Bravely Default Hangout On Air With Nintendo

Hello gamers! Nintendo's new Epic Fantasy RPG, Bravely Default, is now available and Best Buy is teaming up with Nintendo to bring you an exclusive Google + Hangout to talk about the game! Join us to hear from the Nintendo team behind this highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS game along with gaming bloggers and a Best Buy Blueshirt to give a first-hand account of the game.
If you weren't able to join us for the live show, you can still watch the entire chat about Bravely Default below.
When:  Tuesday, February 11, 2014
             8PM ET
Joining us for the chat will be:
Lindsey, Nintendo
Krysta, Nintendo
Adam, Inside Gaming - Machinima
Better known as JWittz, Josh is a Media Studies graduate in real life. In his free time he makes videos about Pokemon (and now Nintendo), focusing on Nintendo lore, facts, news and collectibles.
Jared is a professional gamer and his gaming centric channel, ProJared, features “Letʼs Plays”, “1-minute reviews” of games, and general opinions on the gaming world. Jaredʼs fast wit, clever humor and in-depth perspective on gaming have quickly established him as an authority among YouTube viewers, and specifically a core gaming audience.
Click here for the event page and be sure to RSVP!
About Bravely Default
Square Enix's highly acclaimed fantasy RPG brings deep, strategic combat to the Nintendo 3DS system in an ambitious game that bolsters its turn-based combat with a compelling new risk/reward system RPG fans will obsess over. Explore Luxendarc as Tiz and other memorable characters on a visually stunning quest to restore balance to the world.
Hand-drawn 3D backgrounds and a rousing score bring Luxendarc to life. Enter a brave new world of turn-based combat. Be part of the community in this fresh take on the single player RPG.
 Game Features
Complex, lovable characters in a top-tier RPG
Time your turns tactically with the new Brave and Default system
Summon your friends' characters to fight by your side, or borrow their abilities with online play
Form flexible strategies by combining 20+ jobs with hundreds of abilities
Acquire StreetPass tags and use them to gain access to powerful equipment and items in-game
Evocative music and gorgeous hand-drawn watercolor backgrounds with 3D elements
Bravely Default at Best Buy
Matt|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
 Private Message

Thanks for reporting the issue. Yes, It's known to us and we are investigating it.
Best Regards,

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  • I bought a used macbook air, with reinstalled the OS without iMovie. How can I get iMovie on App free of charge as a default in macbook air ?

    I bought a used macbook air, with reinstalled the OS without iMovie. How can I get iMovie on App free of charge as a default in macbook air ?

    Unfortunately, as recommended by the lady from CA, as long as the Mac is still associated with the Apple ID of the original owner, you can't even buy those iLife apps with that Mac. You will always get the alert to download them with the original owner's Apple ID.
    As suggested by the chavo from España, you need the original owner to contact Apple Care* and request that the OS and the iLife apps be disassociated from his Apple ID. Then you should be free to OS X Recovery to resinstall the most recent version of OS X that shipped with the Mac and install the iLife apps. Afterward, before using any of the iLife apps you need to open the Mac App Store (MAS) to the Purchases pane and Accept these apps into your MAS account's Apple ID. If you use any of the iLife apps before you have accepted them into your account, as per the app's Terms of Use, they all become one-trick-ponies that can not be downloaded onto another Mac or updated.
    OS X Recovery -
    *If you bought the Mac from a 2nd hand shop and don't have access to the original owner, you may need to provide Apple a purchase receipt to offer proof of sale.

  • HT203421 i buy a macbook air with my friend and i changed the apple id first i can update the application but now its impossible to update the application.when i clock to update it shows the id of my fren andsomebody do you have idea to solve this

    i buy a macbook air with my friend and i changed the apple id first i can update the application but now its impossible to update the application.when i clock to update it shows the id of my fren andsomebody do you have idea to solve this problem.

