BT Infinity great start but poor performance since...

went live (in the Walkden exchange) a few weeks ago, so jumped on the bandwagon last Tuesday (5th)
Openreach guy came out, installed and done in 30mins..
Tested the line and said although his equipment got 38meg, as I was some distance from the box, I could expect 20ish.., but he said it could be much higher
First day all ran well, getting 12-18meg throughout the day. 6meg upload speeds. Now as with most things I thought it would settle, possibly improve slightly, but has got slower and less stable in the last few days. I appreciate it will go up and down, but with things like Iplayer and radio streaming, I am getting more drop outs and loading issues than with my 2.5Meg ADSL.
Any help would be appreciated. Tried power cycling the router and modem. Haven't touched or moved a thing since Openreach came round.. Any suggestions

I would suggest that you edit your post to remove account number and order number, as this is not a private forum.
This has now been done by the moderators.
Hopefully someone else with Infinity may be able to help.
There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

Similar Messages

  • Poor performance since 10.3.9 update from 10.3.8 -- need tune-up?

    I've tried 10.3.9 for most of this month, just booted from my 10.3.8 backup, and there's just no getting around the fact that performance has suffered greatly since I updated from 10.3.8 to 10.3.9.
    I can go back to 10.3.8 but it will be a long and tedious process (and will keep me from using an important application AFAIK) if anyone can help tune up 10.3.9 I'll be grateful.
    Here's the problems.
    1. Extraordinarily slow internet. Doesn't matter if I'm on dialup or using the library's wi-fi broadband. Safari is practically unusable. Firefox is barely better.
    * Safari times out 7 or 8 times out of 10 urls. It first drops down a dialog box saying the server can't be found and when I click OK it then proceeds to load the page. This is on dialup or the free library wifi.
    * iTunes - it takes 2 hours to update my podcasts at the library under 10.3.9 (no updates to iTunes) and I never had it take longer than 40 mins under 10.3.8.
    * FTP - I don't recall the times anymore, but I've given up trying to use FTP at the library because it seems as slow as at home on dialup. If I need to FTP I do it over night on dialup.
    2. Applications startup very slow. No less than 10 or 12 bounces before anything launches.
    3. I can't burn CDs from iTunes any more.
    Before updating to 10.3.9 I backed up, ran Disk Warrior, repaired permissions, and quit all other applications. I used Software Update to install the updates including QT 7.1.6 but not iTunes 7. [Software Update is showing the installed updates log as empty. :/ ] I repaired permissions and ran the crons afterwards.
    Since then I've run Disk Warrior, ran Onyx to repair permissions, run chrons, empty all caches numerous times. I've zapped the PRAM. Checked for font duplicates. Disk Warrior again. Onyx again. Repeat.
    Anything else I can do? Thanks.

    I have been following the conversation, although not responding. Here are the options as I see them:
    You can continue to trouble shoot your affected user account in the hope you can sort it out somehow.
    You can create a new user account and move your data over.
    You can backup, reformat, zero all data, re-insstall and restore.
    Since there is obviously some kind of corruption of your user account, I think it best to go to one of the other two options.
    I favor the last one. It is a bit more onerous, but it will start you out with a clean slate. If you are interested in going that route, here are some directions you might find helpful
    Formatting, Partitioning Zeroing a Hard Disk Drive
    Warning! Be sure you have a tested backup of at least your Users folder and any third party applications you do not want to re-install before attempting this procedure.
    Boot from the install CD holding down the "C" key.
    Select language
    Go to the Utilities menu (Tiger) Installer menu (Panther & earlier) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in left side bar.
    Select Partition tab in main panel. (You are about to create a single partition volume.)
    Select number of partition in pull-down menu above Volume diagram.
    (Note: 1 partition is normally better for an internal HDD. External HDDs usually have more than one)
    Type in name in Name field (usually Macintosh HD)
    Select Volume Format as Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    Click Partition button at bottom of panel.
    Select Erase tab
    Select the a volume under Manufacturer ID (usually Macintosh HD).
    Check to be sure your Volume Name and Volume Format are correct.
    Select on Security Options button (Tiger) Options button (Panther & earlier).
    Select Zero all data. (This process will map out bad blocks on your HDD. However, it could take several hours. You could just do a simple Erase, but I think zeroing will be valuable in your situation.)
    Click OK.
    Click Erase button
    Quit Disk Utility.
    Open installer and begin installation process.
    Choose to Customize and deselect Foreign Language Translations and Additional Printer drivers.
    Check box to install BSD Subsystems.
    Proceed with installation.
    After installation computer will restart for setup.
    After setup, reboot computer.
    Go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in left side bar.
    Select First Aid in main panel.
    Click Repair Disk Permissions.
    Connect to Internet.
    Download and install 10.3.9 Combo Update
    Computer will restart after updates.
    Go to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in left side bar.
    Select First Aid in main panel.
    Click Repair Disk Permissions.
    Good luck.

