Brightness/Contrast Challenges

So, I am trying to change the brightness/contrast to a clip. When I preview it is what i am aiming for. However, once i apply the effect change and then play the new clip- I am left with a black screen and no volume. Suggestions?

Hi jack,
I hope you got your effect finally rendered...
just to mention two things:
your Mac has a very different technique to "display" video... your pics look very different compared to that what you would see after exporting to tape/dvd and see on TV. best practise is to use the "live playout though firewire/connect camcorder to TV"... see the help file of iM for details.. ok, your desk gets crowded with a TV set aside your Mac...
secondly, Grandmaster Dan makes some suggestions how to calibrate your monitor for use with iM/video......

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    Can't help you with Shadows/Highlights, but you do have an option with Brightness/Contrast. Instead of going to Enhance>Adjust Lighting>Brightness/Contrast, go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast instead. Once you've established the parameters you want for Brightness and Contrast, you can open up additional pictures and drag-and-drop the adjustment layer onto each new picture, retaining the settings from the first adjustment. This also allows you to quickly tweak the settings on the succeeding pictures, as adjustment layers can be readjusted ad infinitum.
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    Ok, after some searching, I found the export filter settings...
    However, the exported video appearance does not match that of the source video with similar A/V settings.
    Example 1 = Source video (.3g2) with A/V settings, recorded with screen capture software. **
    Example 2 = Source video with similar export filter settings (brightness/contrast) **
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    CVI does not include native functions to operate such changements on an image.
    It may be possible that these functions are included in IMAQ library, but I never used ot so I'm not sure. In any case, this is an additional tool to install and it is not free.
    Alternatively, you may need to search for a third party library that offers such functions.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

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    Bob Arens
    [email protected]

    It's not unheard of for dialogs to become lost off screen. It can happen
    when you reconfigure your display rez, or rearrange monitors.
    Before you re-install (assuming this happens again), try resetting your
    prefs by pressing the ctrl-alt-shift keys during startup.

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    I would move it if it weren't the main room light that is fixed to the ceiling. Not remodelling my house just for the iMac camera. On my old PC all the webcams came with utilities to adjust these settings, I am surprised Apple dont have something similar for free.
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    Message was edited by: ukrichard

  • Applying brightness/contrast effect doesn't work

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    I have closed and restarted iMovie and tried again and I have trashed the Font Collections folder.
    Any further help would be appreciated.

    Like everyone else here, I'm just an iMovie user who volunteers to help answer questions.
    Unfortunately, recent changes to the Discussion software introduced bugs that make it very difficult to reply to user questions. Despite assurances by Forum administrators, these bugs are not being fixed.
    This is to ask that you contact Apple, suggesting that additional resources be allocated to fixing the Discussion software. Hopefully your support will encourage Apple to address these problems.
    Here's the man who should be able to get some action:
    Steve Jobs <[email protected]>
    I plan to include this message in postings until the issues are resolved.
    Have you tried disabling any third-party QuickTime add-ons or iMovie plug-ins installed on your computer? If something is messing up QuickTime that could cause iMovie to fail to render properly.
    There's more info here, including where to look for them:

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    There is a distinction between PCIe-based GPUs and I/O cards that you have to be aware of. COLOR's user interface, render/scopes and output are split between the two. A graphics processor handles the user interface (PCIe is better, application won't run on on-board integrated or AGP), and actual grade values for judgement are based on a PCIe HD-SDI I/O card like AJA Kona3, or Blackmagic (Intensity?) which are NOT graphics cards, they are video interfaces.
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    Nvidia does suffer from some bit-depth processing issues in that it does not directly support 10-bit codecs, but can be switched into the more intensive "float" mode. It also has some other transient issues.
    Looking outside Apple COLOR, consider that Blackmagic Resolve ("DaVinci") is predicated entirely on nVidia's CUDA-processing technology and is restricted to implementation on 2 or 3 very specific cards, as opposed to the FCP-centred, but ATI/AJA-leaning Apple solution, which, although somewhat restricted, is 90% more likely to run on almost anything PCIe that you can stick into a MacPro. However, the color science and cross-platform (AVID support, for example) that DaVinci offers makes it very tempting, and that's why I'm paying a lot more attention to nVidia these days.
    If you are looking for HDSDI PCIe cards, then AJA, with IO, Kona3, and so on definitely has the edge and can extend capabilities up to and beyond 2K processing, but many users select other solutions that suit their individual needs -- not everyone delivers theatrical Digital Cinema or needs to.