    The first thing to do with a second-hand computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. You — not the previous owner — must do that. How you do it depends on the model, and on whether you already own another Mac. If you're not sure of the model, enter the serial number on this page. Then find the model on this page to see what OS version was originally installed.
    1. You don't own another Mac.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller — not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. Preferably, install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for some MacBook Air models. For early MBA models, you may need a USB optical drive or Remote Disc. You should have received the media from the previous owner, but if you didn't, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To boot from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then reboot and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should boot into Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    2. You do own another Mac.
    If you already own another Mac that was upgraded in the App Store to the version of OS X that you want to install, and if the new Mac is compatible with it, then you can install it. Use Recovery Disk Assistant to create a bootable USB device and boot the new Mac from it by holding down the C key at the startup chime. Alternatively, if you have a Time Machine backup of OS X 10.7.3 or later on an external hard drive (not a Time Capsule or other network device), you can boot from that by holding down the option key and selecting it from the row of icons that appears. Note that if your other Mac was never upgraded in the App Store, you can't use this method.
    Once booted in Recovery, launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive — not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive.
    After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. You will need the Apple ID and password that you used to upgrade. When the installation is done, the system will automatically reboot into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    Then run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. To upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, get it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the previous owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed — you have to repurchase them.
    If the previous owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Apple customer service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
    If the previous owner didn't deauthorize the computer in the iTunes Store under his Apple ID, you wont be able to  authorize it immediately under your ID. In that case, you'll either have to wait up to 90 days or contact iTunes Support.

  • IPad Air with iOS 8.02 freezes and blue screen appears. What should be done ? Why is this happening ?

    IPad Air with iOS 8.02 freezes and blue screen appears. What should be done ? Why is this happening ?

    If nothing else works, you might try this one. It has worked for many others ...
    Use iTunes to do a reset to factory default condition. Always be sure to do your backups before fiddling with your iPad. You might do both the iCloud and the iTunes backup, just to be sure!
    Back up and Restore your iOS Device with iCloud or iTunes
    iTunes: About iOS Backups
    Use iTunes to Restore your iOS Device to Factory Settings
    Various issues from many different users have been solved by this. I've lost count on how many have been helped by this, so far. But, it doesn't mean EVERYONE will be helped, but I've seen a whole lot. You can only try and see ...
    iPad 2 and iOS 8.0.2 Problems
    For all iPad 2 owners, this is an important solution for you! These problems result from long-term use, continuous upgrades, corrupted files and various glitches that happen over this long term use. You just need to get your iPad 2 back to FACTORY FRESH CONDITION to start out clean!
    Here's one person's solution which will help a lot of iPad 2 users!
    keithfrommariettaOct 12, 2014 3:25 PM Re: IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgrade
    Re: IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgradein response to pacoKAS
    SOLVED:  IOS 8 Issues on iPad 2:
    I just returned home from a visit to the Genius Bar. Like you and many others, when I upgraded my iPad 2 to IOS 8, it became practically unusable. It was VERY slow, lagged whenever trying to to do anything. Lots of screen freezes and apps spontaneously crashing. I was convinced that the processor on the iPad 2 just couldn't handle the new IOS and I went in to see about restoring to IOS 7.
    Thankfully, I was hooked up with a very sharp guy at the bar. The problem is not with the OS, it is with it being an *upgraded* OS. He used the analogy of when you had an older Windows computer and how over time (and over upgrades), they just tended to get slower and slower because of all of the garbage that was carried forward in the upgrades. At those times (and if you've ever had a Windows computer, you get this), the only thing that would speed it up would be to wipe the machine and do a fresh install of the current OS and then reload your apps, and the viola, everything would be fast again. Well, it turns out that IOS can suffer the same problems.
    THE FIX:  FIRST, be sure you have a current iCloud backup of your device.  Connect your iPad to a computer that has a clean fresh copy of IOS 8 on iTunes (this is best done with a computer other than the one that you sync your device to because you DO NOT want to restore it from a back up just yet). Ideally, if you do this at an Apple store you'll be assured of the right version there and someone to answer any questions you might have along the way. You then hold the power and home button down to hard-reset the device and continue to hold them down until it reboots into recovery mode. You then follow the instructions on the computer to reinstall the OS on the device (which wipes everything from it and then reinstalls a clean copy of it). Once this is done (which only takes about 15 minutes), your device will reboot and ask you to set it up. Answer the questions about language, location, etc. and continue until it asks you to log into your iTunes account. Once you do that, it will ask if you want to either 1) Set it up as a new device, 2) Restore from iCloud, or 3) Restore from iTunes. Choose (2), restore from iCloud. This will ensure that it brings down "clean" copies of all of your apps and preferences rather than the potentially corrupted ones that might reside in your iTunes backup. That's it! It will take a few hours depending on how much data and apps you have, but I am happy to report that my iPad 2 is now running IOS 8 and it's running as fast as it ever did when it was brand new!
    To sum it up, this process 1) Wipes your device and the garbage causing your problems, 2) Loads a clean and bug-free version of IOS 8 to your device, and 3) restores your apps and data so that it looks just like it did before the wipe, with the exception that it works now!  :-)
    Note also that by following this process you don't have to go through the painful and laborious process of reloading all of your apps, data and/or settings. iCloud takes care of all of that for you.

