Broken downloads - Can I restore from TimeCapsule and resume?

I have been trying to install Xcode update for Lion. After several drops in internet connection, AppStore gives up and suggests me to retry. When I select retry, it starts downloading from the beginning. I had to do this after AppStore downloaded 2GB already.
1. Is it possible that my Time Machine has a backup in the TimeCapsule? [ If not 2GB, at least I will recover something smaller than that vs downloading again]
2. I noticed that in /var/folders/mj/<some long sequence>/C/ there is a .pkg file that grows when AppStore is running. I did not see this file in Finder. [ I removed the hidden flag of /var but to no avail]. Can I recover this file from my TimeCapsule?
I'll appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.

I have set up a cron job to copy the pkg file every 30 minutes into a directory that is backed up by TimeMachine. I hope it will save me from restarting download everytime AppStore cannot resume download.

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