  • Portege M400-146 Slow start-up poor performance

    My 400 is noticeably slow in start-up by comparison to a lower specification laptop this unit was to replace. On further understanding of the produce i see that there are over 90 processes running on this laptop more nearly twice as many as my previous unit and considerably more than my Small Business server which is running Win2k3/exchange/ISA. My question is are there any issues in removing the plethora of background tools that are of little use to me, specifically RAID/configfree
    Additionally are there any further known issues associated with slow performance/hang with IE? There is a KB article which states issues with bimetric software and an upgrade should fix but it hasn't, even the very latest released this month has made no difference.
    In general this unit is considerably slower than my previous lower spec'd unit, any suggestions grateful

    I agree with you. Many background processes can slowdown the notebook performance.
    But this is a simple fact. Every application or feature on the notebook needs a own process.
    The Portoge M400 is a high-tech notebook and you cannot compare it with a low-price notebooks or desktop which support only a common features.
    The Portege M400 supports RAID Utility, HDD Protection, Tablet PC Button, Zooming Utility, Rotation Utility, ConfigFree, Controls, Fingerprint Utility and so on, and the rest.
    Of course, you can simply disable or remove the additional feature applications but then I wonder why you use the Portege M400 with the whole tools and features?
    But you could try to upgrade the memory. In my knowledge the Portege M400 supports max 4GB of memory. The upgrade would increases the performance.

  • Macbook (mid 2012, 9,2) has very poor performance since the day I bought it (less than 2 months ago)

    Problem description:
    My macbook is extremely slow since the day I bought it (which was less than 2 months ago)…Came preinstalled with Mavericks and 4GB of RAM. Upgraded it to 16GB hoping that would help, but that did very little…then upgraded to Yosemite. That just made it worse. Formatted the whole thing and installed clean Yosemite. Still, every time I right click, I get the rainbow loading icon and it hangs. Every time I open any file, or click any app, it hangs for a few seconds, again with a loading icon. Every time I play a song on iTunes or even VLC for that matter, it stops multiple times, every few seconds. Feels like it’s “buffering” while I’m playing a song off my hard drive. It’s been bothering me for too long now…Any idea what the issue is exactly?
    EtreCheck version: 2.0.11 (98)
    Report generated 12 November 2014 23:55:47 GMT-3
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012) (Verified)
      MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,2
      1 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core
      16 GB RAM Upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM0
      8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Good - Handoff/Airdrop2 supported
      Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      Intel HD Graphics 4000 -
      Color LCD 1920 x 1080
      LCD TV spdisplays_1080p
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.10 (14A389) - Uptime: 2 days 10:0:44
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      APPLE HDD TOSHIBA MK5065GSXF disk0 : (500.11 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk1) /  [Startup]: 498.88 GB (374.54 GB free)
      Core Storage: disk0s2 499.25 GB Online
    USB Information: ℹ️
      SIGMACHIP USB Keyboard
      Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
      Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Configuration files: ℹ️
      /etc/hosts - Count: 6
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
      /Library/Application Support/VirtualBox
      [loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv (4.3.18) Support
      [loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp (4.3.18) Support
      [loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt (4.3.18) Support
      [loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB (4.3.18) Support
    Startup Items: ℹ️
      TuxeraNTFSUnmountHelper: Path: /Library/StartupItems/TuxeraNTFSUnmountHelper
      Startup items are obsolete and will not work in future versions of OS X
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist Support
      [running] com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist Support
      [running] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist Support
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2.Agent.plist Support
      [loaded] Support
      [loaded] com.teamviewer.Helper.plist Support
      [running] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist Support
      [not loaded] org.virtualbox.startup.plist Support
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist Support
      [loaded] Support
      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2Helper.diskSpaceWatcher.plist Support
      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2Helper.scheduledScan.plist Support
      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2Helper.trashWatcher.plist Support
      [not loaded] org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist Support
    User Login Items: ℹ️
      iTunesHelper Application (/Applications/
      Dropbox Application (/Applications/
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.5 - SDK 10.6 Support
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      AdobeAAMDetect: Version: AdobeAAMDetect - SDK 10.6 Support
      Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Tuxera NTFS  Support
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          20% mds
          6% Google Chrome
          4% WindowServer
          1% hidd
          0% Dropbox
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      481 MB Coda 2
      258 MB Google Chrome
      189 MB softwareupdated
      189 MB loginwindow
      189 MB Finder
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      5.71 GB Free RAM
      7.22 GB Active RAM
      2.63 GB Inactive RAM
      1.62 GB Wired RAM
      25.24 GB Page-ins
      0 B Page-outs