  • Where to find the best application for cleaning out my MacBook Air with OS X 10.7.5? I've been using MacKeeper but believe it's slowing down my laptop considerable.

    where to find the best application for cleaning out my MacBook Air with OS X 10.7.5? I've been using MacKeeper but believe it's slowing down my laptop considerable. Thank you.

    How to maintain a Mac
    1. Make redundant backups, keeping at least one off site at all times. One backup is not enough. Don’t back up your backups; make them independent of each other. Don’t rely completely on any single backup method, such as Time Machine. If you get an indication that a backup has failed, don't ignore it.
    2. Keep your software up to date. In the Software Update preference pane, you can configure automatic notifications of updates to OS X and other Mac App Store products. Some third-party applications from other sources have a similar feature, if you don’t mind letting them phone home. Otherwise you have to check yourself on a regular basis. This is especially important for complex software that modifies the operating system, such as device drivers. Before installing any Apple update, you must check that all such modifications that you use are compatible.
    3. Don't install crapware, such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” "boosters," “extenders,” “cleaners,” "doctors," "tune-ups," “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” "disk tools," or "utilities." With very few exceptions, this stuff is useless, or worse than useless. Above all, avoid any software that purports to change the look and feel of the user interface.
    The more actively promoted the product, the more likely it is to be garbage. The most extreme example is the “MacKeeper” scam.
    As a rule, the only software you should install is that which directly enables you to do the things you use a computer for — such as creating, communicating, and playing — and does not modify the way other software works. Use your computer; don't fuss with it.
    Safari extensions, and perhaps the equivalent for other web browsers, are a partial exception to the above rule. Most are safe, and they're easy to get rid of if they don't work. Some may cause the browser to crash or otherwise malfunction.  Some are malicious. Use with caution, and install only well-known extensions from relatively trustworthy sources, such as the Safari Extensions Gallery.
    Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it. Otherwise you may create problems that are very hard to solve.
    4. Beware of trojans. A trojan is malicious software (“malware”) that the user is duped into installing voluntarily. Such attacks were rare on the Mac platform until sometime in 2011, but are now increasingly common, and increasingly dangerous.
    There is some built-in protection against downloading malware, but you can’t rely on it — the attackers are always at least one day ahead of the defense. You can’t rely on third-party protection either. What you can rely on is common-sense awareness — not paranoia, which only makes you more vulnerable.
    Never install software from an untrustworthy or unknown source. If in doubt, do some research. Any website that prompts you to install a “codec” or “plugin” that comes from the same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy. Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must be acquired directly from the developer. No intermediary is acceptable, and don’t trust links unless you know how to parse them. Any file that is automatically downloaded from a web page without your having requested it should go straight into the Trash. A website that claims you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, is rogue.
    In OS X 10.7.5 or later, downloaded applications and Installer packages that have not been digitally signed by a developer registered with Apple are blocked from loading by default. The block can be overridden, but think carefully before you do so.
    Because of recurring security issues in Java, it’s best to disable it in your web browsers, if it’s installed. Few websites have Java content nowadays, so you won’t be missing much. This action is mandatory if you’re running any version of OS X older than 10.6.8 with the latest Java update. Note: Java has nothing to do with JavaScript, despite the similar names. Don't install Java unless you're sure you need it. Most people don't.
    5. Don't fill up your boot volume. A common mistake is adding more and more large files to your home folder until you start to get warnings that you're out of space, which may be followed in short order by a boot failure. This is more prone to happen on the newer Macs that come with an internal SSD instead of the traditional hard drive. The drive can be very nearly full before you become aware of the problem. While it's not true that you should or must keep any particular percentage of space free, you should monitor your storage consumption and make sure you're not in immediate danger of using it up. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of free space on the startup volume for normal operation.
    If storage space is running low, use a tool such as the free application OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the most space. Move rarely-used large files to secondary storage.
    6. Relax, don’t do it. Besides the above, no routine maintenance is necessary or beneficial for the vast majority of users; specifically not “cleaning caches,” “zapping the PRAM,” "resetting the SMC," “rebuilding the directory,” "defragmenting the drive," “running periodic scripts,” “dumping logs,” "deleting temp files," “scanning for viruses,” "purging memory," "checking for bad blocks," "testing the hardware," or “repairing permissions.” Such measures are either completely pointless or are useful only for solving problems, not for prevention.
    The very height of futility is running an expensive third-party application called “Disk Warrior” when nothing is wrong, or even when something is wrong and you have backups, which you must have. Disk Warrior is a data-salvage tool, not a maintenance tool, and you will never need it if your backups are adequate. Don’t waste money on it or anything like it.

