Broken links reporting - why so difficult?

Received update reminder for Flash. Followed link but it says page not available. Why would a company like Adobe have such faulty systems?

I used the link via another site and that worked . I had tried the link on the Adobe site several times.
Peter Williams

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    Mozilla Website Evangelism has ended, the '''Report Broken Website...''' function is gone in 4.0 & later versions, and the server was shutdown in December - which is the problem you are experiencing. You can use the Submit Feedback... feature in the Help menu in 4.0 & later, but if the report is about a website that doesn't work properly in Firefox, Mozilla isn't going to contact the website and encourage them to fix their issues.

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    FILES                                                      Broken Links
    /Books.cfm                                         ../projectweb/files/#getDBcontent.Table_FileName#
    /Books.cfm                                         #top
    /Books.cfm                                         #bottom
    Thank you in advance...

    Thanks for taking a look Murray. Here are some samples (The domain for our page is
    Our page to the left, the broken link to the right of course.

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    Thanks for taking a look Murray. Here are some samples (The domain for our page is
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    Deming, NM

    "Update Internet Explorer" Is a Microsoft link and NO ONE here can do a thing about it.

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    You'll find that doc here:
    Cheers, OTN

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    (The file downloads.html is based on child_userarea.dwt.)
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    and M:\Website\CERC15\ does exist.
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  • Reporting broken links

    Is there a quick and easy mechanism to report broken links? A documentation link form doesn't work:
    Maybe I'm blind, but I just can't seem to find a "report a dead link" type of thing.

    Hello Mark,
    That website doesn't have any feedback mechanism I am aware of. Just a thought, but if you post this in the forum category most related to that topic, someone from Product Management in SAP might see it as they read the forums here and the documents posted on the portal are written by people in the Product Management org.
    Best Regards,

  • PDF Open Parameters reported as broken links

    I use the PDF Open Parameters in order to link to specific
    pages/locations in PDF documents:
    e.g. <a href="">pdffile</a>
    However these always get reported as broken link within
    Dreamweaver (CS3) and as broken anchors when I run other link or
    page quality scans against the site.
    Has anyone else experienced this and if so is it normal
    behaviour? If this is an agreed standard then I would have expected
    it to be recognised as a valid link/anchor.

    It's expected behavior in DW. Since you're referencing a full
    URL, DW can't
    see that when testing for broken links within a locally
    defined site. Due to
    Adobe's and MS unwillingness to're stuck
    with this
    approach until the path issues get resolved.
    "garankuwa" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f7l12d$77f$[email protected]..
    >I use the PDF Open Parameters in order to link to
    specific pages/locations
    > PDF documents:
    > e.g. <a
    > href="">pdffile</a>
    > However these always get reported as broken link within
    Dreamweaver (CS3)
    > and
    > as broken anchors when I run other link or page quality
    scans against the
    > site.
    > Has anyone else experienced this and if so is it normal
    behaviour? If this
    > is
    > an agreed standard then I would have expected it to be
    recognised as a
    > valid
    > link/anchor.

  • SSRS 2008 R2 why Link Report Print format different from parent?

    I have created a link report based on Report A.
    In Report A I have set the print format to "LANDSCAPE", but the link report always appear in Portrait, any work around on this?
    If this is one of the SSRS bugs, is that anyway I can disable the print button in Report Server?

    I can reproduce the issue in my local environment. As per my understanding, this scenario is caused by design.
    In Reporting Services, Report server administrators have the option of disabling the print feature by setting the report server system property EnableClientPrinting to false. But this property will disable client-side printing for all reports managed by
    the server. So if you want to hide the print icon in all reports, we can refer to the following document:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Orphaned files - broken links - URGENT

    Hi everyone
    I am currently going through and deleting 675 orphaned files
    and files that are old although if they create a broken link after
    deletion this will not show when I re run the link checker even
    though I know they are. Does anyone know why this is? I can't keep
    deleting things if it is going to create a broken link within the
    site. Also, is there any way of finding out where an individual
    document is located on the site if at all?
    Second issue is that orphaned files that I have deleted in
    both the local site and remote site are still coming up when I do
    the link check. Why is this so and how can I get them removed from
    the orphaned files list?
    Please help

    many of the people offering answers use the NNTP newsgroup
    reader version.
    the webforum has been flaky lately i think.
    Here's my reply from a while ago-
    after deleting files- recreate the site cache.
    It's under the site menu on older versions, under
    site-->advanced on newer.
    dw's link checker checks html links, and links in "behaviors"
    that it
    it will not check links in most javascript.
    What's an example of a broken link that dw didn't warn of
    when deleting the
    reported orphan? �url address to the page??
    and here are links to a google archive of the newsgroup.
    > Hi Murray
    > It's just that it says there are 9 posts regarding my
    original question
    > although when I open it up they don't show.
    > Merry :)

  • Shuffle pages in SWF = Broken links

    The old page 02 is now the page 03. But the Button that previously refered to page 02 did not update its reference to page 03. Why?
    - I have created a web-site [SWF] with all buttons ("go to page") and links working properly.
    - Now I want to add a "cover" page to the web-site.
    - For that I inserted a new page at the top (as page n.01 its the page that should show before all the others that were previously created). When I do so, all the ("go to page x") buttons remain refering to the old page number instead of updating themselfs to the new page number.
    How to go around this problem without having to edit all the buttons in all the pages? Or am I doing the wrong approach here?
    Thanks in advance

    I have noticed the inclusion of *.fpj files in the 'Unused Files Report' but had always ignored it as just another RoboHelp "quirk."  But the failure of broken links to be reported in the 'Broken Links Folder' is a big problem, as in past releases this Folder always provided accurate indications of broken links.  Now I must manually check every link in a project, even if my update only affected a small number of topics. This means our writers will have to spend a great deal more time on each update.

  • Finding broken link in url

    i would like to generate a report to identify broken links in a page or list pages under a website in CQ5 server. how can we generate this?
    pleas help me.
    Raja R

  • Creating a Linked Report in SC 2012 - Operations Manager fails with Error

    Hello everyone,
    I was trying to create a linked report based on an availability report recently. I found Emre Guclu's scom linked report creation guide here:
    I go to SSRS web console and select a report (Which is Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Availability in Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Reports), select "Create a Linked Report" from context menu, select another location for storing the
    report just like on this guide but i get an error rsWrongItemType with exact text:
    "The operation you are attempting on item ' Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Reports/ Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Availability' is not allowed for this item type. rsWrongItemType"
    Does anyone know why is this error happening and better how to fix this?
    Below is the screenshot of SSRS.

    Please check the report path you have set, the location must specify the full report path, such as
    /custom report folder/MyReport.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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