    If it has been slow since it came out of the box, it's probably defective. The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

  • I continue to experience crashes, audio glitches and poor performance since version 5

    I have spent 2 phone sessions with tech support and unfortunately no issues were resolved.   As suggested by tech, I have repaired my permission in Mac safe mode.  I have cleaned out my media cache.   I have closed all other programs during editing.  I have upgraded to the latest CUDA driver and the latest magic bullet release.
    Here is a list of ongoing issues since version 5.0.   The italicized issues are new to PP CC 2014
    (1) During playback, video will freeze and playhead continues to move forward.   
    (2) Adding multiple layers of audio creates static and popping sounds like an old vintage record.
    (3) Skipped frames or lagging during playback of a fully rendered timeline 
    (4) Saving can be very slow and sometimes take up to 30 seconds for 1 save
    (5) Very poor responsive times when loading mp3 or wav files into the Source monitor.  Playback delays before playback of audio.
    (6) Delays when rewind or ff of video material.
    (7) PP CC does not work well with magic bullet at all; constant crashing.   Magic bullet will not load the selected video layer *if there is more than 1 video layer stacked on top of each other.
    (8) Constant crashing during playback of clips with magic bullet effect
    This is a long list to contend with so if anyone can offer assistance on just 1 issue,that would be appreciated.  I can't restart PP every hour; this is not an acceptable work flow. 
    thank you very much in advance for any assistance.

    I'm having some of the same issues since the update cc14

  • Great start, but this is clearly a 1.0 product.

    I just got my TV set up and running, and there are some bits of brain damage in the design. These are the sorts of things I expect from a 1.0 release, though. Here's a list of stuff I think really needs to be fixed in the next release.
    In order of importance:
    1. Sources as a top level switch is awful.
    My music collection is about 75GB. Apple obviously expects people to have libraries this big, because they sell iPods this big. There's no point in replicating that collection on two machines 10 feet apart, so I turned off music syncing. This means that to listen to music, I have to go in to sources and flip to my iTunes Library. To look at photos, I have to go back to sources and flip to TV.
    It looks like Photos are the only content type that can't be streamed (why not?), so really I end up with Photos as the odd man out. I'd much rather have everything sync except music, and just have the music entry in the TV-sourced menu be an 'alias' to my iTunes library on the iMac.
    2. Slideshow music not automatically synced.
    OK, so we've established that syncing music isn't really going to work for me due to the library size.
    A brief digression: It has long ticked me off that there wasn't any way to make an iPhoto slide show portable. You can spend a lot of time adjusting transitions, setting up iconographs (err, "Ken Burns Effect", sorry) and so on, but you can't ever watch that on something other than the machine you're on. (Unless you copy the entire iPhoto Library folder, but that's not usually reasonable.)
    AT LAST, the TV fixes this, and I can watch a slideshow on the TV just as I set it up in iPhoto. This is HUGE!
    But, since I'm not syncing music, I just get silence with the slideshow. I'm going in and creating a TV playlist with the music for the slideshows, but iTunes/iPhoto should be smart enough to sync enough music to satisfy the dependencies for slideshows.
    3. AirTunes
    Really. I was amazed that the TV doesn't show up as a set of AirTunes speakers in iTunes. This seems /so/ obvious.
    4. Photo screensaver
    Could I please select the album to be used for the photo screensaver? I'd like to be able to confine the content that comes up spontaneously.
    5. Keynote syncing.
    This thing could be a killer portable presentation device. How about letting me sync a Keynote presentation over to the TV. Then I can throw it under my arm and take it to a customer site and run a presentation. This would be way less troublesome than mucking about with hooking up a laptop, etc. Exporting a presentation as a quicktime movie will work for an umanned display, but the TV doesn't support the interactive controls you need for a live presentation.
    6. iTunes can't convert for TV
    The context menu for a movie has a "Convert Selection for iPod". Where's the equivalent "Convert Selection for TV" that gives me a 720p/24 movie ready to sync or stream?
    7. Volume control
    This is hard to fix well, which is why it's last on the list. The right solution would be for the Apple Remote to be a universal remote that could control the volume on my reciever or TV. This is what TiVo does, for instance.
    A USB IR transmitter 'bug' would be a good second choice.
    3rd Party universal remotes seem to have a really hard time emulating the Apple Remote well enough for it to work paired, and I need to pair remotes to keep my iMac from reacting to commands intended for the TV, so I think I may be stuck with two remotes for a while. (I have a Harmony 880 if anyone has a bright ideas)
    Adjusting the output of the TV is actually a bad idea, I know why Apple didn't do that.
    MacBook 2.0GHz/White, et al   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    The only catch is, the
    resolution won't go any higher than 640x480 and the
    aspect ratio is limited to 4:3. If Apple would just
    allow you to export an iPhoto slideshow as an Apple
    TV 1280x720 MPEG-4 file, then you could just sync the
    video up with your Apple TV, and not bother syncing
    all your individual photos.
    Annoyingly, you used to be able to do this in older versions of iPhotos, but the latest versions restrict the output size.
    But that's really a horrible solution, compressing a slideshow as if it were video will make the transitions look awful, and the resulting files will be huge compared to a set of JPEGs and some metadata.
    You don't have to sync the photos, the TV does a fine job of moving the show complete...except for the music.

