blue square with question mark. Same thing in Safari, FireFox, Chrome. Everything is up to date including last version of Adobe Flash. And watching YouTube also a problem. Video is skipping, freezing for few seconds and jumps forward. At the same time on Toshiba with Windows Vista under the same account, same wi-fi connection everything works fine.
    Please help with sugesstions to fix the issue.

    Seems like problem is solved but it might be temporarily. Anyway. Click on the image, it will open facebook photo browser. Image is not loading so right click on the blue box with question mark, save image as. It will start downloading but without any success since browser do not see the image. After this attempt refresh the page and close all tabs with facebook. Try to open facebook once again. For some reason after this weird actions all images displayed properly. Do not know for how long but now it works.

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