Mpeg 2 audio much louder than H.264???

Hey all,
For the last year I've been exporting past projects as H.264s and flipping them to mpeg2 TS on my PC. More recently I've been playing around with mpeg2 settings in Compressor to trim a step off the whole process. All the mpeg2 settings I'm using are working great, save for the audio. I set all my ads to -12dB in Final Cut. After I send a spot to Compressor and throw the mpeg2 preset on it, it is noticeably louder than it should be. I watch the .m2t files back with MPEG Streamclip. As a test I exported a .aiff file from streamclip and imported it into Final Cut and it's upwards of 6 dB louder than it should be.
I can't find ANYTHING on the internet about this or how to fix it. What am I missing? Help me, please!

To make sure the Dolby AC3 setting does not alter your audio with normalization or compression, you need to turn off dialog normalization and compression.
a) Click your audio setting and have a look at the Encoder tab in the Inspector window.
b) Under the Audio tab, change the Dialog Normalization from -27 to -31 to disable it.
c) Click the Preprocessing tab and set the Compression Preset to None.
d) Deselect the Low-Pass Filter and DC Filter
Compressor User Manual -> Creating Dolby Digital Professional Output Files
Important: It is critical that you set the Dialog Normalization setting correctly if you intend to use any of the Compression Preset settings. The Compression Preset settings assume that the audio, after the dialogue has been normalized, is at the normal listening level of 31 dBFS. Levels that are consistently louder than that result in distorted sound and erratic levels.
If you do not know the sound level of the source file or for some other reason want to ensure the Dolby Digital Professional encoder does not affect your sound levels, enter –31 for the Dialog Normalization and choose None in the Compression Preset pop-up menu (located in the Preprocessing tab).

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    Hi Stan,  Here are two screenshots. One with the clip properties and the other with the meta data from Premiere. I hope this helps.
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    You still have two volume controls on the computer.
    Set the iPod volume to midrange and set iTunes on the computer to midrange then adjust the computer sytem volume so it is equal to the iPod.
    The volume will be the same.

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    As other before me have stated:
    What is the instrument being played?
    If it IS an instrument that has built-in effects/modulators, you can and will hear large differences in volume.
    Also, why on earth are you inputting notes all at max volume? You are setting yourself up for later mixing problems, and also, you are getting rid of any internal dynamics that the instrument itself might have at different volumes.
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    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so.
    Try the following to rule out a software problem
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. Seems you have a bad headphone jack.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    If not under warranty Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price                  
    A third-party place like the following will replace the jack for less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Replace the jack yourself
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit

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    Did you try different headphones!?
    If it's sounding the same thing on different headphones then you might have changed the Left-Right balance
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    Yeah it also gives the illusion of crappy sound because you can't hear everything. People think it's muffled because it can't play as loud. I even analyzed the audio to see how it compared to other services by normalizing the audio. Everything sounded the same but at the regular volume it sounds muffled. I really wish they would raise the default volume.

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    Anyway, I deleted the entire extra scene selection menus (5 of them) and it was back to under 4 GB.
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    Thanks for your help!

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    Export Settings:
    Format: H.264
    Preset: NTCH DV Widescreen High Quality
    The summary info is NTSC, 720x480, 29.97 fps, LOWER
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    I did read online that there was a problem in premier 6.0 with Premiere working better with the Microsoft codec rather than the Soney vegas Pro codec and that to solve teh proble you can edit th ePrem60.ini file to tell the program to ignore the Sony codec and default to the MS one, but that's for an older version and I cant even find an ini file for Premiere Pro...
    I would really appreciate any help I can get on this -

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