  • Photoshop laggy, poor performance with GPU enabled

    I'm using Photoshop CS6 for some time now. I had enabled GPU usage earlier and I remember that Photoshop ran absolutely smoothly without and lag what-so-ever. This morning, all of a sudden, it has become extermely laggy. I don't understand the reason behind this. This had happened to me before as well but it became alright after a few days. This also happened to me once while using Photoshop CS5. I didn't install any plugin and didn't change any software. I also want to point out that I had 13.4 driver version when Photoshop was working fine, and now too I have the same driver version.
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955
    Memory: 6 GB
    Free storage: 8 GB
    GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5850

    I've also noticed poor performance since installing the 10.1 plugin.  Not just in HD video etc, but in general use.  So much for "improved performance"...
    No idea on solutions at this stage - In the process of downgrading to previous version to see if that fixes my problems

  • Poor Performance with 10.1

    I'm on a windows xp sp 3 machine with an x800 xt pe graphics card using the latest catalyst drivers from Ati.  Ever since I updated flash, I'm getting very poor performance during 720p with acceleration enabled.  I'm also getting bad performance when it's disabled.  Is there an issue with the 10.2 legacy (ati) drivers not enabling hardware acceleration with 10.1 flash?
    BTW I went back to using flash and everything is running fine again.

    I've also noticed poor performance since installing the 10.1 plugin.  Not just in HD video etc, but in general use.  So much for "improved performance"...
    No idea on solutions at this stage - In the process of downgrading to previous version to see if that fixes my problems

  • Purchased ML 3 weeks ago from Apps store, started to download then stopped "an error has occurred" tried numerous times since but no success. The ML icon looks to start but says waiting and so am I. Any guidance appreciated

    Purchased ML 3 weeks ago from Apps store, started to download then stopped "an error has occurred" tried numerous times since but no success. The ML icon looks to start but says waiting and so am I. Any guidance appreciated.
    iMac-Mid 2007 MacOSX V 10.7.5

    maybe this will help:

  • Since the last update my Numbers app in IOS, iPad3 and iphone5 will not open.  It works fine on my macbook pro.  It starts but before I can open a file it closes.

    Since the last update my Numbers app will not load in either my iPad3 or my iPhone5.  It works fine on my MacBook Pro.  The app starts but before I can open a file it closes.  Is this a common problem and do you know hwo to solve it?

    Hi Michael,
    If you've already restarted both your iOS devices after the update and Numbers for iOS still won't load, you might try clearing the documents temporarily out of iCloud, opening the apps, closing them, and then placing the documents back in iCloud.
    To do this, in Finder on your Mac, hold down the option key and then Go > Library > Mobile Documents > com~apple~Numbers.  Move the documents there out to the Desktop or other location of your choosing.  Then give iCloud time to sync.  Then try opening Numbers on iPad and on the iPhone.  If they open, then close them, and move the documents back into  Library > Mobile Documents > com~apple~Numbers and let iCloud sync again.
    That sometimes clears up the problem.

