Bouncing to 44.1 mp3

I record @ 48k 24bit. Is is possible in LP7 to stereo bounce a mix to 44.1k mp3?
I can get down to a 44.1k CD but not the previous;-)
Many thanks
G5 2.0 Ghz (PPC)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Music Studio Set Up: G5 2.0Ghz 10.4.8 (PPC) 3.5GB RAM, Logic Pro 7.2.3 2x 250 &

Fred: You can have mp3s at different sample rates. (Lame encoder in particular has many options for this.)
When you go to File>Bounce>
simply select the new sample rate you want your music to be converted to, choosing PCM. Then perhaps open and encode that 44.1 PCM file to an mp3.
You should be aware that Logics sample rate conversion is among the worst of any program out there. Lots of people export at the original session bit and sample rate, then make the conversion in another program, like Pro Tools, or others.

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    In the bounce menue click on the ID3 Tags-tab and configure...
    or do it in iTunes after the bounce.

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    a mp3 bounce is a PCM bounce which is then converted to mp3 (and the PCM file is automatically deleted afterwards), so wether you burn a PCM (WAV; AIF) to CD and then rip it to mp3 or bounce it directly to mp3 will be no significant difference. The difference is that a redbook CD has a 16-bit, 44.1 kHz PCM file written to it and the mp3 bounce usually occurs in 24-bit depth. Maybe the first dithering down to 16-bit will add some subtle changes if you rip the mp3 from this CD file. But i am almost sure you won't hear the difference because mp3 is less quality either way.
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    Best, Steve

    I'm not directly familiar with exporting to iTunes. After you've exported the track to iTunes as an MP3, what does the actual MP3 itself look like in Audacity? If the volume is halved, then clearly the trick is to not export directly to iTunes, bounce your mix to a WAV or AIFF file and let iTunes do the importing and conversion.
    But when you say 'put your song up for sale', via what outlet? The reason I ask, you shouldn't really bounce down straight to MP3 if you intend selling your wares. Bounce down to the highest-quality lossless format available, so that's generally AIFF, WAV, FLAC and ALAC, and let the digital distributors deal with the conversion. If you upload your tracks as MP3s then the quality of the MP3s potentially becomes the limiting factor should the distributors you're using decide to offer lossless downloads in the future, because you can't get back what's already been lost.

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    Thanks, Rob.
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    Bounce in aiff to see if the problem persists; if not the import the file into iTunes and use it to convert to mp3.
    If you obtain the same result in aiff too then you could have some phase coherence problem and you should have a closer looks to every single track to check with different eq or efx settings.
    Remember that 2 sounds with the same frequency but with opposite phase erase themselves completely.

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    Logic Pro 9.1.8 Mountain Lion

    yeah, thanks, I found it by viewing youtube tutorials. Thanks for your reply

  • Logic made MP3 with copyright added with Logic ?

    Where is this copyright info human viewable?
    It doesn't show with iTunes, it doesn't show with QuickTime.
    What am I taking about?
    From the bounce dialog, make an MP3 and eidit the ID3 tags
    and put in a copyright notice at the copyright annotation line.
    "2006 BlahBlah"
    Then when the MP3 is created.
    Open it in iTunes and do a command i, it dose not show any © info.
    You know the © is in there because you put it in there with Logic.
    Open the MP3 in QuickTime and do a command i, or command j.
    it shows no copyright annotation information.
    But you know the © is in there somewhre because you put it in
    with Logic Pro !
    So, why is logic add copyright if you can not see it in any
    other Apple software?
    Or, what software can view the copyright you put in with Logic?
    PowerBook G4 1GHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    To help explaine, here are some visual example of what I am talking about and looking for.
    Please load this image...
    I am wanting to simply enter a date stamp in the copyright area, something
    such as "2001 TEXT" and be able to view that info in other Apple apps to
    know what is the date of the recording.
    But as you will see at the image above, Logic is supposedly entering
    all the info, but QuickTime is not showing the copyright field and is in fact
    ingoring it and giving the option to add a new, blank copyright annotation.
    And, in iTunes the copyright date comes up WRONG.
    (i put 1996 with Logic and iTunes displays 2006 )
    And, if open up the MP3 in the text editor TextEdit, there is no where to be
    found any info of "1996" so I am now going to conclude that LogicPro is
    NOT writing any copyright date ID3tag at all.
    Well this *****.
    LogicPro is also allowing to write ID3 tags that are not viewable with anything
    but TextEdit.
    (lyricist, interpreted/remixed by, publisher, producer)
    I guess I'll just put the date stamp (copyright) in the "subtitle" field.
    That way, in quicktime, it will show title with date under, then artist.