  • Can VC3 allow us to connect 3 webcams to laptop & then stream to Google+ Hangouts On Air?

    We are a non profit, Sena Foundation (, that has been offering free support for dying folks and doing free grief and loss education since 1982. A number of years ago we produced a half hour TV program (Sharing the Seasons) featuring interviews with individuals going through catastrophic loss.
    The programs need to be updated and - since the economic collapse, which has cost us over 60% of our funding - there is no money to produce new programs.
    Then came - Google+ Hangouts On Air.
    We will be able to produce the new series with our own tech volunteers. Free!
    Problem. BIG problem. We need to connect 3 webcams (probably Logitech c910 webcams) with usb cables to a laptop, and be able to stream live to On Air. We will edit on the fly, so we need to switch between the three cameras.
    We are using Windows7.
    Reading the info for Adobe Visual Communicator 3, it sounds like we should be able to do this.
    Are we right?
    What hardware (usb switcher etc?) will we need?
    Is there anyone that can give us specific instructions about setting this up?
    Do we need to purchase the update too?
    Thanks in advance for any help you may have.
    - Bill Schaefer
    Sena Foundation
    [email protected]

    Hello Scotte525
    No, I am not using VPN. I have enabled it on the server, but we don'øt need it to connect from outside. On the Macs we just type cmd-K and afp://IP-address and then we are prompte for username and password.
    I had hope something similar was available on the Windows 7 computer, but i can't make it work.
    And I don't know how to use VPN from the Windows laptop.
    If I do what you suggest = Window-key plus R and type like you wrote \\IP-address\ I am told I cannot make a connection.
    However!!!!! When I clicked "diagnose this issue" after a while the Windows computer told me that "the print and file sharing ressource (IP-address) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts.
    So now I have to start looking at the server, where close to everything is enabled (and the Mac's connect without problems, so what is it that isn't responding? This is very confusing). If you have any hints (or have experince in setting up a Mac OS X server to give access to Windows 7 PC(s) I would be most grateful for your help.
    Kind regards,

  • Change the default timeout for Air in Ubuntu?