  • HT5234 the material of all apple charges are awful and start to disintegrate. They are very expensive to replace. Great product but the charger and USB cords are awful my Mac book charger he rubber like material starts to break apart exposing your wires.

    the material of all apple charges are awful and start to disintegrate. They are very expensive to replace. Great product but the charger and USB cords are awful my Mac book charger he rubber like material starts to break apart exposing your wires.

    Yes Apple knows this and will replace, take both machine and charger in.

  • My MacBook Pro Retina has suffered from poor (temperamental) safari performance since purchase.

    Because I often use my iPad or iPhone at home the safari issue hasn't really bothered me until recently and now, rather than just being temperamental, performance is just downright poor. It's taken well over 5 minutes to download ordinary BBC web pages on a 100Mbit broadband network. This has become typical  and now my kaspersky for mac security can no longer update its database - really annoyed at the prospect of having to get a new machine as I ordered the 2.7 GHz that took over 6 weeks to ship. Still within 6 months of my initial apple care.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hello Poikkeus,
    Thanks for taking an interest and offering to help. Unfortunately, my Mac doesn't seem to be able to download any of the versions of istat citing that safari can't find the server - no luck using chrome either. Safari performance does improve with restarting the machine, however, I really don't want to restart my machine every time I use it; I had hoped that I could open my machine from sleep after using it the previous day without any issues. Is this a reasonable assumption? Occasionally I experience poor performance when using my work PC if I hibernate or log off rather than shut down, however, I expected better from my Mac.
    Furthermore, Kaspersky have just informed me that the error messages I receive when my security database fails to update indicates that there is a problem with my broadband connection. However, as I mentioned earlier, I have 100MBit broadband and experience no issues when using my work PC, iPad or iPhone.
    I'm guessing I'll have to follow your initial piece of advice and visit the Genius Bar to have them resolve the issue...
    Many Thanks

  • Poor performance and overheat

    I've been using arch for the past four months, dual booting with my old Windows XP. As I'm very fond of Flash games and make my own programs with a cross-platform language, I've found few problems with the migration. One of them was the Adobe Flash Player performance, which was stunningly bad. But everyone was saying that was normal, so I left it as is.
    However, one special error always worried me: a seemingly randomly started siren sound coming from the motherboard speaker. Thinking it was a alarm about some fatal kernel error, I had been solving it mostly with reboots.
    But then it happened. While playing a graphics intensive game on Windows quickly after rebooting from Arch, the same siren sound started. It felt like a slap across the face: it was not a kernel error, it was an motherboard overheat alarm.
    The Problem
    Since the computer was giving overheat signs, I started looking at things from another angle. I noticed that some tasks take unusually long times in Arch (i.e.: building things from source; Firefox / OpenOffice startup; any graphics intensive program), specially from the Flash Player.
    A great example is the game Penguinz, that runs flawlessly in Windows but is unbearably slow in Arch. So slow that it alone caused said overheat twice. And trying to record another flash game's record using XVidCap things went so bad that the game halved the FPS and started ignoring key presses.
    Tech Info
    Dual Core 3.2 processor
    1 gb RAM
    256 mb Geforce FX 5500 video card
    Running Openbox
    Using proprietary NVIDIA driver
    TL;DR: poor performance on some tasks. Flash Player is so slow that overheats CPU and makes me cry. It's fine on Windows.
    Off the top of my head I can think up some reasons: bad video driver, unwanted background application messing up, known Flash Player performance problems and Actionscript Linux/Arch-only bug.
    Where do you think is the problem?

    jwcxz wrote:Have you looked at your process table for any program with abnormal CPU usage?  That seems like the logical place to start.  You shouldn't be getting poor performance in anything with that system.  I have a 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo and an Intel GMA 965 and I've never had any problems with Flash.  It's much better than it used to be.
    Pidgin scared me for a while because it froze for no apparent reason. After fixing this, the table contains this two guys here:
    Firefox: 80%~100%
    X: 0~20%
    Graphic intensive test, so I think the X usage is normal. It might be some oddity at the Firefox+Linux+Flash sum, maybe a conflict. I'll try another browser.
    Did a Javascript benchmark to test both systems and browsers.
    Windows XP + Firefox = 4361.4ms
    Arch + Firefox = 5146.0ms
    So, it's actually a lot slower without even taking Flash into account. If someone knows a platform-independent benchmark to test both systems completely, and not only the browser, feel free to point out.
    I think that something is already wrong here and the lack of power saving systems only aggravated the problem, causing overheat.
    Browser performance fixed: migrated to Midori. Flash stills slower than on Windows, but now it's bearable. Pretty neat browser too, goes better with the Arch Way. It shouldn't fix the temperature, however.
    Applied B's idea, but didn't test yet. I'm not into the mood of playing flash games for two straight hours today.
    Last edited by BoppreH (2009-05-03 04:25:20)