  • Brightness/Contrast issue

    when I add the brightness/contrast filter to my footage and adjust it-the picture looks normal,until I render, in which case I get flickering multi-colored frames. I'm editing prores422HQ footage at 23.98fps. The timeline is set to the correct setting, and I've tried different render settings with no luck. Any help would be appreciated...

    In support of Jim, (and I don't know what camera you are using when I say this). But pro gear, tends to record in a bigger colour space (higher colour resolution 4.2.2) therefore when adjusting (using FCP filters for example) there's greater latitude to tolerate the adjustments. In my early days of single chip, just a few minor tweaks in brightness contrast can have the image fall off really dramatically, so you do need to get the image right when you record it i.e. even a single chip will record a great image when lit well, but under-lit, it's very difficult to make adjustments using FCP filters.

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    Hi Z
    As Catspaw writes.
    The Brightness & Contrast tool in iM6 should work - a new account is a smart way to test
    where the problem originate.
    This tool in iMovie HD 6 - is crude and hard to use/get a good result with.
    In iMovie'08 - this is one of the few things that is a real improvment but the loss
    of so much other tools results in a useless situation (as Catspaw - I don't nearly use it)
    Solution: FinalCut Express 4
    • Superb tools to correct brigtness, contrast and colors
    • So much more
    • COST - It's not free but price is reduced with 30% after introduction of iMovie'08
    • Some new learning. Mainly in starting up (setting up scratch discs & Capturing process)
    Some says steap learning curve - there is a step but mainly there are so much new
    tools so it's really to learn as You progress with Your movie.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Brightness Contrast filter won't stop flickering

    My Brightness & Contrast filter is acting crazy. Most of the time, it works fine, but sometimes changes suddenly. Right in the middle of the clip, it will change brightness. Sometimes, it happens in brief flashes, sometimes constant, and other times, it rapidly flickers. This is only happening to certain clips, at complete random. Why is it doing this?
    If anybody knows how I can stop this, please help.
    Powermac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   using FCP 4.5

    Tried trashing renders. still can't figure it out.
    It seems to happen on both the external monitor and the clip itself. Tried exporting into new quicktime movies, also as still image sequences and the flicker still happens to these certain clips when the contrast filter is applied. Seems to be embedded in the footage itself, but doesn't happen when there's no filter.

  • BCG Brightness Contrast Gamma - Looking for BCG function returning color table / lookup table coded in pure G and applicable to Intensity Graph or Picture Control

    Looking for BCG function returning color table / lookup table coded in
    pure G and applicable to 8-bit Intensity Graph or Picture Control. Do
    not want to use IMAQ Vision is this particular application.  Any
    help is appreciated.

    Take a look at this color model software I put together.  (Don't concern yourself much with the basic programming at this point.). The color component generator subVI is borrowed from a LabVIEW example.
    First look at  If you adjust the sliders of the various controls, you will see how it works.  You can see that for pure B&W images, brightness, contrast, and gamma (which I think I have coded correctly) are all fairly straightforward to modify.
    Now look at  Here we try to adjust BCG for color images using the color model shown here where current color component clusters are carried into the BCG event cases via shift registers.  You can see that once color is introduced into the image, it becomes difficult to mix the colorizing with the BCG model.  And this is pretty much where I am right now.
    Would be interested in comments / suggestions.
    test_color2.llb ‏2251 KB

  • Change Brightness, Contrast and Saturation of an image

    I have an 256 grey level image and I'd like to change the brightness,
    contrast and saturation.
    Does it exist a VI to do this?
    If someone has an example, please send to me.
    Thanks in advance,

    ¿Where is the example? In or in
    Robert Currie escribió en el mensaje de noticias
    > Try the example VI by NI.
    > It should be located in the following folder:
    > Labview/Examples/Vision/Imaq_ex2.llb
    > Then choose the Brightness/Contrast example.
    > If you don't/can't find it let me know and I'll send the library.
    > Robert
    > Miguel wrote in message <[email protected]>...
    > >Hi,
    > >
    > >I have an 256 grey level image and I'd like to change the brightness,
    > >contrast and saturation.
    > >
    > >Does it exist a VI to do this?
    > >
    > >If someone has an example, please send to me.
    > >
    > >Thanks in advance,
    > >
    > >Miguel.
    > >

Maybe you are looking for

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