Bounced file is louder than original..??

After bounced an audio file (with various effects on its track), I put it on an adiacent track (which hasn't any affect) and I can hear and see it's louder that original.
How can it be possible?
(Normalize option is disabled)
I get this strange result either with DigiCoreAudio or AppleCoreAudio driver.
On Logic 7.2.3 all is fine
Any other has this problem?

Fulvio Pietramala wrote:
21th Century wrote:
have you chosen split stereo as destination format for the bounce?
No, I choose interleaved
Which pan law are you using (-3dB compensated will give you 3dB increase for a split stereo audio file to the output in playback)?
I don't know what you mean with "pan law" and where I can set this option.
Let me know
I found the "pan law" option and I saw it is on "-3db compensated"

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    OS Lucinity wrote:
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    To make sure the Dolby AC3 setting does not alter your audio with normalization or compression, you need to turn off dialog normalization and compression.
    a) Click your audio setting and have a look at the Encoder tab in the Inspector window.
    b) Under the Audio tab, change the Dialog Normalization from -27 to -31 to disable it.
    c) Click the Preprocessing tab and set the Compression Preset to None.
    d) Deselect the Low-Pass Filter and DC Filter
    Compressor User Manual -> Creating Dolby Digital Professional Output Files
    Important: It is critical that you set the Dialog Normalization setting correctly if you intend to use any of the Compression Preset settings. The Compression Preset settings assume that the audio, after the dialogue has been normalized, is at the normal listening level of 31 dBFS. Levels that are consistently louder than that result in distorted sound and erratic levels.
    If you do not know the sound level of the source file or for some other reason want to ensure the Dolby Digital Professional encoder does not affect your sound levels, enter –31 for the Dialog Normalization and choose None in the Compression Preset pop-up menu (located in the Preprocessing tab).

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