  • Poor performance and now dropping connection

    I am very underwhelmed by performance since switching to infinity FTTC last year. Download speed is very variable and I just cannot get an upload speed much better than 1.1 Mb/s.
    Now we have a regularly dropping connection. Last Saturday morning we had a thunderstorn with heavy downpour and phone line dropped completely - no dialtone and unsurprisingly no broadband. Did a line check from my mobile - all fine and no reported problems in the area. I phoned BT and got an Indian who just repeated what the website told me and said couldn't get an engineer for 4 days! Phone came back late the same afternoon and a little while later broadband came up but connection was up and down like a yo-yo. After 4 days of sunshine when the engineer turned up broadband had been up solid from 3 am and phone was fine. Engineer did more detailed tests which showed no problem and reckoned our problem must have been fixed, and that reason broadband had been dropping was because of computerised checks due to reported fault which would cause line to drop.
    For a few days all was fine, although performance still underwheliming, until we had another downpour yesterday morning. Phone line stayed up, although a little crackly, but once again broadband started dropping regularly. Since then it has gradually improved (no more rain).
    My suspicion is (and always has been) that with the heavy rain water is getting into a connection somewhere. How do I go about communicating it to BT support (I can't even find a web page or number for reporting broadband problems) this fact and actually getting someone to look into it properly? I rejected the "fault reported fixed" on the tracking your fault web page but so far nothing.
    I am distinctly unimpressed with BT support and unless this gets fixed soon I am seriously thinking of switching to fibre to the home with Virgin (despite hating Branson) especially as the move from Yahoo mail to BT mail has not been smooth and the BT webmail is full of bugs (which again I cannot find any way of reporting).

    Thanks. I tried that. Broadband up and down regularly until the day the engineer came. Day before had intermittent heavy crackling on the line and calls dropping. Day he came all is fine and of course his diagnostics checks come back all clear. Apparently, or so he told me, they are not allowed to work on our line unless the checks show a fault...which they didn't.
    I've just had 24 hours of our broadband working but just now it's started dropping regularly again.
    I am getting very frustrated/annoyed. What do I do now? How do they expect to solve the problem if it isn't constant and they can't get an engineer to look at it within 3 or 4 days? Do I just keep on calling our an engineer until by chance it happens to hit a problem while they're on site? Not good for customer satisfaction and surely it must cost them to keep sending out an engineer!

  • EA6500 Poor Performance

    Hello all,
    I recently upgraded from a Linksys Wireless-N router that was only a few years old to the EA6500. Since upgraded I have constantly been have performance and range issues with the new router. On many of my devices the WiFi drops constantly and the only way to stop it is to reset the router. With range I am only getting around 20 feet before I start having connection issues. With my old wireless-N router I was receiving around double that. I even have problems with devices such as my Google TV being able to located my PC for streaming content unless I manual connect using the IP address. Wired connections work without any issues.  
    I have changed the channels and the spectrum so nothing is changing automatically. At this point I am at a loss of what to do. Is it just that this router has poor performance? I would be surprised since this was fairly expensive. 
    Any help or tips would be appreciated.

    I dont know with your old N router, but the EA500 is a dual band. Try changing the wireless name of the 5ghz so that it is different from the 2.4 ghz. This prevents the dual band wireless computers or devices from switching between the 5 and 2.4 ghz causing wifi drops.
    Check if your router's firmware is up to date. You can click on connectivity and click on check for updates. If there's a new firmware available, better update it.
    Set your wireless security to WPA2 personal, on both the 2.4 and 5 ghz band.
    Bring the router as far away as possible from any wireless device that could cause interference, even electronic devices.
    Place your router in an open elevated place to eliminate wireless signal obstruction.
    If your have access points or extenders in the network, make sure that the devices are in sync with the settings of your new router.
    Make sure you are using the recommended power adapter of the new router and not the power adapter of your old N router (this happened to my friend before).

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