    I found that the default timeout for Air in Ubuntu is by default 30 seconds. I need to change it, but I could not do it. I know that there are some issues relating timeout and
    I compiled my application with Air 2.5 SDK and now on Windows the timeout set by me is used. But in Ubuntu is still 30 seconds.
    Do you have any solution to change the timeout? In the flash bug there is a workaround for Windows, but nothing for other OS. Do you know from where the value of timeout is loaded by Air?

    Hi IoneIB,
      I am still fcing this issue in windows for my method for my AIR application.I am using 2.7 SDK.How did you fix this issue ? Please provide me the solution..

  • Flash Platform / Air and Nintendo ?

    There's lots of great thing happening with the Flash / Air for devices and TV.
    Can anyone let us know if Adobe are working with Nintendo on the Wii and DS ?
    These are great platforms - better suited to Flash content that many others. I know Flash 8 ( AS2) content can work on the Wii but that's history.
    I quote:
    Adobe will continue to work with key industry partners, including Google, RIM, Nokia, Motorola and Palm/HP . . . .

    AIR applications are desktop applications and are not supposed to be integrated in websites. You can however embed Flash animations generated from Flash CS6 in Muse.

  • Since updating my macbook air with OS X mavericks i can't send emails smtp account failed my email host is 123reg

    since updating my macbook air with OS X mavericks i can't send emails smtp account failed my email host is 123reg any ideas how to sort it out?

    I am having the same issue with Media Temple Email.
    My problem in more detail is:
    Adding my Media Temple Hosted domain email to a desktop service on my Macbook Air.
    I have tried this on both Mac Mail and Thunderbird.
    I add the account manually and have checked, double checked, triple checked the server addresss and also the user name and password and they are correct.
    I have altered the ports from being default to custom and have tried both SSL and non SSL and still it is unable to connect to the SMTP server.
    IMAP inbox is working as I recieve mails but can not send them.
    I have chatted to Media Temple and they say it must be something to do with the hardware of the MacBook Air which to start with I disagreed with but I have since tried adding the email to my Mac Mini and it works fine.
    I am assuming their is an issue in the MacBook Air with the SMTP ports and I would really appreciate some advice on how to fix this as I don't want to use Webmail for ever.
    Thanks in Advance

  • Damaged Bravely Default Collector's Edition

    A month ago during the 5x bonus points promotion, I preordered Bravely Default Collector's Edition via the kiosk and paid it in full before tax that day. Today when I picked it up, apparently they weren't expecting anyone to pick it up or something. They only got one copy of the Collector's Edition in and it was on the sales floor with a security deviced strapped tightly to it waiting to be sold to someone else whomever stumbles upon it. Is this normal protocol to treat customer instore pick ups like this?
    So now I have a copy Bravely Default Collector's Edition damaged by the security device. There is no other Best Buys in my area so I can't easily just drive into another Best Buys to check their stock of Bravely Default Collector's Edition so I can exchange. I doubt I could even exchange anyway if they are only bringing in exact numbers for preorder customers like me.
    What can I do in this situation? I want a mint copy of Bravely Default Collector's Edition rather than a refund. Also don't want to lose my 5x bonus points promo on this purchase.

    Hello SEGAMew,
    I am very sorry to hear of your disappointment with your Bravely Default pre-order experience.  I would like to talk to you further about this if I may.  
    Typically a pre-order, whether done in-store, at the in-store kiosk, or online for in-store pickup should be reserved for you at the customer service counter, not requiring you to find it on the sales floor.  The amount of time it is held there will vary slightly depending on whether it is an in-store pre-order or an online pre-order.
    In this case, though, you certainly should have found yours set aside.  I'll be happy to see what we can do in this situation, and I will send you a private message with more information.
    Thank you for being a My Best Buy member.
    Best regards,
    Mike|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • When I login to my bank, I get the message: 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. Have new MacBook Air with Yosemite. How to solve this problem?

    When I try to login to the website of my bank, I get the following error message:
    403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
    You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
    I have a new MacBook Air with OS Yosemite installed.
    What is the problem and how can I solve it?