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    If you bounce as AAC or MP3, you will lose some quality. Better to bounce in AIF or WAV if you intend to burn to CD. Now, why you can't play it in iTunes or from finder, that is weird. Like someone suggested, try AIF format. That is all I use and I can play anywhere. When you go to "Get Info" in iTunes (for the song), does it have a time? You can also try opening the file (from your Bounced folder) into Audacity? It's a free app and very nice. You will be able to see the sound wave. This will verify that you actually have sound in the file.
    Let us know what you find.

  • Exporting as mp3?

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    Sure, use the normal bounce function and choose mp3 as your destinated format and the desktop as your bounce destination. In the bounce menue untick the PCM box so only a mp3 will result from your bounce. The preferences for your mp3 files (96-384 k) can be set in the Audio prefs.

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    when i put my bounced track to CDJ 900, the sound quality drops, Hi and Mid Pass sound like they "Shrink In", doesn't sound the same when playback in logic. I set my bouncing setup as highest.

    Hi Eriksimon,
    Firstly, thanks for your message.
    What I meant by "hi pass mid pass shrinking in" is EXACTLY what you menat, I got a heavy bass and muffed high and mid content. Apologised for my poor English.
    I haven't checked the setting of the playback device yet but instead I tested it with some professional produced tracks. I know the sound tends to vary a little bit when playing from computer and CD player such as the CDJ 900 that I am using. The differences were not as significant as my own track. They tend to get a rather good balance. My track is well balanced and mixed (I guess) in Logic but it turns out completely different when using the CD player.
    I bounced my work to MP3 with highest BIte Rate.

  • Bounce file not created or I can't find it (weird)

    I recorded a song at 24/96. I then chose to bounce it to MP3. I got the message that it would have to degrade it, and I chose yes to convert. It went through the process but I can't find the file. Any ideas?
    I want to record at 24/96 for the quality, but sometimes I need to bounce to a cheap MP3 for a friend just to get a sense of the song. Is this not normal?
    Also, when I bounce to Apple Lossless, the file size is 102MB.. just for a 3-4 minute song. Is this normal? Is it because I'm at 24/96 and I really shouldn't be? I would hope/think that I could record at the quality 24/96 but then get smaller file sizes so long as I'm willing to accepts the degradation during bounce.

    The file should be in the bounces folder in your project folder, but the only way to find out for sure is to invoke the bounce dialog again and see where it points to. That is where the last bounce was saved to.
    regards, Erik.

  • Wave burner mp3

    I am sending a mp3 track via email and I have bounced it down from logic pro as mp3
    I then import it into wave burner which automatically converts it into an audio file for mastering.
    How does one bounce this file back to an MP3 file in order to reduce the size from approx 37 m/bits to about 4.3 m/bits as an mp3 file.
    There does not seem to be an export window,or function to enable it to be converted back to an mp3 file.
    Any answers
    Trafford Reeder

    I realize that this is slightly off topic from your initial post, but you've said something that raises a concern: you mention that you bounce files into mp3 format from Logic, import them into Waveburner (which converts them to AIFF), and then intend to bounce them again into mp3 format. This process would be a bad idea, since you would be running the mp3 compression algorithm twice, reducing the quality of the audio considerably. When any program imports an mp3 file and rerenders it as AIFF or WAV, it is not a true lossless file, but rather a lossless representation of a lossy file. Or, in otherwords, it is just a high-fidelity copy of a lower-fidelity audio file. You really ought to bounce AIFF files from Logic, do whatever mastering you intend to do, and then convert the bounced file into mp3. I realize this seems to be several steps, but it is necessary to avoid losing quality.
    I would like it very much, however, if Waveburner could render mp3 albums (and especially simultaneously export CD images and mp3s, much as Logic can do AIFFs and mp3s at the same time). Hopefully the developers find a way to do this.

  • Bounced files incessantly crackle

    Hello all.
    Every time that I bounce a certain file from Logic Express down into any compressed format, it has areas where it crackles. I know it is not the speakers/headphones I'm using, because when I play the song in the program there's no crackling; it is only when I bounce it down. A friend of mine had a similar problem and he is using a more powerful machine than I.
    Is there something I am ignoring about the compression settings? How can I bounce a file into mp3/m4a/wav format without it having the noisome crackling!?

    There are many many many reasons as to why a file might get cracklin'
    In your case, it most probably is clipping at the output. sometimes when bouncing down into a smaller size audio format, such as mp3, these clips turn into nasty crackles, simply because the audio codec makes them bigger than they originally were on your mix. A 3 to 6 sample clip distorion, that you might not notice normally, will turn inot a huge 20-30 sample monster, and ruin your day.
    Try to do the following:
    1. Listen back to the mix in realtime, and notice any place where the MASTER output clips.
    2. Correct the levels on those spots, so there is no more clipping on your MASTER output.
    3. Re-bounce the mix, and check the new file. It should no longer clip.

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