    Some websites require a special client certficate for access. If you don't have that certficate, you'll have to contact the site operator to find out how to get one.
    Sometimes the problem is caused by a web server that is configured to request an optional client certificate. Safari treats the request as mandatory. In that case, other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome may be able to connect to the site, because they ignore the request.
    The first time you were prompted for a certificate, you may have clicked through a dialog that requested access to the Apple certificate in your keychain that is used to secure the iMessage service. In that case, you may be able to regain access to the site in Safari by doing as follows.
    Back up all data.
    Double-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Paste into the search field in the Keychain Access window by clicking in it and pressing the key combination command-V. An item may appear in the list of keychain items. The Name will begin with string you searched for, and the Kind will be "certificate."
    Delete the item by selecting it and pressing the delete key. It will be recreated automatically the next time you launch the Messages or FaceTime application.
    The next time you visit a site that prompts for an optional client certificate, cancel out of the prompt. You may have to do this several times before the server stops asking.
    Credit for this idea to Christian Braukmueller of SAP.

  • I recently purchase macbook air with OS 10.10.2. I want to use my Seagate external backup plus hard drive for time machine back up. How to partition my 1TB Seagate back up plus hard drive for use with mac and windows pc?

    Hi All,
    I recently purchased 13" Macbook Air with OS 10.10.2. I want to use my 1TB Seagate backup plus external hard drive as time machine and my windows 7 pc. Please suggest a method. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I strongly recommend having an external drive dedicated solely for TimeMachine. You could partition the drive but if something goes wrong you risk losing the data on both partitions. Should you decide to go ahead with splitting the drive for two different uses you’ll need to partition the drive either using the Mac’s built in Disk Utility program or Windows utility. I believe the built in Windows disk utility program will destroy the current partition and erase the data that’s on it - I use a third party Windows disk utility program for partitioning and it allows for non-destructive partitioning but warns to back up data first just in case. Apple’s Disk Utility can do non-destructive partitions but I don’t recall every trying to do a non-destructive partition on a disk originally formatted for Windows using it. Again - back up that data just in case.
    Finally, your TimeMachine drive should be at least 1.5 times (I prefer 2 times) the size of the data you expect to be backing up a year or two from now.  In other words, if you currently are using 50GB of your computer’s drive but expect to begin purchasing Mac software to replace software on your Windows computer and if you expect to be putting photos, music, and other data on it you might expect that two years from now you’ll have 100GB of stuff on the drive. So a 200GB partition is the smallest size you’d want.  TM’s backup scheme keeps multiple copies of data as it changes so the extra room is important for this scheme.

  • I ordered my Macbook Air with Aperture two years ago. I now have an iMac - can I use that with Aperture in any way?

    I ordered my Macbook Air with Aperture two years ago. I now have an iMac - can I use that with Aperture in any way? I appreciate that it is a different computer but I am now the end user of both devices and I was just wondering if it was possible.

    The answer would be in your software license agreement for Aperture. However if you cannot locate it you can ask in the Aperture forum, the link for that is:
    However I believe you can have Aperture installed on two machines however only one may be using it at a time.
    On the new iMac launch the Mac App Store - Purchased - look for Aperture and download to your new machine.

  • How do I sync my MacBook Air with my iPhone?

    I just purchased a new MacBook Air.  While setting it up, I created a new Apple ID.  Unfortunately, I am now experiencing difficulties when trying to sync my new MacBook Air with my iPhone, which is synchronized to my old Apple ID.  I want all of my information (music, pictures, contacts, etc.) on my new mac.  How can I sync the two devices? (my phone is synchronized with another Mac)  Any help?

    Can you sign into iCloud (System Preferences -> iCloud) on your new Air with the same account you use on your iPhone?

  • How do i pair my macbook air with my iPad??

    How do I pair my macbook air with my iPad???

    What do you mean by "pair"? If you're asking about Bluetooth pairing, the only thing you could do if you paired them would be to share the iPad's internet connection. iOS doesn't have the BT profiles for file sharing or syncing.
    If you're asking about something different, please provide some details.
    Best of luck.

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